What is "Unfettered Capitalism"?

The capitalism might have worked (in an extremely 'impure' form) for a while, but it's not a sustainable system. There is no endless growth, there are no endless resources. We are killing the planet by over-consuming cheap nasty crap that ends up sooner or later as trash. We need to go back to quality over quantity and more local/production/consumption. Luxuries should really be luxuries and necessities necessities ... I see it already happening. Development is headed that way. Plus governmental intervention is extremely important - it's in fact the people/citizens - making sure that the water is drinkable and the air is breathable - that all of the necessities and resources are not destroyed in the blind race after profit as has been done and is being done by unscrupulous corporations.

Capitalism is soon going to give way to some other system. It has to, our survival on this planet actually depends on it.
gee. Then lets all return to a primitive lifestyle where everyone shares in the bounty of the whole without regard to the producer. That work for ya?

The new system, that is hopefully going to take place soon, will not be any 'primitive' system, it will be something else - with strong 'socialist' contours, of course. I know it's scary, especially to you Americans, that have been brainwashed into thinking that anything that has anything to do with socialism or socialist ideas is evil, but, oh well, tough tits - it's on you to learn the difference between social democracy and the perverted form of totalitarianism that's called by some 'communism'.

The fact is that if the system doesn't change (if we don't change the system and the way we think and live), we are facing extinction. This is not an exaggeration, it's grim reality.

What is preferable to you? Securing your children's future on this planet or buying that new plasma TV (just an example)? We all have to start 'maturing' a little and realise that long term effects are much more important than short term ones.

It's the same with, let's say, getting drunk: is it better to drink a little and have a decent time or to get totally wasted, have an absolutely banging time for a short period before feeling absolutely horribly miserable?

That's what it is about - accountability and responsibility ... and our future/children.

I'm willing to take a hit if it means my children will have clean water to drink and clean air to breathe. I'm willing to give up most of my luxuries for that purpose.

I might sound 'extremist' to some of you who eat off plasticware every day while being totally ignorant of what a horrible cost you are bequeathing on the shoulders of your children (and the yet unborn), but it's quite the common worldview where I live ...
The new system, that is hopefully going to take place soon, will not be any 'primitive' system, it will be something else - with strong 'socialist' contours, of course. I know it's scary, especially to you Americans, that have been brainwashed into thinking that anything that has anything to do with socialism or socialist ideas is evil, but, oh well, tough tits - it's on you to learn the difference between social democracy and the perverted form of totalitarianism that's called by some 'communism'.

The fact is that if the system doesn't change (if we don't change the system and the way we think and live), we are facing extinction. This is not an exaggeration, it's grim reality.

What is preferable to you? Securing your children's future on this planet or buying that new plasma TV (just an example)? We all have to start 'maturing' a little and realise that long term effects are much more important than short term ones.

It's the same with, let's say, getting drunk: is it better to drink a little and have a decent time or to get totally wasted, have an absolutely banging time for a short period before feeling absolutely horribly miserable?

That's what it is about - accountability and responsibility ... and our future/children.

I'm willing to take a hit if it means my children will have clean water to drink and clean air to breathe. I'm willing to give up most of my luxuries for that purpose.

I might sound 'extremist' to some of you who eat off plasticware every day while being totally ignorant of what a horrible cost you are bequeathing on the shoulders of your children (and the yet unborn), but it's quite the common worldview where I live ...
7 years of obama and the left is crying that the whole system is collapsing and we must have socialism to save it.


Socialism isn't new. Odd that you think it is.
The new system, that is hopefully going to take place soon, will not be any 'primitive' system, it will be something else - with strong 'socialist' contours, of course. I know it's scary, especially to you Americans, that have been brainwashed into thinking that anything that has anything to do with socialism or socialist ideas is evil, but, oh well, tough tits - it's on you to learn the difference between social democracy and the perverted form of totalitarianism that's called by some 'communism'.

The fact is that if the system doesn't change (if we don't change the system and the way we think and live), we are facing extinction. This is not an exaggeration, it's grim reality.

What is preferable to you? Securing your children's future on this planet or buying that new plasma TV (just an example)? We all have to start 'maturing' a little and realise that long term effects are much more important than short term ones.

