What is "Unfettered Capitalism"?

You want a recent example ?

Volkswagon. They actually programmed thier cars to cheat on emissions tests . Totally illegal , totally done on purpose.

They aren't getting away with it, are they?

The GOVERNMENT is not letting them get away with it. In yours and Rabbi's world, there wouldn't even be an anti-pollution mandate in the first place.

That's irrelevant. Timmy said corporations get away with breaking the law. We're still waiting for an example.

It's not irrelevant, it's the topic of the thread. Rabbi wants businesses to be above the law, period. You're an anarchist, period.

the topic of this subthread, which you inserted yourself into, is Timmy's claim that corporations get away with breaking the law all the time.
Yeah, digging in the dirt for grubs to eat is a great middle class standard of living.

You know about ancient cultures. Your best bet would be to remain silent on that subject.

How do you figure? Do you actually believe your knowledge is superior to mine?

I know it is.
Prove it, asshole.

Read all of my posts.
I have. You've done nothing but demonstrate your ignorance.
You want a recent example ?

Volkswagon. They actually programmed thier cars to cheat on emissions tests . Totally illegal , totally done on purpose.

They aren't getting away with it, are they?

Sure they will . No one is going to jail. It's striaght up fraud . The only reason they got busted is cause some prof decided to do real tests .

Shit , if u or me poured used motor oil into the sewer we'd face criminal charges .

They are going to pay heavy fines. Going to jail isn't the penalty for every violation of government regulations, moron, and no one has ever gone to jail for pouring used motor oil into the sewer. They paid a fine, and that's it.
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Here's a great example of the kind of Fettering-Fascism the Progs like to push:

From the back of the room came the comment, “The issue is the potentially chilling effect that this technology has on freedom of association and freedom of transportation.”

That’s literally the phrase that leapt into my mind when I read the monumentally over-reaching idea posed by Nury Martinez, a 6th district Los Angeles city councilwoman, to access a database of license plates captured in certain places around the city, translate these license plates to obtain the name and address of each owner, and send to that owner a letter explaining that the vehicle was seen in, “an area known for prostitution.”

Los Angeles Just Proposed the Worst Use of License Plate Reader Data in History.
You want a recent example ?

Volkswagon. They actually programmed thier cars to cheat on emissions tests . Totally illegal , totally done on purpose.

They aren't getting away with it, are they?

Sure they will . No one is going to jail. It's striaght up fraud . The only reason they got busted is cause some prof decided to do real tests .

Shit , if u or me poured used motor oil into the sewer we'd face criminal charges .

They are going to pay heavy fines. Going to jail isn't the penalty for every violation of government regulations, moron.

Corporations arent robots . They are made of people . They pay a fine ? Big fucking deal, it's not even thier money paying for it , it's the company.

People made the decision to break the law , and they will hide behind the corporation and not see any. Personal punishment .
You want a recent example ?

Volkswagon. They actually programmed thier cars to cheat on emissions tests . Totally illegal , totally done on purpose.

They aren't getting away with it, are they?

Sure they will . No one is going to jail. It's striaght up fraud . The only reason they got busted is cause some prof decided to do real tests .

Shit , if u or me poured used motor oil into the sewer we'd face criminal charges .

They are going to pay heavy fines. Going to jail isn't the penalty for every violation of government regulations, moron.

Corporations arent robots . They are made of people . They pay a fine ? Big fucking deal, it's not even thier money paying for it , it's the company.

People made the decision to break the law , and they will hide behind the corporation and not see any. Personal punishment .

Poor little woowoo. The IRS, the VA, the EPA, and the DOJ are not corporations.
You want a recent example ?

Volkswagon. They actually programmed thier cars to cheat on emissions tests . Totally illegal , totally done on purpose.

They aren't getting away with it, are they?

Sure they will . No one is going to jail. It's striaght up fraud . The only reason they got busted is cause some prof decided to do real tests .

Shit , if u or me poured used motor oil into the sewer we'd face criminal charges .

They are going to pay heavy fines. Going to jail isn't the penalty for every violation of government regulations, moron.

Corporations arent robots . They are made of people . They pay a fine ? Big fucking deal, it's not even thier money paying for it , it's the company.

People made the decision to break the law , and they will hide behind the corporation and not see any. Personal punishment .

That's the law, asshole. Regulations aren't even voted on by Congress. It would be an offence against justice if people could be sent to jail because the failed to comply with some rule made by a bureaucrat.

You claimed corporations got away with breaking the law. You have failed to produce a single example of that. You're real complaint is that regulations aren't more punitive than they already are.
I've provided examples . You consider "fines"
As not getting away with it ?

Congress gives theses agencies the power to make those rules by the way .
I've provided examples . You consider "fines"
As not getting away with it ?

Congress gives theses agencies the power to make those rules by the way .

The Constitution does not give Congress the authority to do that.

So you think imposing the penalties demanded by law is getting away with it? What would not getting away with it involve, ignoring the actual laws on the books?
How long do you think Volkswagen would stay in business if everyone concerned with global warming were allowed to take them to court for their misconduct and sue for damages?

No standing . They'd be thrown out of court .
I own a Volkswagen. I sure as hell do have standing.

You live on planet earth, it's warming, if you have a livelihood that you can prove is affected by that. . . . you sure as hell do have standing.

Of course, that would bring the whole warming debate into court. . . . but that is a whole other ball of wax.
We see how self regulating it is by looking at China, India or 19th century America. Anyone that thinks it is self regulating knows nothing of what they're talking about.

Government and unions are needed for capitalism to be fair to the worker. One of the big reasons we did so good as a nation in the 40's into the 60's was because of this fact. Today? The rich have taken it all and moved operations to china.

