What Is Wrong With America ?

A massive problem with America (as I postulated elsewhere) is that students are not taught how to think, but what to think, which results in a nation of sheeple that blindly follow along and believe whatever they're told by somebody with a name instead of questioning the validity of their claims.

If we have any hope of fixing this country, it needs to begin in the classroom.
A massive problem with America (as I postulated elsewhere) is that students are not taught how to think, but what to think, which results in a nation of sheeple that blindly follow along and believe whatever they're told by somebody with a name instead of questioning the validity of their claims.

If we have any hope of fixing this country, it needs to begin in the classroom.

Just think of all the MBAs and Lawyers!

Good grief.
A massive problem with America (as I postulated elsewhere) is that students are not taught how to think, but what to think, which results in a nation of sheeple that blindly follow along and believe whatever they're told by somebody with a name instead of questioning the validity of their claims.

If we have any hope of fixing this country, it needs to begin in the classroom.

That's why it's important to do homework with your kids.
1. Point is there's no reason to do ANY math...

Yep - that nicely sums up this ignorant, lazy, communist. There's "no reason" to do math, crunch numbers, and get facts and figures right. Nah! So much easier to do it the ignorant socialist way - like Nancy Pelosi & Barack Obama did with Obamacare - and just "pass it so we can find out what's in it". Any wonder why Obamacare is such a catastrophic failure when the left is made up of assholes like this who believe there is "no reason to do any math" and get precise projections? Strike 1

2. If you know that I said "40grand a year", then you could post the quote and its Post #. Strike 2.

Lazy asshat socialist here can't keep his story straight. He forgets his wild accusations, previous narrative, and official lies. Strike 2

3. Most 15 year olds don't work. They just attend school. Strike 3.

What about the ones that do? Strike 3

And where is your data to back up "most"? Furthermore, what constitutes "most" in your lazy, disingenuous, communist mind? 90%? 80%? Strike 4

4. I don't how you get a lie out if this. HA HA. What are you talking about ? Sure I paid the workers the eqiv of $330.hour. I paid them 15% of a $1000 sale, which took about an hour, in 1985. According to US BLS, that's $330 in 2013 dollars. Got it now, dense one ? Strike 4.

So now you didn't actually pay them "$330 per hour", you paid them a one time commission on a one time sale. Uh, big difference there junior. And, as I previously stated, I guarantee they would say it was not "fair". You just proved me right (thank you asshat!). $330 per hour for 2,080 hours a year is damn good money. A one time 15% commission on a one time $1,000 sale is pitiful (and is actually only $150 for those capable of doing math - which immediately eliminates asshat here who thinks 15% of $1,000 equals $330 :lmao:) Strike 5 for lying. Strike 6 for being incapable of doing basic math. Strike 7 for your complete and total loss of what little credibility you had left.

5. Just calling me a liar, with no substance behind it, just makes you look ridiculous, and turns out as a victory for ME. Strike 5.

Uh, yeah, you just proved yourself a liar. With no help from anyone else. Strike 8

6. I'm a registered Independent, not a Republican. And you're a libertarian ? Oh, they are just Republicans who want to do drugs. Hmm. Could that be your problem ? See kids ? This is why you should not do drugs.

Actually, you're a registered fuck'n moron. Strike 9

And I doubt you're anywhere near as conservative as me.

Dude - you're the farthest thing from a conservative since Joseph Stalin. You've spent the entire thread ranting like the idiot that you are about how capitalism is evil and communism is wonderful. Strike 10.

I support closing down all Muslim mosques and converting them into homeless or animal shelters.

How can you support something that doesn't even exist? No, seriously dumb ass, who is running on a platform of "close down all muslim mosques and convert them into something else"?!? Show me the party or candidate running on that platform. Strike 11. Strike 12. Strike 13 for saying something that fuck'n stupid.

Oh - and turning them into "homeless" shelters or "animal" shelters - yeah not conservative. If you were an actual conservative you would realize that we don't want the government unconstitutionally in the homeless or animal shelter business. You just proved that you're a full fledged crunchy-granola liberal asshat. Strike 14

I support removal of all Korans from libraries, schools, and bookstores.

