What Is Wrong With America ?

I told you before, I'm not going to read your posts. And I asked you a bunch of questions in this thread, which you, like a gutless coward, have been running from ever since, and have never even half-adequately answered. So you don't have a toe to stand on to be asking me anything, at this point. :eusa_shhh:
Yeah well some days I have to work for living.

Again.. you are wrong in the context of having sex, getting married etc., older teenagers are not considered by our government to be children. Not now, and certainly not in the past. Not unless that means they let "children" drive and have sex with adults and get married to adults.. etc.

And buying alcoholic beverages ?

What does booze have to do with the context of having sex and getting married?
You paid your "sales" people as much as Six Hundred and Fifty THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR?

I realize that, at his point, you have established yourself (along with all the other economics ZEROs of this thread) as a total knucklehead on business economics, but at least you could post without making things up. Did I say I paid somebody $650,000/year ? No, I didn't. Did you say those words ? Yes, you did. Please refrain from talking idiocy. This thread already has too much of that. Thank you.

You said $325 an hour, not me. You also said people should be paid for 40hrs a week, not me. Make up your frigging mind. FYI $325 at 40hrs a week amounts to about $650,000 a year. If that's not what you "meant" to say then explain. Maybe you meant you paid them by commission not by the hour. Maybe you assume how many hours they worked. Maybe you are talking out of your ass. Your definition of "living wage" appears to be quite fluid.

NO, I didn't say "people should be paid for 40 hours a week". YOU said that.

The people I paid worked about an hour, each time they worked, to close a sale, and they got paid a 15% commission on a $1000 sale, in 1985. That's is $150 for one hour's work, which going by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics inflation calculator, works out to $325 an hour, in 2013 dollars. Got it, now ?

Let this be a lesson to you, to not go assuming things, and jumping in here with your mouth ahead of your brain.
Yeah well some days I have to work for living.

Again.. you are wrong in the context of having sex, getting married etc., older teenagers are not considered by our government to be children. Not now, and certainly not in the past. Not unless that means they let "children" drive and have sex with adults and get married to adults.. etc.

And buying alcoholic beverages ?

What does booze have to do with the context of having sex and getting married?

Nothing. It has to do with being a "child" or not being one. That was the discussion, in case you forgot.
No, flunker. I don't "subscribe" to the propaganda mills.

What you mean to say is that you've never had so much as an introductory economics course. You have no idea who Milton Freedman, Ludwig Von Mises, Adam Smith, Jean-Baptiste Say, John Taylor, Arthur Laffer, Murray Rothbard, et al. are.

You read a diatribe by Paul Krugman on ThinkProgress or some other hate site, and figured you could bullshit your way through based on your ignorant misunderstanding of Krugmans faulty logic and misapplication or Keynesian theory.

In other words, you're a fraud and a blowhard - but everyone here already knew that.

In other words, you are a fraud, who tries to hide behind people's names, but still can't tell me what your response would be to a MW increase, if you owned a business, and were paying people MW ? I challenge you right now. What would you do ? Or not do ?
Oh, the sock puppet theories begin to arise! HA HA HA. Well lets see. What is this PMS dude's positions on banning Islam, Obama's Muslim Brotherhood connections, fighting off the Mexican invasion, and having every US state using the death penalty ?





He's your twin.. go ask him yourself.

Not interested. He's YOUR topic, not mine. And I seriously doubt that he's even close to being my twin. :doubt:

So basically given that you don't know him you assume you must not be like him.
I realize that, at his point, you have established yourself (along with all the other economics ZEROs of this thread) as a total knucklehead on business economics, but at least you could post without making things up. Did I say I paid somebody $650,000/year ? No, I didn't. Did you say those words ? Yes, you did. Please refrain from talking idiocy. This thread already has too much of that. Thank you.

