What Is Wrong With America ?

FALSE! I did not say anything about part time working 15year old children, YOU said that. Strike 1. I also did not say anything about 40k a year. Again YOU said that. Strike 2. You have a bad habit of trying to put words in people's mouths, and then criticize them for it. Maybe you've been listening to too much of Rush Limbaugh.

And NO, I didn't pay any "employees" anything. I didn't HAVE any employees. I had independent contractors. Strike 3.

And NO, I didn't pay anybody what I thought they were worth (that's YOUR concept). I paid them what was more than FAIR. Strike 4.

NO, I'm not a hypocrite. Strike 5.

Strike 4 and 5 compensate for the ones the umpire gets wrong.

Well then you are the worst umpire ever because you got them all wrong junior. I could humiliate you by listing them all - but I'll just point out the most glaring one.

Who the fuck are you to decide what is "more than fair"? I've got $1,000 that says each and everyone of your contractors would say they did not receive "more" than fair. In fact, most would even respond they didn't even receive "fair" - they received less.

This here is the problem with Dumbocrats. They are the most ignorant, but arrogantly believe they are qualified to decide for the world what is "fair", "just", "right", or "equal"... :eusa_doh:

What is dumber than a "Dumbocrat" ? One who refers to someone who has never been a Democrat, as Democrat. Strike 1.

Also on the dumbest of USMB lost are those who refer to a 67 year old senior citizen as "junior" :lol: I can't help laughing at that one. Strike 2.

Paying workers the equivalent of over $300/hour is not "more than fair" ? Pheeeew! what is this guy been smoking ? Strike 3.

Saying that of the contracters who worked for me, "most would even respond they didn't even receive "fair" - they received less".
Yeah ? I wonder what possesses our deranged poster to come with something like that ? Strike 4.

Not I care what make a deranged person be that way, but it is curious as to how someone thinks that somehow it is "arrogant" to decide that paying a worker over $300/hour (in 2014 dollars) would be fair and just. Strike 5.

Using 4 letter curse words in a form post. Simply juvenile. Strike 6.

Would someone please get this poor soul some psychiatric help ? :cuckoo: I do believe he is going down fast. And maybe pray for him as well. :eusa_pray: I mean really. Or maybe it's just that he had a little too much to drink today. :alcoholic: Let's hope.

You're "67 years old" and yet you post "Strike 1, Strike 2,....." in every post? Yeah - ok junior. You're either the most immature 67 year old ever or you are not 67.

Second, why do you run from fair questions and a fair debate and hide behind "Strike 1...yuck, yuck, yuck, Strike 2....yuck, yuck, yuck"? Who the fuck are you to decide what is fair? Maybe the contractors felt $400 per hour is "fair".

See the failure in your absurd "logic", junior?
Fascism is a branch of socialism...absolutelt mindless brand new bs from the stupidest, most hateful propaganda machine ever seen in the usa.

We're a representative democracy, which is the definition of a republic, loudmouth brainwashed peabrain...ay caramba...change the channel and read something, pub dupe. Jfc

Actually that is not the definition of a Republic,....republics thru the ages have had direct citizen lawmaking. Most people around the world use the word to mean any country without a monarch or aristocracy.
FALSE! They worked odd hours. Only when customers were coming into a branch office to be sold a club membership (a branch office which was in a different county than where I was) This occured sometimes as few as once a week (one hour worked in the week, to about 7 times in a week) Typically, 3 or 4. I think I already explained this, didn't I ? :rolleyes:
Irrelevant. You demand we pay part time working 15year old children a living wage which you say is 40k a year. Yet you refused to do the same for your employees. Instead, you paid your employees what you thought they were worth. Yeah you are a hypocrite.

FALSE! I did not say anything about part time working 15year old children, YOU said that. Strike 1. I also did not say anything about 40k a year. Again YOU said that. Strike 2. You have a bad habit of trying to put words in people's mouths, and then criticize them for it. Maybe you've been listening to too much of Rush Limbaugh.

And NO, I didn't pay any "employees" anything. I didn't HAVE any employees. I had independent contractors. Strike 3.

And NO, I didn't pay anybody what I thought they were worth (that's YOUR concept). I paid them what was more than FAIR. Strike 4.

NO, I'm not a hypocrite. Strike 5.

