What Is Wrong With America ?

Take any page in Politics or CE and go through the listing. Most are conservative authors, not liberals. Most replies are from conservatives. Most insults also from conservatives.

Most bloviating is from conservatives.
What's wrong with America?

Nothing a Guillotine party won't fix!

And yes. I'm pissed at all of them in Washington!
As to what's wrong with America, one of the many things wrong is how we're convinced of our own superiority with absolutely no statistical evidence to support such a belief. All the things we excel at are actually bad things, not sources of pride.
As to what's wrong with America, one of the many things wrong is how we're convinced of our own superiority with absolutely no statistical evidence to support such a belief. All the things we excel at are actually bad things, not sources of pride.

1. How about defeating the Axis powers in World War II ?

2. How about keeping Pakistan's nuclear warheads from killing millions of people around the world ? - and losing 2,229 troops in the process + 18,675 wounded, including amputees (you're welcome)

3. How about US national parks ?

4. How about US sports ? - college and pro football, baseball, basketball, etc

5. How about the US Constitution ?

6. How about Bob Dylan ?

7. How about free software ?

8. How about drive-throughs ?

9. How about Garfield ?

10. How about the ASPCA ?

11. How about air conditioning ? (and 100 other inventions)

12. How about baseball caps ?

13. How about Cape Cod ?

14. How about Girl Scouts ?

15. How about Bluegrass Music ?

16. How about free public schools ?

17. How about the US Peace Corps ?

18. How about the Roosevelts ?

19. How about this ? >> http://www.esquire.com/cm/esquire/images/ff/esq-american-open-24-hrs-lg.jpg

20. How about Robert Shaw's USS Indianapolis monologue from Jaws. http://www.esquire.com/cm/esquire/images/cg/esq-american-jaws-robert-shaw-lg.jpg
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Right now what is one of the MOST wrong things with America, is that we had what is believed to be a terrorist attack on a power station (in San Jose, CA), which, if it had succeeded, could have crippled a very large area of central California, for months or even years. How vulnerable is our US power grid ?????

According to M. Granger Morgan, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University who led a 2012 study by the National Research Council, "..transformers, especially the higher-voltage ones, tend to be very unique. They’re very hard to replace. And they’re very vulnerable.”

The FBI has downplayed this, saying they don't know if it was a terrorist attack, but security experts disagree, and there's lots of evidence that the attackers were sophisticated and skilled in what they were doing, by cutting 911 phone lines, doing pre-attack reconnaisance, not leaving fingerprints, etc.
One thing amazing and disturbing is that this attack occured last April (2013), yet it's getting publicized only now. Looking down a list of hits on the Google box > "san jose power station attack", every article is dated Feb 5 or Deb 6, 2014. Why so long to report on this ?

According to Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD), interviewed on the Justice with Judge Jeanine show on Fox News, it's a coverup. He thinks it is the power companies who don't want to be pressured to cut into their profits to pay for added security (badly needed) Together with NERC (North American Energy Reliability Corporation) which is supposed to investigate and analyze the causes of significant power system disturbances in order to help prevent future events, it looks like not enough is being done with regard to such a clear danger in such massive consequence level. NERC also has authority to enforce those standards on power system entities operating in the United States, as well as several provinces in Canada, by way of significant financial penalties for noncompliance, but where is that happening ? On December 17, 2003, President Bush through Homeland Security Presidential Directive HSPD-7 for Critical Infrastructure Identification, Prioritization, and Protection issued a directive which broadened the definition of infrastructure, in accordance with the Patriot Act, as the physical and virtual systems that are ' so vital to the United States that the incapacity or destruction of such systems and assets would have a debilitating impact on security, national economic security, national public health or safety.' Yet we get a gunfight attack at the San Jose power station that lasted for 20 minutes, and almost succeeded in shutting down power for months, over a huge area of California.

It is mindblowing to think about what the effects could be of months-long power shutdowns all over the US. It could even partially stop the military from working.

Much more to be said on all this, but I'll let the links and public officials in them do the talking from here on out >>

Justice with Judge Jeanine | Fox News

Justice with Judge Jeanine | Fox News

Justice with Judge Jeanine | Fox News

According to Fred Fleitz, former CIA analyst, "we are very vulnerable" to a terrorist attack on our electrical power grid. This includes cyberwarfare and electromagnetic pulse (EMP). He noted a 2009 Wall St. Journal article that said "several countries have already penetrated the US energy grid, and China and Russia have left behind software to disrupt it.

