What is White Supremacy?

Do tell...lol..been a while since you pulled that card! Not in Florida..and odds on I'm older than you.

I served 5 years in the Navy..during and after Vietnam. As a vet I think you are a disgrace...using your service as a commodity..to make up for your ineptitude regarding your finances and life in general.

You suck on the public teat...you should show your gratitude to every person of color...whose tax dollars go to your upkeep.

To sum it up...you're a loser and you know it...thus the bitterness you unleash on others to mask your ineptitude.
When you praise a jerk whose ass I already kicked, you are then a double jerk.
Legend in your own mind...too funny.
I guess an active fantasy life is important...when you're on the dole‍

Not all rights are unalienable or Creator given rights, also known as "human rights". And not all of the amendments of the U.S. Constitution prohibit interference only with those natural, Creator given human rights. Citizenship is not a creator given natural human right.

Citizenship, relationship between an individual and a state to which the individual owes allegiance and in turn is entitled to its protection. Citizenship implies the status of freedom with accompanying responsibilities. Citizens have certain rights, duties, and responsibilities that are denied or only partially extended to aliens and other noncitizens residing in a country. In general, full political rights, including the right to vote and to hold public office, are predicated upon citizenship. The usual responsibilities of citizenship are allegiance, taxation, and military service.

Human rights arise simply by being a human being. Civil rights, on the other hand, arise only by virtue of a legal grant of that right, such as the rights imparted on American citizens by the U.S. Constitution.

Human Rights
Human rights are generally thought of as the most fundamental rights. They include the right to life, education, protection from torture, free expression, and fair trial. Many of these rights bleed into civil rights, but they are considered to be necessities of the human existence. As a concept, human rights were conceived shortly after World War II, particularly in regard to the treatment of Jews and other groups by the Nazis. In 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, cementing their foundation in international law and policy.

Civil Rights
Civil rights, on the other hand, are those rights that one enjoys by virtue of citizenship in a particular nation or state. In America, civil rights have the protection of the U.S. Constitution and many state constitutions. Civil rights protect citizens from discrimination and grant certain freedoms, like free speech, due process, equal protection, the right against self-incrimination, and so forth. Civil rights can be thought of as the agreement between the nation, the state, and the individual citizens that they govern.
The rights we enjoy under the U.S. Constitution are predicated upon our citizenship for the most part however the right to be a U.S. citizen is not a Creator given right. I'm sure Taney knew this when he ruled that people of African descent were not and could not be citizens which is why the 14th amendment became necessary

14th Amendment
1: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; | nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; | nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.​

Your post is absolute bullshit. By the numbers

1) Even in today's society, undocumented foreigners are entitled to constitutional "rights" pursuant to the 14th Amendment

Do undocumented immigrants have constitutional rights?

2) By the above article, said "rights" are limited by the 14th Amendment

3) Citizenship only gives an individual additional privileges only available to actual citizens (i.e. the privilege of voting, receiving welfare, etc.)

4) Civil rights are government created rights

What Are Civil Rights? - FindLaw

See the section Where Do Civil Rights Come From? They are all man made law, NOT unalienable Rights

5) Now, allow me to fix your interpretation by bolding what IS important in the 14th Amendment:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

A) A person born or naturalized in the U.S. is a 14th Amendment citizen. They get certain privileges and immunities

B) Under the 14th Amendment EVERY person (as differentiated from a citizen) is due Life, Liberty, and Property as long as their within the jurisdiction of the United States , subject to due process.

So, every person is entitled to government granted Life, Liberty and Property and citizens get additional privileges and immunities

6) Life, Liberty and Property were FORMERLY unalienable Rights. The 14th Amendment DOES NOT guarantee Rights. The terminology of Right, Rights, or unalienable Right hes does not appear in the 14th Amendment

7) Unalienable Rights were codified into law by the Bill of Rights, then ruled natural, irrevocable, absolute, God given, and above the law by the courts. Then they were nullified by the wording of the 14th Amendment, limited by the government and eventually phased out and the word unalienable removed from the most authoritative LEGAL DICTIONARIES USED AS AUTHORITY IN THE COURTS. It no longer exists in the legal lexicon.

But not every person born in the US is automatically a citizen. Children of foreigners are not included.

From the 1866 words of Sen. Jacob Howard, author of the 14th amendment.

At least, this is the law. Corruption of it and enforcement is another matter.

BTW - Howard was also the co-author of the 13th amendment (other being Abraham Lincoln)

Under the Constitution the 14th Amendment gives to all persons born in or naturalized in the United States the privilege of citizenship. Before you waste time arguing the point, I accidentally argued it in court and won. You're welcome to come to the house and read the case... and no it's not online because the U.S. government, the county Dept. of Human Services, a foreign government, nor the parents of the child in question appealed the decision.

Kids born in US to undocumented are citizens

I'm well aware of your argument, but it is bogus. IF your argument had been challenged three generations ago, it might have had some basis, but with 5 million plus 14th Amendment citizens, and some of them being police officers, soldiers, scientists, and people with high level security clearances, the courts will never see it your way no matter how sincere you believe in your cause.

IF undocumented foreigners were not subject to the jurisdiction, ICE could never take them into custody because if you lack jurisdiction you cannot arrest someone and take them to court. Lack of jurisdiction is lack of jurisdiction.

It does not matter what the original intent of the Constitution is. I'll bet you ain't bitching because you cannot own a fully automatic weapon in many states and NOBODY can legally convert their weapons any longer. Original intent don't mean shit. That's just a fact. Once the courts have ruled, your ONLY remedy now would be a constitutional Amendment.
I will just say that I just flat out disagree with you. I don't care what some judge somewhere judged. Any judgement giving citizenship to kids of illegal aliens, should be overruled and discarded.

Original intent means everything. If it didn't, the Constitution would have no meaning. Howard defined it no kids of foreigners. That way in 1866. That way now. You see it your way.
I see it mine. Cool how these debate forums work. We're lucky we have this freedom.

YOU ARE NOT DISAGREEING WITH ME. Get that through your head. My view is that the 14th Amendment was never legally ratified to begin with, so I don't give a rip about it one way or another.

Part 2 is that If the people who wrote the Amendment meant for it to say something specific, it had to be done when they wrote the law

Part 3 - The courts get to interpret what the law means. It is the way our system of jurisprudence works. NOBODY can over-rule the courts. Once the gavel falls in the United States Supreme Court, no popularity vote; no amount of outrage; no lying ass politician can change the bottom line. You can petition the United States Supreme Court again - which unconstitutional as HELL, but both sides see the Constitution as a burden OR you can amend the Constitution. That is it

Part 4 - I argue gun Rights based upon original intent. The difference is, the earliest courts interpreted the Second Amendment consistent with original intent. The earliest courts did not buy your argument relative to immigration. Consequently, your avenue of redress is to argue your position before the United States Supreme Court OR amend the Constitution

Part 5 - As a Christian I can only implore you that any change done via unholy means is destined to fail

Part 6 - Since what you want to be true is not the way you see it, your problem and differences are not with me. As someone who worked in law (and I was even a Justice of the Peace once), politics and legal discourse are very different discussions. Did it ever dawn on you that both the Ds and the Rs are allowing you to chase your tail so that nothing of substance ever gets done?

Part 7 - You do not look down the road with critical thinking skills, realizing that sometimes the same law that bites you in the ass is the same one that saves it. You have never looked down the road to see what might happen if Congress every did skew the law in favor, in the manner you want to achieve the results. Voltaire once remarked:

"I was never ruined but twice: once when I lost a lawsuit, and once when I won one."

In under ten paragraphs I have ended this dispute.
In Trump's first year after re-elected, birthright citizenship for kids of illegal aliens will be eliminated . We can come back and revisit this page then. November 2021.
When you praise a jerk whose ass I already kicked, you are then a double jerk.
Legend in your own mind...too funny.
I guess an active fantasy life is important...when you're on the dole‍

Your post is absolute bullshit. By the numbers

1) Even in today's society, undocumented foreigners are entitled to constitutional "rights" pursuant to the 14th Amendment

Do undocumented immigrants have constitutional rights?

2) By the above article, said "rights" are limited by the 14th Amendment

3) Citizenship only gives an individual additional privileges only available to actual citizens (i.e. the privilege of voting, receiving welfare, etc.)

4) Civil rights are government created rights

What Are Civil Rights? - FindLaw

See the section Where Do Civil Rights Come From? They are all man made law, NOT unalienable Rights

5) Now, allow me to fix your interpretation by bolding what IS important in the 14th Amendment:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

A) A person born or naturalized in the U.S. is a 14th Amendment citizen. They get certain privileges and immunities

B) Under the 14th Amendment EVERY person (as differentiated from a citizen) is due Life, Liberty, and Property as long as their within the jurisdiction of the United States , subject to due process.

So, every person is entitled to government granted Life, Liberty and Property and citizens get additional privileges and immunities

6) Life, Liberty and Property were FORMERLY unalienable Rights. The 14th Amendment DOES NOT guarantee Rights. The terminology of Right, Rights, or unalienable Right hes does not appear in the 14th Amendment

7) Unalienable Rights were codified into law by the Bill of Rights, then ruled natural, irrevocable, absolute, God given, and above the law by the courts. Then they were nullified by the wording of the 14th Amendment, limited by the government and eventually phased out and the word unalienable removed from the most authoritative LEGAL DICTIONARIES USED AS AUTHORITY IN THE COURTS. It no longer exists in the legal lexicon.

But not every person born in the US is automatically a citizen. Children of foreigners are not included.

From the 1866 words of Sen. Jacob Howard, author of the 14th amendment.

At least, this is the law. Corruption of it and enforcement is another matter.

BTW - Howard was also the co-author of the 13th amendment (other being Abraham Lincoln)

Under the Constitution the 14th Amendment gives to all persons born in or naturalized in the United States the privilege of citizenship. Before you waste time arguing the point, I accidentally argued it in court and won. You're welcome to come to the house and read the case... and no it's not online because the U.S. government, the county Dept. of Human Services, a foreign government, nor the parents of the child in question appealed the decision.

Kids born in US to undocumented are citizens

I'm well aware of your argument, but it is bogus. IF your argument had been challenged three generations ago, it might have had some basis, but with 5 million plus 14th Amendment citizens, and some of them being police officers, soldiers, scientists, and people with high level security clearances, the courts will never see it your way no matter how sincere you believe in your cause.