Capitalism ceased to exist in the US in the early 1900's when the federal reserve board and the graduated "income" tax was ---allegedly-----imposed.

So now we have unfettered fascism.

You're digging a hole. Anarchy isn't the same as capitalism no matter how badly you want it.
I'm beginning to think you really are stupid. Caveat Emptor IS unfettered Capitalism. And BTW, you ignored
Wrong, retardo. It means:

caveat emptor | law : the principle that a person who buys something is responsible for making sure that it is in good condition, works properly, etc.
law : the principle that a person who buys something is responsible for making sure that it is in good condition, works properly, etc.

Your really are a concrete thinker, if you think at all.

A purveyor of a dangerous product, who knowingly sells an unregulated product to an unwitting customer is an example of unfettered capitalism. If it is not, tell me what it is!
We see how self regulating it is by looking at China, India or 19th century America. Anyone that thinks it is self regulating knows nothing of what they're talking about.

Government and unions are needed for capitalism to be fair to the worker. One of the big reasons we did so good as a nation in the 40's into the 60's was because of this fact. Today? The rich have taken it all and moved operations to china.

Capitalism ceased to exist in the US in the early 1900's when the federal reserve board and the graduated "income" tax was ---allegedly-----imposed.

So now we have unfettered fascism.


I hope you didn't pay too much for your brainwash, all you needed was a light rinse.
How long do you think Volkswagen would stay in business if everyone concerned with global warming were allowed to take them to court for their misconduct and sue for damages?

No standing . They'd be thrown out of court .

Hard to say. If they owned a VW in question, if their child suffered from Asthma and on the the trier of facts personal judgment.
We see how self regulating it is by looking at China, India or 19th century America. Anyone that thinks it is self regulating knows nothing of what they're talking about.

Government and unions are needed for capitalism to be fair to the worker. One of the big reasons we did so good as a nation in the 40's into the 60's was because of this fact. Today? The rich have taken it all and moved operations to china.

Capitalism ceased to exist in the US in the early 1900's when the federal reserve board and the graduated "income" tax was ---allegedly-----imposed.

So now we have unfettered fascism.


I hope you didn't pay too much for your brainwash, all you needed was a light rinse.

Please explain. Don't become incoherent.

Unfettered Capitalism is unfettered greed. I guess that's the opposite of your's, eh?you remember Reaganomics, supply side theory, Chicago School?
The country did great with "Reaganomics" which apparently still pisses liberals off since it proves they are full of shit.

But you need to define what you are babbling about when you use the term unfettered capitalism and how that differs from anarchy.

"...you need to define what you are babbling about when you use the term unfettered capitalism."

Really? Do I really need to define "unfettered capitalism"? Oh boy, if you don't know what the term means... well let's put it this way just to be nice, if you really don't know what it means I hope you wear a helmet every time you go out the front door.

I'll start real simple. Do you know what "red" is? Do you know what an "apple" is? Okay that's great. Now put them together and you should know what a friggin "red apple" is. Good, now let's move on to "unfettered capitalism".

From dictionary.com
unfettered - 1) released from fetters 2) freed from restraint; liberated
I even simplified that definition for you, under the circumstances we better not mention "past-participle", do you know what an adjective is? I'll assume you do to save time. Now on to "capitalism". Now pay attention because this is a little more complicated.

capitalism - an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.

I know that's a lot of words strung together but I'll assume you have at least a glimmer of an idea what the word means, why else would you defend it so vociferously?

Now remember the example of the "red apple"? Good. Now put "unfettered" in front of "capitalism", like this, "unfettered capitalism". If you managed to follow along with the lesson you should now know what "unfettered capitalism" is - capitalism freed from restraint and liberated. In other words unregulated capitalism. Next time you hear the term I hope it doesn't sound like a foreign language or "babble". As to your other question about how it differs from "anarchy" I don't give a fuck how it differs, we're not talking about anarchy. If you really want to know how it differs use my lesson as a template, go to a fucking dictionary, they're all over the net, and figure it out for yourself. Sheese, fucking lazy retards. Remember, don't forget your helmet.
You're digging a hole. Anarchy isn't the same as capitalism no matter how badly you want it.
I'm beginning to think you really are stupid. Caveat Emptor IS unfettered Capitalism. And BTW, you ignored
Wrong, retardo. It means:

caveat emptor | law : the principle that a person who buys something is responsible for making sure that it is in good condition, works properly, etc.
law : the principle that a person who buys something is responsible for making sure that it is in good condition, works properly, etc.

Your really are a concrete thinker, if you think at all.

A purveyor of a dangerous product, who knowingly sells an unregulated product to an unwitting customer is an example of unfettered capitalism. If it is not, tell me what it is!
Hmmm, he's a prime candidate for a major lawsuit and bankruptcy. So his days in the market are numbered.
Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.
The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion.
Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to fetter that?

It's self-regulating? Then why have laws against child prostitution as an enterprise?
What part of capitalism allows for child rape, murder, theft or any other idiotic strawman you care to erect?

I'll make it simple for you again, child prostitution is a business, just like selling oil. Civil society decides it is a vile business and regulates it by passing laws that make it a felony. Are you really this stupid?
Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.
The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion.
Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to fetter that?

It's self-regulating? Then why have laws against child prostitution as an enterprise?
What part of capitalism allows for child rape, murder, theft or any other idiotic strawman you care to erect?

I'll make it simple for you again, child prostitution is a business, just like selling oil. Civil society decides it is a vile business and regulates it by passing laws that make it a felony. Are you really this stupid?





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