What Is Wrong With America ?

What Is Wrong With America ?

The fact that over 90% of Americans have adopted Protectionist's fascistic/socialistic policies even though he is a "conservative" ;)

Hmmm. I'll go along with the "socialistic" part (regarding economics) for now, and certainly the "even though he is a "conservative", but "fascistic" ???

I'm afraid I'm, rather lost on that one. How does fascistic come into this ? What did I ever say that falls into that category? :confused:

PS - the 90% of the American people who agree with my policies isn't only now. They also elected Dwight D. Eisenhower President of the US, twice (1952, 1956)
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I see to basically back in the 1980s you did not believe in paying your workers a living wage, however now that you are "retired" you demand that we pay people a living wage. Got it. You're just a typical hypocrite, just like PMS was.

Maybe you just slipped and hit your head ? Could that be it ? I paid them $325/hour, and at what I earlier said would be a living wage ($20/hr in most places in America), that would be 16 times higher than a living wage. Yup. I demand that you pay people a living wage (and so do most Americans). If you can't do that, you have no business being in business. If you can't afford it, then you're no different than all the rest who also can't afford it, and you should do what they do. Get a job!

Apparently no one ever taught you basic math. 325x1hr = 325 a week. 7.22x45hrs = 325 a week. So you were paying your employees what you say is a non-living wage.

FALSE! They worked odd hours. Only when customers were coming into a branch office to be sold a club membership (a branch office which was in a different county than where I was) This occured sometimes as few as once a week (one hour worked in the week, to about 7 times in a week) Typically, 3 or 4. I think I already explained this, didn't I ? :rolleyes:

YUP! I sure did. In post # 1122, yesterday, and YOU are the one I was talking to, while quoting one of YOUR posts. At the end, I asked "Got it now ?" Well, I guess you didn't, and I wouldn't be surprised if you still haven't gotten it. But I also wouldn't be surprised if you just pretend to be that dumb.

From Post # 1122
"The people I paid worked about an hour, each time they worked, to close a sale, and they got paid a 15% commission on a $1000 sale, in 1985. That's is $150 for one hour's work, which going by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics inflation calculator, works out to $325 an hour, in 2013 dollars. Got it, now ?"
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What Is Wrong With America ?

The fact that over 90% of Americans have adopted Protectionist's fascistic/socialistic policies even though he is a "conservative" ;)

Problematic...because he isn't.

If you've read my OPs, and you say I'm not a conservative, then you don't have the foggiest idea what a conservative is, and you probably don't. To his credit, at least Contumacious got that part right. For you, maybe there's no hope. :eusa_whistle:

Links >> Post # 1117.
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What Is Wrong With America ?

The fact that over 90% of Americans have adopted Protectionist's fascistic/socialistic policies even though he is a "conservative" ;)

Hmmm. I'll go along with the "socialistic" part (regarding economics) for now, and certainly the "even though he is a "conservative", but "fascistic" ???

I'm afraid I'm, rather lost on that one. How does fascistic come into this ? What did I ever say that falls into that category? :confused:

PS - the 90% of the American people who agree with my policies isn't only now. They also elected Dwight D. Eisenhower President of the US, twice (1952, 1956)

Fascism is a branch of socialism which distinguishes iteself by allowing private ownership of the means of production but subjected to massive government regulation.

For example:

The XYZ Corporation is privately owned . But it must pay its employees whatever the welfare state politicians dictate. That is an example of fascism.

"...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone...."

Benito Mussolini


Maybe you just slipped and hit your head ? Could that be it ? I paid them $325/hour, and at what I earlier said would be a living wage ($20/hr in most places in America), that would be 16 times higher than a living wage. Yup. I demand that you pay people a living wage (and so do most Americans). If you can't do that, you have no business being in business. If you can't afford it, then you're no different than all the rest who also can't afford it, and you should do what they do. Get a job!

Apparently no one ever taught you basic math. 325x1hr = 325 a week. 7.22x45hrs = 325 a week. So you were paying your employees what you say is a non-living wage.

FALSE! They worked odd hours. Only when customers were coming into a branch office to be sold a club membership (a branch office which was in a different county than where I was) This occured sometimes as few as once a week (one hour worked in the week, to about 7 times in a week) Typically, 3 or 4. I think I already explained this, didn't I ? :rolleyes:
Irrelevant. You demand we pay part time working 15year old children a living wage which you say is 40k a year. Yet you refused to do the same for your employees. Instead, you paid your employees what you thought they were worth. Yeah you are a hypocrite.
The fact that over 90% of Americans have adopted Protectionist's fascistic/socialistic policies even though he is a "conservative" ;)

Hmmm. I'll go along with the "socialistic" part (regarding economics) for now, and certainly the "even though he is a "conservative", but "fascistic" ???

