What Is Wrong With America ?

Yeah well some days I have to work for living.

Again.. you are wrong in the context of having sex, getting married etc., older teenagers are not considered by our government to be children. Not now, and certainly not in the past.

Under Obama. one is considered a "child" until 26.

Exactly... the use of terms in this country is ridiculous, as stated earlier we pick terms to sensationalize what we are saying, rather than to add factual meaning to the conversations.

In this case the better term would be 26 year old dependent. Parents view their offspring as their children no matter how old they get.

Govco: Step 1) force insurance companies to offer coverage for dependent children. Step 2) redefine what child means for the purpose of insurance from 17->18->21->23->25->26-> over a number of years in a number of states and federal regs. 3) force them to add other types of dependents (elderly and sick)
If you ever wanna get off your lazy ass 'n quitchur bitchin', I'm looking for persons to help me wire new houses...
I'd pay above minimum wage to start... with increased wages and benefits to shortly follow... but only after you've demonstrated that you're not an on-the-job fuck-up who's only looking to cause problems for your employer...

HA HA. I'm 67 years old, am retired, and spent 50 years in the workforce, including 5 years in the US Army Corps of Engineers, building bridges (without cranes), doing the hardest work you maybe couldn't even dream about. Want to get some hard workers ? Get some ex-Army Corps of Engineers construction workers.

So you'd pay above minimum wage, would you ? Isn't that nice ? I paid my sales people $150/hour in the 1980s ($325/hour in 2013 dollars)

You paid your "sales" people as much as Six Hundred and Fifty THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR?

I realize that, at his point, you have established yourself (along with all the other economics ZEROs of this thread) as a total knucklehead on business economics, but at least you could post without making things up. Did I say I paid somebody $650,000/year ? No, I didn't. Did you say those words ? Yes, you did. Please refrain from talking idiocy. This thread already has too much of that. Thank you.
You paid your "sales" people as much as Six Hundred and Fifty THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR?

So basically you are claiming to be a mega millionaire who had profits in the hundreds of millions.

When you're sitting in moms basement, smoking a bong, you might not think through the bullshit before you post it on a message board...
Look at the coward run for the hills when someone puts a spot light on his duplicitous clap trap.

So if someone doesn't keep himself trapped within your long-winded, go nowhere displays of idiocy, responding to what doesn't deserve the dignity of a response, you call him a coward, right ? HA HA HA.. Well I've already called you an idiot, so this worthless exchange has already had it's only clear explanation. Now if you want to debate me on something meaningful (that doesn't include your silly word games), just say the word, and I'll be happy to hand you your ass, after I'm finished kicking it enough times to satisfy me. So what's it gonna be, boy ? Immigration ? Muslims ? Minimum wage ? Taxes ? You name it, and I'll "run" toward you. :razz:

Yawn. I get it you are for and against welfare, based solely on which direction the wind is blowing. When you are breathing in... you are for it... breathing out against. Got it.Oh.. btw run toward me and you'll hit a brick wall.

I'm running toward you right now and there's no brick wall (except around your brain). More like one made of paper painted to look like bricks. :lol:

Now that that's settled, I'm for welfare FOR AMERICANS, if/whenever WE need it. Notice I include YOU in on that. Because despite all that falsities dripping from your propaganda-packed mind, YOU may need that welfare someday. For instance, in my county we have a para-transit system that gives taxi rides (in special cabs) to low income people with disabilites. YOU may find YOURSELF needing this service at some time in your life. And when YOU do, it will be there for YOU, because guys like me put it there, and kept it going while we waited for YOU to arrive. You're welcome! :clap2:

As for lazy bums who are able-bodied and just choose to not go out and get a job (as I did for 50 years), they can walk, ride a bicycle or hitchhike. Same thing goes for illegal alien invaders. Got it now ?
I realize that, at his point, you have established yourself (along with all the other economics ZEROs of this thread) as a total knucklehead on business economics, but at least you could post without making things up. Did I say I paid somebody $650,000/year ? No, I didn't. Did you say those words ? Yes, you did. Please refrain from talking idiocy. This thread already has too much of that. Thank you.


Do tell us what your credentials are, snookie? What school do you subscribe to? Who in that school is most influential to you?

I await with breath abated...
You paid your "sales" people as much as Six Hundred and Fifty THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR?

So basically you are claiming to be a mega millionaire who had profits in the hundreds of millions.

When you're sitting in moms basement, smoking a bong, you might not think through the bullshit before you post it on a message board...

