What is "Unfettered Capitalism"?

Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.
The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion.
Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to fetter that?

It's self-regulating? Then why have laws against child prostitution as an enterprise?
What part of capitalism allows for child rape, murder, theft or any other idiotic strawman you care to erect?

I'll make it simple for you again, child prostitution is a business, just like selling oil. Civil society decides it is a vile business and regulates it by passing laws that make it a felony. Are you really this stupid?

Self-regulation is RWnut fantasy. People won't even stop their cars at an intersection without a stop sign there,

let alone regulate themselves in the world of business where money and greed are kings.
Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.
The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion.
Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to fetter that?

It's self-regulating? Then why have laws against child prostitution as an enterprise?
What part of capitalism allows for child rape, murder, theft or any other idiotic strawman you care to erect?

I'll make it simple for you again, child prostitution is a business, just like selling oil. Civil society decides it is a vile business and regulates it by passing laws that make it a felony. Are you really this stupid?





Consent is a government invention. You can't establish consent rules without government determinations and government enforcement.
Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion. Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to fetter that?
What if there's no one else to buy or get services from because unfettered(unregulated) capitalism has driven out all the competition? There's also the matter of pollution and unsafe working conditions. Unfettered capitalism considers worrying about them to be unproductive and therefore ignores their effects.
Never happens. Never. The only examples of no competition occur in markets that are regulated by the government
The only reason we have a free market is because government keeps it that way. From the Tulip Bubble in the 1600's to the Mississippi Company speculative bubble in the 1700's to the era of the railroad barons of the late 19th century to the 1929 crash, markets with no regulation fall victim to corruption.
Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.
The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion.
Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to fetter that?

It's self-regulating? Then why have laws against child prostitution as an enterprise?
What part of capitalism allows for child rape, murder, theft or any other idiotic strawman you care to erect?

I'll make it simple for you again, child prostitution is a business, just like selling oil. Civil society decides it is a vile business and regulates it by passing laws that make it a felony. Are you really this stupid?





I know on the Planet Moron you beings make up your own definitions and laws and so forth but you are now communicating on Earth and you are therefore required to obey our laws and definitions. Go to Google. Google "Child Prostitution" See this:

The Prostitution Of Children - US Department of Justice
www.justice.gov › ... › Subject Areas
Jun 3, 2015 - Agencies · Business ... Children involved in this form of commercial sexual exploitation are victims. ... Under federal law, the prostitution of children is considered a form of human trafficking, also referred to as sex trafficking.

Go to that site. Read this;

The Prostitution of Children

It is illegal to lure, transport, or obtain a child to engage in prostitution or any illegal sexual activity. Children involved in this form of commercial sexual exploitation are victims. Offenders of this crime, also commonly referred to as traffickers or pimps, recruit, entice, or capture children in order to sell them for sex in exchange for cash, goods, or in– kind favors. Under federal law, the prostitution of children is considered a form of human trafficking, also referred to as sex trafficking. Sex trafficking is a lucrative industry, and criminals traffic children just as they would traffic drugs or other illegal substances. This is a serious crime under federal law, and convicted offenders face serve statutory penalties. (For more information, see Citizen's Guide to Federal Law on the Prostitution of Children).

I don't even know why we bother to try to communicate with Morons. I guess it's our liberal empathy for the unfortunate.
Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.
The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion.
Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to fetter that?

It's self-regulating? Then why have laws against child prostitution as an enterprise?
What part of capitalism allows for child rape, murder, theft or any other idiotic strawman you care to erect?

I'll make it simple for you again, child prostitution is a business, just like selling oil. Civil society decides it is a vile business and regulates it by passing laws that make it a felony. Are you really this stupid?

So murder is part of capitalism as well? You can murder people for money, can't you?

You're a major fucking idiot.

Child prostitution is a crime with a victim. It's nothing like selling oil.
Based on what? You've drawn a conclusion with nothing but a wild ass opinion for support.

Based on history. Ask any economist what is the most fundamental thing that keeps a country from going into recession. One word: growth.

A recession is just the absence of growth, so what you said is to the cure for the absence of growth is growth.

You're an idiot.
Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.
The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion.
Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to fetter that?

