What Is Wrong With America ?

Oh, blue this time. Nice!

How 'bout you just answer a straight up question? Do you accept the idea that the Constitution limits the scope of government, regardless of whether it is pursuing the will of the majority or not? Because you've indicated otherwise. If I'm reading that wrong, feel free to correct me.

Sure, I can answer a straight up question (you didn't ask me any, going back 80 posts). I might need you to clarify a bit though, what exactly you mean by the somewhat vague term "scope of government". I'll correct you if I feel right about that, but first I want to get a better focus on just what you're talking about. You can be brief, as long as you're clear.

That's what I thought.

Nobody cares what you thought. Are you going to clarify the question, and show you really mean to ask it, or are you going to show you're full of shit ? You've got the ball.
What a pitiful post. And especially since the same :lame2: notion (employees agreeing to a low wage) has already been trounced by me, what > twice ? Three times now ? Pheeeeeww!! No, capitalism is mostly NOT a system of voluntary trade. AGAIN, employees generally, don't "agree" to a very low wage. They accept it only because they have no other choice. It's either that low wage, or the same low wage offered by some other employer. And don't give me that education hard work :bsflag: either. Lots of people can't afford education, and others are discriminated from it (as in affirmative action). And all your yammering about trade doesn't change the fact that the employers are holding all the cards, and the workers are being ripped by the millions. How many companies pay all their employees a total of some amount of money, only to have a single business owner pocketing 100 times that much ? And this is what workers "agree" to, right ? Stop talking stupid!

As for your silly "uneducated" claim, I have 2 bachelor degrees from the City university of New York + half a masters degree, and I taught Economics and Geography in 4 colleges of it, for 3 years. Maybe I should give you a lesson right here.

Holy fuck but you're stupid.

Even considering you have a 4th grade education and spend your days in moms basement smoking dope.
What a pitiful post. And especially since the same :lame2: notion (employees agreeing to a low wage) has already been trounced by me, what > twice ? Three times now ? Pheeeeeww!! No, capitalism is mostly NOT a system of voluntary trade. AGAIN, employees generally, don't "agree" to a very low wage. They accept it only because they have no other choice. It's either that low wage, or the same low wage offered by some other employer. And don't give me that education hard work :bsflag: either. Lots of people can't afford education, and others are discriminated from it (as in affirmative action). And all your yammering about trade doesn't change the fact that the employers are holding all the cards, and the workers are being ripped by the millions. How many companies pay all their employees a total of some amount of money, only to have a single business owner pocketing 100 times that much ? And this is what workers "agree" to, right ? Stop talking stupid!

As for your silly "uneducated" claim, I have 2 bachelor degrees from the City university of New York + half a masters degree, and I taught Economics and Geography in 4 colleges of it, for 3 years. Maybe I should give you a lesson right here.

Holy fuck but you're stupid.

Even considering you have a 4th grade education and spend your days in moms basement smoking dope.

HA HA. When you learn that posts like these indicate you're talking to your mirror, come back again. Bwa ha ha ha ha ha. (Burt Reynolds laugh)

Sure, I can answer a straight up question (you didn't ask me any, going back 80 posts). I might need you to clarify a bit though, what exactly you mean by the somewhat vague term "scope of government". I'll correct you if I feel right about that, but first I want to get a better focus on just what you're talking about. You can be brief, as long as you're clear.

That's what I thought.

Nobody cares what you thought. Are you going to clarify the question, and show you really mean to ask it, or are you going to show you're full of shit ? You've got the ball.

I'm not going to chase you around the mulberry bush. You've made your political philosophy pretty clear here. I had you pegged as a statist authoritarian from the get go and you've said nothing to contradict that assessment.
“Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others. ” Ayn Rand

So if somebody is working for 7.25/hour (US minimum wage) and the govt were to (ludicrously) raise it to 7.50, this would be an UNEARNED benefit ?

I'd say it would be EARNED if they raised to to $20/hour, or whatever wage it requires for a full time worker to fundamentally make a LIVING.

By what right does the Government have to come between the negotiations of the worker/ employer? That's their business. The same applies for Health Care Doctor/ patient. MYOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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What Is Wrong With America ?

We lost our way, when government starting picking up our pieces instead of making us do it. We lost the will to take pride in ourselves because they took our self-reliance from us and we let them.
Indeed. WAY too many of US let them get away with it. Apathy is a cruel master.

The Founders would be ashamed of US.
“Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others. ” Ayn Rand

So if somebody is working for 7.25/hour (US minimum wage) and the govt were to (ludicrously) raise it to 7.50, this would be an UNEARNED benefit ?