I'm afraid I'm, rather lost on that one. How does fascistic come into this ? What did I ever say that falls into that category? :confused:

PS - the 90% of the American people who agree with my policies isn't only now. They also elected Dwight D. Eisenhower President of the US, twice (1952, 1956)

Fascism is a branch of socialism which distinguishes iteself by allowing private ownership of the means of production but subjected to massive government regulation.

For example:

The XYZ Corporation is privately owned . But it must pay its employees whatever the welfare state politicians dictate. That is an example of fascism.

"...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone...."

Benito Mussolini

10-4. Here's MY definition of facism >> system of govt characterized by rigid one party dictatorship (which I don't support), forcible suppression of opposition (which I don't support), private economic enterprise under centralized govt control (which I don't exactly support the "centralized" part), belligerent nationalism (which I don't support the belligerent part), racism (I don't support), and militarism (I might support under certain circumstances)

In general, safe to say the term "fascistic" fits me about as well as well as a men's X-Large T-shirt fits a squirrel.
Apparently no one ever taught you basic math. 325x1hr = 325 a week. 7.22x45hrs = 325 a week. So you were paying your employees what you say is a non-living wage.

FALSE! They worked odd hours. Only when customers were coming into a branch office to be sold a club membership (a branch office which was in a different county than where I was) This occured sometimes as few as once a week (one hour worked in the week, to about 7 times in a week) Typically, 3 or 4. I think I already explained this, didn't I ? :rolleyes:
Irrelevant. You demand we pay part time working 15year old children a living wage which you say is 40k a year. Yet you refused to do the same for your employees. Instead, you paid your employees what you thought they were worth. Yeah you are a hypocrite.

FALSE! I did not say anything about part time working 15year old children, YOU said that. Strike 1. I also did not say anything about 40k a year. Again YOU said that. Strike 2. You have a bad habit of trying to put words in people's mouths, and then criticize them for it. Maybe you've been listening to too much of Rush Limbaugh.

And NO, I didn't pay any "employees" anything. I didn't HAVE any employees. I had independent contractors. Strike 3.

And NO, I didn't pay anybody what I thought they were worth (that's YOUR concept). I paid them what was more than FAIR. Strike 4.

NO, I'm not a hypocrite. Strike 5.

Strike 4 and 5 compensate for the ones the umpire gets wrong.
What Is Wrong With America ?

Too many career politicians who seem to be more interested in their own careers and helping to gain more political power for their party, rather than the people that they serve.
What Is Wrong With America ? The people/voters. For decades they played the victim and voted the lesser of 2 evils like they really did not have a choice. Never having the brain power to understand that the "parties" gave us 2 bad choices on purpose and that either way it went we still got stuck with evil.
:disagree: We can't be free from state coercion (keeping in mind that, theoretically at least, WE are the state) as we are subject to the LAWS of all our "states" local, state & national). We coerce ourselves, and each other, and without this, we would have bloody chaos.

But we are not the state. We simply authorize it to act for our benefit. There are times (in fact, quite frequently) that the state ignores the people and oppresses them. If it didn't we would still be part of Great Britain.

FALSE! We are a government OF THE PEOPLE. We indeed ARE the state, and only the nonsense talk you post here lessens that. As long as we remember that WE the people are in charge, and we ACTIVELY make that be (by pressuring the representitives), we will not be ignored. If/whenever we are, it is only because we did nothing to prevent being ignored ("the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing")

Americans could well take a lesson from Pete Seeger, who just died yesterday. We may not agree with all of his stances, but we can well admire his participatory spirit and activity.

Listening to idealist liberals rant their drivel is equal parts comical and jaw-dropping.

First of all, we are not (nor have we ever been) a democracy. We are a Republic. A democracy creates mob rule. All you need is 50.00000001% of the vote to "hang *******" and then lynching is legal. Now I'm sure that's exactly the world you racist Dumbocrats want to live in. But for the rest of us, we prefer a civilized nation where even the minority are protected.

Second, if you really think you have a government "of the people" - why don't you schedule a couple of meetings with Barack Hussein for a redress of your grievances? Let me know how it works out for you junior.... :lol:
FALSE! They worked odd hours. Only when customers were coming into a branch office to be sold a club membership (a branch office which was in a different county than where I was) This occured sometimes as few as once a week (one hour worked in the week, to about 7 times in a week) Typically, 3 or 4. I think I already explained this, didn't I ? :rolleyes:
Irrelevant. You demand we pay part time working 15year old children a living wage which you say is 40k a year. Yet you refused to do the same for your employees. Instead, you paid your employees what you thought they were worth. Yeah you are a hypocrite.

