What Is Wrong With America ?

I truly think our constitution has been annihilated. In God We Trust, one nation under God, than what is with the immoral rights that are being pushed mainstream into the faces of our youth. There is no God left in our country and it is going to be up to our generation to do something about it. We all talk big (me included) and yet sit back and watch all of our rights and beliefs be taken from us so they can be given to others in the name of diversity. I often think of taking a public forum myself, passing out flyers and giving an open mic to the people to stand up and be heard by our peers. Maybe that will rally enough for a movement.

~ Gina 😉

Why has god forsaken us?

Doesn't he love us anymore? Is it because we elected a Muslim?
Nor can we get out of it by just cutting services. We need to cut waste AND raise taxes on the rich to amounts (70%+) we commonly had before Reagan came along and turned into a low tax big debt nation. Before him the debt was 1 Trillion. Now after 34 years of his low tax mode (28-39%), we're at 17 times that.
I don't agree. We can take all wealth of all the rich and it won't run our government for much more than a few weeks. You need to add that current tax rate to local rates. We actually pay about 50% in taxes when you add it all up. Raising taxes will kill this struggling economy, it is not what we need.
Right... How did we as the people allow that to happen? Electing a Muslim, cut from the very cloth that wishes to destroy out country and take our freedoms.

~ Gina 😉
What s wrong with America?

Too much salt, sugar and antibiotics in our food; especially processed and canned foods.
Our health system is overloaded because of this!
How do you explain the booming economy in the 50s despite a 90% upper tax rate?

Funny thing about liberals - every one of them raves about higher and higher and higher taxes and what it will do for this country.

Yet, not a one of them is willing to pay the taxes they so love and admire. So tell me RW, why haven't you paid 90% on your income? You know damn well you can send more to the IRS than the minimum required by them. Yet you don't do it - why? Hell, you won't even send an extra $100, much less 90% - why?

Higher taxes. Lower taxes. Your taxes. My taxes. Blah blah blah. You're rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

The national conversation has become so weighted down by moronic talking points. We've heard this shit for decades. Say something new or interesting.

Republican seniors in places like Florida want Social Security and Medicare. Some republican voters actually move to districts with better public schools because they want to give their children the best chance. Republican governors and voters in their districts want disaster relief, though only when they get hit. Do you know how much disaster relief Republican governors in the gulf have begged for and received. Stop repeating tired Rush Limbaugh garbage and learn some facts.

Do you know how much of our tax dollars goes into the military protection of overseas supply chains, so that our capitalists can have efficient access to global labor and materials? Do you know how much of our tax dollars go into the military defense of just Exxon's oil fields, or the thousands of oil fields across the globe, many in unstable regions.

Do you know how much of our tax dollars goes into harnessing the water and energy in just the Colorado River? Over a hundred thriving profit centers, from San Diego to Phoenix to every little town you can think of in a huge swath of the Southwest is dependent on the public revenues that flow into the Colorado. If you were an informed citizen you'd know that, but you're a Fox News drone who terminally repeats the same garbage.

Do you know how much profit comes from our satellite system? Can you name the fucking industries - over 100 thousand businesses - that profit from the satellite system? Do you know where the satellite system came from? It came from the tax revenue that poured into the Cold War NASA and Pentagon budgets.

Do you know how much tax revenue was poured into Boeing through the military budget? Do you know how much of those subsides help build our commercial aviation industry?

How about the 80s commercial electronics boom. Do you know how much of that technology came out defense related industries? [The Lefties don't know either because they hate Defense. I wrote my final university thesis on the brilliant military Keynesianism of Ronald Reagan (whom I defend to my Lefty detractors). Reagan added tens if thousands of defense sector jobs in places like San Diego and Orange Counties. Those places thrived in the 80s partly because Reagan's massive army of government workers poured into local ("Main Street") businesses and spent money. Sure, Reagan talked a good game about small government, but he went to school on FDR Truman and Eisenhower, all of whom brilliantly used defense and infrastructure jobs to stimulate the economy).

Listen son I don't want to pay higher taxes either, but that is partly because I don't think tax policy is the only battlefield here - it just happens to be one of those high profile issues that appeals to the fucking monkeys who watch FOXNews, but who can't even provide a list of what taxes pay before because Sean Hannity never told them.

If you want to join this debate, you're going to have to learn some of the above shit. Rather than ignorantly spouting talk radio bromides, we need people like you to become more literate about this stuff. For instance, there's plenty of " after market" stuff we can do to preserve things like Defense related technologies and the Patent system, which is an instrument used by the nanny government to protect research investments.

