What is worse, Cuba's government or Hungary's government?

Its nice to see a german who learned something from the American example

Why do you say such stupid things?

But a great system that depends on impartial judges fails when those judges become partisan hacks

And we have been trending toward partisan lib judges a several generations

Or with other words: you are an enemy of the USA.
China isn't really communist anymore. It's crony capitalist.

"State-capitalism" is a form of communism where the commies gave it up to fight capitalism any longer. Instead of this they kill capitalism with capitalism. They are very successful with their methods. The big companies of the world brought their know how on their own free will to China. And the state there subventions for example cheap prices of one or more Chinese companies until everyone else who produces the same dies - worldwide. And/or they buy just simple companies with an important know how anywhere in the world. I guess one day all "know how" will exist only in China any longer and the history books in 500 years will be Chinese fairy tales.
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Here are your words:

we do not want Hungary here. You belong in Hungary, Russia or North Korea. The USA is far to good for you

“We” indicates more than yourself
did you notice macatl agreed with me?

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