It's self-regulating? Then why have laws against child prostitution as an enterprise?
What part of capitalism allows for child rape, murder, theft or any other idiotic strawman you care to erect?

I'll make it simple for you again, child prostitution is a business, just like selling oil. Civil society decides it is a vile business and regulates it by passing laws that make it a felony. Are you really this stupid?





I know on the Planet Moron you beings make up your own definitions and laws and so forth but you are now communicating on Earth and you are therefore required to obey our laws and definitions. Go to Google. Google "Child Prostitution" See this:

The Prostitution Of Children - US Department of Justice
www.justice.gov › ... › Subject Areas
Jun 3, 2015 - Agencies · Business ... Children involved in this form of commercial sexual exploitation are victims. ... Under federal law, the prostitution of children is considered a form of human trafficking, also referred to as sex trafficking.

Go to that site. Read this;

The Prostitution of Children

It is illegal to lure, transport, or obtain a child to engage in prostitution or any illegal sexual activity. Children involved in this form of commercial sexual exploitation are victims. Offenders of this crime, also commonly referred to as traffickers or pimps, recruit, entice, or capture children in order to sell them for sex in exchange for cash, goods, or in– kind favors. Under federal law, the prostitution of children is considered a form of human trafficking, also referred to as sex trafficking. Sex trafficking is a lucrative industry, and criminals traffic children just as they would traffic drugs or other illegal substances. This is a serious crime under federal law, and convicted offenders face serve statutory penalties. (For more information, see Citizen's Guide to Federal Law on the Prostitution of Children).

I don't even know why we bother to try to communicate with Morons. I guess it's our liberal empathy for the unfortunate.

You're doubling down on stupid. You know that, don't you?
Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.
The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion.
Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to fetter that?

It's self-regulating? Then why have laws against child prostitution as an enterprise?
What part of capitalism allows for child rape, murder, theft or any other idiotic strawman you care to erect?

I'll make it simple for you again, child prostitution is a business, just like selling oil. Civil society decides it is a vile business and regulates it by passing laws that make it a felony. Are you really this stupid?

Self-regulation is RWnut fantasy. People won't even stop their cars at an intersection without a stop sign there,

let alone regulate themselves in the world of business where money and greed are kings.

Actually it's been shown that intersections without traffic lights are more efficient than intersections with traffic lights. In many countries the roads don't have traffic lights. But the fact is that whoever provides a service has to set the rules for using that service. Airlines have all kinds of rules that you have to follow if you want to fly on a plane. Those aren't regulations.

Regulations are when government interferes in private business transactions. These actions serve no useful purpose since the parties to any transaction are able to come to an agreement to what the rules will be. Otherwise the transaction wouldn't take place.
Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion. Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to fetter that?
What if there's no one else to buy or get services from because unfettered(unregulated) capitalism has driven out all the competition? There's also the matter of pollution and unsafe working conditions. Unfettered capitalism considers worrying about them to be unproductive and therefore ignores their effects.
Never happens. Never. The only examples of no competition occur in markets that are regulated by the government
The only reason we have a free market is because government keeps it that way. From the Tulip Bubble in the 1600's to the Mississippi Company speculative bubble in the 1700's to the era of the railroad barons of the late 19th century to the 1929 crash, markets with no regulation fall victim to corruption.

You just said that the absence of a free market is the only reason we have a free market.

How did the railroad "barons" get in the way of a free market? Unless, of course, you're referring to the crony capitalist railroad "barons" who made their profits by farming the government. The Federal Reserve caused the crash of 1929, so blaming that on the free market is the ultimate irony.