FALSE! I did not say anything about part time working 15year old children, YOU said that. Strike 1. I also did not say anything about 40k a year. Again YOU said that. Strike 2. You have a bad habit of trying to put words in people's mouths, and then criticize them for it. Maybe you've been listening to too much of Rush Limbaugh.

And NO, I didn't pay any "employees" anything. I didn't HAVE any employees. I had independent contractors. Strike 3.

And NO, I didn't pay anybody what I thought they were worth (that's YOUR concept). I paid them what was more than FAIR. Strike 4.

NO, I'm not a hypocrite. Strike 5.

Strike 4 and 5 compensate for the ones the umpire gets wrong.

Well then you are the worst umpire ever because you got them all wrong junior. I could humiliate you by listing them all - but I'll just point out the most glaring one.

Who the fuck are you to decide what is "more than fair"? I've got $1,000 that says each and everyone of your contractors would say they did not receive "more" than fair. In fact, most would even respond they didn't even receive "fair" - they received less.

This here is the problem with Dumbocrats. They are the most ignorant, but arrogantly believe they are qualified to decide for the world what is "fair", "just", "right", or "equal"... :eusa_doh:
:disagree: We can't be free from state coercion (keeping in mind that, theoretically at least, WE are the state) as we are subject to the LAWS of all our "states" local, state & national). We coerce ourselves, and each other, and without this, we would have bloody chaos.

But we are not the state. We simply authorize it to act for our benefit. There are times (in fact, quite frequently) that the state ignores the people and oppresses them. If it didn't we would still be part of Great Britain.

FALSE! We are a government OF THE PEOPLE. We indeed ARE the state, and only the nonsense talk you post here lessens that. As long as we remember that WE the people are in charge, and we ACTIVELY make that be (by pressuring the representitives), we will not be ignored. If/whenever we are, it is only because we did nothing to prevent being ignored ("the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing")

Americans could well take a lesson from Pete Seeger, who just died yesterday. We may not agree with all of his stances, but we can well admire his participatory spirit and activity.

You do realize simply saying false doesn't mean your opinion is correct, right?
But we are not the state. We simply authorize it to act for our benefit. There are times (in fact, quite frequently) that the state ignores the people and oppresses them. If it didn't we would still be part of Great Britain.

FALSE! We are a government OF THE PEOPLE. We indeed ARE the state, and only the nonsense talk you post here lessens that. As long as we remember that WE the people are in charge, and we ACTIVELY make that be (by pressuring the representitives), we will not be ignored. If/whenever we are, it is only because we did nothing to prevent being ignored ("the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing")

Americans could well take a lesson from Pete Seeger, who just died yesterday. We may not agree with all of his stances, but we can well admire his participatory spirit and activity.

You do realize simply saying false doesn't mean your opinion is correct, right?

False! Bold/red blindly confirms whatever immediately follows.
But we are not the state. We simply authorize it to act for our benefit. There are times (in fact, quite frequently) that the state ignores the people and oppresses them. If it didn't we would still be part of Great Britain.
FALSE! We are a government OF THE PEOPLE. We indeed ARE the state, and only the nonsense talk you post here lessens that. As long as we remember that WE the people are in charge, and we ACTIVELY make that be (by pressuring the representitives), we will not be ignored. If/whenever we are, it is only because we did nothing to prevent being ignored ("the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing")
Americans could well take a lesson from Pete Seeger, who just died yesterday. We may not agree with all of his stances, but we can well admire his participatory spirit and activity.
Listening to idealist liberals rant their drivel is equal parts comical and jaw-dropping.
First of all, we are not (nor have we ever been) a democracy. We are a Republic. A democracy creates mob rule. All you need is 50.00000001% of the vote to "hang *******" and then lynching is legal. Now I'm sure that's exactly the world you racist Dumbocrats want to live in. But for the rest of us, we prefer a civilized nation where even the minority are protected.
Second, if you really think you have a government "of the people" - why don't you schedule a couple of meetings with Barack Hussein for a redress of your grievances? Let me know how it works out for you junior.... :lol:


Fascism is a branch of socialism...absolutelt mindless brand new bs from the stupidest, most hateful propaganda machine ever seen in the usa.

We're a representative democracy, which is the definition of a republic, loudmouth brainwashed peabrain...ay caramba...change the channel and read something, pub dupe. Jfc
Irrelevant. You demand we pay part time working 15year old children a living wage which you say is 40k a year. Yet you refused to do the same for your employees. Instead, you paid your employees what you thought they were worth. Yeah you are a hypocrite.

FALSE! I did not say anything about part time working 15year old children, YOU said that. Strike 1. I also did not say anything about 40k a year. Again YOU said that. Strike 2. You have a bad habit of trying to put words in people's mouths, and then criticize them for it. Maybe you've been listening to too much of Rush Limbaugh.