IF undocumented foreigners were not subject to the jurisdiction, ICE could never take them into custody because if you lack jurisdiction you cannot arrest someone and take them to court. Lack of jurisdiction is lack of jurisdiction.

It does not matter what the original intent of the Constitution is. I'll bet you ain't bitching because you cannot own a fully automatic weapon in many states and NOBODY can legally convert their weapons any longer. Original intent don't mean shit. That's just a fact. Once the courts have ruled, your ONLY remedy now would be a constitutional Amendment.
I will just say that I just flat out disagree with you. I don't care what some judge somewhere judged. Any judgement giving citizenship to kids of illegal aliens, should be overruled and discarded.

Original intent means everything. If it didn't, the Constitution would have no meaning. Howard defined it no kids of foreigners. That way in 1866. That way now. You see it your way.
I see it mine. Cool how these debate forums work. We're lucky we have this freedom.

YOU ARE NOT DISAGREEING WITH ME. Get that through your head. My view is that the 14th Amendment was never legally ratified to begin with, so I don't give a rip about it one way or another.

Part 2 is that If the people who wrote the Amendment meant for it to say something specific, it had to be done when they wrote the law

Part 3 - The courts get to interpret what the law means. It is the way our system of jurisprudence works. NOBODY can over-rule the courts. Once the gavel falls in the United States Supreme Court, no popularity vote; no amount of outrage; no lying ass politician can change the bottom line. You can petition the United States Supreme Court again - which unconstitutional as HELL, but both sides see the Constitution as a burden OR you can amend the Constitution. That is it

Part 4 - I argue gun Rights based upon original intent. The difference is, the earliest courts interpreted the Second Amendment consistent with original intent. The earliest courts did not buy your argument relative to immigration. Consequently, your avenue of redress is to argue your position before the United States Supreme Court OR amend the Constitution

Part 5 - As a Christian I can only implore you that any change done via unholy means is destined to fail

Part 6 - Since what you want to be true is not the way you see it, your problem and differences are not with me. As someone who worked in law (and I was even a Justice of the Peace once), politics and legal discourse are very different discussions. Did it ever dawn on you that both the Ds and the Rs are allowing you to chase your tail so that nothing of substance ever gets done?

Part 7 - You do not look down the road with critical thinking skills, realizing that sometimes the same law that bites you in the ass is the same one that saves it. You have never looked down the road to see what might happen if Congress every did skew the law in favor, in the manner you want to achieve the results. Voltaire once remarked:

"I was never ruined but twice: once when I lost a lawsuit, and once when I won one."

In under ten paragraphs I have ended this dispute.
In Trump's first year after re-elected, birthright citizenship for kids of illegal aliens will be eliminated . We can come back and revisit this page then. November 2021.

If it goes to court and the United States Supreme Court hears the case, I will expect you to man up and then pay attention the next time I tell you how the legal system works.
When you praise a jerk whose ass I already kicked, you are then a double jerk.
Legend in your own mind...too funny.
I guess an active fantasy life is important...when you're on the dole‍

But not every person born in the US is automatically a citizen. Children of foreigners are not included.

From the 1866 words of Sen. Jacob Howard, author of the 14th amendment.

At least, this is the law. Corruption of it and enforcement is another matter.

BTW - Howard was also the co-author of the 13th amendment (other being Abraham Lincoln)

Under the Constitution the 14th Amendment gives to all persons born in or naturalized in the United States the privilege of citizenship. Before you waste time arguing the point, I accidentally argued it in court and won. You're welcome to come to the house and read the case... and no it's not online because the U.S. government, the county Dept. of Human Services, a foreign government, nor the parents of the child in question appealed the decision.

Kids born in US to undocumented are citizens

I'm well aware of your argument, but it is bogus. IF your argument had been challenged three generations ago, it might have had some basis, but with 5 million plus 14th Amendment citizens, and some of them being police officers, soldiers, scientists, and people with high level security clearances, the courts will never see it your way no matter how sincere you believe in your cause.

IF undocumented foreigners were not subject to the jurisdiction, ICE could never take them into custody because if you lack jurisdiction you cannot arrest someone and take them to court. Lack of jurisdiction is lack of jurisdiction.

It does not matter what the original intent of the Constitution is. I'll bet you ain't bitching because you cannot own a fully automatic weapon in many states and NOBODY can legally convert their weapons any longer. Original intent don't mean shit. That's just a fact. Once the courts have ruled, your ONLY remedy now would be a constitutional Amendment.
I will just say that I just flat out disagree with you. I don't care what some judge somewhere judged. Any judgement giving citizenship to kids of illegal aliens, should be overruled and discarded.

Original intent means everything. If it didn't, the Constitution would have no meaning. Howard defined it no kids of foreigners. That way in 1866. That way now. You see it your way.
I see it mine. Cool how these debate forums work. We're lucky we have this freedom.

YOU ARE NOT DISAGREEING WITH ME. Get that through your head. My view is that the 14th Amendment was never legally ratified to begin with, so I don't give a rip about it one way or another.

Part 2 is that If the people who wrote the Amendment meant for it to say something specific, it had to be done when they wrote the law

Part 3 - The courts get to interpret what the law means. It is the way our system of jurisprudence works. NOBODY can over-rule the courts. Once the gavel falls in the United States Supreme Court, no popularity vote; no amount of outrage; no lying ass politician can change the bottom line. You can petition the United States Supreme Court again - which unconstitutional as HELL, but both sides see the Constitution as a burden OR you can amend the Constitution. That is it

Part 4 - I argue gun Rights based upon original intent. The difference is, the earliest courts interpreted the Second Amendment consistent with original intent. The earliest courts did not buy your argument relative to immigration. Consequently, your avenue of redress is to argue your position before the United States Supreme Court OR amend the Constitution

Part 5 - As a Christian I can only implore you that any change done via unholy means is destined to fail

Part 6 - Since what you want to be true is not the way you see it, your problem and differences are not with me. As someone who worked in law (and I was even a Justice of the Peace once), politics and legal discourse are very different discussions. Did it ever dawn on you that both the Ds and the Rs are allowing you to chase your tail so that nothing of substance ever gets done?

Part 7 - You do not look down the road with critical thinking skills, realizing that sometimes the same law that bites you in the ass is the same one that saves it. You have never looked down the road to see what might happen if Congress every did skew the law in favor, in the manner you want to achieve the results. Voltaire once remarked:

"I was never ruined but twice: once when I lost a lawsuit, and once when I won one."

In under ten paragraphs I have ended this dispute.
In Trump's first year after re-elected, birthright citizenship for kids of illegal aliens will be eliminated . We can come back and revisit this page then. November 2021.

If it goes to court and the United States Supreme Court hears the case, I will expect you to man up and then pay attention the next time I tell you how the legal system works.
November 2021.
FALSE! Vets receiving VA pensions don't receive "charity" . Charity is typically something that goes to people who need help, but haven't done anything to earn it.

In contrast, veterans HAVE a great deal they earn, whatever they get relating to vet status. And what they have done is to protect your hide. So the next time you feel like getting mouthy again, you can "show your gratitude"

PS- be careful that you don't run afoul of Florida (where I reside) law. Verbal abuse of any kind against a senior citizen is a felony.

Do tell...lol..been a while since you pulled that card! Not in Florida..and odds on I'm older than you.

I served 5 years in the Navy..during and after Vietnam. As a vet I think you are a disgrace...using your service as a commodity..to make up for your ineptitude regarding your finances and life in general.

You suck on the public teat...you should show your gratitude to every person of color...whose tax dollars go to your upkeep.

To sum it up...you're a loser and you know it...thus the bitterness you unleash on others to mask your ineptitude.
When you praise a jerk whose ass I already kicked, you are then a double jerk.
FALSE! Vets receiving VA pensions don't receive "charity" . Charity is typically something that goes to people who need help, but haven't done anything to earn it.

In contrast, veterans HAVE a great deal they earn, whatever they get relating to vet status. And what they have done is to protect your hide. So the next time you feel like getting mouthy again, you can "show your gratitude"

PS- be careful that you don't run afoul of Florida (where I reside) law. Verbal abuse of any kind against a senior citizen is a felony.

Do tell...lol..been a while since you pulled that card! Not in Florida..and odds on I'm older than you.

I served 5 years in the Navy..during and after Vietnam. As a vet I think you are a disgrace...using your service as a commodity..to make up for your ineptitude regarding your finances and life in general.

You suck on the public teat...you should show your gratitude to every person of color...whose tax dollars go to your upkeep.

To sum it up...you're a loser and you know it...thus the bitterness you unleash on others to mask your ineptitude.
When you praise a jerk whose ass I already kicked, you are then a double jerk.

When you whine about who a total stranger praises from a distance, that proves that HE kicked YOUR ass......just like most do here on a regular basis.

You're got your hands full conversing with him, so leave me out of it.
When you keep blabbering at me, you're in it. If you don't want to be, it's simple . Just :anj_stfu::rolleyes:

Oh did I forget ? Yeah, I kicked his ass, AND YOURS again, for the 200th time.

I wasn't talking to you grandma....I thanked HIS post, and that triggered your crazy self.

And he mopped the floor of this sewer with your carcass, just like too many to count here.

You need to turn off the mental wards computer and STFU.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Do tell...lol..been a while since you pulled that card! Not in Florida..and odds on I'm older than you.

I served 5 years in the Navy..during and after Vietnam. As a vet I think you are a disgrace...using your service as a commodity..to make up for your ineptitude regarding your finances and life in general.

You suck on the public teat...you should show your gratitude to every person of color...whose tax dollars go to your upkeep.

To sum it up...you're a loser and you know it...thus the bitterness you unleash on others to mask your ineptitude.
When you praise a jerk whose ass I already kicked, you are then a double jerk.
Do tell...lol..been a while since you pulled that card! Not in Florida..and odds on I'm older than you.

I served 5 years in the Navy..during and after Vietnam. As a vet I think you are a disgrace...using your service as a commodity..to make up for your ineptitude regarding your finances and life in general.

You suck on the public teat...you should show your gratitude to every person of color...whose tax dollars go to your upkeep.

To sum it up...you're a loser and you know it...thus the bitterness you unleash on others to mask your ineptitude.
When you praise a jerk whose ass I already kicked, you are then a double jerk.

When you whine about who a total stranger praises from a distance, that proves that HE kicked YOUR ass......just like most do here on a regular basis.