The government of France played a large part in the Mississippi Company speculative bubble. The Tulip Bubble appears to be the only event on your list that was truly a phenomenon of the free market, but it occurred very early in the history of markets and investors had little experience with speculative bubbles.
Unfettered capitalism doesn't remain capitalism for long.
As soon as we allow unfettered capitalism to exist, business interests begin to fetter it, with monopolies, price fixing, tainted foods shoddy merchandise and it is no longer capitalism. Regulation is to keep capitalism alive and well; unfettered capitalism means to destroy capitalism.
Unfettered capitalism is similar to the name: monopolistic-capitalism, or uncompetitive- capitalism.
There are no monopolies not enforced by the government. There are no shoddy goods or unsafe goods in the marketplace for long.
You are simply dead wrong.
I believe you are in error and if you check into it you will see that you are if you are honest about it. I consider twenty years and thirty years a long time when you consider that is a fourth or at least a third of an average lifetime. FDA has continually failed the American public by allowing certain companies free reign to put whatever they wanted on the market based on lies and deception. Chemical companies bought and paid for regulation to be 'unfettered' as they set their own bogus studies in place. You have a drugged ignorant population due to the standards being set by the companies who desire nothing more than profits.

Banks were committing fraud through their paper work and that was allowed for a long while too.
Please cite examples of the FDA giving companies "free reign." The opposite is the case. The FDA wont approve drugs that every other civilized country approves.
Okay, I will do that when i get back. I have an errand to run.
Sure thing. Or is this where you have a transcript of an FDA meeting where they agree to allow Merck to sell cocaine on the streets?
Okay now you asked two things. One what happened to Wells. It took us some years to get it all figured out as it is pretty hard to find out "why they would do that". First thing that happened was the CEO of accounting quit (did not learn that until 2007. The erroneous court transcripts were in 2003. That CEO went on to work at Bayer- also happened to be put on the board or whatever they call it for natural substances, herbs and supplements of CODEX- another with the same last name there now). The CEO of WF was rifted and somehow got a position on the federal reserve. (money has a way of buying in but who knows maybe he really was not aware of all those funky loans and shit they were making). The whole banking industry was taking a poo and still is but our government insures them to insure that they don't actually risk a whole lot. Then again they ain't playing with their own money but they sure do get paid well. I have not tracked all of Wells bankers only the ones that bought Wells name who were formerly Norwest. The underwriter (he actually was fairly truthful in court but the transcript was altered were he did tell the truth. My attorney never got a chance to question him as the judge just called it a day after that and the next day that banker did not come back even though he was never released by the court). Last I checked he got to go to work for a store that the former CEO is a CEO at. For all I know the truthful banker did not know what the accounting one was doing. At that point I was getting smooshed WF was gaining ground buying banks and raiding old peoples account along the way. Its that fuzzy math something like the new 'Common Core' teaching practices from what I have seen.

Now for your other questions. First we will do Merck. I have not checked on this company other than I have no doubt that they did in fact knowingly give out vaccines with cancer cells. I have never had a vaccine but my children have and my son has cancer in three locations as we speak. My daughter had to have surgery ten years ago. What our wonderful government did here was give the vaccine companies a free pass and made it impossible to sue the actual manufacturers, players and actors involved and enriched through these vaccines. Instead they made a fund and charge the shit out of young families for a shit load of unneeded vaccines when a lot of those parents do not know fully what is transpiring and they now have some of the states demanding by law that parents be forced to have their children vaccinated. This should not even be an issue. Unless of course the state is now the full owner of every child born in this country and the biological parents are just part of a herd of slaves owned by the state. I have heard shitload of excuses from these pro vaccine people through the years. From 'they needed all the extra charges for other nations could afford to have the children vaccinated' to they 'need extra money for research'. And that one that was being touted back in 2009 about how many people die of flu every year. Now just blame deaths on flu when you can and push vaccines. Something like don't look at the real reason children and adults a like are not retaining nutrients or that every day food is lacking in nutrients so immune deficiency illnesses are like they are on steroids. I personally checked all of the Vars records and posted that information on Usmessageboard to show what a bunch of liars the vaccine proponents for flu and pneumonia were. Those stats are still in a post here somewhere. Vaccines are still causing more damage than they are helping throughout the nation. (I'm not going to do they research all over again. You can if you are seeking the truth Guardasil, Flu, Pneumonia, vaccine induced illness)