Fleitz also stated that "very little is being done to shield the power grid from the effects of EMP from a terrorist attack (detonating a nuclear device in the atmosphere) or solar flares, that could knock out the power grid POSSIBLY FOR YEARS." Solar flares can come from the sun or they can be created artificially with a small nuclear device. Govt analysts are concerned the North Korea and Iran are pursuing this capability.

Curt Hebert of the Bipartisan Policy Center says "It used to be...will this happen ? Now, it's not so much will, but WHEN will this happen ?"

Also interviewed on the Fox News Justice with Judge Jeanine show was ex-Energy Secretary Bill Richardson who said our power grid is an old-fashioned Balkanized syatem of power, that needs to be modernized, and we're not doing that. He also suggested the creation of a Cabinet "Czar" who will handle these issues, and we need to INVEST more in what is called "distributive generation (AKA the Smart Grid).
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What's Wrong with America ? What is wrong is that the worst catastrophe that has ever happened to America (by far) is waiting to happen. This is an attack on the US electic power grid which can shut the whole country down and literally send us back to the early 19th century, for years to come. Heating systems will stop -people will freeze to death. Hospital machines will stop - people will die. Traffic lights will go out - driving will be chaos. Refrigeration will stop- food will spoil and stop being manufactured - people will starve.

Science fiction ? No. This is science FACT. And the most disturbing part of this is that what is needed to prevent this holocaust, is being thwarted by individual greed. Says Judge Jeanine >> "The shame is that the principal federal regulator who establishes standards for local power companies, is also tasked with promoting the interests of the utilities. How do you regulate and promote private companies at the same time ?"

Before all you anti-regulators start throwing your tantrums, notice that this is business-friendly Fox News talking here. It so happens they also like living, and not having the UIS turned into something resembling one of those old Mel Gibson post-apocalyptic movies.

JJ goes on to say >> "Legislation intended to PROTECT us has been blacked in Washington. Private companies who control 85% of the grid, think that the Dept of Defense should pay to improve the infrastructure, and vice-versa. There is one bill though that can can help us prevent this catastrophe, and remedy our vulnerability. And one person holds the key to the kingdom. Congressman Fred Upton, from Michigan, is the chair of the House Energy committee, where these kinds of laws are funneled. Bills that can protect us, are bottled up in his committee."

NOTE: About 60% of Upton's campaign contributions are from electric utilities and their lobbyists, and oil and gas investors.

NOTE 2: Congressmen Upton has been invited to appear on the Justice show for the last 4 weekends. He has declined. He also didn't answer requests for a statement.

According to Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ), Electomagnetic Pulse Caucus Chairman, the "SHIELD ACT" attempts to harden the civilian part of the power grid (99% of the whole) and address this major threat to national security. Also the CIPA (Critical Infrastructure Protection Act) has been assigned to the Dept of Homeland Security Committee. Rep. Franks says that he believes it's going to pass. Franks was also a co-sponsor of the "GRID ACT" which passed the House but failed in the Senate, when 100 Senators all came out with different ideas about it.

If there ever was a time for citizens to give a kick in the butt to their members of Congress, this is it. They should call and request support for the SHIELD ACT and CIPA, both. It would also be a good idea for people to study the recent legislation history and keep up with the issue. After an EMP blast, or series of power station attacks destroys America, would not be the time to start doing that.
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One of the most important pieces of legislation in American history is now in the halls of Congress. It is H.R. 2417 (the SHIELD Act >> (Secure High-voltage Infrastructure for Electricity from Lethal Damage Act)

The SHIELD Act, which amends section 215 of the Federal Power Act, encourages cooperation between industry and government in the development, promulgation, and implementation of standards and processes that are necessary to address the current shortcomings and vulnerabilities of the electric grid from a major EMP event;
The SHIELD Act incorporates most of the EMP-related language of HR 5026 from the 111th Congress, which passed overwhelmingly through the House, but was stalled in the Senate during the Lame Duck due mostly to additional language regarding cyber-security threats.
However, the SHIELD Act omits language regarding cyber-security threats, (which can be better addressed in a separate bill), and then goes beyond HR 5026 by further requiring an automated protection plan and hardware-based solutions, without which the legislation would be toothless to truly address EMP threats.
The SHIELD Act also requires that standards be developed within 6 months, as opposed to 1 year, of enactment, ensuring a faster timeline of protection.