You're got your hands full conversing with him, so leave me out of it.
When you keep blabbering at me, you're in it. If you don't want to be, it's simple . Just :anj_stfu::rolleyes:

Oh did I forget ? Yeah, I kicked his ass, AND YOURS again, for the 200th time.

I wasn't talking to you grandma....I thanked HIS post, and that triggered your crazy self.

And he mopped the floor of this sewer with your carcass, just like too many to count here.

You need to turn off the mental wards computer and STFU.
Ha ha. You make a habit of making a fool out of yourself. Oh, you weren't talking to me, huh ? So when you used some form of the word "you", that wasn't directed at me, right ?

So then when you said " HE kicked YOUR ass....", you were talking to Evil boy, and telling him how I kicked his ass. Well, that was not necessary. He already knows that.

And you already know the times when I kicked your ass, like just a few days ago, when you claimed to be a guitar player, and when I gave you the most simplistic of questions about guitar playing, you failed to answer them correctly.

Maybe you and Evil could form a band where you play bongos and he plays the tambourine. :laugh:

And then there was your moronic criticism of my "Thousands of black Republicans" statement, and you stupidly called it a "stretch" (when there's more than 10 million of them)

And then there was your robot reliance on statistics (liberal sources of course), and you couldn't envision proof being going to a VA hospital and observing firsthand the 90% of minority employees there (obviously AA)

And there was your blind white women in AA programmed talking point, you and IM2 keep blabbering, when you know it's BS. For your 50th correction on that - NO, white women are not the top beneficiaries of AA. ALL white women are victims of it, either by being discriminated against for being white, and/or because their white male husbands or fathers are.
Last edited:
1. 1 don't clean houses or cut lawns
I teach music.
2. There is no rent control in Florida.
3. You got something against Social Security and VA pensions ?

1. I think you would be well suited to be a servant. Stump stupid.

2. And I have never benefitted from AA.

3. Of course I have nothing against VA pensions or social security...for people who can do no better.

However, most people who have accomplished what you claim to would not need either. Your alleged accomplishments and what you claim to live on, do not make sense.
They make sense to intelligent people. Ever hear the word "Retired" ? Or "Semi-retired" ?

BTW- .I forgot to mention that in addition to owning my own business, I also had 2 other skilled occupations. I played guitar in a rock band for 9 years, and I also have a skilled trade in QC mechanical inspection, having worked in machine shops and high-tech companies.

And Ms Certifications might be interested to know that I have certs from 2 of the biggest high tech companies in the world.

Know more, judge less. :biggrin:

ROFLMAO! Next you will be stating that you were once the president of the country.

You're still wacko from those psychedelic drugs that you took from decades ago.

Be careful. Newsvine will embarrass your broke ass for claiming to be certified in her field.
And if you don't think I am skilled in mechanical inspection or teaching guitar, violin, and mandolin, I could give you a free lesson right here, right now.:biggrin:

And if I was "broke", I wouldn't own 4 stringed instruments worth about $2,000, but I do.

Thats all? I have a Gibson ES335 that alone is worth over 3500.00. As well as a U.S. made 1962 Seafoam Green Fender Strat that I've been offered 2300.00 for,

I won't even mention the two acoustic guitars that I also own.

You must own some chezp Asian made knockoffs.

What are your amplifiers and effects?
And with all that, now if you could just learn how to put 3 chords together. Well, they do make nice room ornaments.

I did offer to give you a free lesson.
When you praise a jerk whose ass I already kicked, you are then a double jerk.
When you praise a jerk whose ass I already kicked, you are then a double jerk.

When you whine about who a total stranger praises from a distance, that proves that HE kicked YOUR ass......just like most do here on a regular basis.

You're got your hands full conversing with him, so leave me out of it.
When you keep blabbering at me, you're in it. If you don't want to be, it's simple . Just :anj_stfu::rolleyes:

Oh did I forget ? Yeah, I kicked his ass, AND YOURS again, for the 200th time.

I wasn't talking to you grandma....I thanked HIS post, and that triggered your crazy self.

And he mopped the floor of this sewer with your carcass, just like too many to count here.

You need to turn off the mental wards computer and STFU.
Ha ha. You make a habit of making a fool out of yourself. Oh, you weren't talking to me, huh ? So when you used some form of the word "you", that wasn't directed at me, right ?

So then when you said " HE kicked YOUR ass....", you were talking to Evil boy, and telling him how I kicked his ass. Well, that was not necessary. He already knows that.

And you already know the times when I kicked your ass, like just a few days ago, when you claimed to be a guitar player, and when I gave you the most simplistic of questions about guitar playing, you failed to answer them correctly.

Maybe you and Evil could form a band where you play bongos and he plays the tambourine. :laugh:

And then there was your moronic criticism of my "Thousands of black Republicans" statement, and you stupidly called it a "stretch" (when there's more than 10 million of them)

And then there was your robot reliance on statistics (liberal sources of course), and you couldn't envision proof being going to a VA hospital and observing firsthand the 90% of minority employees there (obviously AA)

And there was your blind white women in AA programmed talking point, you and IM2 keep blabbering, when you know it's BS. For your 50th correction on that - NO, white women are not the top beneficiaries of AA. ALL white women are victims of it, either by being discriminated against for being white, and/or because their white male husbands or fathers are.

It obviously doesn't take much to make you go off the rails, does it Grandma?

I complimented another posters response to you, and you turned into a 70+ year old "Chucky Doll".,,,,ROFLMAO!

That only proves that you're just a cyber dog on a leash, and all I have to do is yank it.

Every single one of your incoherent rants above have been proven to be either figments of your delusions or your imagination or both, and it is already all on display in the thread history.

I don't need to repeat myself.....but you doing so over and over just proves that you aren't "all there".

Lastly, for entertainment sake, here is JUST ONE example of your lunacy: from your post above:

Regarding "Black Republicans", yes I did state that your numbers, which you always pull out of thin air, were a stretch.

So now here you are stating that there are
"10 MILLION Black republicans"?!

Where did you read that?

There are a TOTAL of approximately 40 million black people in the ENTIRE country! By the time you adjust for voting age, that number becomes a lot less.

In the 2016 election it was estimated that there were approximately 142 million TOTAL voters.

Of that number, it was estimated that about 8% of them were black.

That means that around 11 MILLION black voters probably voted in 2016.

Applying your logic, of the black voters that are out there, nearly ALL are Republicans?!

Do you know what a calculator is?

You are as dumb as a petrified stone.

Last edited:
1. I think you would be well suited to be a servant. Stump stupid.

2. And I have never benefitted from AA.

3. Of course I have nothing against VA pensions or social security...for people who can do no better.

However, most people who have accomplished what you claim to would not need either. Your alleged accomplishments and what you claim to live on, do not make sense.
They make sense to intelligent people. Ever hear the word "Retired" ? Or "Semi-retired" ?

BTW- .I forgot to mention that in addition to owning my own business, I also had 2 other skilled occupations. I played guitar in a rock band for 9 years, and I also have a skilled trade in QC mechanical inspection, having worked in machine shops and high-tech companies.

And Ms Certifications might be interested to know that I have certs from 2 of the biggest high tech companies in the world.

Know more, judge less. :biggrin:

ROFLMAO! Next you will be stating that you were once the president of the country.

You're still wacko from those psychedelic drugs that you took from decades ago.

Be careful. Newsvine will embarrass your broke ass for claiming to be certified in her field.
And if you don't think I am skilled in mechanical inspection or teaching guitar, violin, and mandolin, I could give you a free lesson right here, right now.:biggrin:

And if I was "broke", I wouldn't own 4 stringed instruments worth about $2,000, but I do.

Thats all? I have a Gibson ES335 that alone is worth over 3500.00. As well as a U.S. made 1962 Seafoam Green Fender Strat that I've been offered 2300.00 for,

I won't even mention the two acoustic guitars that I also own.

You must own some chezp Asian made knockoffs.

What are your amplifiers and effects?
And with all that, now if you could just learn how to put 3 chords together. Well, they do make nice room ornaments.

I did offer to give you a free lesson.

You've already provided a "lesson"...you've defined what a bitter old fool sounds like by what they say.
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When you praise a jerk whose ass I already kicked, you are then a double jerk.
When you praise a jerk whose ass I already kicked, you are then a double jerk.

When you whine about who a total stranger praises from a distance, that proves that HE kicked YOUR ass......just like most do here on a regular basis.

You're got your hands full conversing with him, so leave me out of it.
When you keep blabbering at me, you're in it. If you don't want to be, it's simple . Just :anj_stfu::rolleyes:

Oh did I forget ? Yeah, I kicked his ass, AND YOURS again, for the 200th time.

I wasn't talking to you grandma....I thanked HIS post, and that triggered your crazy self.

And he mopped the floor of this sewer with your carcass, just like too many to count here.

You need to turn off the mental wards computer and STFU.
Ha ha. You make a habit of making a fool out of yourself. Oh, you weren't talking to me, huh ? So when you used some form of the word "you", that wasn't directed at me, right ?

So then when you said " HE kicked YOUR ass....", you were talking to Evil boy, and telling him how I kicked his ass. Well, that was not necessary. He already knows that.

And you already know the times when I kicked your ass, like just a few days ago, when you claimed to be a guitar player, and when I gave you the most simplistic of questions about guitar playing, you failed to answer them correctly.

Maybe you and Evil could form a band where you play bongos and he plays the tambourine. :laugh:

And then there was your moronic criticism of my "Thousands of black Republicans" statement, and you stupidly called it a "stretch" (when there's more than 10 million of them)

And then there was your robot reliance on statistics (liberal sources of course), and you couldn't envision proof being going to a VA hospital and observing firsthand the 90% of minority employees there (obviously AA)

And there was your blind white women in AA programmed talking point, you and IM2 keep blabbering, when you know it's BS. For your 50th correction on that - NO, white women are not the top beneficiaries of AA. ALL white women are victims of it, either by being discriminated against for being white, and/or because their white male husbands or fathers are.

It obviously doesn't take much to make you go off the rails, does it Grandma?

I complimented another posters response to you, and you turned into a 70+ year old "Chucky Doll".,,,,ROFLMAO!

That only proves that you're just a cyber dog on a leash, and all I have to do is yank it.

Every single one of your incoherent rants above have been proven to be either figments of your delusions or your imagination or both, and it is already all on display in the thread history.