But we can't even start the conversation if you've never studied what the Patent system is, or who supplies it, or how it works, or how it is funded. Nor can we can we talk about the lobbying empire that has formed like a cancer around our political machinery so that our noble free market capitalists can suck subsidies, and market advantages and bailouts from the nanny state.

We can't have any of these conversations because people like you are stuck in the same tired talking points that have been around forever. Turn off Rush Limbaugh and study some of this stuff so you can say something interesting. Stop clogging the public debate with tired bumper stickers. You're just ensuring that the status quo never changes.

Oh, I hit a nerve here pointing out how deplorable hypocrites like Londoner and RW here scream at the top of their lungs for more taxes but are too greedy and too lazy to chip in and up their own taxes....

How do you explain the booming economy in the 50s despite a 90% upper tax rate?

Funny thing about liberals - every one of them raves about higher and higher and higher taxes and what it will do for this country.

Yet, not a one of them is willing to pay the taxes they so love and admire. So tell me RW, why haven't you paid 90% on your income? You know damn well you can send more to the IRS than the minimum required by them. Yet you don't do it - why? Hell, you won't even send an extra $100, much less 90% - why?

How about the 80s commercial electronics boom. Do you know how much of that technology came out defense related industries? [The Lefties don't know either because they hate Defense. I wrote my final university thesis on the brilliant military Keynesianism of Ronald Reagan (whom I defend to my Lefty detractors). Reagan added tens if thousands of defense sector jobs in places like San Diego and Orange Counties. Those places thrived in the 80s partly because Reagan's massive army of government workers poured into local ("Main Street") businesses and spent money. Sure, Reagan talked a good game about small government, but he went to school on FDR Truman and Eisenhower, all of whom brilliantly used defense and infrastructure jobs to stimulate the economy).

Listen junior, watching you have a meltdown because the facts simply contradict your absurd ideology is amusing - but it's also painful as you desperately try to twist those facts just a little bit closer to your very fucked up socialist/communist ideology.

There was nothing "Keynesian" about Reagan's Administration. Defense is the Constitutional responsibility of the federal government you ignorant fuck'n tool. Properly allocating taxes on Constitutional responsibilities is not "Keynesian". It's called a Republic buffoon. But because you can't dispute the booming economy created by Reagan, the only thing you can hope to do is lie by using your favorite ideological terms and hope that nobody calls you out on it.

You need to go back to school and write a thesis in which you actually learn reality (well, I mean, I just took you to school - but I talking an accredited university junior).
How do you explain the booming economy in the 50s despite a 90% upper tax rate?

Funny thing about liberals - every one of them raves about higher and higher and higher taxes and what it will do for this country.

Yet, not a one of them is willing to pay the taxes they so love and admire. So tell me RW, why haven't you paid 90% on your income? You know damn well you can send more to the IRS than the minimum required by them. Yet you don't do it - why? Hell, you won't even send an extra $100, much less 90% - why?

Higher taxes. Lower taxes. Your taxes. My taxes. Blah blah blah. You're rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

The national conversation has become so weighted down by moronic talking points. We've heard this shit for decades. Say something new or interesting.

Republican seniors in places like Florida want Social Security and Medicare. Some republican voters actually move to districts with better public schools because they want to give their children the best chance. Republican governors and voters in their districts want disaster relief, though only when they get hit. Do you know how much disaster relief Republican governors in the gulf have begged for and received. Stop repeating tired Rush Limbaugh garbage and learn some facts.

Exactly. Thank you for illustrating just how far the political scale has slid over the past 50 years. The Republican Party is nothing but hard-core, Kennedy-era liberals. Big government, big programs, big costs.

And the Dumbocrat Party has been completely hijacked by socialists/marxists/communists who believe they are entitled to what other people have while they sit on their fat, lazy asses.

And that is why this country is a fuck'n mess right now and why actual conservatives have formed the only decent party in over 100 years.
What Is Wrong With America ? :iagree:
How do you explain the booming economy in the 50s despite a 90% upper tax rate?

Funny thing about liberals - every one of them raves about higher and higher and higher taxes and what it will do for this country.

Yet, not a one of them is willing to pay the taxes they so love and admire. So tell me RW, why haven't you paid 90% on your income? You know damn well you can send more to the IRS than the minimum required by them. Yet you don't do it - why? Hell, you won't even send an extra $100, much less 90% - why?

Still waiting for [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] to address this. Why won't he pay a 90% tax rate if it is so good for the country? Does he lack patriotism? His he too greedy? And why won't his fellow liberals also practice what they preach?

His silence on this issue is deafening... :)
How do you explain the booming economy in the 50s despite a 90% upper tax rate?