You said $325 an hour, not me. You also said people should be paid for 40hrs a week, not me. Make up your frigging mind. FYI $325 at 40hrs a week amounts to about $650,000 a year. If that's not what you "meant" to say then explain. Maybe you meant you paid them by commission not by the hour. Maybe you assume how many hours they worked. Maybe you are talking out of your ass. Your definition of "living wage" appears to be quite fluid.

NO, I didn't say "people should be paid for 40 hours a week". YOU said that.

The people I paid worked about an hour, each time they worked, to close a sale, and they got paid a 15% commission on a $1000 sale, in 1985. That's is $150 for one hour's work, which going by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics inflation calculator, works out to $325 an hour, in 2013 dollars. Got it, now ?

Let this be a lesson to you, to not go assuming things, and jumping in here with your mouth ahead of your brain.

I see to basically back in the 1980s you did not believe in paying your workers a living wage, however now that you are "retired" you demand that we pay people a living wage. Got it. You're just a typical hypocrite, just like PMS was.
In 1980 we were told that high labor costs were strangling productivity. We were told that everything we did to strengthen middle class purchasing power needed to end so that our suppliers could realize higher profits , which would trickle down.

So we listened to Reagan, and we created trade policies which allowed our noble patriotic capitalists to move production to Communist China, Taiwan, Mexico ... places where workers make under $5/day and live beneath brutal freedom hating dictators.

By doing this we made American owners and investors wealthy enough to fund elections, staff government and apply unprecedented lobbying pressure in order to capture regulators and influence the legislative process (talk about concentrated power. Reagan put money in charge).

Unfortunately, after shipping the American Dream to Chinese sweatshops, we were left with too few good jobs. So we radically expanded credit cards and other debt vehicles to American family (so they could survive in the new low wage America). As a result, consumers spent 30 years going into debt. Now, the great American consumer can't spend enough in the aggregate to sustain job growth. To make mattes worse, our consumption classes are too indebted to borrow ... There's no more space on the credit card Reagan handed to the American consumer in 1980.

The game is over.

Consumer Demand is finally dead.
In 1980 we were told that high labor costs were strangling productivity. We were told that everything we did to strengthen middle class purchasing power needed to end so that our suppliers could realize higher profits , which would trickle down.

So we listened to Reagan, and we created trade policies which allowed our noble patriotic capitalists to move production to Communist China, Taiwan, Mexico ... places where workers make under $5/day and live beneath brutal freedom hating dictators.

By doing this we made American owners and investors wealthy enough to fund elections, staff government and apply unprecedented lobbying pressure in order to capture regulators and influence the legislative process (talk about concentrated power. Reagan put money in charge).

Unfortunately, after shipping the American Dream to Chinese sweatshops, we were left with too few good jobs. So we radically expanded credit cards and other debt vehicles to American family (so they could survive in the new low wage America). As a result, consumers spent 30 years going into debt. Now, the great American consumer can't spend enough in the aggregate to sustain job growth. To make mattes worse, our consumption classes are too indebted to borrow ... There's no more space on the credit card Reagan handed to the American consumer in 1980.

The game is over.

Consumer Demand is finally dead.
We are on the same side as Chinese labor. A lot of the problem is that their wages are not growing fast enough and their access to US goods is not good enough.

Growth in places like China is where we will see a lot of the increases in productivity which will benefit everyone.
In 1980 we were told that high labor costs were strangling productivity. We were told that everything we did to strengthen middle class purchasing power needed to end so that our suppliers could realize higher profits , which would trickle down.

So we listened to Reagan, and we created trade policies which allowed our noble patriotic capitalists to move production to Communist China, Taiwan, Mexico ... places where workers make under $5/day and live beneath brutal freedom hating dictators.

By doing this we made American owners and investors wealthy enough to fund elections, staff government and apply unprecedented lobbying pressure in order to capture regulators and influence the legislative process (talk about concentrated power. Reagan put money in charge).