Dude, yesterday you clearly established yourself (along with a few others) as a pure economics, airhead imbecile. I taught you a simple concept of basic economics (market price) which millions of 18 year old college freshmen all know (and many high school kids as well), and you stumbled all over it, and my guess is you're still stuck in the mud on it right now. And EARTH TO YOU > it doesn't do you any good to call basic economics "bullshit". All that does is confirm your idiocy (which we all already know anyway)

So what's it going to be, flunker ? Are you going to accept it that we business owners don't set our prices and # of employees, and these are set by what the MARKET can bear, or are you going to make a fool out of yourself again with idiot talk ($8 hamburgers, unemployment, etc)
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  • $icwutudidthar.jpg
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HA HA. I'm 67 years old, am retired, and spent 50 years in the workforce, including 5 years in the US Army Corps of Engineers, building bridges (without cranes), doing the hardest work you maybe couldn't even dream about. Want to get some hard workers ? Get some ex-Army Corps of Engineers construction workers.

So you'd pay above minimum wage, would you ? Isn't that nice ? I paid my sales people $150/hour in the 1980s ($325/hour in 2013 dollars)

You paid your "sales" people as much as Six Hundred and Fifty THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR?

I realize that, at his point, you have established yourself (along with all the other economics ZEROs of this thread) as a total knucklehead on business economics, but at least you could post without making things up. Did I say I paid somebody $650,000/year ? No, I didn't. Did you say those words ? Yes, you did. Please refrain from talking idiocy. This thread already has too much of that. Thank you.

You said $325 an hour, not me. You also said people should be paid for 40hrs a week, not me. Make up your frigging mind. FYI $325 at 40hrs a week amounts to about $650,000 a year. If that's not what you "meant" to say then explain. Maybe you meant you paid them by commission not by the hour. Maybe you assume how many hours they worked. Maybe you are talking out of your ass. Your definition of "living wage" appears to be quite fluid.
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I realize that, at his point, you have established yourself (along with all the other economics ZEROs of this thread) as a total knucklehead on business economics, but at least you could post without making things up. Did I say I paid somebody $650,000/year ? No, I didn't. Did you say those words ? Yes, you did. Please refrain from talking idiocy. This thread already has too much of that. Thank you.


Do tell us what your credentials are, snookie? What school do you subscribe to? Who in that school is most influential to you?

I await with breath abated...
Anyone seen PMS around? He seems to have disappeared about the same time this guy protectionist appeared. Funny how these two are the exact same age, with the exact same type of opinions. I wonder if they share the same birth date and place of birth.
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Dude, yesterday you clearly established yourself (along with a few others) as a pure economics, airhead imbecile.


I taught you a simple concept of basic economics (market price) which millions of 18 year old college freshmen all know (and many high school kids as well), and you stumbled all over it, and my guess is you're still stuck in the mud on it right now. And EARTH TO YOU > it doesn't do you any good to call basic economics "bullshit". All that does is confirm your idiocy (which we all already know anyway)

Izzatrite, sploogy?

I'm still waiting for you to name what school of thought you subscribe to, and the influential people in that school who guide you?

So what's it going to be, flunker ? Are you going to accept it that we business owners don't set our prices and # of employees, and these are set by what the MARKET can bear, or are you going to make a fool out of yourself again with idiot talk ($8 hamburgers, unemployment, etc)

Son, you're not fooling anyone.
I realize that, at his point, you have established yourself (along with all the other economics ZEROs of this thread) as a total knucklehead on business economics, but at least you could post without making things up. Did I say I paid somebody $650,000/year ? No, I didn't. Did you say those words ? Yes, you did. Please refrain from talking idiocy. This thread already has too much of that. Thank you.


Do tell us what your credentials are, snookie? What school do you subscribe to? Who in that school is most influential to you?

I await with breath abated...

No, flunker. I don't "subscribe" to the propaganda mills. I only subscribe to true, correct economics. You know the one that says that a price isn't chosen by somebody's lucky number, or what day their birthday is, or whatever gooneybird thing you think determines it. There's no need to go to anything other than what I've told you. It's simple logic really. You can only price a product so high, and then at some point your sales will fall to the point where you'll make LESS money, not more. GET IT ? Or are you dense ? Or would you like me to have some of our local 14 year old high school kids explain it to you.

And did you read the explanation I gave you about my ex-wife's boutique, when the MW went up ? If not go read it and than come back and report to me.
Son, you're not fooling anyone.

I'm not fooling anyone because I's just telling VERY EASY TO UNDERSTAND basic level economics, which you have FLUNKED with flying colors. SO what are you trying to say about all this ? That if the MW goes up you're going to raise your prices ? :lol:

Or you're going to lay people off ? :lol: Well, no law against being stupid and causing your business to fall on its face. You won't be jailed for it. You might have some pretty ornery ex-employees looking for you though, after causing them to lose their jobs because of your stupidity.
So if someone doesn't keep himself trapped within your long-winded, go nowhere displays of idiocy, responding to what doesn't deserve the dignity of a response, you call him a coward, right ? HA HA HA.. Well I've already called you an idiot, so this worthless exchange has already had it's only clear explanation. Now if you want to debate me on something meaningful (that doesn't include your silly word games), just say the word, and I'll be happy to hand you your ass, after I'm finished kicking it enough times to satisfy me. So what's it gonna be, boy ? Immigration ? Muslims ? Minimum wage ? Taxes ? You name it, and I'll "run" toward you. :razz:

Yawn. I get it you are for and against welfare, based solely on which direction the wind is blowing. When you are breathing in... you are for it... breathing out against. Got it.Oh.. btw run toward me and you'll hit a brick wall.

