What Is Wrong With America ?

By who, Hugo Chavez?

Didn't bother to click the links, right ? If you had, you wouldn't have to ask.

I clicked, wasn't impressed, that's why I asked.

Being "impressed" wasn't the point. Being INFORMED was.

By who ? By millions of liberal Islamapologists and Islamists, by millions of liberal illegal immigration supporters, and by millions of liberal Obama supporters. That's who.

Now try reading the OPs. You'll find them interesting. G'wan. They won't bite you.
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Simply put. If somebody has vastly more wealth than they can even comprehend, and far more than they could ever need or use, the surplus is better used for things that are needed. These can vary by opinion of course. For me, I would put it to work eradicating illegal immigration, deporting the 8 million illegal aliens working in the US, and installing 8 million of the 10 million AMERICANS unemployed, into those jobs.

Note: if we stopped issuing work visas, the remaining 2 million unemployed AMERICANS could be put to work, reducing our unemployment to ZERO.

That has to be one of the most amazing displays of arrogance and ignorance I've seen displayed on these boards. Who the hell are you to decide someone has surplus property? And you did a great job evading my point on taxes, care to try again?

I am a member and citizen of the USA, whose people decide how we will run our nation, not have some rich plutocrats tell us how it should be done, that's who I am.

And what point about taxes did you think I evaded ? Bring it on.

Try actually reading post #344 and responding to it and keep a lid on your socialist rants.
That has to be one of the most amazing displays of arrogance and ignorance I've seen displayed on these boards. Who the hell are you to decide someone has surplus property? And you did a great job evading my point on taxes, care to try again?

I am a member and citizen of the USA, whose people decide how we will run our nation, not have some rich plutocrats tell us how it should be done, that's who I am.

And what point about taxes did you think I evaded ? Bring it on.

Try actually reading post #344 and responding to it and keep a lid on your socialist rants.

I didn't evade anything. I responded to it in post # 351. You posted it your way. I responded to it my way. If you don't like how I responded, tough. I get the feeling you've evaded every post I've posted over the past 12 hours.

Also, the difference in taxation is not because of where dollars fall in some virtual stack (whatever that gooneybird thing means). It has nothing to do with a millionth dollar, or a thousandth dollar, or anything of the sort. I told you what it has to do with, and that's all it has to do with.
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Didn't bother to click the links, right ? If you had, you wouldn't have to ask.

I clicked, wasn't impressed, that's why I asked.

Being "impressed" wasn't the point. Being INFORMED was.

By who ? By millions of liberal Islamapologists and Islamists, by millions of liberal illegal immigration supporters, and by millions of liberal Obama supporters. That's who.

Now try reading the OPs. You'll find them interesting. G'wan. They won't bite you.

So you don't like muslims or mexicans, that just puts you in good company with white supremacist not conservatives.Your socialist views definitely shoot down your claim to being a conservative.
I am a member and citizen of the USA, whose people decide how we will run our nation, not have some rich plutocrats tell us how it should be done, that's who I am.

And what point about taxes did you think I evaded ? Bring it on.

Try actually reading post #344 and responding to it and keep a lid on your socialist rants.

I didn't evade anything. I responded to it in post # 351. You posted it your way. I responded to it my way. If you don't like how I responded, tough. I get the feeling you've evaded every post I've posted over the past 12 hours.

Also, the difference in taxation is not because of where dollars fall in some virtual stack (whatever that gooneybird thing means). It has nothing to do with a millionth dollar, or a thousandth dollar, or anything of the sort. I told you what it has to do with, and that's all it has to do with.

Whatever, I'm glad I dont have to live in your ideal world, sounds like a really fucked up place. Stick a fork in me, I'm done.
I clicked, wasn't impressed, that's why I asked.

Being "impressed" wasn't the point. Being INFORMED was.

By who ? By millions of liberal Islamapologists and Islamists, by millions of liberal illegal immigration supporters, and by millions of liberal Obama supporters. That's who.

Now try reading the OPs. You'll find them interesting. G'wan. They won't bite you.

So you don't like muslims or mexicans, that just puts you in good company with white supremacist not conservatives.Your socialist views definitely shoot down your claim to being a conservative.