Unfortunately, after shipping the American Dream to Chinese sweatshops, we were left with too few good jobs. So we radically expanded credit cards and other debt vehicles to American family (so they could survive in the new low wage America). As a result, consumers spent 30 years going into debt. Now, the great American consumer can't spend enough in the aggregate to sustain job growth. To make mattes worse, our consumption classes are too indebted to borrow ... There's no more space on the credit card Reagan handed to the American consumer in 1980.

The game is over.

Consumer Demand is finally dead.

Wow….your hatred of Reagan is painfully obvious. It's a shame that you have no damned idea about that of which you "speak".

One word - NAFTA

The President who sold us down the river? Bill Clinton.

You want to be mad? How about being mad at the responsible piece of trash….
In 1980 we were told that high labor costs were strangling productivity. We were told that everything we did to strengthen middle class purchasing power needed to end so that our suppliers could realize higher profits , which would trickle down.

So we listened to Reagan, and we created trade policies which allowed our noble patriotic capitalists to move production to Communist China, Taiwan, Mexico ... places where workers make under $5/day and live beneath brutal freedom hating dictators.

By doing this we made American owners and investors wealthy enough to fund elections, staff government and apply unprecedented lobbying pressure in order to capture regulators and influence the legislative process (talk about concentrated power. Reagan put money in charge).

Unfortunately, after shipping the American Dream to Chinese sweatshops, we were left with too few good jobs. So we radically expanded credit cards and other debt vehicles to American family (so they could survive in the new low wage America). As a result, consumers spent 30 years going into debt. Now, the great American consumer can't spend enough in the aggregate to sustain job growth. To make mattes worse, our consumption classes are too indebted to borrow ... There's no more space on the credit card Reagan handed to the American consumer in 1980.

The game is over.

Consumer Demand is finally dead.

Wow….your hatred of Reagan is painfully obvious. It's a shame that you have no damned idea about that of which you "speak".

One word - NAFTA

The President who sold us down the river? Bill Clinton.

You want to be mad? How about being mad at the responsible piece of trash….

If you think trade imbalances are bad then there is no doubt you can point to the explosion of the trade imbalance under Reagan.

If you are going to blame Clinton then blame him for the China deals more than NAFTA. NAFTA isn't that imbalanced.
He's your twin.. go ask him yourself.

Not interested. He's YOUR topic, not mine. And I seriously doubt that he's even close to being my twin. :doubt:

So basically given that you don't know him you assume you must not be like him.

I don't have to know him. I just know that my views are unusual in today's world. They are ultra-Conservative views of the 1950s, that most people today are oblivious to.
The chances that anyone would share my all views (thereby boing "twin"), is slim.
You said $325 an hour, not me. You also said people should be paid for 40hrs a week, not me. Make up your frigging mind. FYI $325 at 40hrs a week amounts to about $650,000 a year. If that's not what you "meant" to say then explain. Maybe you meant you paid them by commission not by the hour. Maybe you assume how many hours they worked. Maybe you are talking out of your ass. Your definition of "living wage" appears to be quite fluid.

NO, I didn't say "people should be paid for 40 hours a week". YOU said that.

The people I paid worked about an hour, each time they worked, to close a sale, and they got paid a 15% commission on a $1000 sale, in 1985. That's is $150 for one hour's work, which going by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics inflation calculator, works out to $325 an hour, in 2013 dollars. Got it, now ?

Let this be a lesson to you, to not go assuming things, and jumping in here with your mouth ahead of your brain.

I see to basically back in the 1980s you did not believe in paying your workers a living wage, however now that you are "retired" you demand that we pay people a living wage. Got it. You're just a typical hypocrite, just like PMS was.