Of course you do - you're a Dumbocrat. And Dumbocrats are on the left - the side that believes in government control over everything and everyone. The Nazi's also believed in removing books from libraries, schools, and bookstores. But this is no surprise to anyone with an IQ above that of a goat since communists, socialists, fascists, marxists, liberals, and progressives are all left on the political spectrum and 6 sides of the same exact coin. Strike 15

I support going to war against Mexico

Again, how can you "support" something that doesn't exist? Whose platform is "lets go to war with Mexico"? You literally take stupidity to an art form :bang3: Strike 16, Strike 17, and Strike 18 for redundant stupidity.

and an invasion of Pakistan to remove their nuclear weapons and secure them here in the US, where they can't threaten us. I also support the death penalty, and would reduce appeals to 2 years maximum, with public executions that are painful and slow (like hanging). I would also ban affirmative action in all 50 states, and make those who have supported it, pay reparations to all the whites who have been discriminated against by it.

In other words, you're a typical hateful racist Dumbocrat? Strike 19

Oh - and Strike 20 for still being too fuck'n stupid to realize it is impossible to get past strike three...

20 strikes in one post?!? Congrats - you now hold the record for ignorance and ineptitude in a single post. But with your talent for stupidity, I can easily see you being the next Hank Aaron and breaking the career mark!
If you're serious about any of that, then you are what is wrong with America.

Now you have an opportunity to back up those words by telling us WHY. I don't mind criticism of my views. I just like to see people show that they have some reasons upon which to base their views.

Muslims have Constitutional rights. Going door to door to search for beaners wouldn't fly, just stop them all on the street. You give no reason to invade Mexico, because they have nothing worth shit down there, and Pakistan doesn't threaten the US with nukes, which would probably blow up in their faces anyways if they tried to do something with one. Public hangings and the like are for the muslim monsters, leave that alone. AA should be ended, but forget reparations, they're all broke anyways.

Strike 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Two outs, all in one at bat. A pitcher's dream.

1. Islam is outlawed by Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution (the Supremacy Clause). Just because something isn't enforced, doesn't mean it isn't law. Islam is also outlawed by US code 2384 (Seditious Conspiracy) & Us Code 2385 (Advocating overthrow of Government)

2. Who cares where you apprehend illegal aliens, as long as you get them ? (out of the US)

3. http://www.usmessageboard.com/usmb-...nvasion-of-the-united-states-1950-2012-a.html

4. Pakistan trains 8,000 to guard nuclear arsenal ? USATODAY.com

WikiLeaks cables highlight Pakistani nuclear terror threat | World news | The Guardian

Enough about Iran, Pakistan's nuclear threat should be our top concern | Fox News

Afghan pullout seen as new threat for U.S. | Tampa Bay Times

'Pakistan nuclear weapons' threat under estimated' | NDTV.com

5. One of the reasons why the death penalty is less a deterrent than it could be, is because it is hidden deep within the prison, and people don't see it. Also it is too painless.

6. The NAACP ain't broke. The ACLU ain't broke. And more than sixty leading Fortune 500 companies sure aren't broke, including 3M, Coca-Cola, General Electric, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, Kraft Foods, Microsoft, Nike, Pepsi, Procter &Gamble, Reebok, and Xerox, who all came out in support of affirmative action in 2003, in an amicus brief to the Supreme Court in Grutter vs. Bollinger.
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To little to late- America is now officially a giant shit hole

There are hundreds of formerly prosperous communities all over America that are being steadily transformed into rotting, decaying hellholes. The good paying middle class jobs that once supported those communities are long gone, and they have been replaced with low paying service jobs if they have been replaced at all.."

That 's what happens when you force taxpayers and producers to pay for the gargantuan welfare/warfare police state.

The welfare state wouldn't be so bad if most of it wasn't supporting immigrants, including many illegal ones scamming the system with false documentation and/or the anchor baby racket.

In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.

one problem with America is that we have too much debt.