Strike 4 and 5 compensate for the ones the umpire gets wrong.

You say you "did not say anything about part time working 15year old children" yet you clearly stated what you thought minimum wage should be for employees and there are a number of part time 15year old children who are minimum wage employees. Thus, you are lying.

You now say only employees deserve a living wage, not independent contractors. WOW just friggin wow. Is that how you sleep at night? Refusing to hire your workers as employees and making them work on 1099s instead?

As already explained your strike four was actually ball four.

As for your ability to blurt out hypocritical statements left and right with each post.. yeah you hit the next batter with the the first pitch, so he's also on base.
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Fascism is a branch of socialism...absolutelt mindless brand new bs from the stupidest, most hateful propaganda machine ever seen in the usa.

We're a representative democracy, which is the definition of a republic, loudmouth brainwashed peabrain...ay caramba...change the channel and read something, pub dupe. Jfc

Mises On Why Fascism Is A Form Of Socialism

He pointed out that it was “important to realize that Fascism and Nazism were socialist dictatorships” and that both had been “committed to the Soviet principle of dictatorship and violent oppression of dissenters."

We're a representative democracy, which is the definition of a republic, loudmouth brainwashed peabrain...ay caramba...change the channel and read something, pub dupe. Jfc

Tyranny by the majority is tyranny nevertheless.

Well then you are the worst umpire ever because you got them all wrong junior. I could humiliate you by listing them all - but I'll just point out the most glaring one.

Who the fuck are you to decide what is "more than fair"? I've got $1,000 that says each and everyone of your contractors would say they did not receive "more" than fair. In fact, most would even respond they didn't even receive "fair" - they received less.

This here is the problem with Dumbocrats. They are the most ignorant, but arrogantly believe they are qualified to decide for the world what is "fair", "just", "right", or "equal"... :eusa_doh:

What is dumber than a "Dumbocrat" ? One who refers to someone who has never been a Democrat, as Democrat. Strike 1.

Also on the dumbest of USMB lost are those who refer to a 67 year old senior citizen as "junior" :lol: I can't help laughing at that one. Strike 2.

Paying workers the equivalent of over $300/hour is not "more than fair" ? Pheeeew! what is this guy been smoking ? Strike 3.

Saying that of the contracters who worked for me, "most would even respond they didn't even receive "fair" - they received less".
Yeah ? I wonder what possesses our deranged poster to come with something like that ? Strike 4.

Not I care what make a deranged person be that way, but it is curious as to how someone thinks that somehow it is "arrogant" to decide that paying a worker over $300/hour (in 2014 dollars) would be fair and just. Strike 5.

Using 4 letter curse words in a form post. Simply juvenile. Strike 6.

Would someone please get this poor soul some psychiatric help ? :cuckoo: I do believe he is going down fast. And maybe pray for him as well. :eusa_pray: I mean really. Or maybe it's just that he had a little too much to drink today. :alcoholic: Let's hope.

You're "67 years old" and yet you post "Strike 1, Strike 2,....." in every post? Yeah - ok junior. You're either the most immature 67 year old ever or you are not 67.

Second, why do you run from fair questions and a fair debate and hide behind "Strike 1...yuck, yuck, yuck, Strike 2....yuck, yuck, yuck"? Who the fuck are you to decide what is fair? Maybe the contractors felt $400 per hour is "fair".

See the failure in your absurd "logic", junior?

Nothing immature about posting Strike 1. So, strike 1.

I know of no questions that I ran from, and when you accuse sonebody of doing that, you should supply the questions you calim they ran from (you didn't do that) Strike 2.

Using the 4 letter F word (doesn't do a thing to strengthen your post + diminishes your credibility) Strike 3.

I'm an American citizen, just as entitles to decide what is fair as anybody else is. Strike 4.

No, the contractors did not feel that $400 would be fair, and YOU KNOW it. Strike 5.

No, there's no failure in my logic, and YOU KNOW that too. Strike 6. Damn. Two strikeouts in only one at bat. You're a pitcher's dream. :lol:
Irrelevant. You demand we pay part time working 15year old children a living wage which you say is 40k a year. Yet you refused to do the same for your employees. Instead, you paid your employees what you thought they were worth. Yeah you are a hypocrite.