I'd say it would be EARNED if they raised to to $20/hour, or whatever wage it requires for a full time worker to fundamentally make a LIVING.

By what right does the Government have to come between the negotiations of the worker/ employer? That's their business. The same applies for Health Care Doctor/ patient. MYOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Excellent point. :clap2::clap2:
“Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others. ” Ayn Rand

So if somebody is working for 7.25/hour (US minimum wage) and the govt were to (ludicrously) raise it to 7.50, this would be an UNEARNED benefit ?

I'd say it would be EARNED if they raised to to $20/hour, or whatever wage it requires for a full time worker to fundamentally make a LIVING.

By what right does the Government have to come between the negotiations of the worker/ employer? That's their business. The same applies for Health Care Doctor/ patient. MYOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's an easy question. By the right of the American people to make everything in America the way we want it to be. Simple as that.
I'll agree with you that one thing that's wrong with America is liberals - when it comes to such things as immigration, Islamization, terrorism, affirmative action, the death penalty, law enforcement, etc. But when it comes to economics, I find it is the Reaganists (who falsely call themselves conservatives) that is messing things up, to the point where they wind up helping the liberals in their goals. And frankly, that drives me crazy.
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That's what I thought.

Nobody cares what you thought. Are you going to clarify the question, and show you really mean to ask it, or are you going to show you're full of shit ? You've got the ball.

I'm not going to chase you around the mulberry bush. You've made your political philosophy pretty clear here. I had you pegged as a statist authoritarian from the get go and you've said nothing to contradict that assessment.

Nothing wrong with being a statist, as long as that state is one that represents its people such that it can truly be called a state of the people, by the people, for the people. To oppose that state, is about equivalent to being a foreign enemy nation.
Please be brief. I will briefly state that there probably are 100 things (or more) wrong with America, but I will state just one for now >>

America is too much run by rich people. Members of Congress, the President and Vice-President, and members of the Supreme Court are generally all rich people. What do they know about middle class, lower middle class, and poor people's lives ? How can they make decisions about things they have no experience with, or have long forgotten from years past ? When have these people ever been unemployed, and out looking for a job, with a wide variety of things being used against them ? (credit reports, smear talk from former employers often untrue, etc). The last time I applied for a job I was told I would never get hired because employers require RECENT employment in that job occupation (within last 2 years). There's probably a long list of ways people can be denied a job, that shouldn't exist, and don't make sense.

If you ever wanna get off your lazy ass 'n quitchur bitchin', I'm looking for persons to help me wire new houses...

I'd pay above minimum wage to start... with increased wages and benefits to shortly follow...

but only after you've demonstrated that you're not an on-the-job fuck-up who's only looking to cause problems for your employer...
One of the main things that is wrong with America is the way the Democratic Party has abandoned the American worker. While the Democrats like to posture themselves as champions of the American working class, today I'd say they are American workers' worst enemies.

By constantly pushing for what they call immigration "reform" (ie. amnesty for illegal aliens), and supporting most everything about immigration, they are continuing to prevent America's millions of unemployed workers from getting jobs. In my whole life, I have never seen worse enemies of the American working class than them. The really aggravating part of it is how they pretend to be friends of American workers, and yammer on about creating jobs. All one need do is look at Obama's State of the Union address. I would love to have been in that audience so I could have been a 2014 version of Joe Wilson, and every time Obama mentioned creating jobs, I would yell out "Jobs FOR WHOM ?" (Americans or immigrants ?)

Yes, I know all about the 400,000 deportations. I also know that the claim that this is the most any president has deported in a year is FALSE! In 1954, Eisenhower deported more than that with Operation Wetback, and thousands more illegals fled back to Mexico on their own. I also know that Obama, and his Democrat buddies have advocated numerous things to keep illegal aliens here, and to facilitate the arrival of more.

Besides fighting against Arizona's SB 1070 law, Obama declared the the US govt would only deport illegal aliens who had committed crimes in the US. He also supports the DREAM act, and has done nothing to stop the provision of welfare to immigrants, to abolish birthright citizenship, to crack down on sanctuary cities, or to take on Mexico who is simply invading the US in a 21st century style of imperialism that uses poor people and remittances and welfare, rather than military action.