Kevin Phillips, a speech writer for Reagan I believe, wrote a book called arrogant capital were he showed how nations throughout history become captives of wealthy bankers and finance people. These people continually lobby for lower taxes, partly out of simple greed but also so they can wheel and deal in government debt. It eventually destroys great national powers.

as I posted below

James Madison, the Constitution's main author, described inequality as an evil, saying government should prevent "an immoderate, and especially unmerited, accumulation of riches." He favored "the silent operation of laws which, without violating the rights of property, reduce extreme wealth towards a state of mediocrity, and raise extreme indigents towards a state of comfort." "

We need to tax the wealthy at much larger rates to save this country.

I agree, and so do an overwhelming majority of Americans, as shown by a litany of polls. Govt stats also show that GDP and job growth were highest in America when top bracket taxes were 75-80%, followed by the 91-92% Eisenhower years.

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one problem with America is that we have too much debt.

Kevin Phillips, a speech writer for Reagan I believe, wrote a book called arrogant capital were he showed how nations throughout history become captives of wealthy bankers and finance people. These people continually lobby for lower taxes, partly out of simple greed but also so they can wheel and deal in government debt. It eventually destroys great national powers.

as I posted below

James Madison, the Constitution's main author, described inequality as an evil, saying government should prevent "an immoderate, and especially unmerited, accumulation of riches." He favored "the silent operation of laws which, without violating the rights of property, reduce extreme wealth towards a state of mediocrity, and raise extreme indigents towards a state of comfort." "

We need to tax the wealthy at much larger rates to save this country.

Yeah - you've tried that approach and you've failed. That's what has created this mess. And in typical socialist/communist ignorant ideology, you refuse to accept the failed results of your failed ideology. That absurd idiocy collapsed the former U.S.S.R. It collapsed Cuba. It collapsed Cambodia. It collapsed Ethiopia. It collapsed Vietnam. It is collapsing Greece, Spain, England, and France.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time.

Furthermore, it is not the responsibility of the federal government to "prevent" people from "accumulating riches". It never has been and it never will be. Nor should it. I know this because I've actually read the entire Constitution. Which begs the question - why haven't you?

No it HASN'T failed. You who say that I have had my ass handed to me with facts are full of shit. You wouldn't know a "fact" if it flew into your mouth. So dcraelin's idea of raising taxes on the wealthy at much larger rates has failed, has it ?

Well, the "fact" is when taxes were raised on the rich in America, we had some of our very best GDP and job growth in the Eisenhower years and Clinton years.

Clinton raised taxes on the rich from the pitiful 31% of Bush 41, to 39.6% in 1993, and the country's GDP growth jumped from a crummy 2.6% of the Reagan/Bush years, to a robust 3.8% under Clinton. During the same period, job growth jumped from an awful 1.1% with Reagan/Bush (28-31% tax) to a healthy 2.4% with Clinton's raised tax on the wealthy. > Proving you Wrong, and full of shit., because you already know what I'm saying is true, you fucking LIAR.

You also probably know that the Soviet Union collapsed from spending too much on military and space, and not from overtaxing anybody. Even elementary school kids know that, you dumb shit.




As for the responsibility of the federal government to "prevent" people from "accumulating riches". who ever said those words ? Answer ? YOU DID. Trying to falsely erect a positive image for yourself, by projecting false guilt. What it is the federal government's responsibility to do is to PROTECT the American people from dangerous infrastructure, Islamist lunatics, Mexican invaders, and enemies both foreign and domestic (like you). And when that suggests raising taxes on the rich (in accordance with the wishes of the great majority of Americans), as it certainly does now in 2014, then that's exactly what the govt should do. No doubt about it.

What's the matter, puppy ? Are you in that top bracket ? Afraid you might be having to pay a NORMAL tax for a change ?
(70-94%) > the tax on the top bracket for most of the past 95 years.
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A massive problem with America (as I postulated elsewhere) is that students are not taught how to think, but what to think, which results in a nation of sheeple that blindly follow along and believe whatever they're told by somebody with a name instead of questioning the validity of their claims.

If we have any hope of fixing this country, it needs to begin in the classroom.

Very true. Amazing how people gravitate to people with names like Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush ? My god. After the 2 economic disasters of the last 2 Bushes, do we really want to go there again ?