It's the same with, let's say, getting drunk: is it better to drink a little and have a decent time or to get totally wasted, have an absolutely banging time for a short period before feeling absolutely horribly miserable?

That's what it is about - accountability and responsibility ... and our future/children.

I'm willing to take a hit if it means my children will have clean water to drink and clean air to breathe. I'm willing to give up most of my luxuries for that purpose.

I might sound 'extremist' to some of you who eat off plasticware every day while being totally ignorant of what a horrible cost you are bequeathing on the shoulders of your children (and the yet unborn), but it's quite the common worldview where I live ...
7 years of obama and the left is crying that the whole system is collapsing and we must have socialism to save it.


Socialism isn't new. Odd that you think it is.

I see you have issues with reading comprehension.

I don't even live in the US, so this has ZERO to do with Obama.

And yes, I know very well what socialism/social democracy is, as opposed to you.
The new system, that is hopefully going to take place soon, will not be any 'primitive' system, it will be something else - with strong 'socialist' contours, of course. I know it's scary, especially to you Americans, that have been brainwashed into thinking that anything that has anything to do with socialism or socialist ideas is evil, but, oh well, tough tits - it's on you to learn the difference between social democracy and the perverted form of totalitarianism that's called by some 'communism'.

The fact is that if the system doesn't change (if we don't change the system and the way we think and live), we are facing extinction. This is not an exaggeration, it's grim reality.

What is preferable to you? Securing your children's future on this planet or buying that new plasma TV (just an example)? We all have to start 'maturing' a little and realise that long term effects are much more important than short term ones.

It's the same with, let's say, getting drunk: is it better to drink a little and have a decent time or to get totally wasted, have an absolutely banging time for a short period before feeling absolutely horribly miserable?

That's what it is about - accountability and responsibility ... and our future/children.

I'm willing to take a hit if it means my children will have clean water to drink and clean air to breathe. I'm willing to give up most of my luxuries for that purpose.

I might sound 'extremist' to some of you who eat off plasticware every day while being totally ignorant of what a horrible cost you are bequeathing on the shoulders of your children (and the yet unborn), but it's quite the common worldview where I live ...
7 years of obama and the left is crying that the whole system is collapsing and we must have socialism to save it.


Socialism isn't new. Odd that you think it is.

I see you have issues with reading comprehension.

I don't even live in the US, so this has ZERO to do with Obama.

And yes, I know very well what socialism/social democracy is, as opposed to you.
Look who can't read. This is a US Message Board.
How long did kids work in the coal mines?

Age of consent is a government construct. Without government there is no such thing as a legal age of consent.
Capitalism doesn't mean lawlessness. Failed again.

Since I never said that, why did you post that?
I posted it to prove you don't even understand your own words. Fail again!

The OP claims that business can self-regulate and doesn't need 'fettering'. To fetter is to restrain.

It's the OP who supports lawlessness.
Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.


A lawsuit is a legal matter that takes place in a court of law. It is an element of government regulation. Nothing about capitalism entails or requires the right to sue.

Better luck next year.
How long did kids work in the coal mines?

Age of consent is a government construct. Without government there is no such thing as a legal age of consent.
Capitalism doesn't mean lawlessness. Failed again.

Since I never said that, why did you post that?
I posted it to prove you don't even understand your own words. Fail again!

The OP claims that business can self-regulate and doesn't need 'fettering'. To fetter is to restrain.

It's the OP who supports lawlessness.
You keep bring up laws as if capitalism was supposed to somehow exist without them. The other thing you miss is that we have laws to limit what government can and should do, we call it the Constitution. Which has been eroding over the years. Government has NO business dictating wages, benefits, leave, who to do business with, etc.
How long did kids work in the coal mines?

Age of consent is a government construct. Without government there is no such thing as a legal age of consent.
Capitalism doesn't mean lawlessness. Failed again.

Since I never said that, why did you post that?
I posted it to prove you don't even understand your own words. Fail again!

The OP claims that business can self-regulate and doesn't need 'fettering'. To fetter is to restrain.

It's the OP who supports lawlessness.
You keep bring up laws as if capitalism was supposed to somehow exist without them. The other thing you miss is that we have laws to limit what government can and should do, we call it the Constitution. Which has been eroding over the years. Government has NO business dictating wages, benefits, leave, who to do business with, etc.