FALSE! I did not say anything about part time working 15year old children, YOU said that. Strike 1. I also did not say anything about 40k a year. Again YOU said that. Strike 2. You have a bad habit of trying to put words in people's mouths, and then criticize them for it. Maybe you've been listening to too much of Rush Limbaugh.

And NO, I didn't pay any "employees" anything. I didn't HAVE any employees. I had independent contractors. Strike 3.

And NO, I didn't pay anybody what I thought they were worth (that's YOUR concept). I paid them what was more than FAIR. Strike 4.

NO, I'm not a hypocrite. Strike 5.

Strike 4 and 5 compensate for the ones the umpire gets wrong.

You say you "did not say anything about part time working 15year old children" yet you clearly stated what you thought minimum wage should be for employees and there are a number of part time 15year old children who are minimum wage employees. Thus, you are lying.

You now say only employees deserve a living wage, not independent contractors. WOW just friggin wow. Is that how you sleep at night? Refusing to hire your workers as employees and making them work on 1099s instead?

As already explained your strike four was actually ball four.

As for your ability to blurt out hypocritical statements left and right with each post.. yeah you hit the next batter with the the first pitch, so he's also on base.

what you stated here does not constitute lying. Not one iota. What it constitutes is you talking like an idiot. You're trying very hard to put words in my mouth that would be wrong, and then attacking me for those words (which I didn't say - YOU said them)
I did not say anything about 15 year old working. Those are YOUR words not mine. So Strike 1/

Only employees are paid wages. That's how the system works, and I didn't invent it. Strike 2.

Yeah, I had independent contractors. So what ? Nothing wrong with that. Strike 3.

And as I said before > NO, I didn't pay anybody what I thought they were worth (that's YOUR concept). I paid them what was more than FAIR. Strike 4.

Next batter!! LOL!!!
FALSE! I did not say anything about part time working 15year old children, YOU said that. Strike 1. I also did not say anything about 40k a year. Again YOU said that. Strike 2. You have a bad habit of trying to put words in people's mouths, and then criticize them for it. Maybe you've been listening to too much of Rush Limbaugh.

And NO, I didn't pay any "employees" anything. I didn't HAVE any employees. I had independent contractors. Strike 3.

And NO, I didn't pay anybody what I thought they were worth (that's YOUR concept). I paid them what was more than FAIR. Strike 4.

NO, I'm not a hypocrite. Strike 5.

Strike 4 and 5 compensate for the ones the umpire gets wrong.

You say you "did not say anything about part time working 15year old children" yet you clearly stated what you thought minimum wage should be for employees and there are a number of part time 15year old children who are minimum wage employees. Thus, you are lying.

You now say only employees deserve a living wage, not independent contractors. WOW just friggin wow. Is that how you sleep at night? Refusing to hire your workers as employees and making them work on 1099s instead?

As already explained your strike four was actually ball four.

As for your ability to blurt out hypocritical statements left and right with each post.. yeah you hit the next batter with the the first pitch, so he's also on base.

what you stated here does not constitute lying. Not one iota. What it constitutes is you talking like an idiot. You're trying very hard to put words in my mouth that would be wrong, and then attacking me for those words (which I didn't say - YOU said them)
I did not say anything about 15 year old working. Those are YOUR words not mine. So Strike 1/

Only employees are paid wages. That's how the system works, and I didn't invent it. Strike 2.

Yeah, I had independent contractors. So what ? Nothing wrong with that. Strike 3.

And as I said before > NO, I didn't pay anybody what I thought they were worth (that's YOUR concept). I paid them what was more than FAIR. Strike 4.

Next batter!! LOL!!!
As I said, you insisted that we pay people a living wage. You insisted that the minimum living wage is 40grand a year. You never qualified who the eff you were limiting your discussion to other than people earning minimum wage. Then you denied that your discussion included 15year olds even though everyone knows 15year olds earn minimum wage. Then as an example of what you claimed was an exemplary wage you provided your example of when you were NOT paying even minimum wage to people that were working for you and you had the BALLS to hide behind 1099s as an excuse. All can read your bullshit. You are lying POS libtard pretending to be a conservative. No different than right winger and PMS. Where the hell you you pretenders come from? Who is paying you to trash this board with your crap?
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