Also amazing is how little kids are taught about the law. It's generally not taught. Kids walk around thinking that they can just punch somebody out, if they feel like it. Apparently nobody ever taught them it's a CRIME, for which they could get a year in the County jail (done to a senior over 65, it's 3rd degree felony in Florida - 5 years in a state prison) They also don't seem to be getting taught that they could easily get shot by somebody carrying a gun with a concealed weapon license (Ex. Trayvon Martin) Instant death penalty. Important stuff to know. Who's teaching it ?

I also notice that almost nobody seems to know what they're required to do if they get into a car accident.
1. Point is there's no reason to do ANY math...

Yep - that nicely sums up this ignorant, lazy, communist. There's "no reason" to do math, crunch numbers, and get facts and figures right. Nah! So much easier to do it the ignorant socialist way - like Nancy Pelosi & Barack Obama did with Obamacare - and just "pass it so we can find out what's in it". Any wonder why Obamacare is such a catastrophic failure when the left is made up of assholes like this who believe there is "no reason to do any math" and get precise projections? Strike 1

2. If you know that I said "40grand a year", then you could post the quote and its Post #. Strike 2.

Lazy asshat socialist here can't keep his story straight. He forgets his wild accusations, previous narrative, and official lies. Strike 2

What about the ones that do? Strike 3

And where is your data to back up "most"? Furthermore, what constitutes "most" in your lazy, disingenuous, communist mind? 90%? 80%? Strike 4

So now you didn't actually pay them "$330 per hour", you paid them a one time commission on a one time sale. Uh, big difference there junior. And, as I previously stated, I guarantee they would say it was not "fair". You just proved me right (thank you asshat!). $330 per hour for 2,080 hours a year is damn good money. A one time 15% commission on a one time $1,000 sale is pitiful (and is actually only $150 for those capable of doing math - which immediately eliminates asshat here who thinks 15% of $1,000 equals $330 :lmao:) Strike 5 for lying. Strike 6 for being incapable of doing basic math. Strike 7 for your complete and total loss of what little credibility you had left.

Uh, yeah, you just proved yourself a liar. With no help from anyone else. Strike 8

Actually, you're a registered fuck'n moron. Strike 9

Dude - you're the farthest thing from a conservative since Joseph Stalin. You've spent the entire thread ranting like the idiot that you are about how capitalism is evil and communism is wonderful. Strike 10.

How can you support something that doesn't even exist? No, seriously dumb ass, who is running on a platform of "close down all muslim mosques and convert them into something else"?!? Show me the party or candidate running on that platform. Strike 11. Strike 12. Strike 13 for saying something that fuck'n stupid.

Oh - and turning them into "homeless" shelters or "animal" shelters - yeah not conservative. If you were an actual conservative you would realize that we don't want the government unconstitutionally in the homeless or animal shelter business. You just proved that you're a full fledged crunchy-granola liberal asshat. Strike 14

Of course you do - you're a Dumbocrat. And Dumbocrats are on the left - the side that believes in government control over everything and everyone. The Nazi's also believed in removing books from libraries, schools, and bookstores. But this is no surprise to anyone with an IQ above that of a goat since communists, socialists, fascists, marxists, liberals, and progressives are all left on the political spectrum and 6 sides of the same exact coin. Strike 15

I support going to war against Mexico

Again, how can you "support" something that doesn't exist? Whose platform is "lets go to war with Mexico"? You literally take stupidity to an art form :bang3: Strike 16, Strike 17, and Strike 18 for redundant stupidity.

and an invasion of Pakistan to remove their nuclear weapons and secure them here in the US, where they can't threaten us. I also support the death penalty, and would reduce appeals to 2 years maximum, with public executions that are painful and slow (like hanging). I would also ban affirmative action in all 50 states, and make those who have supported it, pay reparations to all the whites who have been discriminated against by it.

In other words, you're a typical hateful racist Dumbocrat? Strike 19

Oh - and Strike 20 for still being too fuck'n stupid to realize it is impossible to get past strike three...

20 strikes in one post?!? Congrats - you now hold the record for ignorance and ineptitude in a single post. But with your talent for stupidity, I can easily see you being the next Hank Aaron and breaking the career mark!