Now to FDA. FDA approves medicines (fast track or just call it like it is- shove it up their ass), devices and chemicals without fully knowing what the results will be on the populous. Sometimes the dangers are well documented but the economic consideration takes precedence over the health and the well being of the public at large. It has let chemical companies and medical science companies making up their own science and the rules that they are regulated by for years (Each year, the FDA receives several hundred thousand medical device reports of suspected device-associated deaths). Not only in the big Agra biz but in the cleaning industry also. When the causation for illnesses become apparent they just remove what ever product that is and reapply with a new name and a new mix with the same chemicals. Quats are a good example of that. In 1999 one of our suppliers had a Quat delivered to us. My husband was the one that kept up on all this stuff that the employees would use. He told me that stuff is tougher than carburetor cleaner. A few days after our order came in I received a frantic call from our rep. He wanted to know if any of that Quat had been delivered where employees would be exposed to it. It hadn't and I heard a sigh of relief from him. The stuff causes asthma in even the slightest amounts (ever notice how many nurses and hospital workers ended up with asthma for so many years?) Congress came through though and delivered for the chemical companies once again. That old fashion soap and detergent became illegal right along with the non toxic old fashion light bulbs. Now everyone has the basic Quat throughout their homes, it is in their detergents, laundry soap and even in some of the hair soap (benzalkonium). Along with benzene based smell goody products (if your interested look up nano carbons or carbon nano tubes found in children's lungs but "let us be careful about determining causation on all the bs we are putting into the enviroment" wouldn't want to hurry up on anything as to lose a dime). Benzalkonium was also used in Asthma inhalers for children and adults for years. Between that and all the other shit they shoot up or pill up children with these days they don't have a chance but if they break it and like one big company says "If it becomes a problem we have the technology to fix it". If a chemical is withdrawn or banned chemicals companies just give the products a new name or different mix and in a few years voile it is the newest latest greatest product to be marketed. Now FDA and CDC must not communicate or well they didn't. Because FDA will allow these companies submit to their own information even if it is contrary to what the studies at the PubMed file say (which are online and readily accessible if you want to take the time to search) or what other countries studies are and scientist have already revealed are dangerous. Dow has done wonders with BPA in the population control for young Americans. I have a beautiful daughter-in-law that has an irregular uterus something like the one's found the test in rats in 2004. She can get pregnant but cannot carry to term. Wait it is 2015 and this shit is still being used in food and drink containers throughout.

Many are saying they don't like EPA (I'm kinda tickled with them 4 taking a stand recently. Even so they granted so many exemptions for the over abundance of chemicals being grown into the produce through the years that they can't be fully counted on to protect the public either. When big money lobbies against the well being of people in general they just use people that retired supposedly from the same corrupt system that gave them free reign over the people with their kind of capitalism. These people that were part of the food, pharmaceutical or petroleum industry have their retirement in hand and secure. If these schmucks (federal employees, politicians, and their aides) want to retire then they should retire but to hire on in a position whether that position is board of director, lobbying group, or any politically affiliated group needs to be banned. Does anyone truly believe that these supposed retires will be objective about anything that pertains to the industry or might negatively affect the company that they are supposedly retired from? That's horse shit. They are out there to guard and enforce the will of the industry and the company they worked for.

My newest senator has an ad out to sign the petition for WOTUS (is that like woe to us abbreviated?). Where we live... wait let me go back where anyone lives water generally travels under ground and over ground when it rains. Any chemical or waste goes directly into the water whether it is traveling underground or over ground. By the time all is sprayed and leeches it is in the public water supply for all to enjoy. Those tiling systems the federal tax dollar paid for with the bigger farm operators is doing a hell of a job mainlining the chemicals right into the drinking water. Most wells were filled and again this was with federal money back twenty years ago (they knew that the chemicals were leaching into the water then) so most people depend on municipal water supplies which are already polluted. The water gathers pollutants on its trek to the lakes and the reservoirs.

The people and scientist have pleaded with FDA to get glyphosate off the market for more than fifteen years and it has fallen on deaf ears. Diabetes and every other gut based disease is still on the rise, that is good for a capitalist invested in big pharma though. The scientist that came forward were chastised, slandered and you name it for bringing forth the damaging information concerning chemicals that affect the health and well being of mammals. (Capitalist would rather shoot the messenger, slander and destroy them than hear the truth).