About H.R. 2417 ? The SHIELD Act « SHIELDAct.com
As to what's wrong with America, one of the many things wrong is how we're convinced of our own superiority with absolutely no statistical evidence to support such a belief. All the things we excel at are actually bad things, not sources of pride.

Yanks are good at a lot of things....including blowing their own trumpet...
It has two extreme parties that don't want to fix things...No real ideas...One wants to gut and fuck and the other wants to put everyone on the shitter.

The Tea Party can and does want to fix things. But nobody wants to listen because it means relenting power. The Republicans and the Democrats don't want to return the power to the people. And the liberals in this nation don't want Constitutional government because it would mean an end to the gravy train. They would have to actually provide for themselves (God forbid).

Fearful reactionaryism, ignorance of fundamental economic facts, and the desire to pursue a discriminatory social policy, all of which are offensive to the Constitution and its case law, are in no way going to ‘fix things.’

What does it say about you and your unhinged ideology that you consider reacting to reality to be "fearful reactionaryism"? What does it say that you consider $17 trillion in unsustainable debt to be "sound" economic policy?

Oh - and by the way - the Constitution leaves no room for any "social" policy. You would know that if you actually took the time to read the Constitution.

Returning to Constitutional government is the entire platform of the Tea Party and will solve all problems the U.S. currently faces. I guess like all liberals the fear of losing your gravy train simply wields too much power over you?
Hey seeing as how increasing tax rates on the ultra wealth won't even HELP, lets just cut the tax rate to zero for everybody and file bankruptcy.

I mean if the people with most of the money don't give a fuck to help out. Who cares if we go bankrupt?

At least the ultra rich won't be inconvenienced paying more in income taxes.

So please explain to me why the parasite class gets the ultimate free ride (they don't have to work, they don't have to produce anything for society, they don't have to pay any taxes, and they get endless perks from government) while the wealthy get the ultimate screw-job (labor for 18 hours per day, endless pressure and stress, over 60% of their labor stolen from them, and nearly no perks or benefits from government).

Does the wealthy person who has over 60% of what they earned stolen from them get food stamps? No. Does the wealthy person who has over 60% of what they earned stolen from them their home subsidized by government? No.

So [MENTION=35352]zeke[/MENTION], can you articulate why the parasite class deserves the most while proving the least to society (as in nothing) while the wealthy deserves the least while proving the most to society? It's an honest question. One I fully expect you to either run from or be a complete dick in responding to (because liberals realize they can't explain and/or defend their irrational position).

Exactly as I predicted....no response. When the question is articulated properly, the left is completely incapable of articulating their irrational position.
The Tea Party can and does want to fix things. But nobody wants to listen because it means relenting power. The Republicans and the Democrats don't want to return the power to the people. And the liberals in this nation don't want Constitutional government because it would mean an end to the gravy train. They would have to actually provide for themselves (God forbid).

Fearful reactionaryism, ignorance of fundamental economic facts, and the desire to pursue a discriminatory social policy, all of which are offensive to the Constitution and its case law, are in no way going to ‘fix things.’

What does it say about you and your unhinged ideology that you consider reacting to reality to be "fearful reactionaryism"? What does it say that you consider $17 trillion in unsustainable debt to be "sound" economic policy?

Oh - and by the way - the Constitution leaves no room for any "social" policy. You would know that if you actually took the time to read the Constitution.

Returning to Constitutional government is the entire platform of the Tea Party and will solve all problems the U.S. currently faces. I guess like all liberals the fear of losing your gravy train simply wields too much power over you?

The problem outlined in Posts # 1291, 1306, 1307, and 1308 could be the biggest problem America has ever faced. Since you said returning to Constitutional government "will solve all problems the U.S. currently faces", that would include the vulnerability of the electric power grid. How will returning to Constitutional government solve this problem ?
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So please explain to me why the parasite class gets the ultimate free ride (they don't have to work, they don't have to produce anything for society, they don't have to pay any taxes, and they get endless perks from government) while the wealthy get the ultimate screw-job (labor for 18 hours per day, endless pressure and stress, over 60% of their labor stolen from them, and nearly no perks or benefits from government).

Does the wealthy person who has over 60% of what they earned stolen from them get food stamps? No. Does the wealthy person who has over 60% of what they earned stolen from them their home subsidized by government? No.