Sounds like you don't know much about Islamization, or Islam, or the invasion of the US by Mexico, or our immigration problem. OK. 10-4. Message received on that.

As for my claim to being a conservative, I claim to be a conservative. A REAL one. Like the guy in my avatar (during whose administration he had a 91-92% tax on the rich) That's how you provide a strong military, FBI, CIA, ICE, DEA, etc. as well as $$$ for local law enforcement, building prisons, infrastructure, stopping illegal immigration, and all the things critical to NATIONAL SECURITY, which go to CONSERVING our language and culture.
Your low tax, low spend scenario does nothing but foment a small, weak govt which does just what its doing now. Allowing immigration to run rampant. Not keeping a handle on Islamization and terrorism. Shortchanging the military.
Your ideas aren't conservatism. They are Reaganism. A product of one of America's worst traitors, who gave amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens (32 years after Ike fixed the problem with Operation Wetback), and whose ludicrously low taxes weakened the country, and kept it that way while disguising his selfish movie star tax as some kind of new economic policy. Oh, yeah right!

PS - when Eisenhower was grinding his way across Germany, on his way to victory in World War II (as the Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe), Reagan was in Hollywood making movies about it.
So what's wrong with a tax on wealth ? If you have an answer, let's hear it. And then I'll tell you what's right with it.

What's wrong is discriminatory taxation. It violates the fundamental concept of equal protection - the idea that we're all treated equally under the law. If it was merely a matter of taxing wealth, it wouldn't be a big deal. But that's not how it works. Income tax, combined with exemptions, incentives, deductions, and all the custom carve-outs Congress offers up to those who play along, amounts to a pervasive intrusion on our economic freedom.

EARTH TO DBLACK: Plenty of things are discriminatory, and properly so. We discriminate when we put people in prisons ( between law abiding and criminals). We discriminate when we choose who to go to war against, and who we don't. We discriminate on where we locate development (AKA Zoning). We discriminate on hundreds of things. What else is new ?

As far as the "custom carve-outs" are concerned, we get the govt that we ask or don't ask for.

1. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."

2. "The only thing necessary for evil men to succeed is the good men do nothing."

You really don't get why equal rights are important? I mean, you're right - it's been that way for a while now. But it's getting worse. Time we took a stand.
Sorry your liberal education does not allow for reading comprehension. But thank you once again for proving that liberals don't wish to do anything for themselves. Idea: Send an e-mail to Your New Messiah - maybe he has a benefits program that might help.

"Sorry" to spoil your fun, but I'm not a liberal. In fact, I've been called a super conservative.




I'd agree you're not a liberal. I'd call you 'corporatist', but the labels don't really matter. It's your political values I find objectionable, regardless of what you choose to call them.
What's wrong is discriminatory taxation. It violates the fundamental concept of equal protection - the idea that we're all treated equally under the law. If it was merely a matter of taxing wealth, it wouldn't be a big deal. But that's not how it works. Income tax, combined with exemptions, incentives, deductions, and all the custom carve-outs Congress offers up to those who play along, amounts to a pervasive intrusion on our economic freedom.

EARTH TO DBLACK: Plenty of things are discriminatory, and properly so. We discriminate when we put people in prisons ( between law abiding and criminals). We discriminate when we choose who to go to war against, and who we don't. We discriminate on where we locate development (AKA Zoning). We discriminate on hundreds of things. What else is new ?

As far as the "custom carve-outs" are concerned, we get the govt that we ask or don't ask for.

1. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."

2. "The only thing necessary for evil men to succeed is the good men do nothing."

You really don't get why equal rights are important? I mean, you're right - it's been that way for a while now. But it's getting worse. Time we took a stand.

Equal rights are important in some things, but there's a time and place for everything. We don't give equal rights to men and women when it comes to moving furniture. Men do the heavy lifting. Women get the lighter pieces. That's life.
Sorry your liberal education does not allow for reading comprehension. But thank you once again for proving that liberals don't wish to do anything for themselves. Idea: Send an e-mail to Your New Messiah - maybe he has a benefits program that might help.

"Sorry" to spoil your fun, but I'm not a liberal. In fact, I've been called a super conservative.




I'd agree you're not a liberal. I'd call you 'corporatist', but the labels don't really matter. It's your political values I find objectionable, regardless of what you choose to call them.