1. Completely taken out of context, and altered strictly for dabbing the sores that I inflicted on your highly sensitive (deranged) feelings. :lol:

2. As for the ACA, when YOU get your ass racked in a car accident, and you're needing medical/personal care for what's left of you, and your illustrious private insurer drops you like a hot potato, what will you have to turn to ? Why the ACA, that's what. Well lucky you (even if you're too stupid to know it).

3. I didn't forget anything. And the dude didn't show any quote or Post # about this "40grand a year" alleged statement . And neither have you, I notice. :razz:

4. What constitutes "most" you ask ? And then you suggest 90%, 80%. What's the matter ? In your hot to trot expensive, bourgeois school, didn't they ever teach you what "most" means ? It means MORE THAN HALF, you dumbbell. Maybe you should have went to the socialistic, public school that I went to. :eusa_whistle:

5. NO, it's NOT a big difference. $330 for an hour's work is $330 for an hour's work whether it's a commission or anything else. As for this piece of priceless idiocy you said >> "A one time 15% commission on a one time $1,000 sale is pitiful (and is actually only $150 for those capable of doing math - which immediately eliminates asshat here who thinks 15% of $1,000 equals $330 :lmao:) Strike 5 for lying. Strike 6 for being incapable of doing basic math. Strike 7 for your complete and total loss of what little credibility you had left."
HA HA HA!!! Now that you went through all that effort trying to disparage me, all you succeeded in doing is making a complete FOOL out of yourself. You ought to try reading some of the previous posts before you jump into a discussion and start throwing tantrum toys around, little boy. If you had done that you would have seen that the over $330 was a transposition from 1985 dollars (of $150) to 2013 dollars, based on the US Bureau of Labor Statistics' inflation calculator. Got it now ? You dolt! http://www.bls.gov/data/inflation_calculator.htm
Now look who just lost "what little credibility you had left." :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

6. Like many other ignorant Reaganists, too young to remember the pre-Reagan years when REAL Conservatism flourished, you are clueless about conservatism. For your young edification, "Conservative" means CONSERVING the values, principles, and culture of America, as well as a strong emphasis on NATIONAL SECURITY,which your dumber than hell Reaganist philosophy goes right in the opposite direction away from. Your senseless idea of small, weak govt, with low taxes (on the rich) and low spending is just perfect for the enemies of America, who wish to weaken America, if not destroy it entirely (like the Muslim Brotherhood). REAL Conservatives, like the guy in my avatar, know that high taxes on the rich, to support a BIG, STRONG govt is what's needed to maintain a secure national security. That's why Ike had a 91-92% tax on the rich (don't even think of telling me about "effective" tax rates - I know all about it). And when Ike chased the Mexican invaders back to Mexico in Operation Wetback in 1954, THAT was REAL Conservatism (only to have your boy, Reagan, give them amnesty 32 years later). And when the REAL conservative (Eisenhower), was grinding his way across Germany, as Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe in World War II, on his way to Berlin, and victory, your small govt low taxer, Reagan (not thinking about national security), was in Hollywood making movies about it. LOL.

7. And now you label me as a Democrat, huh ? HA HA HA HA!!!! Well, maybe my position to ban Islam, go to war with Mexico, deport all illegal aliens, and ban affirmative action, inspired that ? You think ? HAAAAA! This is too funny. OK, Assclown. I've had my fun with you. That's enough.

I could go on, but you've already hung yourself here. I've got better things to do than dignify your posts with a response, which, of course, they don't even come close to qualifying for. Good night, imbecile.
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one problem with America is that we have too much debt.
Kevin Phillips, a speech writer for Reagan I believe, wrote a book called arrogant capital were he showed how nations throughout history become captives of wealthy bankers and finance people. These people continually lobby for lower taxes, partly out of simple greed but also so they can wheel and deal in government debt. It eventually destroys great national powers.
as I posted below
James Madison, the Constitution's main author, described inequality as an evil, saying government should prevent "an immoderate, and especially unmerited, accumulation of riches." He favored "the silent operation of laws which, without violating the rights of property, reduce extreme wealth towards a state of mediocrity, and raise extreme indigents towards a state of comfort." "
We need to tax the wealthy at much larger rates to save this country.
Yeah - you've tried that approach and you've failed. That's what has created this mess. And in typical socialist/communist ignorant ideology, you refuse to accept the failed results of your failed ideology. That absurd idiocy collapsed the former U.S.S.R. It collapsed Cuba. It collapsed Cambodia. It collapsed Ethiopia. It collapsed Vietnam. It is collapsing Greece, Spain, England, and France.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time.
Furthermore, it is not the responsibility of the federal government to "prevent" people from "accumulating riches". It never has been and it never will be. Nor should it. I know this because I've actually read the entire Constitution. Which begs the question - why haven't you?