That phrase being used by FDA "substantially equivalent" has been extremely abused by the capitalist (make money no matter what, only the bottom line counts) and approved by their bought and paid for regulators (the ones not buy-able are quickly chastised and rifted or black listed or worse yet put in a coffin. Congress has had plenty of time to rectify that but most won't they're liking the money to well.) Funny thing is though money is going to become even more worthless (even those in the party of any autocrat, fascist, nazi, or whatever society are easily expendable when they get out of line for the new Islamist its just a quicker more stringent society. Sharia can take care of Purina and will surely do so) and it appears our paid for leaders are still making it all possible and will continue to hold that door open Democrats cramming on one end and Republicans cramming on the other end but they seem to get the job done protecting that corporate money but its going to take all of them to bar the door for those Sharia Muslims. They won't think twice about blowing up a bank, Pharmaceutical, Chemical company or fertilizer operation. Heck their ways may be more effective than the ballot box.

Now you may think a corn with a spliced in Botulism gene is equivalent to a naturally bred corn but I don't. I don't think toluene twisted to have a sweet taste is equal with sugar (any sugar with glyphosate in any amount is not equal or natural either) and I know that black mold genetically twisted into something that looks the same as the ascorbic acid is not equivalent with ascorbic acid in Vitamin C; this not substantially equivalent. Iron shavings are not in my thoughts a substitute for Iron like real produce and animal meat has regardless of whether FDA approves of it or not. A Salmon crossed with an Eel is really screwed up (no it is not substantially equivalent no matter how much money you throw at it). Food is supposed to rot, its a natural process to see when it is no longer fit to eat. If it won't rot DO NOT EAT IT (radiation alters the food even if it still looks pretty its rotten inside and you'll know it when you bite into it but you already paid for it)

If you do buy bottled water it has no real regulation and many companies are adding in fluoride but they still calling it natural, good and clean. They even tout that Baby Water has been fortified with Fluoride, pison'm young (I about had a melt down in the store when I saw that one. A bunch of dysfunctional young people that have been raised with a herd mentality by brainwashed parents who have been brainwashed by the leadership of the country and they can't handle raising children and people are still wondering WTF went wrong). Fluoride taken internally is poison if you did not know that but its is pushed in most cities throughout the country and the world. That fact has been known for nearly one hundred years but it is approved for used and required to be added in municipal water supplies.

This is what even a small piece of trash in the ocean can do.

Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.
The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion.
Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to fetter that?
To liberals, this occurs when people take the money they have earned and invest it for the purpose of a positive return. The libs screech "Its not fair!!!!"....And then demand the positive return be taxed as income TWICE....And why do they desire this? Because "ITS NOT FAIR!!!!!"
We see how self regulating it is by looking at China, India or 19th century America. Anyone that thinks it is self regulating knows nothing of what they're talking about.

Government and unions are needed for capitalism to be fair to the worker. One of the big reasons we did so good as a nation in the 40's into the 60's was because of this fact. Today? The rich have taken it all and moved operations to china.
Oh shut up...
Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.
The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion.
Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to fetter that?

Expect a big lawsuit? That used to be true, but corporations have usurped the Constitution with binding arbitration. A company can exclude everyone, which they do, that won't sign a binding arbitration agreement. So they are exempt from lawsuits for all intents and purposes.

And explain why we have monopoly laws, or why the USDA is needed, or certification of doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. Capitalism very quickly burns itself up without regulation because a few people concentrate wealth in their hands and they use that wealth to exclude anyone else from getting it. This has been borne out by all of human history. The most glaring example is the 2008 Great Recession, brought on by greedy lowlifes who bundled together loans they knew weren't going to continue to be solvent and sold them as AAA entities. And they destroyed trillions of dollars of people's savings and retirement.

I've only heard of one going to prison, a very minor player.

Humanity is built to live with a socialist/capitalist society, because humans are driven at the exact same time by two competing impulses. Survival and aggrandizement of self, and the survival and advancement and harmony of the group, tribe, or society they live in.