Funny thing about liberals - every one of them raves about higher and higher and higher taxes and what it will do for this country.

Yet, not a one of them is willing to pay the taxes they so love and admire. So tell me RW, why haven't you paid 90% on your income? You know damn well you can send more to the IRS than the minimum required by them. Yet you don't do it - why? Hell, you won't even send an extra $100, much less 90% - why?

Still waiting for [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] to address this. Why won't he pay a 90% tax rate if it is so good for the country? Does he lack patriotism? His he too greedy? And why won't his fellow liberals also practice what they preach?

His silence on this issue is deafening... :)

That's it?

I currently pay more in taxes than two typical American families earn. I am perfectly fine with that. Is your solution actually voluntary taxes? Pay what you feel like paying?
How does Mitt Romney get away with paying an effective 14% tax rate?

We can't play silly conservative games. We need to seriously evaluate our tax structure and why our nation continues to offer incentives to those who already control the majority of the wealth
Funny thing about liberals - every one of them raves about higher and higher and higher taxes and what it will do for this country.

Yet, not a one of them is willing to pay the taxes they so love and admire. So tell me RW, why haven't you paid 90% on your income? You know damn well you can send more to the IRS than the minimum required by them. Yet you don't do it - why? Hell, you won't even send an extra $100, much less 90% - why?

Still waiting for [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] to address this. Why won't he pay a 90% tax rate if it is so good for the country? Does he lack patriotism? His he too greedy? And why won't his fellow liberals also practice what they preach?

His silence on this issue is deafening... :)

That's it?

I currently pay more in taxes than two typical American families earn. I am perfectly fine with that. Is your solution actually voluntary taxes? Pay what you feel like paying?
How does Mitt Romney get away with paying an effective 14% tax rate?

We can't play silly conservative games. We need to seriously evaluate our tax structure and why our nation continues to offer incentives to those who already control the majority of the wealth

Where did I say "voluntary taxes"? I said lead by example. And you know that too. Are you so threatened by my fair question that you feel the need to twist it and create a false narrative?

So again I ask, if you feel more taxes are so crucial to America, why don't you lead by example and pay 90% in taxes on your income? It's a fair question - why are you incapable of giving me a fair answer?
Still waiting for [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] to address this. Why won't he pay a 90% tax rate if it is so good for the country? Does he lack patriotism? His he too greedy? And why won't his fellow liberals also practice what they preach?
His silence on this issue is deafening... :)
That's it?
I currently pay more in taxes than two typical American families earn. I am perfectly fine with that. Is your solution actually voluntary taxes? Pay what you feel like paying?
How does Mitt Romney get away with paying an effective 14% tax rate?
We can't play silly conservative games. We need to seriously evaluate our tax structure and why our nation continues to offer incentives to those who already control the majority of the wealth
Where did I say "voluntary taxes"? I said lead by example. And you know that too. Are you so threatened by my fair question that you feel the need to twist it and create a false narrative?
So again I ask, if you feel more taxes are so crucial to America, why don't you lead by example and pay 90% in taxes on your income? It's a fair question - why are you incapable of giving me a fair answer?

First your question shows your basic misunderstanding of marginal tax rates. a top rate of 90% DOES NOT MEAN those it applies to pay that on all their income. The rich man pays no more on his first 40,000 say than the man who just makes that amount (absent dependent deductions etc. )

Second, Is it really so hard to figure out?. I dont think thats a good rhetorical question,... no one wants to feel like a chump, and if a rate isnt enforced hes likely to be the only one paying that rate. Thats also part of reason why all the deductions and loopholes the rich get undermine tax policy, Who wants to pay what they owe when they know the rich are by-passing their owed rate due to gimmicks and loopholes and special interest influence.
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Nor can we get out of it by just cutting services. We need to cut waste AND raise taxes on the rich to amounts (70%+) we commonly had before Reagan came along and turned into a low tax big debt nation. Before him the debt was 1 Trillion. Now after 34 years of his low tax mode (28-39%), we're at 17 times that.
I don't agree. We can take all wealth of all the rich and it won't run our government for much more than a few weeks. You need to add that current tax rate to local rates. We actually pay about 50% in taxes when you add it all up. Raising taxes will kill this struggling economy, it is not what we need.

Most people who hear me say I want to raise taxes on the rich, don't understand where I'm coming from, or what I'm really saying. First off, I'm a long-time Conservative going back to the Eisenhower years - long before the Reagan low tax era. Back in the 50s being a Conservative meant one thing primarily >> CONSERVING America's values, principles, and culture. Of utmost importance was NATIONAL SECURITY, which right after World War II and Korea, meant being BIG and STRONG with a high-powered military, and a BIG, STRONG GOVT (FBI, CIA, INS, etc) to protect America. High taxes on the rich was the way to go to power all this, certainly not the small, weak govt advocated by today's "conservatives".