Argue with the OP. He said businesses should be allowed to self-regulate. That's like telling you that when you drive,
you should be able to decide for yourself how fast to go, when to stop, when to yield, when to signal turns, etc.

Do you agree with OP or not?
Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.


A lawsuit is a legal matter that takes place in a court of law. It is an element of government regulation. Nothing about capitalism entails or requires the right to sue.

Better luck next year.

I just pointed that out also. The OP made a big foul up. He started out trying to oppose regulation and ended up endorsing it.

You're digging a hole. Anarchy isn't the same as capitalism no matter how badly you want it.
I'm beginning to think you really are stupid. Caveat Emptor IS unfettered Capitalism. And BTW, you ignored
Wrong, retardo. It means:

caveat emptor | law : the principle that a person who buys something is responsible for making sure that it is in good condition, works properly, etc.
law : the principle that a person who buys something is responsible for making sure that it is in good condition, works properly, etc.
Your really are a concrete thinker, if you think at all.

A purveyor of a dangerous product, who knowingly sells an unregulated product to an unwitting customer is an example of unfettered capitalism. If it is not, tell me what it is!
There's no such thing as unfettered capitalism, retard! No matter how many times you make the idiotic claim.

I do believe you are mentally ill.

That said, you're dumb too.

"If you describe something as unfettered, you mean that it is not controlled or limited by anyone or anything."

By that strict definition you are correct and thus capitalism has never existed unfettered. So, if capitalism has never existed this tread is moot.

The Pope made the comment, English is not his first language. What he said was that unregulated capitalism is the "dung of the devil".

What you and others are doing is employing Reductio ad absurdum another logical fallacy a common trick used by RW Ideologues. By taking his conclusion beyond their logical limits you hope to show how ridiculous is his conclusion and thus disproving or discrediting the argument.

Of course you, Iceweasel, don''t understand this form of rhetoric and you've simply echoed RW propaganda.
Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.


A lawsuit is a legal matter that takes place in a court of law. It is an element of government regulation. Nothing about capitalism entails or requires the right to sue.

Better luck next year.
True and you have a lot of judges that can just throw out a suit at will. The larger corporate's have bought and paid for attorneys and keep many on retainer. The shift has gone too far for people to protect themselves against much of what is going on today.

Rabbi this is for you to go along with the long standing FDA problem when capitalism is not actually well regulated. It is twelve minutes if you are interested. It has been online since 2012 but big money can buy a lot of propaganda to cover their asses as they wrecked the independent scientist and small farmers (independent business enterprises) and smaller seed companies since 1996. It took banksters twenty years to get a hold of a large portion of the old family farms (farm crisis due to people believing that banks were actually well regulated and the tax payer footed the bill back then too). I recall a neighbor telling me about their neighbors who bought into the lies of getting a loan and even today banksters were telling these people what they could and could not purchase right down to buying toilet paper. I kind of believe her story about her neighbors and the people she knew that lost out back in the 80's. Their loss was actually the entire nation's loss of liberty and freedom of choice.

GMO Seralini – Seralini’s team wins defamation and forgery court cases on GMO and pesticide research
Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.


A lawsuit is a legal matter that takes place in a court of law. It is an element of government regulation. Nothing about capitalism entails or requires the right to sue.

Better luck next year.

I just pointed that out also. The OP made a big foul up. He started out trying to oppose regulation and ended up endorsing it.

Yep, it's typical Rabbi. Open mouth, stupidity pours out.

You're digging a hole. Anarchy isn't the same as capitalism no matter how badly you want it.
I'm beginning to think you really are stupid. Caveat Emptor IS unfettered Capitalism. And BTW, you ignored
Wrong, retardo. It means:

caveat emptor | law : the principle that a person who buys something is responsible for making sure that it is in good condition, works properly, etc.
law : the principle that a person who buys something is responsible for making sure that it is in good condition, works properly, etc.
Your really are a concrete thinker, if you think at all.

A purveyor of a dangerous product, who knowingly sells an unregulated product to an unwitting customer is an example of unfettered capitalism. If it is not, tell me what it is!
There's no such thing as unfettered capitalism, retard! No matter how many times you make the idiotic claim.