I don't need to repeat myself.....but you doing so over and over just proves that you aren't "all there".

Lastly, for entertainment sake, here is JUST ONE example of your lunacy: from your post above:

Regarding "Black Republicans", yes I did state that your numbers, which you always pull out of thin air, were a stretch.

So now here you are stating that there are
"10 MILLION Black republicans"?!

Where did you read that?

There are a TOTAL of approximately 40 million black people in the ENTIRE country! By the time you adjust for voting age, that number becomes a lot less.

In the 2016 election it was estimated that there were approximately 142 million TOTAL voters.

Of that number, it was estimated that about 8% of them were black.

That means that around 11 MILLION black voters probably voted in 2016.

Applying your logic, of the black voters that are out there, nearly ALL are Republicans?!

Do you know what a calculator is?

You are as dumb as a petrified stone.

The 10 million figure was meant to be total black voters. This however was a slight inconsequential error, that does not change anything about your stupid "stretch" comment (which error you have now compounded by repeating it).

Of 11 million black voters about 1/3 are black Republicans, according to 3 reliable polls done recently. Unlike Gallup, Politifact, CNN, and MSM polls, these 3 polls get responded to by Republicans (of all races)

New polls show black support for Trump surging

Just to show how stupid your twice stated "stretch" remarks are, even the faulty 10% Gallup estimate, would total over a million black Republicans, while you thought calling it thousands was too much (a "stretch"). You even said my "thousands" number was "embellishing", and was "ludicrous"

Maybe after this you'll slow down, and choose your words more carefully. And don't bother trying to spin this. The egg is on your face, and whole body, and nobody is going to be snowed by any deflection or sugar-coating.

Blabber away if you like, but all these gaffes of yours will be here for years for everyone to see, whenever they need a good laugh.

But take heart from one thing. At least your posts are just dumb. They aren't really evil, like that other clown. At least you're not demeaning 67 million Americans who receive Social Security + another 10 million receiving VA benefit$.

New polls show black support for Trump surging
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When you whine about who a total stranger praises from a distance, that proves that HE kicked YOUR ass......just like most do here on a regular basis.

You're got your hands full conversing with him, so leave me out of it.
When you keep blabbering at me, you're in it. If you don't want to be, it's simple . Just :anj_stfu::rolleyes:

Oh did I forget ? Yeah, I kicked his ass, AND YOURS again, for the 200th time.

I wasn't talking to you grandma....I thanked HIS post, and that triggered your crazy self.

And he mopped the floor of this sewer with your carcass, just like too many to count here.

You need to turn off the mental wards computer and STFU.
Ha ha. You make a habit of making a fool out of yourself. Oh, you weren't talking to me, huh ? So when you used some form of the word "you", that wasn't directed at me, right ?

So then when you said " HE kicked YOUR ass....", you were talking to Evil boy, and telling him how I kicked his ass. Well, that was not necessary. He already knows that.

And you already know the times when I kicked your ass, like just a few days ago, when you claimed to be a guitar player, and when I gave you the most simplistic of questions about guitar playing, you failed to answer them correctly.

Maybe you and Evil could form a band where you play bongos and he plays the tambourine. :laugh:

And then there was your moronic criticism of my "Thousands of black Republicans" statement, and you stupidly called it a "stretch" (when there's more than 10 million of them)

And then there was your robot reliance on statistics (liberal sources of course), and you couldn't envision proof being going to a VA hospital and observing firsthand the 90% of minority employees there (obviously AA)

And there was your blind white women in AA programmed talking point, you and IM2 keep blabbering, when you know it's BS. For your 50th correction on that - NO, white women are not the top beneficiaries of AA. ALL white women are victims of it, either by being discriminated against for being white, and/or because their white male husbands or fathers are.

It obviously doesn't take much to make you go off the rails, does it Grandma?

I complimented another posters response to you, and you turned into a 70+ year old "Chucky Doll".,,,,ROFLMAO!

That only proves that you're just a cyber dog on a leash, and all I have to do is yank it.

Every single one of your incoherent rants above have been proven to be either figments of your delusions or your imagination or both, and it is already all on display in the thread history.

I don't need to repeat myself.....but you doing so over and over just proves that you aren't "all there".

Lastly, for entertainment sake, here is JUST ONE example of your lunacy: from your post above:

Regarding "Black Republicans", yes I did state that your numbers, which you always pull out of thin air, were a stretch.

So now here you are stating that there are
"10 MILLION Black republicans"?!

Where did you read that?

There are a TOTAL of approximately 40 million black people in the ENTIRE country! By the time you adjust for voting age, that number becomes a lot less.

In the 2016 election it was estimated that there were approximately 142 million TOTAL voters.

Of that number, it was estimated that about 8% of them were black.

That means that around 11 MILLION black voters probably voted in 2016.

Applying your logic, of the black voters that are out there, nearly ALL are Republicans?!

Do you know what a calculator is?

You are as dumb as a petrified stone.

The 10 million figure was meant to be total black voters. This however was a slight inconsequential error, that does not change anything about your stupid "stretch" comment (which error you have now compounded by repeating it).

Of 11 million black voters about 1/3 are black Republicans, according to 3 reliable polls done recently. Unlike Gallup, Politifact, CNN, and MSM polls, these 3 polls get responded to by Republicans (of all races)

New polls show black support for Trump surging

Just to show how stupid your twice stated "stretch" remarks are, even the faulty 10% Gallup estimate, would total over a million black Republicans, while you thought calling it thousands was too much (a "stretch"). You even said my "thousands" number was "embellishing", and was "ludicrous"

Maybe after this you'll slow down, and choose your words more carefully. And don't bother trying to spin this. The egg is on your face, and whole body, and nobody is going to be snowed by any deflection or sugar-coating.

Blabber away if you like, but all these gaffes of yours will be here for years for everyone to see, whenever they need a good laugh.

But take heart from one thing. At least your posts are just dumb. They aren't really evil, like that other clown. At least you're not demeaning 67 million Americans who receive Social Security + another 10 million receiving VA benefit$.

New polls show black support for Trump surging


You were referring to what you were trying to pass off as black Republicans.

Re read your own post to refresh your feeble memory.

You got called out, and now, you look stupid.

Go away.
When you keep blabbering at me, you're in it. If you don't want to be, it's simple . Just :anj_stfu::rolleyes:

Oh did I forget ? Yeah, I kicked his ass, AND YOURS again, for the 200th time.

I wasn't talking to you grandma....I thanked HIS post, and that triggered your crazy self.

And he mopped the floor of this sewer with your carcass, just like too many to count here.

You need to turn off the mental wards computer and STFU.
Ha ha. You make a habit of making a fool out of yourself. Oh, you weren't talking to me, huh ? So when you used some form of the word "you", that wasn't directed at me, right ?

So then when you said " HE kicked YOUR ass....", you were talking to Evil boy, and telling him how I kicked his ass. Well, that was not necessary. He already knows that.

And you already know the times when I kicked your ass, like just a few days ago, when you claimed to be a guitar player, and when I gave you the most simplistic of questions about guitar playing, you failed to answer them correctly.

Maybe you and Evil could form a band where you play bongos and he plays the tambourine. :laugh:

And then there was your moronic criticism of my "Thousands of black Republicans" statement, and you stupidly called it a "stretch" (when there's more than 10 million of them)

And then there was your robot reliance on statistics (liberal sources of course), and you couldn't envision proof being going to a VA hospital and observing firsthand the 90% of minority employees there (obviously AA)

And there was your blind white women in AA programmed talking point, you and IM2 keep blabbering, when you know it's BS. For your 50th correction on that - NO, white women are not the top beneficiaries of AA. ALL white women are victims of it, either by being discriminated against for being white, and/or because their white male husbands or fathers are.

It obviously doesn't take much to make you go off the rails, does it Grandma?

I complimented another posters response to you, and you turned into a 70+ year old "Chucky Doll".,,,,ROFLMAO!

That only proves that you're just a cyber dog on a leash, and all I have to do is yank it.

Every single one of your incoherent rants above have been proven to be either figments of your delusions or your imagination or both, and it is already all on display in the thread history.

I don't need to repeat myself.....but you doing so over and over just proves that you aren't "all there".

Lastly, for entertainment sake, here is JUST ONE example of your lunacy: from your post above:

Regarding "Black Republicans", yes I did state that your numbers, which you always pull out of thin air, were a stretch.

So now here you are stating that there are
"10 MILLION Black republicans"?!

Where did you read that?

There are a TOTAL of approximately 40 million black people in the ENTIRE country! By the time you adjust for voting age, that number becomes a lot less.

In the 2016 election it was estimated that there were approximately 142 million TOTAL voters.

Of that number, it was estimated that about 8% of them were black.

That means that around 11 MILLION black voters probably voted in 2016.

Applying your logic, of the black voters that are out there, nearly ALL are Republicans?!

Do you know what a calculator is?

You are as dumb as a petrified stone.

The 10 million figure was meant to be total black voters. This however was a slight inconsequential error, that does not change anything about your stupid "stretch" comment (which error you have now compounded by repeating it).

Of 11 million black voters about 1/3 are black Republicans, according to 3 reliable polls done recently. Unlike Gallup, Politifact, CNN, and MSM polls, these 3 polls get responded to by Republicans (of all races)

New polls show black support for Trump surging

Just to show how stupid your twice stated "stretch" remarks are, even the faulty 10% Gallup estimate, would total over a million black Republicans, while you thought calling it thousands was too much (a "stretch"). You even said my "thousands" number was "embellishing", and was "ludicrous"

Maybe after this you'll slow down, and choose your words more carefully. And don't bother trying to spin this. The egg is on your face, and whole body, and nobody is going to be snowed by any deflection or sugar-coating.

Blabber away if you like, but all these gaffes of yours will be here for years for everyone to see, whenever they need a good laugh.

But take heart from one thing. At least your posts are just dumb. They aren't really evil, like that other clown. At least you're not demeaning 67 million Americans who receive Social Security + another 10 million receiving VA benefit$.

New polls show black support for Trump surging


You were referring to what you were trying to pass off as black Republicans.

Re read your own post to refresh your feeble memory.

You got called out, and now, you look stupid.