Was Madison a socialist/communist?????!!

he didnt say any accumulation of riches, he said "an immoderate, and especially unmerited, accumulation of riches."

Like I said before people can still get rich with high tax rates. Ross Perot made his money when tax rate was 70%.

I have read the constitution, and I dare say I know it better than you.
We need to tax the wealthy at much larger rates to save this country.

WE don't need to do anything. If you want to rob your neighbors to satiate your greed, then get a crowbar and pry their door open. Quit pretending that others should aid you in your larceny because you are too much of a coward to rob others on your own. And yes, they very well might shoot you dead.
The US spends more on the military than THE REST OF THE WORLD COMBINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There's your problem.
We need to tax the wealthy at much larger rates to save this country.

WE don't need to do anything. If you want to rob your neighbors to satiate your greed, then get a crowbar and pry their door open. Quit pretending that others should aid you in your larceny because you are too much of a coward to rob others on your own. And yes, they very well might shoot you dead.

Restoring America normal tax rates (that existed for most of the past 95 years) is not robbing anybody of anything. When you talk ridiculous, you lose credibility.

And one could just as easily say underpaying employees = robbing them of their labor pay. In fact, that's a lot more plausible.
Restoring America normal tax rates (that existed for most of the past 95 years) is not robbing anybody of anything. When you talk ridiculous, you lose credibility.

When the tax rate was 95%, the top 1% paid LESS of their income in taxes than now, not more.

The rate was lowered and the loopholes closed.

And one could just as easily say underpaying employees = robbing them of their labor pay. In fact, that's a lot more plausible.

Actually, that's mentally retarded. "Underpaying" an employee is illegal. If your rate is $8 an hour, and I only pay you $4 an hour, go to the labor board.
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Interesting article

Why Thomas Jefferson Favored Profit Sharing - Newsweek

" The second president, John Adams, feared "monopolies of land" would destroy the nation and that a business aristocracy born of inequality would manipulate voters, creating "a system of subordination to all... The capricious will of one or a very few" dominating the rest. Unless constrained, Adams wrote, "the rich and the proud" would wield economic and political power that "will destroy all the equality and liberty, with the consent and acclamations of the people themselves."

James Madison, the Constitution's main author, described inequality as an evil, saying government should prevent "an immoderate, and especially unmerited, accumulation of riches." He favored "the silent operation of laws which, without violating the rights of property, reduce extreme wealth towards a state of mediocrity, and raise extreme indigents towards a state of comfort." "

He was referring to socialism, fascism, crony capitalism pp 30-34

The US spends more on the military than THE REST OF THE WORLD COMBINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There's your problem.

Yup we should let all you pansies take care of yourselves.

We should stop all foreign aid and give all that money back to the American people.

We do better when people keep more of their own money.
We need to tax the wealthy at much larger rates to save this country.

WE don't need to do anything. If you want to rob your neighbors to satiate your greed, then get a crowbar and pry their door open. Quit pretending that others should aid you in your larceny because you are too much of a coward to rob others on your own. And yes, they very well might shoot you dead.

Restoring America normal tax rates (that existed for most of the past 95 years) is not robbing anybody of anything. When you talk ridiculous, you lose credibility.

And one could just as easily say underpaying employees = robbing them of their labor pay. In fact, that's a lot more plausible.

The point is that raising the upper income tax rates WILL NOT FIX THE FISCAL MESS. We could take 100% of the income of the top 10% and it would not eliminate the deficit for one year.

Tax revenue is not the problem------spending is the problem.

Until the govt balances spending to revenue the fiscal mess will only get worse.

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