As for the won't run our government for much more than a few weeks notion, consider that it's been 34 YEARS since Reagan took over, started lowering taxes, and singlehandedly changed the idea of what it is to be "Conservative." So taking all the wealth of the rich in a one-time shot and seeing how long that could run the govt, isn't the idea at all. We've had 34 years of low taxes. That wouldnt be reset overnight or in one year. But restoring America's normal tax rates on the top bracket, of the past, over the course of 15 years (together with eliminating waste) would eliminate the debt.

As for killing this economy. Tax raises on the rich could easily pay for itself, many time over just by spending the increased taxes on just one subject >> IMMIGRATION.

The additional revenue could hire many more ICE agents, CBP officers, build Mexican border fence, hire more airport and port security, and build more immigration courts and jails. Once that is all done, then go after 12 Million or more illegal aliens currently draining the US economy of $40 Billion/year in remittances + tens of Billions more in welfare.
In the end, the raised taxes will not only have helped the economy by creating new jobs, but it will have helped it by putting millions of AMERICANS back to work in the jobs that the illegals had, and with the wages of those jobs now going right back into the US economy, instead of being wired out of the country, and reinserted into other countries' economies.
Funny thing about liberals - every one of them raves about higher and higher and higher taxes and what it will do for this country.

Yet, not a one of them is willing to pay the taxes they so love and admire. So tell me RW, why haven't you paid 90% on your income? You know damn well you can send more to the IRS than the minimum required by them. Yet you don't do it - why? Hell, you won't even send an extra $100, much less 90% - why?

How about the 80s commercial electronics boom. Do you know how much of that technology came out defense related industries? [The Lefties don't know either because they hate Defense. I wrote my final university thesis on the brilliant military Keynesianism of Ronald Reagan (whom I defend to my Lefty detractors). Reagan added tens if thousands of defense sector jobs in places like San Diego and Orange Counties. Those places thrived in the 80s partly because Reagan's massive army of government workers poured into local ("Main Street") businesses and spent money. Sure, Reagan talked a good game about small government, but he went to school on FDR Truman and Eisenhower, all of whom brilliantly used defense and infrastructure jobs to stimulate the economy).

Listen junior, watching you have a meltdown because the facts simply contradict your absurd ideology is amusing - but it's also painful as you desperately try to twist those facts just a little bit closer to your very fucked up socialist/communist ideology.

There was nothing "Keynesian" about Reagan's Administration. Defense is the Constitutional responsibility of the federal government you ignorant fuck'n tool. Properly allocating taxes on Constitutional responsibilities is not "Keynesian". It's called a Republic buffoon. But because you can't dispute the booming economy created by Reagan, the only thing you can hope to do is lie by using your favorite ideological terms and hope that nobody calls you out on it.

You need to go back to school and write a thesis in which you actually learn reality (well, I mean, I just took you to school - but I talking an accredited university junior).

The economies of the Reagan/Bush (28-32% tax) years, produced one of the lowest job growth and GDP growth records in the past 60 years. To say Reagan created a boom economy is backwards of reality. I already cited the US govt stats on that in previous posts.
Funny thing about liberals - every one of them raves about higher and higher and higher taxes and what it will do for this country.

Yet, not a one of them is willing to pay the taxes they so love and admire. So tell me RW, why haven't you paid 90% on your income? You know damn well you can send more to the IRS than the minimum required by them. Yet you don't do it - why? Hell, you won't even send an extra $100, much less 90% - why?

Higher taxes. Lower taxes. Your taxes. My taxes. Blah blah blah. You're rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

The national conversation has become so weighted down by moronic talking points. We've heard this shit for decades. Say something new or interesting.

Republican seniors in places like Florida want Social Security and Medicare. Some republican voters actually move to districts with better public schools because they want to give their children the best chance. Republican governors and voters in their districts want disaster relief, though only when they get hit. Do you know how much disaster relief Republican governors in the gulf have begged for and received. Stop repeating tired Rush Limbaugh garbage and learn some facts.

Exactly. Thank you for illustrating just how far the political scale has slid over the past 50 years. The Republican Party is nothing but hard-core, Kennedy-era liberals. Big government, big programs, big costs.

And the Dumbocrat Party has been completely hijacked by socialists/marxists/communists who believe they are entitled to what other people have while they sit on their fat, lazy asses.

And that is why this country is a fuck'n mess right now and why actual conservatives have formed the only decent party in over 100 years.

What party is that ? :confused::confused::confused:

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