So [MENTION=35352]zeke[/MENTION], can you articulate why the parasite class deserves the most while proving the least to society (as in nothing) while the wealthy deserves the least while proving the most to society? It's an honest question. One I fully expect you to either run from or be a complete dick in responding to (because liberals realize they can't explain and/or defend their irrational position).

Exactly as I predicted....no response. When the question is articulated properly, the left is completely incapable of articulating their irrational position.

But you didn't articulate it properly.

Besides your silly argument that the rich people are working "18 hours a day" (psst. There are only 24 hours a day. Does that mean they are only dedicating 6 hours a day to sleep, eating, hygeine ans so on.), let's look at the "moocher class".

The two biggest "entitlement" programs are Social Security (772 Billion, or 22% of the budget) and Medicare (472 billion), which go to elderly people, most of whom have worked their entire lives.

Next you have Medicare and SCHIP- programs that are designed to provide medical insurance to people who can't get them through their jobs. Most of those people have jobs, just not jobs that pay well enough to afford insurance or offer insurance.

Okay, then you have "SNAP", the one you Right Wingers really hate. Some of you still call it "Food Stamps". Here's the thing. 72% of SNAP families have children in them, and 27% have elderly people. 40% of them have at least one person in the family that works. Big Corporations that you worship like WalMart and McDonalds have instructions for their minimum wage employees on how to apply for them.

I'm really not sure what to say to you, as any response you will give will involve the words "Marxism" and talking about how hard you work, but frankly, you and all the other apologists for the 1% can get bent.
So please explain to me why the parasite class gets the ultimate free ride (they don't have to work, they don't have to produce anything for society, they don't have to pay any taxes, and they get endless perks from government) while the wealthy get the ultimate screw-job (labor for 18 hours per day, endless pressure and stress, over 60% of their labor stolen from them, and nearly no perks or benefits from government).

Does the wealthy person who has over 60% of what they earned stolen from them get food stamps? No. Does the wealthy person who has over 60% of what they earned stolen from them their home subsidized by government? No.

So [MENTION=35352]zeke[/MENTION], can you articulate why the parasite class deserves the most while proving the least to society (as in nothing) while the wealthy deserves the least while proving the most to society? It's an honest question. One I fully expect you to either run from or be a complete dick in responding to (because liberals realize they can't explain and/or defend their irrational position).

Exactly as I predicted....no response. When the question is articulated properly, the left is completely incapable of articulating their irrational position.

But you didn't articulate it properly.

Besides your silly argument that the rich people are working "18 hours a day" (psst. There are only 24 hours a day. Does that mean they are only dedicating 6 hours a day to sleep, eating, hygeine ans so on.), let's look at the "moocher class".

The two biggest "entitlement" programs are Social Security (772 Billion, or 22% of the budget) and Medicare (472 billion), which go to elderly people, most of whom have worked their entire lives.

Next you have Medicare and SCHIP- programs that are designed to provide medical insurance to people who can't get them through their jobs. Most of those people have jobs, just not jobs that pay well enough to afford insurance or offer insurance.

Okay, then you have "SNAP", the one you Right Wingers really hate. Some of you still call it "Food Stamps". Here's the thing. 72% of SNAP families have children in them, and 27% have elderly people. 40% of them have at least one person in the family that works. Big Corporations that you worship like WalMart and McDonalds have instructions for their minimum wage employees on how to apply for them.

I'm really not sure what to say to you, as any response you will give will involve the words "Marxism" and talking about how hard you work, but frankly, you and all the other apologists for the 1% can get bent.

I have worked 18 hour days for months at a time in my life. I was working a full time third shift job in a machine shop and rehabbing houses to sell during the day. I've gone as long as 6 months working well over 100 hours a week without even a single day off.

Now I don't have to work at all if I don't want to.

I think everyone should work like that at least for a while. Maybe then they'd stop whining about working a mere 40 hours a week.

Maybe they'll learn that working more will actually improve their financial situation.
I have worked 18 hour days for months at a time in my life. I was working a full time third shift job in a machine shop and rehabbing houses to sell during the day. I've gone as long as 6 months working well over 100 hours a week without even a single day off.

Now I don't have to work at all if I don't want to.

I think everyone should work like that at least for a while. Maybe then they'd stop whining about working a mere 40 hours a week.

Maybe they'll learn that working more will actually improve their financial situation.

Guy, here's the thing. Besides your questionable claims about "working 18 hours a day for months".