The greedy see that equation as 'self 99%' 'society 1%'. The better adjusted humans see that equation as roughly 50-50. Jesus, if you believe in Christianity, saw that equation as probably 20-80. But I've never met anyone who even came close to living as Jesus did, yet they'll tell you till the sun goes down how righteous they are.
We enjoy clear skies and clean water because of regulations
Our workers have rights and get paid better then china, india or some other shit hole because of minimum wage and unions.
Our quality is higher because of standards
Our food, medication and other products are safe because of the fda, cdc, etc.
Anti-trust laws make sure huge corps don't crowd out the entire industry...

All this is needed to regulate capitalism..Anyone that says that capitalism is self regulating is without the slightest clue of what they're talking about. You think capitalism cared about its workers in China??? Or in 1890's America? People come after money in capitalism.
Unions have nothing to do with anything. So just stop it.
No one is claiming there should be no regulations on business and commerce. However, when regulations are enacted for the sake of regulating and those regulations are onerous to the point where they cause business to be non-competitive with foreign based companies, the regulations causing this need to be rolled back.
Do not blame the businesses that can relocate or send operations to other countries. Blame the government for creating the environment that causes this crap.
Unions are not coming back. Nobody wants them around.
BTW, China and India are just two nations. But your side uses these two countries names as a lightning rod for an agenda.
Your side continues to look to injure US Based business.
A recession is just the absence of growth, so what you said is to the cure for the absence of growth is growth.

You're an idiot.

No, what I'm saying is unfettered capitalism doesn't work. Neither does communism.
You're a moron...

You said exactly what I said you said. I proved you're an idiot. Why should anyone believe your claims about capitalism when you're an obvious ignoramus?
A recession is just the absence of growth, so what you said is to the cure for the absence of growth is growth.

You're an idiot.

No, what I'm saying is unfettered capitalism doesn't work. Neither does communism.
You're a moron...
Unfettered capitalism does not exist. Therefore your argument is moot.
Just be honest and admit you would rather there be NO capitalism..Except for yourself of course
There are no monopolies not enforced by the government. There are no shoddy goods or unsafe goods in the marketplace for long.
You are simply dead wrong.
I believe you are in error and if you check into it you will see that you are if you are honest about it. I consider twenty years and thirty years a long time when you consider that is a fourth or at least a third of an average lifetime. FDA has continually failed the American public by allowing certain companies free reign to put whatever they wanted on the market based on lies and deception. Chemical companies bought and paid for regulation to be 'unfettered' as they set their own bogus studies in place. You have a drugged ignorant population due to the standards being set by the companies who desire nothing more than profits.

Banks were committing fraud through their paper work and that was allowed for a long while too.
Please cite examples of the FDA giving companies "free reign." The opposite is the case. The FDA wont approve drugs that every other civilized country approves.
Okay, I will do that when i get back. I have an errand to run.
Sure thing. Or is this where you have a transcript of an FDA meeting where they agree to allow Merck to sell cocaine on the streets?
Okay now you asked two things. One what happened to Wells. It took us some years to get it all figured out as it is pretty hard to find out "why they would do that". First thing that happened was the CEO of accounting quit (did not learn that until 2007. The erroneous court transcripts were in 2003. That CEO went on to work at Bayer- also happened to be put on the board or whatever they call it for natural substances, herbs and supplements of CODEX- another with the same last name there now). The CEO of WF was rifted and somehow got a position on the federal reserve. (money has a way of buying in but who knows maybe he really was not aware of all those funky loans and shit they were making). The whole banking industry was taking a poo and still is but our government insures them to insure that they don't actually risk a whole lot. Then again they ain't playing with their own money but they sure do get paid well. I have not tracked all of Wells bankers only the ones that bought Wells name who were formerly Norwest. The underwriter (he actually was fairly truthful in court but the transcript was altered were he did tell the truth. My attorney never got a chance to question him as the judge just called it a day after that and the next day that banker did not come back even though he was never released by the court). Last I checked he got to go to work for a store that the former CEO is a CEO at. For all I know the truthful banker did not know what the accounting one was doing. At that point I was getting smooshed WF was gaining ground buying banks and raiding old peoples account along the way. Its that fuzzy math something like the new 'Common Core' teaching practices from what I have seen.