Go away.
Anyone reading my last post (including link) knows YOU are the one looking stupid, Mr "stretch". I need not say another word. Case dismissed.
White supremacy died in the 70s. When I experienced this little epiphany. Anecdotally I know. Still, it is true. A little old white lady that used to put put out lemonade and cookies for Denver RTD customers & drivers was brutally beaten to death by some black kids just recently welcomed into the neighborhood. Diversity my ass. Nobody wants this shit.
I wasn't talking to you grandma....I thanked HIS post, and that triggered your crazy self.

And he mopped the floor of this sewer with your carcass, just like too many to count here.

You need to turn off the mental wards computer and STFU.
Ha ha. You make a habit of making a fool out of yourself. Oh, you weren't talking to me, huh ? So when you used some form of the word "you", that wasn't directed at me, right ?

So then when you said " HE kicked YOUR ass....", you were talking to Evil boy, and telling him how I kicked his ass. Well, that was not necessary. He already knows that.

And you already know the times when I kicked your ass, like just a few days ago, when you claimed to be a guitar player, and when I gave you the most simplistic of questions about guitar playing, you failed to answer them correctly.

Maybe you and Evil could form a band where you play bongos and he plays the tambourine. :laugh:

And then there was your moronic criticism of my "Thousands of black Republicans" statement, and you stupidly called it a "stretch" (when there's more than 10 million of them)

And then there was your robot reliance on statistics (liberal sources of course), and you couldn't envision proof being going to a VA hospital and observing firsthand the 90% of minority employees there (obviously AA)

And there was your blind white women in AA programmed talking point, you and IM2 keep blabbering, when you know it's BS. For your 50th correction on that - NO, white women are not the top beneficiaries of AA. ALL white women are victims of it, either by being discriminated against for being white, and/or because their white male husbands or fathers are.

It obviously doesn't take much to make you go off the rails, does it Grandma?

I complimented another posters response to you, and you turned into a 70+ year old "Chucky Doll".,,,,ROFLMAO!

That only proves that you're just a cyber dog on a leash, and all I have to do is yank it.

Every single one of your incoherent rants above have been proven to be either figments of your delusions or your imagination or both, and it is already all on display in the thread history.

I don't need to repeat myself.....but you doing so over and over just proves that you aren't "all there".

Lastly, for entertainment sake, here is JUST ONE example of your lunacy: from your post above:

Regarding "Black Republicans", yes I did state that your numbers, which you always pull out of thin air, were a stretch.

So now here you are stating that there are
"10 MILLION Black republicans"?!

Where did you read that?

There are a TOTAL of approximately 40 million black people in the ENTIRE country! By the time you adjust for voting age, that number becomes a lot less.

In the 2016 election it was estimated that there were approximately 142 million TOTAL voters.

Of that number, it was estimated that about 8% of them were black.

That means that around 11 MILLION black voters probably voted in 2016.

Applying your logic, of the black voters that are out there, nearly ALL are Republicans?!

Do you know what a calculator is?

You are as dumb as a petrified stone.

The 10 million figure was meant to be total black voters. This however was a slight inconsequential error, that does not change anything about your stupid "stretch" comment (which error you have now compounded by repeating it).

Of 11 million black voters about 1/3 are black Republicans, according to 3 reliable polls done recently. Unlike Gallup, Politifact, CNN, and MSM polls, these 3 polls get responded to by Republicans (of all races)

New polls show black support for Trump surging

Just to show how stupid your twice stated "stretch" remarks are, even the faulty 10% Gallup estimate, would total over a million black Republicans, while you thought calling it thousands was too much (a "stretch"). You even said my "thousands" number was "embellishing", and was "ludicrous"

Maybe after this you'll slow down, and choose your words more carefully. And don't bother trying to spin this. The egg is on your face, and whole body, and nobody is going to be snowed by any deflection or sugar-coating.

Blabber away if you like, but all these gaffes of yours will be here for years for everyone to see, whenever they need a good laugh.

But take heart from one thing. At least your posts are just dumb. They aren't really evil, like that other clown. At least you're not demeaning 67 million Americans who receive Social Security + another 10 million receiving VA benefit$.

New polls show black support for Trump surging


You were referring to what you were trying to pass off as black Republicans.

Re read your own post to refresh your feeble memory.

You got called out, and now, you look stupid.

Go away.
Anyone reading my last post (including link) knows YOU are the one looking stupid, Mr "stretch". I need not say another word. Case dismissed.
I wasn't talking to you grandma....I thanked HIS post, and that triggered your crazy self.

And he mopped the floor of this sewer with your carcass, just like too many to count here.

You need to turn off the mental wards computer and STFU.
Ha ha. You make a habit of making a fool out of yourself. Oh, you weren't talking to me, huh ? So when you used some form of the word "you", that wasn't directed at me, right ?

So then when you said " HE kicked YOUR ass....", you were talking to Evil boy, and telling him how I kicked his ass. Well, that was not necessary. He already knows that.

And you already know the times when I kicked your ass, like just a few days ago, when you claimed to be a guitar player, and when I gave you the most simplistic of questions about guitar playing, you failed to answer them correctly.

Maybe you and Evil could form a band where you play bongos and he plays the tambourine. :laugh:

And then there was your moronic criticism of my "Thousands of black Republicans" statement, and you stupidly called it a "stretch" (when there's more than 10 million of them)

And then there was your robot reliance on statistics (liberal sources of course), and you couldn't envision proof being going to a VA hospital and observing firsthand the 90% of minority employees there (obviously AA)

And there was your blind white women in AA programmed talking point, you and IM2 keep blabbering, when you know it's BS. For your 50th correction on that - NO, white women are not the top beneficiaries of AA. ALL white women are victims of it, either by being discriminated against for being white, and/or because their white male husbands or fathers are.

It obviously doesn't take much to make you go off the rails, does it Grandma?

I complimented another posters response to you, and you turned into a 70+ year old "Chucky Doll".,,,,ROFLMAO!

That only proves that you're just a cyber dog on a leash, and all I have to do is yank it.

Every single one of your incoherent rants above have been proven to be either figments of your delusions or your imagination or both, and it is already all on display in the thread history.

I don't need to repeat myself.....but you doing so over and over just proves that you aren't "all there".

Lastly, for entertainment sake, here is JUST ONE example of your lunacy: from your post above:

Regarding "Black Republicans", yes I did state that your numbers, which you always pull out of thin air, were a stretch.

So now here you are stating that there are
"10 MILLION Black republicans"?!

Where did you read that?

There are a TOTAL of approximately 40 million black people in the ENTIRE country! By the time you adjust for voting age, that number becomes a lot less.

In the 2016 election it was estimated that there were approximately 142 million TOTAL voters.

Of that number, it was estimated that about 8% of them were black.

That means that around 11 MILLION black voters probably voted in 2016.

Applying your logic, of the black voters that are out there, nearly ALL are Republicans?!

Do you know what a calculator is?

You are as dumb as a petrified stone.

The 10 million figure was meant to be total black voters. This however was a slight inconsequential error, that does not change anything about your stupid "stretch" comment (which error you have now compounded by repeating it).

Of 11 million black voters about 1/3 are black Republicans, according to 3 reliable polls done recently. Unlike Gallup, Politifact, CNN, and MSM polls, these 3 polls get responded to by Republicans (of all races)

New polls show black support for Trump surging

Just to show how stupid your twice stated "stretch" remarks are, even the faulty 10% Gallup estimate, would total over a million black Republicans, while you thought calling it thousands was too much (a "stretch"). You even said my "thousands" number was "embellishing", and was "ludicrous"

Maybe after this you'll slow down, and choose your words more carefully. And don't bother trying to spin this. The egg is on your face, and whole body, and nobody is going to be snowed by any deflection or sugar-coating.

Blabber away if you like, but all these gaffes of yours will be here for years for everyone to see, whenever they need a good laugh.

But take heart from one thing. At least your posts are just dumb. They aren't really evil, like that other clown. At least you're not demeaning 67 million Americans who receive Social Security + another 10 million receiving VA benefit$.

New polls show black support for Trump surging


You were referring to what you were trying to pass off as black Republicans.

Re read your own post to refresh your feeble memory.

You got called out, and now, you look stupid.

Go away.
Anyone reading my last post (including link) knows YOU are the one looking stupid, Mr "stretch". I need not say another word. Case dismissed.

Good. You need to dismiss yourself, you pathological, lying nutcase. Anyone who read your posts in this thread can see how you make statements, then claim you meant something else.

Like the one below, where you claim you you were trying to say that there are "10 million black registered voters", when you actually stated that "there are 10 million black Republicans."

What I said was that "it was a stretch to state that there were "thousands of black Republicans who openly oppose Affirmative Action".

Even two of the most respected and visible black Republicans, Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell, believe that AA is necessary.


Rice Weighs In On Affirmative Action

Re read what you actually stated below.

"And then there was your moronic criticism of my "Thousands of black Republicans" statement, and you stupidly called it a "stretch" (when there's more than 10 million of them)"

Now. STFU, because this case is definitely dismissed, and you look stupid as usual.
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So here's the thing. Statistically speaking and biologically speaking, there ARE differences between and among the different races. That is to say, if you took a thousand randomly selected European-white males and subjected them to a number of physical and mental examinations and tests, then you took a similar number of black African males, and Asian males and subjected them to the same examinations and tests, you would find clear patterns of differences, capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses.

As one silly example, the Africans will have longer arms and legs relative to height and mass than either the Caucasians or Asians. As a former manager of a men's clothing store I know that a 6' tall white man will have an "inseam" measurement of about 31" while a typical Black man of the same height will have an inseam closer to 34". A typical White man (non-obese) with a 42" chest will have a 36" waist, while a Black man with a 42" chest will have a waist of 32-34".

Those who are paying attention know that the average IQ of these thousand White men will be around 100, while the average IQ among the Asians will be 115 and the African Blacks will be below 85. But this has nothing to do with the individuals within the groups. There will be individual Black men who have IQ's higher than individual Asian Men. So nobody among the 3,000 has any reason or justification to say, "We are smarter than..." or "Y'all are dumber than..." There is no WE; it is only individuals.

But there are many circumstances where the "we" is relevant.

If I am running a highly-selective basketball camp, where people with longer arms and legs will have a distinct advantage, there will be very few Asians, not so many Whites, and a whole lot of people of black African descent in that camp. If I'm running a highly-selective academic program, the Asians are going to be over-represented and the black Africans are going to be under-represented, relative to their portion of the overall population. And racial animus has nothing to do with it.