When I was in college, I worked two minimum wage jobs and was in the National Guard. And I did this to get the good college degree job after college. And for a while that worked just fine.

Then I got the job with the company that decided to chop me off at the knees when I needed medical attention.

So today I am working three jobs (well, two jobs and a side business, anyway) to pay down my debt.

And I am getting pretty fucking sick of 1% wannabees like you and Poodle making the greed of the 1% into some kind of virtue right between claiming how rich you are on the internet.

Because, frankly, given the amount of time the two of you spend here, I'm imaginging a double wide and a disability check.
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I have worked 18 hour days for months at a time in my life. I was working a full time third shift job in a machine shop and rehabbing houses to sell during the day. I've gone as long as 6 months working well over 100 hours a week without even a single day off.

Now I don't have to work at all if I don't want to.

I think everyone should work like that at least for a while. Maybe then they'd stop whining about working a mere 40 hours a week.

Maybe they'll learn that working more will actually improve their financial situation.

Guy, here's the thing. Besides your questionable claims about "working 18 hours a day for months".

When I was in college, I worked two minimum wage jobs and was in the National Guard. And I did this to get the good college degree job after college. And for a while that worked just fine.

Then I got the job with the company that decided to chop me off at the knees when I needed medical attention.

So today I am working three jobs (well, two jobs and a side business, anyway) to pay down my debt.

And I am getting pretty fucking sick of 1% wannabees like you and Poodle making the greed of the 1% into some kind of virtue right between claiming how rich you are on the internet.

Because, frankly, given the amount of time the two of you spend here, I'm imaginging a double wide and a disability check.

I'm turning 43 in a few months and I am retired.

I make more than enough to live on from my rental properties and never ever have to work again.

I really don't care about your petty jealousies.

I have never once claimed I was rich all I ever said was I don't have to work anymore if I don't want to.

Your problem is you fell for the line of bullshit that is go to college get a job get married and have kids.

In fact you probably didn't even really think about it. Like most people you had no plan.

You put your future into someone else's hands and now you blame everyone else for your problems.

To get back to the title of the thread

That's what's wrong with America. You are what's wrong with America.
So please explain to me why the parasite class gets the ultimate free ride (they don't have to work, they don't have to produce anything for society, they don't have to pay any taxes, and they get endless perks from government) while the wealthy get the ultimate screw-job (labor for 18 hours per day, endless pressure and stress, over 60% of their labor stolen from them, and nearly no perks or benefits from government).

Does the wealthy person who has over 60% of what they earned stolen from them get food stamps? No. Does the wealthy person who has over 60% of what they earned stolen from them their home subsidized by government? No.

So [MENTION=35352]zeke[/MENTION], can you articulate why the parasite class deserves the most while proving the least to society (as in nothing) while the wealthy deserves the least while proving the most to society? It's an honest question. One I fully expect you to either run from or be a complete dick in responding to (because liberals realize they can't explain and/or defend their irrational position).

Exactly as I predicted....no response. When the question is articulated properly, the left is completely incapable of articulating their irrational position.

But you didn't articulate it properly.

Besides your silly argument that the rich people are working "18 hours a day" (psst. There are only 24 hours a day. Does that mean they are only dedicating 6 hours a day to sleep, eating, hygeine ans so on.), let's look at the "moocher class".

The two biggest "entitlement" programs are Social Security (772 Billion, or 22% of the budget) and Medicare (472 billion), which go to elderly people, most of whom have worked their entire lives.

Then they have zero excuse for needing a damn thing from government. If you've "worked your entire life" you should have one hell of a nest egg sitting there (unless, of course, you spent recklessly and irresponsibly - in which case you have no one to blame but yourself).

Next you have Medicare and SCHIP- programs that are designed to provide medical insurance to people who can't get them through their jobs. Most of those people have jobs, just not jobs that pay well enough to afford insurance or offer insurance.

Okay, then you have "SNAP", the one you Right Wingers really hate. Some of you still call it "Food Stamps". Here's the thing. 72% of SNAP families have children in them, and 27% have elderly people. 40% of them have at least one person in the family that works. Big Corporations that you worship like WalMart and McDonalds have instructions for their minimum wage employees on how to apply for them.

I'm really not sure what to say to you, as any response you will give will involve the words "Marxism" and talking about how hard you work, but frankly, you and all the other apologists for the 1% can get bent.