I hadn't hear of "corporatist" before. I don't have much to do with corporations. Never cared for them, actually. HA HA. I'm sometimes hard to figure out for younger conservatives (under 40), who really are Reaganists, not conservatives, but they don't know it.
For people who harken back to the Eisenhower days, we know what REAL conservatism is about, and sadly, it barely exists anymore today, having been ruined and replaced by Reaganism (small, weak govt, low taxes, low spending, minimal national security)
What Is Wrong With America ?

Maybe quit arguing about whether the glass is half empty or half full and just drink the damned shot.

I'd agree you're not a liberal. I'd call you 'corporatist', but the labels don't really matter. It's your political values I find objectionable, regardless of what you choose to call them.

I hadn't hear of "corporatist" before. I don't have much to do with corporations. Never cared for them, actually. HA HA. I'm sometimes hard to figure out for younger conservatives (under 40), who really are Reaganists, not conservatives, but they don't know it.
For people who harken back to the Eisenhower days, we know what REAL conservatism is about, and sadly, it barely exists anymore today, having been ruined and replaced by Reaganism (small, weak govt, low taxes, low spending, minimal national security)

Corporatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Please be brief. I will briefly state that there probably are 100 things (or more) wrong with America, but I will state just one for now >>

America is too much run by rich people. Members of Congress, the President and Vice-President, and members of the Supreme Court are generally all rich people. What do they know about middle class, lower middle class, and poor people's lives ? How can they make decisions about things they have no experience with, or have long forgotten from years past ? When have these people ever been unemployed, and out looking for a job, with a wide variety of things being used against them ? (credit reports, smear talk from former employers often untrue, etc). The last time I applied for a job I was told I would never get hired because employers require RECENT employment in that job occupation (within last 2 years). There's probably a long list of ways people can be denied a job, that shouldn't exist, and don't make sense.

Too many uninformed voters electing liberal Democrats.

What Is Wrong With America ?

We forgot to send all the nignags back to Africa after we freed them.
Sorry your liberal education does not allow for reading comprehension. But thank you once again for proving that liberals don't wish to do anything for themselves. Idea: Send an e-mail to Your New Messiah - maybe he has a benefits program that might help.

"Sorry" to spoil your fun, but I'm not a liberal. In fact, I've been called a super conservative.




I thought you were conservative. But now I'm not so sure. You're sounding a lot like a liberal on this issue.
I'd agree you're not a liberal. I'd call you 'corporatist', but the labels don't really matter. It's your political values I find objectionable, regardless of what you choose to call them.

I hadn't hear of "corporatist" before. I don't have much to do with corporations. Never cared for them, actually. HA HA. I'm sometimes hard to figure out for younger conservatives (under 40), who really are Reaganists, not conservatives, but they don't know it.
For people who harken back to the Eisenhower days, we know what REAL conservatism is about, and sadly, it barely exists anymore today, having been ruined and replaced by Reaganism (small, weak govt, low taxes, low spending, minimal national security)

Corporatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Interesting definition. My first thought was it was to mean favoring corporate America (which I don't). Seeing this definition (interest groups), I'd have to say no, the only interest group I support is that of the American people, and I see it as my job to PROTECT them - often from interest groups who have only THEIR narrow interest in mind, which often are opposite to the interests of the American people (ex. BOTH the Republican AND Democratic parties, CAIR, ISNA, MSA, and all the other Muslim Brotherhood groups, La Raza, MALDEF, LULAC, and all the other anti-American often racist Hispanic groups, US Chamber of Commerce, NAACP, etc.
Please be brief. I will briefly state that there probably are 100 things (or more) wrong with America, but I will state just one for now >>

America is too much run by rich people. Members of Congress, the President and Vice-President, and members of the Supreme Court are generally all rich people. What do they know about middle class, lower middle class, and poor people's lives ? How can they make decisions about things they have no experience with, or have long forgotten from years past ? When have these people ever been unemployed, and out looking for a job, with a wide variety of things being used against them ? (credit reports, smear talk from former employers often untrue, etc). The last time I applied for a job I was told I would never get hired because employers require RECENT employment in that job occupation (within last 2 years). There's probably a long list of ways people can be denied a job, that shouldn't exist, and don't make sense.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Sorry your liberal education does not allow for reading comprehension. But thank you once again for proving that liberals don't wish to do anything for themselves. Idea: Send an e-mail to Your New Messiah - maybe he has a benefits program that might help.