If I am looking at the academics of a "Big City" school district, there will be an "Achievement Gap," between the Blacks and the "whites" & Asians (& Ashkenazi jews). And it won't be because of racial discrimination; it will be because of academic merit, which is entirely appropriate. And no amount of money thrown at the system is going to result in those academics losing their Achievement Gap.

In pointing out this academic/intellectual difference, one runs the risk of being called a White Supremacist, and the Poverty Pimps do just that any time the issue is discussed rationally. The best that can be done is to ensure that every individual in the population in question has an equal opportunity to participate in the most beneficial programs, without regard to race (etc).
So here's the thing. Statistically speaking and biologically speaking, there ARE differences between and among the different races. That is to say, if you took a thousand randomly selected European-white males and subjected them to a number of physical and mental examinations and tests, then you took a similar number of black African males, and Asian males and subjected them to the same examinations and tests, you would find clear patterns of differences, capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses.

As one silly example, the Africans will have longer arms and legs relative to height and mass than either the Caucasians or Asians. As a former manager of a men's clothing store I know that a 6' tall white man will have an "inseam" measurement of about 31" while a typical Black man of the same height will have an inseam closer to 34". A typical White man (non-obese) with a 42" chest will have a 36" waist, while a Black man with a 42" chest will have a waist of 32-34".

Those who are paying attention know that the average IQ of these thousand White men will be around 100, while the average IQ among the Asians will be 115 and the African Blacks will be below 85. But this has nothing to do with the individuals within the groups. There will be individual Black men who have IQ's higher than individual Asian Men. So nobody among the 3,000 has any reason or justification to say, "We are smarter than..." or "Y'all are dumber than..." There is no WE; it is only individuals.

But there are many circumstances where the "we" is relevant.

If I am running a highly-selective basketball camp, where people with longer arms and legs will have a distinct advantage, there will be very few Asians, not so many Whites, and a whole lot of people of black African descent in that camp. If I'm running a highly-selective academic program, the Asians are going to be over-represented and the black Africans are going to be under-represented, relative to their portion of the overall population. And racial animus has nothing to do with it.

If I am looking at the academics of a "Big City" school district, there will be an "Achievement Gap," between the Blacks and the "whites" & Asians (& Ashkenazi jews). And it won't be because of racial discrimination; it will be because of academic merit, which is entirely appropriate. And no amount of money thrown at the system is going to result in those academics losing their Achievement Gap.

In pointing out this academic/intellectual difference, one runs the risk of being called a White Supremacist, and the Poverty Pimps do just that any time the issue is discussed rationally. The best that can be done is to ensure that every individual in the population in question has an equal opportunity to participate in the most beneficial programs, without regard to race (etc).
And affirmative action is directly contrary to that admirable goal.
:biggrin:Ha ha. You make a habit of making a fool out of yourself. Oh, you weren't talking to me, huh ? So when you used some form of the word "you", that wasn't directed at me, right ?

So then when you said " HE kicked YOUR ass....", you were talking to Evil boy, and telling him how I kicked his ass. Well, that was not necessary. He already knows that.

And you already know the times when I kicked your ass, like just a few days ago, when you claimed to be a guitar player, and when I gave you the most simplistic of questions about guitar playing, you failed to answer them correctly.

Maybe you and Evil could form a band where you play bongos and he plays the tambourine. :laugh:

And then there was your moronic criticism of my "Thousands of black Republicans" statement, and you stupidly called it a "stretch" (when there's more than 10 million of them)

And then there was your robot reliance on statistics (liberal sources of course), and you couldn't envision proof being going to a VA hospital and observing firsthand the 90% of minority employees there (obviously AA)

And there was your blind white women in AA programmed talking point, you and IM2 keep blabbering, when you know it's BS. For your 50th correction on that - NO, white women are not the top beneficiaries of AA. ALL white women are victims of it, either by being discriminated against for being white, and/or because their white male husbands or fathers are.

It obviously doesn't take much to make you go off the rails, does it Grandma?

I complimented another posters response to you, and you turned into a 70+ year old "Chucky Doll".,,,,ROFLMAO!

That only proves that you're just a cyber dog on a leash, and all I have to do is yank it.

Every single one of your incoherent rants above have been proven to be either figments of your delusions or your imagination or both, and it is already all on display in the thread history.

I don't need to repeat myself.....but you doing so over and over just proves that you aren't "all there".

Lastly, for entertainment sake, here is JUST ONE example of your lunacy: from your post above:

Regarding "Black Republicans", yes I did state that your numbers, which you always pull out of thin air, were a stretch.

So now here you are stating that there are
"10 MILLION Black republicans"?!

Where did you read that?

There are a TOTAL of approximately 40 million black people in the ENTIRE country! By the time you adjust for voting age, that number becomes a lot less.

In the 2016 election it was estimated that there were approximately 142 million TOTAL voters.

Of that number, it was estimated that about 8% of them were black.

That means that around 11 MILLION black voters probably voted in 2016.

Applying your logic, of the black voters that are out there, nearly ALL are Republicans?!

Do you know what a calculator is?

You are as dumb as a petrified stone.

The 10 million figure was meant to be total black voters. This however was a slight inconsequential error, that does not change anything about your stupid "stretch" comment (which error you have now compounded by repeating it).

Of 11 million black voters about 1/3 are black Republicans, according to 3 reliable polls done recently. Unlike Gallup, Politifact, CNN, and MSM polls, these 3 polls get responded to by Republicans (of all races)

New polls show black support for Trump surging

Just to show how stupid your twice stated "stretch" remarks are, even the faulty 10% Gallup estimate, would total over a million black Republicans, while you thought calling it thousands was too much (a "stretch"). You even said my "thousands" number was "embellishing", and was "ludicrous"

Maybe after this you'll slow down, and choose your words more carefully. And don't bother trying to spin this. The egg is on your face, and whole body, and nobody is going to be snowed by any deflection or sugar-coating.

Blabber away if you like, but all these gaffes of yours will be here for years for everyone to see, whenever they need a good laugh.

But take heart from one thing. At least your posts are just dumb. They aren't really evil, like that other clown. At least you're not demeaning 67 million Americans who receive Social Security + another 10 million receiving VA benefit$.

New polls show black support for Trump surging


You were referring to what you were trying to pass off as black Republicans.

Re read your own post to refresh your feeble memory.

You got called out, and now, you look stupid.

Go away.
Anyone reading my last post (including link) knows YOU are the one looking stupid, Mr "stretch". I need not say another word. Case dismissed.
:biggrin:Ha ha. You make a habit of making a fool out of yourself. Oh, you weren't talking to me, huh ? So when you used some form of the word "you", that wasn't directed at me, right ?

So then when you said " HE kicked YOUR ass....", you were talking to Evil boy, and telling him how I kicked his ass. Well, that was not necessary. He already knows that.

And you already know the times when I kicked your ass, like just a few days ago, when you claimed to be a guitar player, and when I gave you the most simplistic of questions about guitar playing, you failed to answer them correctly.

Maybe you and Evil could form a band where you play bongos and he plays the tambourine. :laugh:

And then there was your moronic criticism of my "Thousands of black Republicans" statement, and you stupidly called it a "stretch" (when there's more than 10 million of them)

And then there was your robot reliance on statistics (liberal sources of course), and you couldn't envision proof being going to a VA hospital and observing firsthand the 90% of minority employees there (obviously AA)

And there was your blind white women in AA programmed talking point, you and IM2 keep blabbering, when you know it's BS. For your 50th correction on that - NO, white women are not the top beneficiaries of AA. ALL white women are victims of it, either by being discriminated against for being white, and/or because their white male husbands or fathers are.

It obviously doesn't take much to make you go off the rails, does it Grandma?

I complimented another posters response to you, and you turned into a 70+ year old "Chucky Doll".,,,,ROFLMAO!

That only proves that you're just a cyber dog on a leash, and all I have to do is yank it.

Every single one of your incoherent rants above have been proven to be either figments of your delusions or your imagination or both, and it is already all on display in the thread history.

I don't need to repeat myself.....but you doing so over and over just proves that you aren't "all there".

Lastly, for entertainment sake, here is JUST ONE example of your lunacy: from your post above:

Regarding "Black Republicans", yes I did state that your numbers, which you always pull out of thin air, were a stretch.

So now here you are stating that there are
"10 MILLION Black republicans"?!

Where did you read that?

There are a TOTAL of approximately 40 million black people in the ENTIRE country! By the time you adjust for voting age, that number becomes a lot less.

In the 2016 election it was estimated that there were approximately 142 million TOTAL voters.

Of that number, it was estimated that about 8% of them were black.

That means that around 11 MILLION black voters probably voted in 2016.

Applying your logic, of the black voters that are out there, nearly ALL are Republicans?!

Do you know what a calculator is?

You are as dumb as a petrified stone.

The 10 million figure was meant to be total black voters. This however was a slight inconsequential error, that does not change anything about your stupid "stretch" comment (which error you have now compounded by repeating it).

Of 11 million black voters about 1/3 are black Republicans, according to 3 reliable polls done recently. Unlike Gallup, Politifact, CNN, and MSM polls, these 3 polls get responded to by Republicans (of all races)

New polls show black support for Trump surging

Just to show how stupid your twice stated "stretch" remarks are, even the faulty 10% Gallup estimate, would total over a million black Republicans, while you thought calling it thousands was too much (a "stretch"). You even said my "thousands" number was "embellishing", and was "ludicrous"

Maybe after this you'll slow down, and choose your words more carefully. And don't bother trying to spin this. The egg is on your face, and whole body, and nobody is going to be snowed by any deflection or sugar-coating.

Blabber away if you like, but all these gaffes of yours will be here for years for everyone to see, whenever they need a good laugh.

But take heart from one thing. At least your posts are just dumb. They aren't really evil, like that other clown. At least you're not demeaning 67 million Americans who receive Social Security + another 10 million receiving VA benefit$.

New polls show black support for Trump surging


You were referring to what you were trying to pass off as black Republicans.

Re read your own post to refresh your feeble memory.

You got called out, and now, you look stupid.

Go away.
Anyone reading my last post (including link) knows YOU are the one looking stupid, Mr "stretch". I need not say another word. Case dismissed.

Good. You need to dismiss yourself, you pathological, lying nutcase. Anyone who read your posts in this thread can see how you make statements, then claim you meant something else.

Like the one below, where you claim you you were trying to say that there are "10 million black registered voters", when you actually stated that "there are 10 million black Republicans."