Yes I did articulate properly and you could not answer. Giving me sob stories about children and elderly is not an answer. So I'll ask the question again:

Please explain to me why the parasite class gets the ultimate free ride (they don't have to work, they don't have to produce anything for society, they don't have to pay any taxes, and they get endless perks from government) while the wealthy get the ultimate screw-job (labor for 18 hours per day, endless pressure and stress, over 60% of their labor stolen from them, and nearly no perks or benefits from government)?

This is a simple and straightforward question. Your inability to answer it speaks volumes. I didn't ask about the statistics and I didn't ask about sob stories. I asked why you feel people like yourself are entitled to a free ride while demanding others labor for ungodly hours to support you? There is a term for people who are forced to labor for the benefit of others - it's called slavery (and it was abolished over 150 years ago junior).
Fearful reactionaryism, ignorance of fundamental economic facts, and the desire to pursue a discriminatory social policy, all of which are offensive to the Constitution and its case law, are in no way going to ‘fix things.’

What does it say about you and your unhinged ideology that you consider reacting to reality to be "fearful reactionaryism"? What does it say that you consider $17 trillion in unsustainable debt to be "sound" economic policy?

Oh - and by the way - the Constitution leaves no room for any "social" policy. You would know that if you actually took the time to read the Constitution.

Returning to Constitutional government is the entire platform of the Tea Party and will solve all problems the U.S. currently faces. I guess like all liberals the fear of losing your gravy train simply wields too much power over you?

The problem outlined in Posts # 1291, 1306, 1307, and 1308 could be the biggest problem America has ever faced. Since you said returning to Constitutional government "will solve all problems the U.S. currently faces", that would include the vulnerability of the electric power grid. How will returning to Constitutional government solve this problem ?

Well, it depends which "vulnerability" of our power grid you are referring to.

If you're referring to China having code on our grid which would allow them to shut down the grid at any time they want, that is a national security issue. And since defense is the Constitutional responsibility of the federal government, then returning to Constitutional government would clearly solve this issue. Lowering taxes because we don't have to pay for unconstitutional shit will put more people back to work - giving the federal government a larger base to draw taxes from. At the same time, we can divert a portion of those unconstitutional funds (the parts not eliminated by lowering taxes) to defense.

Now, if you're referring to your stuff about San Jose, returning to Constitutional government will resolve that by placing responsibility back where it belongs - to the local municipalities and to the people. For example - I'm not the least bit concerned about the power grid getting knocked out. You know why? Because I have a full-home generator. Everything in my home - from dire necessities (such as heating) to frivolous luxuries (such as A/C) run flawlessly when power is out. My employer? Nearly every facility they have also has a backup generator.

Furthermore, as outlined above, eliminating the crushing taxes for unconstitutional socialism will put people back to work and thus create a larger base from which to draw taxes from for the local municipalities. This means more funds for security, redundancy, etc.

I doubt the figures you use here, the rich hide a lot of their wealth. But even if you are totally correct it does not mean we shouldn't raise those taxes to take a bite out of the fiscal mess.

I have seen historic figures that show no matter what party is in office spending stays relatively constant at say 23% of GDP (cant remember the actual number but I believe it is around there) Revenue as a % of GDP has however fallen in recent years. That indicates that at least part of the problem is too low of tax rate on the rich.

You must remember comrade, that the taxes your GLORIOUS PARTY promote are aimed at income from wages. The truly wealthy, such as the owner of the shameful democratic party, George Soros, have no income from wages.

When the party programs the drones to squawk about a 90% tax rate, or whatever ludicrous rate the GLORIOUS PARTY is pushing this week, they are not going after the rich, you owner, lord and master, Soros, will face no tax at all. You attack and seek to savage the middle class, the Bourgeoisie. The merchants and professionals who earn wealth and challenge the privilege of the entrenched aristocracy.

You merely follow orders, so do not grasp that the agenda of your rulers is nothing less than to pull the ladder up, and kick the upwardly mobile down. They bribe the loyal drones with the welfare of government make-work jobs with obscene benefits and retirement after 20 years - to live another 40 on the sweat of the private sector workers. These drones then demand war on the "rich," which is not dictator Soros, but instead those making $250K a year - per little lord Obama. Dr. Yee the dentist is rich, but Matt Damon is not, nor is Nancy Pelosi. Eduardo the grocer working 18 hours a day in his store is rich, and must be punished; Algore is not rich - not according to party class warfare guidelines.

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