I do believe you are mentally ill.

That said, you're dumb too.

"If you describe something as unfettered, you mean that it is not controlled or limited by anyone or anything."

By that strict definition you are correct and thus capitalism has never existed unfettered. So, if capitalism has never existed this tread is moot.

The Pope made the comment, English is not his first language. What he said was that unregulated capitalism is the "dung of the devil".

What you and others are doing is employing Reductio ad absurdum another logical fallacy a common trick used by RW Ideologues. By taking his conclusion beyond their logical limits you hope to show how ridiculous is his conclusion and thus disproving or discrediting the argument.

Of course you, Iceweasel, don''t understand this form of rhetoric and you've simply echoed RW propaganda.
You believe quite a lot of things that have no bearing to reality.

Proof you are insane....
By that strict definition you are correct and thus capitalism has never existed unfettered. So, if capitalism has never existed this tread is moot.

Yes, rational thought is "tricky" business to you.
"Unfettered Capitalism".

What a silly phrase.

Can anyone provide an example?
I recall a neighbor telling me about their neighbors who bought into the lies of getting a loan and even today banksters were telling these people what they could and could not purchase right down to buying toilet paper. I kind of believe her story about her neighbors and the people she knew that lost out back in the 80's. Their loss was actually the entire nation's loss of liberty and freedom of choice.
That isn't capitalism, idiot.
I recall a neighbor telling me about their neighbors who bought into the lies of getting a loan and even today banksters were telling these people what they could and could not purchase right down to buying toilet paper. I kind of believe her story about her neighbors and the people she knew that lost out back in the 80's. Their loss was actually the entire nation's loss of liberty and freedom of choice.
That isn't capitalism, idiot.
Sure it is. That is the New Age capitIslam. Anything for a buck, paperwork, lobbyist, special interest and salespeople. Where have you been for the past fifty years? Or were you even born yet?
The problem with these threads is always the same. The term "capitalism" does not include the grand enchilada that many people tend to attribute to it. The same is true for socialism, fascism, communism, etc. The result is that when 20 people engage in a discussion they're going to be talking about 12 different enchiladas, and invariably fail to find sufficient common ground to support a debate.

In this thread, most people have once again made the wrong assumptions because they are confusing capitalism with free markets.

The defining feature of capitalism has to do with ownership of the fruits of labor, i.e. profits. In capitalism, ownership of profits stems from supplying the capital. Hence, the name capitalism. If I own the capital that it took to produce a watermelon, then I own the product. That is where capitalism ends. What comes next is no longer about capitalism and is about the free market.

In a free market, I get to decide what I'm going to do with any watermelon that I happen to own. If I want to sell it, I can. If I want to eat it, I can. If I choose to sell it, I can charge whatever price I want. If someone agrees to buy at the price I choose to charge, then the price is adequately fair to all people who matter (the buyer and seller).

Capitalism does not require a free market to exist, nor does a free market require capitalism to exist.
I recall a neighbor telling me about their neighbors who bought into the lies of getting a loan and even today banksters were telling these people what they could and could not purchase right down to buying toilet paper. I kind of believe her story about her neighbors and the people she knew that lost out back in the 80's. Their loss was actually the entire nation's loss of liberty and freedom of choice.
That isn't capitalism, idiot.
Sure it is. That is the New Age capitIslam. Anything for a buck, paperwork, lobbyist, special interest and salespeople. Where have you been for the past fifty years? Or were you even born yet?
You're full of shit and don't even know what capitalism is. Now it's new age capitalism? You socialist fucks can't handle the truth.
I recall a neighbor telling me about their neighbors who bought into the lies of getting a loan and even today banksters were telling these people what they could and could not purchase right down to buying toilet paper. I kind of believe her story about her neighbors and the people she knew that lost out back in the 80's. Their loss was actually the entire nation's loss of liberty and freedom of choice.
That isn't capitalism, idiot.
Sure it is. That is the New Age capitIslam. Anything for a buck, paperwork, lobbyist, special interest and salespeople. Where have you been for the past fifty years? Or were you even born yet?
You're full of shit and don't even know what capitalism is. Now it's new age capitalism? You socialist fucks can't handle the truth.
Thanks you really know how to make a great point.

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