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Please be brief. I will briefly state that there probably are 100 things (or more) wrong with America, but I will state just one for now >>

America is too much run by rich people. Members of Congress, the President and Vice-President, and members of the Supreme Court are generally all rich people. What do they know about middle class, lower middle class, and poor people's lives ? How can they make decisions about things they have no experience with, or have long forgotten from years past ? When have these people ever been unemployed, and out looking for a job, with a wide variety of things being used against them ? (credit reports, smear talk from former employers often untrue, etc). The last time I applied for a job I was told I would never get hired because employers require RECENT employment in that job occupation (within last 2 years). There's probably a long list of ways people can be denied a job, that shouldn't exist, and don't make sense.

If you ever wanna get off your lazy ass 'n quitchur bitchin', I'm looking for persons to help me wire new houses...
I'd pay above minimum wage to start... with increased wages and benefits to shortly follow... but only after you've demonstrated that you're not an on-the-job fuck-up who's only looking to cause problems for your employer...

HA HA. I'm 67 years old, am retired, and spent 50 years in the workforce, including 5 years in the US Army Corps of Engineers, building bridges (without cranes), doing the hardest work you maybe couldn't even dream about. Want to get some hard workers ? Get some ex-Army Corps of Engineers construction workers.

So you'd pay above minimum wage, would you ? Isn't that nice ? I paid my sales people $150/hour in the 1980s ($325/hour in 2013 dollars)
Please be brief. I will briefly state that there probably are 100 things (or more) wrong with America, but I will state just one for now >>

America is too much run by rich people. Members of Congress, the President and Vice-President, and members of the Supreme Court are generally all rich people. What do they know about middle class, lower middle class, and poor people's lives ? How can they make decisions about things they have no experience with, or have long forgotten from years past ? When have these people ever been unemployed, and out looking for a job, with a wide variety of things being used against them ? (credit reports, smear talk from former employers often untrue, etc). The last time I applied for a job I was told I would never get hired because employers require RECENT employment in that job occupation (within last 2 years). There's probably a long list of ways people can be denied a job, that shouldn't exist, and don't make sense.

If you ever wanna get off your lazy ass 'n quitchur bitchin', I'm looking for persons to help me wire new houses...
I'd pay above minimum wage to start... with increased wages and benefits to shortly follow... but only after you've demonstrated that you're not an on-the-job fuck-up who's only looking to cause problems for your employer...

HA HA. I'm 67 years old, am retired, and spent 50 years in the workforce, including 5 years in the US Army Corps of Engineers, building bridges (without cranes), doing the hardest work you maybe couldn't even dream about. Want to get some hard workers ? Get some ex-Army Corps of Engineers construction workers.

So you'd pay above minimum wage, would you ? Isn't that nice ? I paid my sales people $150/hour in the 1980s ($325/hour in 2013 dollars)

You paid your "sales" people as much as Six Hundred and Fifty THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR?

So basically you are claiming to be a mega millionaire who had profits in the hundreds of millions.
You can "try" or whatever you envision, until you turn blue. I'm not reading one more word of your useless, worthless, idiocy. I didn't create this thread so a jerk can come in here and smudge it up with a bunch of mindless trash. You seem to have mental problems of some sort. They're not my problem. If you want to address THE TOPIC, feel free to do so.
Look at the coward run for the hills when someone puts a spot light on his duplicitous clap trap.

So if someone doesn't keep himself trapped within your long-winded, go nowhere displays of idiocy, responding to what doesn't deserve the dignity of a response, you call him a coward, right ? HA HA HA.. Well I've already called you an idiot, so this worthless exchange has already had it's only clear explanation. Now if you want to debate me on something meaningful (that doesn't include your silly word games), just say the word, and I'll be happy to hand you your ass, after I'm finished kicking it enough times to satisfy me. So what's it gonna be, boy ? Immigration ? Muslims ? Minimum wage ? Taxes ? You name it, and I'll "run" toward you. :razz:

Yawn. I get it you are for and against welfare, based solely on which direction the wind is blowing. When you are breathing in... you are for it... breathing out against. Got it.

Oh.. btw run toward me and you'll hit a brick wall.
1. I didn't say anything about taxing to pay someone to sit on their ass. Note: the most ass-sitting ass sitters are the super rich, who never get their hands dirty.

2. By not providing enough taxes (like to pay ICE agents and CBP officers, & build the Mexican border fence) THAT is causing & perpetuating the most welfare drain.

3. "agreed upon sum", "court system to take care of that", " free to go elsewhere" >> all rationalizations of cheapskate employers.

3. Of course workers are not getting paid what they should, and of course it is very often the greed of the employers that is the reason. Millions of workers get less tha 10 bucks an hour. You call that acceptable ? Sure you do, because like many others, you are living in a denial dream world, manufactured to maximize profits regardless of the effects. And you bitch about govt regulation. Govt wouldn't have to step in to kick your greedy ass, if you acted properly in the first place.