Now for your other questions. First we will do Merck. I have not checked on this company other than I have no doubt that they did in fact knowingly give out vaccines with cancer cells. I have never had a vaccine but my children have and my son has cancer in three locations as we speak. My daughter had to have surgery ten years ago. What our wonderful government did here was give the vaccine companies a free pass and made it impossible to sue the actual manufacturers, players and actors involved and enriched through these vaccines. Instead they made a fund and charge the shit out of young families for a shit load of unneeded vaccines when a lot of those parents do not know fully what is transpiring and they now have some of the states demanding by law that parents be forced to have their children vaccinated. This should not even be an issue. Unless of course the state is now the full owner of every child born in this country and the biological parents are just part of a herd of slaves owned by the state. I have heard shitload of excuses from these pro vaccine people through the years. From 'they needed all the extra charges for other nations could afford to have the children vaccinated' to they 'need extra money for research'. And that one that was being touted back in 2009 about how many people die of flu every year. Now just blame deaths on flu when you can and push vaccines. Something like don't look at the real reason children and adults a like are not retaining nutrients or that every day food is lacking in nutrients so immune deficiency illnesses are like they are on steroids. I personally checked all of the Vars records and posted that information on Usmessageboard to show what a bunch of liars the vaccine proponents for flu and pneumonia were. Those stats are still in a post here somewhere. Vaccines are still causing more damage than they are helping throughout the nation. (I'm not going to do they research all over again. You can if you are seeking the truth Guardasil, Flu, Pneumonia, vaccine induced illness)

Now to FDA. FDA approves medicines (fast track or just call it like it is- shove it up their ass), devices and chemicals without fully knowing what the results will be on the populous. Sometimes the dangers are well documented but the economic consideration takes precedence over the health and the well being of the public at large. It has let chemical companies and medical science companies making up their own science and the rules that they are regulated by for years (Each year, the FDA receives several hundred thousand medical device reports of suspected device-associated deaths). Not only in the big Agra biz but in the cleaning industry also. When the causation for illnesses become apparent they just remove what ever product that is and reapply with a new name and a new mix with the same chemicals. Quats are a good example of that. In 1999 one of our suppliers had a Quat delivered to us. My husband was the one that kept up on all this stuff that the employees would use. He told me that stuff is tougher than carburetor cleaner. A few days after our order came in I received a frantic call from our rep. He wanted to know if any of that Quat had been delivered where employees would be exposed to it. It hadn't and I heard a sigh of relief from him. The stuff causes asthma in even the slightest amounts (ever notice how many nurses and hospital workers ended up with asthma for so many years?) Congress came through though and delivered for the chemical companies once again. That old fashion soap and detergent became illegal right along with the non toxic old fashion light bulbs. Now everyone has the basic Quat throughout their homes, it is in their detergents, laundry soap and even in some of the hair soap (benzalkonium). Along with benzene based smell goody products (if your interested look up nano carbons or carbon nano tubes found in children's lungs but "let us be careful about determining causation on all the bs we are putting into the enviroment" wouldn't want to hurry up on anything as to lose a dime). Benzalkonium was also used in Asthma inhalers for children and adults for years. Between that and all the other shit they shoot up or pill up children with these days they don't have a chance but if they break it and like one big company says "If it becomes a problem we have the technology to fix it". If a chemical is withdrawn or banned chemicals companies just give the products a new name or different mix and in a few years voile it is the newest latest greatest product to be marketed. Now FDA and CDC must not communicate or well they didn't. Because FDA will allow these companies submit to their own information even if it is contrary to what the studies at the PubMed file say (which are online and readily accessible if you want to take the time to search) or what other countries studies are and scientist have already revealed are dangerous. Dow has done wonders with BPA in the population control for young Americans. I have a beautiful daughter-in-law that has an irregular uterus something like the one's found the test in rats in 2004. She can get pregnant but cannot carry to term. Wait it is 2015 and this shit is still being used in food and drink containers throughout.