What I said was that "it was a stretch to state that there were "thousands of black Republicans who openly oppose Affirmative Action".

Even two of the most respected and visible black Republicans, Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell, believe that AA is necessary.


Rice Weighs In On Affirmative Action

Re read what you actually stated below.

"And then there was your moronic criticism of my "Thousands of black Republicans" statement, and you stupidly called it a "stretch" (when there's more than 10 million of them)"

Now. STFU, because this case is definitely dismissed, and you look stupid as usual.
So you want to throw some names around, huh ? OK. I'll play that game with you. I see you had to dig well into that past coming up with prominent blacks favoring AA. 17 years ago for Powell. Bush administration for Rice, and her support is minimal. Does not include quotas. Here are some of her own words - "race neutral policies are preferable"

No difficulty in finding prominent blacks/minorities against AA - Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, Shelby Steele, Thomas Sowell, Neomi Rao, etc

Getting back to the numbers. There were 42 million US blacks counted by the 2010 census. 5 million more than 2000. Going by that yardstick of increase, this years census should produce another 5 million, to a total of 47 million blacks.

From the cogent polls showing 34% of blacks being Republicans, this gives us 16 million black Republicans. So, for there to not be "thousands" (2,000+) of black Republicans opposed to AA (as you absurdly continue to claim), then 99.9987% of the 16 million would have to not be opposed to AA. You think so ?

Well, obviously, that's not the case, and from having spoken to and heard from hundreds of Black Republicans over the years, and knowing about 90%of them DO OPPOSE AA, I can easily deduce that the word "thousands" would indeed be inappropriate.

The correct word is MILLIONS.

Hard as you may try to save face here, the numbers are massively against you
The only "ludicrous/stretch" here was your waaaay off estimation, and your
"ludicrous" overconfidence.

You may now quit USMB in total disgrace, and go home, and take up basketweaving, staying as far away from a computer as you can get. :biggrin:
Last edited:
How about affirmative action based on economic class/need (instead of race) ? Even Ward Connerly was cool with that.
It obviously doesn't take much to make you go off the rails, does it Grandma?

I complimented another posters response to you, and you turned into a 70+ year old "Chucky Doll".,,,,ROFLMAO!

That only proves that you're just a cyber dog on a leash, and all I have to do is yank it.

Every single one of your incoherent rants above have been proven to be either figments of your delusions or your imagination or both, and it is already all on display in the thread history.

I don't need to repeat myself.....but you doing so over and over just proves that you aren't "all there".

Lastly, for entertainment sake, here is JUST ONE example of your lunacy: from your post above:

Regarding "Black Republicans", yes I did state that your numbers, which you always pull out of thin air, were a stretch.

So now here you are stating that there are
"10 MILLION Black republicans"?!

Where did you read that?

There are a TOTAL of approximately 40 million black people in the ENTIRE country! By the time you adjust for voting age, that number becomes a lot less.

In the 2016 election it was estimated that there were approximately 142 million TOTAL voters.

Of that number, it was estimated that about 8% of them were black.

That means that around 11 MILLION black voters probably voted in 2016.

Applying your logic, of the black voters that are out there, nearly ALL are Republicans?!

Do you know what a calculator is?

You are as dumb as a petrified stone.

The 10 million figure was meant to be total black voters. This however was a slight inconsequential error, that does not change anything about your stupid "stretch" comment (which error you have now compounded by repeating it).

Of 11 million black voters about 1/3 are black Republicans, according to 3 reliable polls done recently. Unlike Gallup, Politifact, CNN, and MSM polls, these 3 polls get responded to by Republicans (of all races)

New polls show black support for Trump surging

Just to show how stupid your twice stated "stretch" remarks are, even the faulty 10% Gallup estimate, would total over a million black Republicans, while you thought calling it thousands was too much (a "stretch"). You even said my "thousands" number was "embellishing", and was "ludicrous"

Maybe after this you'll slow down, and choose your words more carefully. And don't bother trying to spin this. The egg is on your face, and whole body, and nobody is going to be snowed by any deflection or sugar-coating.

Blabber away if you like, but all these gaffes of yours will be here for years for everyone to see, whenever they need a good laugh.

But take heart from one thing. At least your posts are just dumb. They aren't really evil, like that other clown. At least you're not demeaning 67 million Americans who receive Social Security + another 10 million receiving VA benefit$.

New polls show black support for Trump surging


You were referring to what you were trying to pass off as black Republicans.

Re read your own post to refresh your feeble memory.

You got called out, and now, you look stupid.

Go away.
Anyone reading my last post (including link) knows YOU are the one looking stupid, Mr "stretch". I need not say another word. Case dismissed.
It obviously doesn't take much to make you go off the rails, does it Grandma?

I complimented another posters response to you, and you turned into a 70+ year old "Chucky Doll".,,,,ROFLMAO!

That only proves that you're just a cyber dog on a leash, and all I have to do is yank it.

Every single one of your incoherent rants above have been proven to be either figments of your delusions or your imagination or both, and it is already all on display in the thread history.

I don't need to repeat myself.....but you doing so over and over just proves that you aren't "all there".

Lastly, for entertainment sake, here is JUST ONE example of your lunacy: from your post above:

Regarding "Black Republicans", yes I did state that your numbers, which you always pull out of thin air, were a stretch.

So now here you are stating that there are
"10 MILLION Black republicans"?!

Where did you read that?

There are a TOTAL of approximately 40 million black people in the ENTIRE country! By the time you adjust for voting age, that number becomes a lot less.

In the 2016 election it was estimated that there were approximately 142 million TOTAL voters.

Of that number, it was estimated that about 8% of them were black.

That means that around 11 MILLION black voters probably voted in 2016.

Applying your logic, of the black voters that are out there, nearly ALL are Republicans?!

Do you know what a calculator is?

You are as dumb as a petrified stone.

The 10 million figure was meant to be total black voters. This however was a slight inconsequential error, that does not change anything about your stupid "stretch" comment (which error you have now compounded by repeating it).

Of 11 million black voters about 1/3 are black Republicans, according to 3 reliable polls done recently. Unlike Gallup, Politifact, CNN, and MSM polls, these 3 polls get responded to by Republicans (of all races)

New polls show black support for Trump surging

Just to show how stupid your twice stated "stretch" remarks are, even the faulty 10% Gallup estimate, would total over a million black Republicans, while you thought calling it thousands was too much (a "stretch"). You even said my "thousands" number was "embellishing", and was "ludicrous"

Maybe after this you'll slow down, and choose your words more carefully. And don't bother trying to spin this. The egg is on your face, and whole body, and nobody is going to be snowed by any deflection or sugar-coating.

Blabber away if you like, but all these gaffes of yours will be here for years for everyone to see, whenever they need a good laugh.

But take heart from one thing. At least your posts are just dumb. They aren't really evil, like that other clown. At least you're not demeaning 67 million Americans who receive Social Security + another 10 million receiving VA benefit$.

New polls show black support for Trump surging


You were referring to what you were trying to pass off as black Republicans.

Re read your own post to refresh your feeble memory.

You got called out, and now, you look stupid.

Go away.
Anyone reading my last post (including link) knows YOU are the one looking stupid, Mr "stretch". I need not say another word. Case dismissed.

Good. You need to dismiss yourself, you pathological, lying nutcase. Anyone who read your posts in this thread can see how you make statements, then claim you meant something else.

Like the one below, where you claim you you were trying to say that there are "10 million black registered voters", when you actually stated that "there are 10 million black Republicans."

What I said was that "it was a stretch to state that there were "thousands of black Republicans who openly oppose Affirmative Action".

Even two of the most respected and visible black Republicans, Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell, believe that AA is necessary.


Rice Weighs In On Affirmative Action

Re read what you actually stated below.

"And then there was your moronic criticism of my "Thousands of black Republicans" statement, and you stupidly called it a "stretch" (when there's more than 10 million of them)"

Now. STFU, because this case is definitely dismissed, and you look stupid as usual.
So you want to throw some names around, huh ? OK. I'll play that game with you. I see you had to dig well into that past coming up with prominent blacks favoring AA. 17 years ago for Powell. Bush administration for Rice, and her support is minimal. Does not include quotas. Here are some of her own words - "race neutral policies are preferable"

No difficulty in finding prominent blacks/minorities against AA - Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, Shelby Steele, Thomas Sowell, Neomi Rao, etc

Getting back to the numbers. There were 42 million US blacks counted by the 2010 census. 5 million more than 2000. Going by that yardstick of increase, this years census should produce another 5 million, to a total of 47 million blacks.

From the cogent polls showing 34% of blacks being Republicans, this gives us 16 million black Republicans. So, for there to not be "thousands" (2,000+) of black Republicans opposed to AA (as you absurdly continue to claim), then 99.9987% of the 16 million would have to not be opposed to AA. You think so ?

Well, obviously, that's not the case, and from having spoken to and heard from hundreds of Black Republicans over the years, and knowing about 90%of them DO OPPOSE AA, I can easily deduce that the word "thousands" would indeed be inappropriate.

The correct word is MILLIONS.

Hard as you may try to save face here, the numbers are massively against you
The only "ludicrous/stretch" here was your waaaay off estimation, and your
"ludicrous" overconfidence.

You may now quit USMB in total disgrace, and go home, and take up basketweaving, staying as far away from a computer as you can get.

It obviously doesn't take much to make you go off the rails, does it Grandma?

I complimented another posters response to you, and you turned into a 70+ year old "Chucky Doll".,,,,ROFLMAO!

That only proves that you're just a cyber dog on a leash, and all I have to do is yank it.

Every single one of your incoherent rants above have been proven to be either figments of your delusions or your imagination or both, and it is already all on display in the thread history.

I don't need to repeat myself.....but you doing so over and over just proves that you aren't "all there".

Lastly, for entertainment sake, here is JUST ONE example of your lunacy: from your post above:

Regarding "Black Republicans", yes I did state that your numbers, which you always pull out of thin air, were a stretch.

So now here you are stating that there are
"10 MILLION Black republicans"?!

Where did you read that?

There are a TOTAL of approximately 40 million black people in the ENTIRE country! By the time you adjust for voting age, that number becomes a lot less.

In the 2016 election it was estimated that there were approximately 142 million TOTAL voters.

Of that number, it was estimated that about 8% of them were black.

That means that around 11 MILLION black voters probably voted in 2016.