"Sorry" to spoil your fun, but I'm not a liberal. In fact, I've been called a super conservative.




I thought you were conservative. But now I'm not so sure. You're sounding a lot like a liberal on this issue.

That's because you (and most people nowadays) are totally confused on these definitions. REAL Conservatives don't allow our nation to be overrun by millions of Mexican parasites, just so some businesses can boost their profits with cheap labor. RCs don't allow Muslim lunatics to endanger our people because they want taxes held down, which could have caught those creeps and arrested them. RCs don't bash people who wish to raise taxes on the rich enough to maintain a strong military, etc, etc.

It is necessary for people who wish to be a conservative (CONSERVING America's heritage, culture, language, and values) to know that it takes MONEY to do this. There are many well-organized and well-financed groups who, for their own specific ends, will drag this country through the dirt to get what they want. And by denying the US govt the funds it needs, you are helping them to do just that.

Examples abound. With too small budgets available to do proper vetting, the FBI's Arabic translation unit, instead of being a national security protection group, has been a right arm for the terrorists, al Qaeda, the Taliban, and other enemies (read Infiltration by Paul Sperry). With too few ICE agents, CBP officers, and no double fence on the border, Mexican invaders routinely (and criminally) cross the Mexican border, steal American jobs, and ruin our economy, by way of remittances$$$ and welfare (using the anchor baby racket). With too few $$ to build the prisons we need, dangerous criminals are released from prisons too early, and then go out and commit crimes all over again. With too few $$$ available (due to low taxes), dangerous infrastructure problems (ex. 1. Wolf Creek Dam 2. California Delta levees) continue to allow citizens to be in harm's way. I could go on and on with examples of how the proper PROTECTION that should be accorded the American people, is not being done.

And why not ? So some multimillionaire greed freak, who doesn't want to pay more than the 28% tax Reagan prescribed, can have 25 vacation homes in Europe and the Caribbean ? So some billionaire, with more money than he knows what to do with, can have solid gold bathroom fixtures, and art and jewlery collections that could buy Arizona ? Is that what you call "Conservative" ?

Sadly, that is what conservative has come to mean for millions of badly deluded people, and by denying the tax $$$ govt needs to defend the American people with, these modern pseudo-conservatives (Reaganists), are actaully serving the liberal cause more than the liberals themselves do. It is because of the lack of ICE agents, border patrollers, Mexican border fence, immigration courts & jails, and everything else needed to stop illegal immigration, that these things are not being provided (same old reason > budget cuts; lack of funds; Republicans calling for spending cuts). And the result ? Mexicans et al foreigners come flocking into the country, providing VOTES for Democrats, who then support more immigration, to support more Democrats, etc etc
The Muslim loons, who hide behind the Constitution, do the same. They support Democrats and liberals, who support them, and the Reaganists are facilitating all this with every dollar that they keep out of the FBI, the CIA, the DEA, the NSA, ICE, CBP, local and state police forces, the prison system, etc.

So, all you Reaganists (who very mistakenly think you are conservatives), the Muslim Brotherhood thanks you, the NAACP (and all their affirmative action lawyers) thank you, La Raza, LULAC, & MALDEF thank you, the ACLU thanks you, the SPLC thanks you, and last but not least, the Democratic Party thanks you.

The most REALLY Conservative president we've had in the last 60 years (Eisenhower), had a 91-92% tax on the rich, the whole 8 years he was in office. Think about it.
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At some point the rich stop doing anything that makes more money. They might close businesses. They might just sit on property that should really be sold and generating capital gains taxation. But it takes a French president to come up with a "wealth tax" that takes a chunk of everything you have each year until it's all gone.

Of geese and golden eggs.......

the american wealthy should pay a higher tax and be happy they dont live in France.

I do assume tho that the wealth tax would end when they're not wealthy anymore.

I've read that prior to the great depression the French had accumulated so much gold that they blunted the economys of the rest of the western nations...led to great depression.

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