And NO, I didn't pay any "employees" anything. I didn't HAVE any employees. I had independent contractors. Strike 3.

And NO, I didn't pay anybody what I thought they were worth (that's YOUR concept). I paid them what was more than FAIR. Strike 4.

NO, I'm not a hypocrite. Strike 5.

Strike 4 and 5 compensate for the ones the umpire gets wrong.

Well then you are the worst umpire ever because you got them all wrong junior. I could humiliate you by listing them all - but I'll just point out the most glaring one.

Who the fuck are you to decide what is "more than fair"? I've got $1,000 that says each and everyone of your contractors would say they did not receive "more" than fair. In fact, most would even respond they didn't even receive "fair" - they received less.

This here is the problem with Dumbocrats. They are the most ignorant, but arrogantly believe they are qualified to decide for the world what is "fair", "just", "right", or "equal"... :eusa_doh:

What is dumber than a "Dumbocrat" ? One who refers to someone who has never been a Democrat, as Democrat. Strike 1.

Also on the dumbest of USMB lost are those who refer to a 67 year old senior citizen as "junior" :lol: I can't help laughing at that one. Strike 2.

Paying workers the equivalent of over $300/hour is not "more than fair" ? Pheeeew! what is this guy been smoking ? Strike 3.

Saying that of the contracters who worked for me, "most would even respond they didn't even receive "fair" - they received less".
Yeah ? I wonder what possesses our deranged poster to come with something like that ? Strike 4.

Not I care what make a deranged person be that way, but it is curious as to how someone thinks that somehow it is "arrogant" to decide that paying a worker over $300/hour (in 2014 dollars) would be fair and just. Strike 5.

Using 4 letter curse words in a form post. Simply juvenile. Strike 6.

Would someone please get this poor soul some psychiatric help ? :cuckoo: I do believe he is going down fast. And maybe pray for him as well. :eusa_pray: I mean really. Or maybe it's just that he had a little too much to drink today. :alcoholic: Let's hope.
But we are not the state. We simply authorize it to act for our benefit. There are times (in fact, quite frequently) that the state ignores the people and oppresses them. If it didn't we would still be part of Great Britain.

FALSE! We are a government OF THE PEOPLE. We indeed ARE the state, and only the nonsense talk you post here lessens that. As long as we remember that WE the people are in charge, and we ACTIVELY make that be (by pressuring the representitives), we will not be ignored. If/whenever we are, it is only because we did nothing to prevent being ignored ("the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing")

Americans could well take a lesson from Pete Seeger, who just died yesterday. We may not agree with all of his stances, but we can well admire his participatory spirit and activity.

Listening to idealist liberals rant their drivel is equal parts comical and jaw-dropping.

First of all, we are not (nor have we ever been) a democracy. We are a Republic. A democracy creates mob rule. All you need is 50.00000001% of the vote to "hang *******" and then lynching is legal. Now I'm sure that's exactly the world you racist Dumbocrats want to live in. But for the rest of us, we prefer a civilized nation where even the minority are protected.

Second, if you really think you have a government "of the people" - why don't you schedule a couple of meetings with Barack Hussein for a redress of your grievances? Let me know how it works out for you junior.... :lol:

Why don't you schedule a meeting with a psychiatrist to set up a curriculum for you for anger management ? While you're at it, you could inquire about your tendency to assume things without reason (junior, liberal, Obama, Democrat) Let me know how it works out for you, sicko.



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Fascism is a branch of socialism...absolutelt mindless brand new bs from the stupidest, most hateful propaganda machine ever seen in the usa.

We're a representative democracy, which is the definition of a republic, loudmouth brainwashed peabrain...ay caramba...change the channel and read something, pub dupe. Jfc

We are a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC. (more concise way of saying what you said)
But we are not the state. We simply authorize it to act for our benefit. There are times (in fact, quite frequently) that the state ignores the people and oppresses them. If it didn't we would still be part of Great Britain.

FALSE! We are a government OF THE PEOPLE. We indeed ARE the state, and only the nonsense talk you post here lessens that. As long as we remember that WE the people are in charge, and we ACTIVELY make that be (by pressuring the representitives), we will not be ignored. If/whenever we are, it is only because we did nothing to prevent being ignored ("the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing")

Americans could well take a lesson from Pete Seeger, who just died yesterday. We may not agree with all of his stances, but we can well admire his participatory spirit and activity.

You do realize simply saying false doesn't mean your opinion is correct, right?

You do realize that's like asking > you do realize that in is the opposite of out, right ?

Your question could be suitable IF my posts said only FALSE! and nothing else. But that isn't the case. Please try to ask better questions. Time is limited. Thank you.
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