Maybe you just slipped and hit your head ? Could that be it ? I paid them $325/hour, and at what I earlier said would be a living wage ($20/hr in most places in America), that would be 16 times higher than a living wage. Yup. I demand that you pay people a living wage (and so do most Americans). If you can't do that, you have no business being in business. If you can't afford it, then you're no different than all the rest who also can't afford it, and you should do what they do. Get a job!
In 1980 we were told that high labor costs were strangling productivity. We were told that everything we did to strengthen middle class purchasing power needed to end so that our suppliers could realize higher profits , which would trickle down.

So we listened to Reagan, and we created trade policies which allowed our noble patriotic capitalists to move production to Communist China, Taiwan, Mexico ... places where workers make under $5/day and live beneath brutal freedom hating dictators.

By doing this we made American owners and investors wealthy enough to fund elections, staff government and apply unprecedented lobbying pressure in order to capture regulators and influence the legislative process (talk about concentrated power. Reagan put money in charge).

Unfortunately, after shipping the American Dream to Chinese sweatshops, we were left with too few good jobs. So we radically expanded credit cards and other debt vehicles to American family (so they could survive in the new low wage America). As a result, consumers spent 30 years going into debt. Now, the great American consumer can't spend enough in the aggregate to sustain job growth. To make mattes worse, our consumption classes are too indebted to borrow ... There's no more space on the credit card Reagan handed to the American consumer in 1980.

The game is over.

Consumer Demand is finally dead.

Part of the "too few good jobs" is 8 million reduced wage jobs given to illegal aliens + millions more (including many skilled jobs) given to legal aliens on work visas. The American worker has been abandoned by the movement to cheap, foreign labor in both international outsourcing and domestic outsourcing (AKA "immigration").
NO, I didn't say "people should be paid for 40 hours a week". YOU said that.

The people I paid worked about an hour, each time they worked, to close a sale, and they got paid a 15% commission on a $1000 sale, in 1985. That's is $150 for one hour's work, which going by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics inflation calculator, works out to $325 an hour, in 2013 dollars. Got it, now ?

Let this be a lesson to you, to not go assuming things, and jumping in here with your mouth ahead of your brain.

I see to basically back in the 1980s you did not believe in paying your workers a living wage, however now that you are "retired" you demand that we pay people a living wage. Got it. You're just a typical hypocrite, just like PMS was.

Maybe you just slipped and hit your head ? Could that be it ? I paid them $325/hour, and at what I earlier said would be a living wage ($20/hr in most places in America), that would be 16 times higher than a living wage. Yup. I demand that you pay people a living wage (and so do most Americans). If you can't do that, you have no business being in business. If you can't afford it, then you're no different than all the rest who also can't afford it, and you should do what they do. Get a job!

Apparently no one ever taught you basic math. 325x1hr = 325 a week. 7.22x45hrs = 325 a week. So you were paying your employees what you say is a non-living wage.
Please be brief. I will briefly state that there probably are 100 things (or more) wrong with America, but I will state just one for now >>

America is too much run by rich people. Members of Congress, the President and Vice-President, and members of the Supreme Court are generally all rich people. What do they know about middle class, lower middle class, and poor people's lives ? How can they make decisions about things they have no experience with, or have long forgotten from years past ? When have these people ever been unemployed, and out looking for a job, with a wide variety of things being used against them ? (credit reports, smear talk from former employers often untrue, etc). The last time I applied for a job I was told I would never get hired because employers require RECENT employment in that job occupation (within last 2 years). There's probably a long list of ways people can be denied a job, that shouldn't exist, and don't make sense.
You are not wrong, but here is what in my view is PRIMARILY wrong with America: people are sucked into political circus on television, fed, and therefor, they prefer to play activists by bashing the left or the right as is allowed and encouraged by the establishment media. But what happens when someone speaks out against the establishment in America as I have, while presenting a solution? I get arrested for robbery from my house when a drug addict tries to rob me, I get repeatedly banned from all political forums, I get my dogs shot. It is now at a point where I am convinced that I am the only one alive on this planet, and you all are just an illusion, because other way, how can the ignorance be explained?

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