I'm running toward you right now and there's no brick wall (except around your brain). More like one made of paper painted to look like bricks. :lol:

Now that that's settled, I'm for welfare FOR AMERICANS, if/whenever WE need it. Notice I include YOU in on that. Because despite all that falsities dripping from your propaganda-packed mind, YOU may need that welfare someday. For instance, in my county we have a para-transit system that gives taxi rides (in special cabs) to low income people with disabilites. YOU may find YOURSELF needing this service at some time in your life. And when YOU do, it will be there for YOU, because guys like me put it there, and kept it going while we waited for YOU to arrive. You're welcome! :clap2:

As for lazy bums who are able-bodied and just choose to not go out and get a job (as I did for 50 years), they can walk, ride a bicycle or hitchhike. Same thing goes for illegal alien invaders. Got it now ?

Yeah just run right through that paper wall see what you get on the other side.

Ok, in that "crazy" world of yours who gets to decide who is a lazy bum that does not deserve welfare, and who is a person that we should help out. You?
No, flunker. I don't "subscribe" to the propaganda mills.

What you mean to say is that you've never had so much as an introductory economics course. You have no idea who Milton Freedman, Ludwig Von Mises, Adam Smith, Jean-Baptiste Say, John Taylor, Arthur Laffer, Murray Rothbard, et al. are.

You read a diatribe by Paul Krugman on ThinkProgress or some other hate site, and figured you could bullshit your way through based on your ignorant misunderstanding of Krugmans faulty logic and misapplication or Keynesian theory.

In other words, you're a fraud and a blowhard - but everyone here already knew that.
I realize that, at his point, you have established yourself (along with all the other economics ZEROs of this thread) as a total knucklehead on business economics, but at least you could post without making things up. Did I say I paid somebody $650,000/year ? No, I didn't. Did you say those words ? Yes, you did. Please refrain from talking idiocy. This thread already has too much of that. Thank you.


Do tell us what your credentials are, snookie? What school do you subscribe to? Who in that school is most influential to you?

I await with breath abated...
Anyone seen PMS around? He seems to have disappeared about the same time this guy protectionist appeared. Funny how these two are the exact same age, with the exact same type of opinions. I wonder if they share the same birth date and place of birth.

Oh, the sock puppet theories begin to arise! HA HA HA. Well lets see. What is this PMS dude's positions on banning Islam, Obama's Muslim Brotherhood connections, fighting off the Mexican invasion, and having every US state using the death penalty ?





Do tell us what your credentials are, snookie? What school do you subscribe to? Who in that school is most influential to you?

I await with breath abated...
Anyone seen PMS around? He seems to have disappeared about the same time this guy protectionist appeared. Funny how these two are the exact same age, with the exact same type of opinions. I wonder if they share the same birth date and place of birth.

Oh, the sock puppet theories begin to arise! HA HA HA. Well lets see. What is this PMS dude's positions on banning Islam, Obama's Muslim Brotherhood connections, fighting off the Mexican invasion, and having every US state using the death penalty ?





He's your twin.. go ask him yourself.
You say 17 is a child in any state in the nation. Yet, the age of consent is 16 or 17 in most states. Are you saying you think our government encourages sex with children?

I told you before, I'm not going to read your posts. And I asked you a bunch of questions in this thread, which you, like a gutless coward, have been running from ever since, and have never even half-adequately answered. So you don't have a toe to stand on to be asking me anything, at this point. :eusa_shhh:
Yeah well some days I have to work for living.

Again.. you are wrong in the context of having sex, getting married etc., older teenagers are not considered by our government to be children. Not now, and certainly not in the past. Not unless that means they let "children" drive and have sex with adults and get married to adults.. etc.

And buying alcoholic beverages ?
Anyone seen PMS around? He seems to have disappeared about the same time this guy protectionist appeared. Funny how these two are the exact same age, with the exact same type of opinions. I wonder if they share the same birth date and place of birth.

Oh, the sock puppet theories begin to arise! HA HA HA. Well lets see. What is this PMS dude's positions on banning Islam, Obama's Muslim Brotherhood connections, fighting off the Mexican invasion, and having every US state using the death penalty ?





He's your twin.. go ask him yourself.

Not interested. He's YOUR topic, not mine. And I seriously doubt that he's even close to being my twin. :doubt:

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