>> 1. I didn't say anything about taxing to pay someone to sit on their ass. Note: the most ass-sitting ass sitters are the super rich, who never get their hands dirty.

Then what is taxing my income to pay someone to sit on their asses? I call if theft, if not theft what do you call it comrade?

>> 2. By not providing enough taxes (like to pay ICE agents and CBP officers, & build the Mexican border fence) THAT is causing & perpetuating the most welfare drain.

Nonsense we pay enough taxes the problem is our government does not want to spend what we give them on things like protecting our borders. Not when they can spend it on protecting Afghanistan's, Israel's, Europe's, Japan's, Iraq's, ... borders. We could give our government 100% of our income and they still wouldn't spend it on protecting our border. Why? Because they want the welfare drain. Why? Because it creates a population the needs government to live. Why? Because then they are our masters.

>> 3. "agreed upon sum", "court system to take care of that", " free to go elsewhere" >> all rationalizations of cheapskate employers.

Cheapskate employers get the employees they deserve. It's a symbiotic relationship.

>> 3. Of course workers are not getting paid what they should, and of course it is very often the greed of the employers that is the reason. Millions of workers get less tha 10 bucks an hour. You call that acceptable ? Sure you do, because like many others, you are living in a denial dream world, manufactured to maximize profits regardless of the effects. And you bitch about govt regulation. Govt wouldn't have to step in to kick your greedy ass, if you acted properly in the first place.

Why the hell should we pay a 15year old kid the same amount to bag our groceries as we would a plumber with 15years professional experience?

1. You're NOT paying someone to sit on their asses. You're paying someone if he is unable to provide for himself, which could very well be YOU someday.

2. If we paid enough taxes, we wouldn't have debts and deficits. And it sounds like you don't know much about what's going on in Afghanistan or Iraq, etc. Your theory about the welfare drain & creating a population :blahblah: is sheer lunacy.

3. So then they shouldn't BE cheapskates. They should pay a good living wage, right ?

4. Why the hell should we pay a 15year old kid the same amount to bag our groceries as we would a plumber with 15years professional experience? I suppose we shouldn't. Why do you ask ? I don't recall ever advocating they be paid the same. I only said all workers should get a living wage for full time work, that's all.

Wrong. Paying someone if he is unable to provide for himself, which could very well be me someday, is the same as paying someone to sit on their ass. No difference. Why do you think it is different when there is a need, or if it's me? If I have a need I'm responsible for myself, I don't push my responsibilities onto others.

By any way you measure we pay more in taxes than any other country on the planet. No matter how much we pay they will spend it, and more. They are incapable of living within a budget. I'm very familiar with what is going on in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the ME. My theory about welfare drain & creating a population is a theory proven time and again in all countries for all time.

Living wage is one of those sound good phrases that is not quantifiable. If you are not happy with living on the wage you are receiving move on, no one is forcing you to work that job.

You say, and I quote "workers should get a living wage for full time work." What does living wage even mean? In a discussion about minimum wage hikes, saying you believe in living wage equates to minimum wage should be hiked up. You have mentioned your belief that wages are to low numerous times. Thus if you meant living wage means lower minimum wage I call BS. Assuming you are not being duplicitous, my question is .. how do you implement living wage, whatever the hell that even means? How do you set a minimum wage to a so called living wage rate and not put all people that are not worthy of said living wage out of work?
Seventeen is a child in any state in the nation. And for some things, so is 20. I'm beginning to focus on your problems.

1. You can't understand >> Has a teenager of 13 TO 17 reached the age at which legally binding contracts can be entered into ? No. Have they reached the age at which they can join the military ? No. Can they vote ? Can they buy alcoholic beverages ? No. Do they meet the definition of a child. Yes.

2. You don't know how to get lost.

You say 17 is a child in any state in the nation. Yet, the age of consent is 16 or 17 in most states. Are you saying you think our government encourages sex with children?

I told you before, I'm not going to read your posts. And I asked you a bunch of questions in this thread, which you, like a gutless coward, have been running from ever since, and have never even half-adequately answered. So you don't have a toe to stand on to be asking me anything, at this point. :eusa_shhh:
Yeah well some days I have to work for living.

Again.. you are wrong in the context of having sex, getting married etc., older teenagers are not considered by our government to be children. Not now, and certainly not in the past. Not unless that means they let "children" drive and have sex with adults and get married to adults.. etc.
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