Applying your logic, of the black voters that are out there, nearly ALL are Republicans?!

Do you know what a calculator is?

You are as dumb as a petrified stone.

The 10 million figure was meant to be total black voters. This however was a slight inconsequential error, that does not change anything about your stupid "stretch" comment (which error you have now compounded by repeating it).

Of 11 million black voters about 1/3 are black Republicans, according to 3 reliable polls done recently. Unlike Gallup, Politifact, CNN, and MSM polls, these 3 polls get responded to by Republicans (of all races)

New polls show black support for Trump surging

Just to show how stupid your twice stated "stretch" remarks are, even the faulty 10% Gallup estimate, would total over a million black Republicans, while you thought calling it thousands was too much (a "stretch"). You even said my "thousands" number was "embellishing", and was "ludicrous"

Maybe after this you'll slow down, and choose your words more carefully. And don't bother trying to spin this. The egg is on your face, and whole body, and nobody is going to be snowed by any deflection or sugar-coating.

Blabber away if you like, but all these gaffes of yours will be here for years for everyone to see, whenever they need a good laugh.

But take heart from one thing. At least your posts are just dumb. They aren't really evil, like that other clown. At least you're not demeaning 67 million Americans who receive Social Security + another 10 million receiving VA benefit$.

New polls show black support for Trump surging


You were referring to what you were trying to pass off as black Republicans.

Re read your own post to refresh your feeble memory.

You got called out, and now, you look stupid.

Go away.
Anyone reading my last post (including link) knows YOU are the one looking stupid, Mr "stretch". I need not say another word. Case dismissed.
It obviously doesn't take much to make you go off the rails, does it Grandma?

I complimented another posters response to you, and you turned into a 70+ year old "Chucky Doll".,,,,ROFLMAO!

That only proves that you're just a cyber dog on a leash, and all I have to do is yank it.

Every single one of your incoherent rants above have been proven to be either figments of your delusions or your imagination or both, and it is already all on display in the thread history.

I don't need to repeat myself.....but you doing so over and over just proves that you aren't "all there".

Lastly, for entertainment sake, here is JUST ONE example of your lunacy: from your post above:

Regarding "Black Republicans", yes I did state that your numbers, which you always pull out of thin air, were a stretch.

So now here you are stating that there are
"10 MILLION Black republicans"?!

Where did you read that?

There are a TOTAL of approximately 40 million black people in the ENTIRE country! By the time you adjust for voting age, that number becomes a lot less.

In the 2016 election it was estimated that there were approximately 142 million TOTAL voters.

Of that number, it was estimated that about 8% of them were black.

That means that around 11 MILLION black voters probably voted in 2016.

Applying your logic, of the black voters that are out there, nearly ALL are Republicans?!

Do you know what a calculator is?

You are as dumb as a petrified stone.

The 10 million figure was meant to be total black voters. This however was a slight inconsequential error, that does not change anything about your stupid "stretch" comment (which error you have now compounded by repeating it).

Of 11 million black voters about 1/3 are black Republicans, according to 3 reliable polls done recently. Unlike Gallup, Politifact, CNN, and MSM polls, these 3 polls get responded to by Republicans (of all races)

New polls show black support for Trump surging

Just to show how stupid your twice stated "stretch" remarks are, even the faulty 10% Gallup estimate, would total over a million black Republicans, while you thought calling it thousands was too much (a "stretch"). You even said my "thousands" number was "embellishing", and was "ludicrous"

Maybe after this you'll slow down, and choose your words more carefully. And don't bother trying to spin this. The egg is on your face, and whole body, and nobody is going to be snowed by any deflection or sugar-coating.

Blabber away if you like, but all these gaffes of yours will be here for years for everyone to see, whenever they need a good laugh.

But take heart from one thing. At least your posts are just dumb. They aren't really evil, like that other clown. At least you're not demeaning 67 million Americans who receive Social Security + another 10 million receiving VA benefit$.

New polls show black support for Trump surging


You were referring to what you were trying to pass off as black Republicans.

Re read your own post to refresh your feeble memory.

You got called out, and now, you look stupid.

Go away.
Anyone reading my last post (including link) knows YOU are the one looking stupid, Mr "stretch". I need not say another word. Case dismissed.

Good. You need to dismiss yourself, you pathological, lying nutcase. Anyone who read your posts in this thread can see how you make statements, then claim you meant something else.

Like the one below, where you claim you you were trying to say that there are "10 million black registered voters", when you actually stated that "there are 10 million black Republicans."

What I said was that "it was a stretch to state that there were "thousands of black Republicans who openly oppose Affirmative Action".

Even two of the most respected and visible black Republicans, Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell, believe that AA is necessary.


Rice Weighs In On Affirmative Action

Re read what you actually stated below.

"And then there was your moronic criticism of my "Thousands of black Republicans" statement, and you stupidly called it a "stretch" (when there's more than 10 million of them)"

Now. STFU, because this case is definitely dismissed, and you look stupid as usual.

So you want to throw some names around, huh ? OK. I'll play that game with you. I see you had to dig well into that past coming up with prominent blacks favoring AA. 17 years ago for Powell. Bush administration for Rice, and her support is minimal. Does not include quotas. Here are some of her own words - "race neutral policies are preferable"

No difficulty in finding prominent blacks/minorities against AA - Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, Shelby Steele, Thomas Sowell, Neomi Rao, etc

Getting back to the numbers. There were 42 million US blacks counted by the 2010 census. 5 million more than 2000. Going by that yardstick of increase, this years census should produce another 5 million, to a total of 47 million blacks.

From the cogent polls showing 34% of blacks being Republicans, this gives us 16 million black Republicans. So, for there to not be "thousands" (2,000+) of black Republicans opposed to AA (as you absurdly continue to claim), then 99.9987% of the 16 million would have to not be opposed to AA. You think so ?

Well, obviously, that's not the case, and from having spoken to and heard from hundreds of Black Republicans over the years, and knowing about 90%of them DO OPPOSE AA, I can easily deduce that the word "thousands" would indeed be inappropriate.

The correct word is MILLIONS.

Hard as you may try to save face here, the numbers are massively against you
The only "ludicrous/stretch" here was your waaaay off estimation, and your
"ludicrous" overconfidence.

You may now quit USMB in total disgrace, and go home, and take up basketweaving, staying as far away from a computer as you can get. :biggrin:

ROFLMAO. Making yourself look like an idiot as usual I see.

"Cogent polls show blacks being 34% Republican"?

There was a recent bullahit poll by Rasmussen that reported 34% of blacks APPROVE of Trumps performance, even though that particular poll is known for being GOP friendly, "approval rating" is not the same as "party loyalty".

Even a dunce like you should know that.

A 34% approval rating among black Americans from a rating that has consistently been between 8 and 10% over nearly 4 years is highly questionable and sounds like another one of your
"stretch numbers", yet again.

As far as 16 million black Republicans being out there, this is probably the most ridiculous statement ever made on the internet. And of course it would be non other than you making it.

Even if there are 47 million blacks in America in the 2020 census, it is currently projected that there will be 30 million ELIGIBLE black voters by the 2020 election.

Of those eligible voters, it is not guaranteed that all will vote, however if black voter turn out remains close to what it was in 2016, that means that it will be between 55 to 60%.

Which means that based on what you are spinning here that Republican will become the majority party among the eligible black voters in America, for the first time in generations.

16 million black Republicans is yet another mathematical STRETCH on your part.

Don't you ever tire of making up nonsense?

Lastly, the closest that you have come to making a lucid point here is there in fact ARE SOME black opponents of affirmative action, but as usual you have epically failed in proving that there are anywhere near MILLIONS.

It is glaringly obvious that basic mathematics, common sense and fundamental logic are not your strengths.

They need to keep you off of the computer at the VA mental ward, It is apparently causing you to hallucinate.
Last edited:
White supremacy died in the 70s. When I experienced this little epiphany. Anecdotally I know. Still, it is true. A little old white lady that used to put put out lemonade and cookies for Denver RTD customers & drivers was brutally beaten to death by some black kids just recently welcomed into the neighborhood. Diversity my ass. Nobody wants this shit.
No it didn't. Blacks have been the leading victims of racially motivated hate crimes for years. Stop lying to yourself.
So here's the thing. Statistically speaking and biologically speaking, there ARE differences between and among the different races. That is to say, if you took a thousand randomly selected European-white males and subjected them to a number of physical and mental examinations and tests, then you took a similar number of black African males, and Asian males and subjected them to the same examinations and tests, you would find clear patterns of differences, capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses.

As one silly example, the Africans will have longer arms and legs relative to height and mass than either the Caucasians or Asians. As a former manager of a men's clothing store I know that a 6' tall white man will have an "inseam" measurement of about 31" while a typical Black man of the same height will have an inseam closer to 34". A typical White man (non-obese) with a 42" chest will have a 36" waist, while a Black man with a 42" chest will have a waist of 32-34".

Those who are paying attention know that the average IQ of these thousand White men will be around 100, while the average IQ among the Asians will be 115 and the African Blacks will be below 85. But this has nothing to do with the individuals within the groups. There will be individual Black men who have IQ's higher than individual Asian Men. So nobody among the 3,000 has any reason or justification to say, "We are smarter than..." or "Y'all are dumber than..." There is no WE; it is only individuals.

But there are many circumstances where the "we" is relevant.

If I am running a highly-selective basketball camp, where people with longer arms and legs will have a distinct advantage, there will be very few Asians, not so many Whites, and a whole lot of people of black African descent in that camp. If I'm running a highly-selective academic program, the Asians are going to be over-represented and the black Africans are going to be under-represented, relative to their portion of the overall population. And racial animus has nothing to do with it.

If I am looking at the academics of a "Big City" school district, there will be an "Achievement Gap," between the Blacks and the "whites" & Asians (& Ashkenazi jews). And it won't be because of racial discrimination; it will be because of academic merit, which is entirely appropriate. And no amount of money thrown at the system is going to result in those academics losing their Achievement Gap.

In pointing out this academic/intellectual difference, one runs the risk of being called a White Supremacist, and the Poverty Pimps do just that any time the issue is discussed rationally. The best that can be done is to ensure that every individual in the population in question has an equal opportunity to participate in the most beneficial programs, without regard to race (etc).

Nothing whites have achieved was done based on merit. White racists choose to ignore what was done and you will be shown it very soon.

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