Many are saying they don't like EPA (I'm kinda tickled with them 4 taking a stand recently. Even so they granted so many exemptions for the over abundance of chemicals being grown into the produce through the years that they can't be fully counted on to protect the public either. When big money lobbies against the well being of people in general they just use people that retired supposedly from the same corrupt system that gave them free reign over the people with their kind of capitalism. These people that were part of the food, pharmaceutical or petroleum industry have their retirement in hand and secure. If these schmucks (federal employees, politicians, and their aides) want to retire then they should retire but to hire on in a position whether that position is board of director, lobbying group, or any politically affiliated group needs to be banned. Does anyone truly believe that these supposed retires will be objective about anything that pertains to the industry or might negatively affect the company that they are supposedly retired from? That's horse shit. They are out there to guard and enforce the will of the industry and the company they worked for.

My newest senator has an ad out to sign the petition for WOTUS (is that like woe to us abbreviated?). Where we live... wait let me go back where anyone lives water generally travels under ground and over ground when it rains. Any chemical or waste goes directly into the water whether it is traveling underground or over ground. By the time all is sprayed and leeches it is in the public water supply for all to enjoy. Those tiling systems the federal tax dollar paid for with the bigger farm operators is doing a hell of a job mainlining the chemicals right into the drinking water. Most wells were filled and again this was with federal money back twenty years ago (they knew that the chemicals were leaching into the water then) so most people depend on municipal water supplies which are already polluted. The water gathers pollutants on its trek to the lakes and the reservoirs.

The people and scientist have pleaded with FDA to get glyphosate off the market for more than fifteen years and it has fallen on deaf ears. Diabetes and every other gut based disease is still on the rise, that is good for a capitalist invested in big pharma though. The scientist that came forward were chastised, slandered and you name it for bringing forth the damaging information concerning chemicals that affect the health and well being of mammals. (Capitalist would rather shoot the messenger, slander and destroy them than hear the truth).

That phrase being used by FDA "substantially equivalent" has been extremely abused by the capitalist (make money no matter what, only the bottom line counts) and approved by their bought and paid for regulators (the ones not buy-able are quickly chastised and rifted or black listed or worse yet put in a coffin. Congress has had plenty of time to rectify that but most won't they're liking the money to well.) Funny thing is though money is going to become even more worthless (even those in the party of any autocrat, fascist, nazi, or whatever society are easily expendable when they get out of line for the new Islamist its just a quicker more stringent society. Sharia can take care of Purina and will surely do so) and it appears our paid for leaders are still making it all possible and will continue to hold that door open Democrats cramming on one end and Republicans cramming on the other end but they seem to get the job done protecting that corporate money but its going to take all of them to bar the door for those Sharia Muslims. They won't think twice about blowing up a bank, Pharmaceutical, Chemical company or fertilizer operation. Heck their ways may be more effective than the ballot box.

Now you may think a corn with a spliced in Botulism gene is equivalent to a naturally bred corn but I don't. I don't think toluene twisted to have a sweet taste is equal with sugar (any sugar with glyphosate in any amount is not equal or natural either) and I know that black mold genetically twisted into something that looks the same as the ascorbic acid is not equivalent with ascorbic acid in Vitamin C; this not substantially equivalent. Iron shavings are not in my thoughts a substitute for Iron like real produce and animal meat has regardless of whether FDA approves of it or not. A Salmon crossed with an Eel is really screwed up (no it is not substantially equivalent no matter how much money you throw at it). Food is supposed to rot, its a natural process to see when it is no longer fit to eat. If it won't rot DO NOT EAT IT (radiation alters the food even if it still looks pretty its rotten inside and you'll know it when you bite into it but you already paid for it)

If you do buy bottled water it has no real regulation and many companies are adding in fluoride but they still calling it natural, good and clean. They even tout that Baby Water has been fortified with Fluoride, pison'm young (I about had a melt down in the store when I saw that one. A bunch of dysfunctional young people that have been raised with a herd mentality by brainwashed parents who have been brainwashed by the leadership of the country and they can't handle raising children and people are still wondering WTF went wrong). Fluoride taken internally is poison if you did not know that but its is pushed in most cities throughout the country and the world. That fact has been known for nearly one hundred years but it is approved for used and required to be added in municipal water supplies.

This is what even a small piece of trash in the ocean can do.

I have a headache. Nobody cares about the minutiae posted above.

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