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What is wrong with being a racist?

If White folks are going to survive the assault on them they must organize and 'group thinking and group identity(racial consciousness) is a major part of that. What is now happening is that the collusion of the media with liberal politicians is nothing less than 'open season' on whites, the founders of this nation, the constitution and white culture in general.......white folks are the most fragmented group in America...so many of them actually support the enemies of whites...due to their confusion and ignorance of what is really going on....something that has to really dig into to find out because the media does it's best to cover up the truth whilst promoting fake news and the pc ideology.

I'm prominant Native American Cherokee Indian. What 'white' I have in me came from an ancestor that came over in 1626 as part of the original virginia colonies. Eventually, they mated with the tribes.

Cry me a fukin river.

Irrelevant. The American Indians assured their descent into the dustbin of history, hollywood and comic books long ago. Hint--they should never have declared war on the wave of the future. Instead they should have been gracious hosts and been better attuned to technology and the faith of the pioneers.
My question is what is wrong with holding the opinion that the White Race is superior to all other races

Because it's not!

I find it interesting that in pro sports like the NBA and NFL have a extremely high percentage of black players. 75% in the NBA, and 70% in the NFL.

Well....this begs the question of what is superiority anyhow? To begin with and this is about as far as I will go....it is a relative thing....what one person thinks is 'superior' may be and no doubt is different from what others may think. So in a nutshell it is a waste of time arguing about who is superior and who is inferior...
Rhetorical Tricks That Numb the Mind

That's a cheap and easy way to dismiss an opinion by pretending that all judgments are relative and therefore meaningless except to whoever makes one. This is to be expected from a copycat of the Illiterate Language Lords who doesn't know what "beg the question" really means outside the media's defective grammar.
Races are different from each other no one race is necessarily better at everything than any other race. Blacks, on average, are more physically fit than Whites.
Whites have higher IQ's than Blacks. Asians have higher IQ's than Whites. Nobody has done a true non-biased, non-racist study of the various benefits of the various races to see if one of them truly is superior to the others. Nothing I said here is racist except to the ears of the close minded.

All that is necessary-- is to point out the differences in the various races....all this jabberwocky about 'superiority' is a waste of time. Just stick to the facts.

Genetics Is Undercutting the Case for Racial Quotas

Michael Barone, Townhall, April 6, 2018

“I am worried,” writes Harvard geneticist David Reich in The New York Times, “that well-meaning people who deny the possibility of substantial biological differences among human populations are digging themselves into an indefensible position, one that will not survive the onslaught of science.”

Reich was responding to anticipated resistance to his forthcoming book, “Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA and the New Science of the Human Past.” The “well-meaning people” Reich references are those who argue that race is a “social construct,” that there are no significant genetic differences among people of different racial ancestry. {snip}


Reich obviously wishes to avoid the demonization endured by Murray, who was shouted down at Middlebury College just last year. Reich is at pains to say that his findings should not be used to justify racist practices, such as the slave trade, the eugenics movement and the Holocaust.


The assumption of “well-meaning people” is that ordinary Americans aren’t capable of grasping this. My view is that they understand it very well. They have learned — from school, from work, from everyday life, from public events — that there is a wider variation within each measured group than there is among measured groups.


It’s a strong argument. Contrary to the fears of “well-meaning people,” the difference in average racial IQ scores does not undermine the case against racial discrimination. Ordinary Americans can and do see that racial discrimination against individuals is irrational and that the advances in knowledge about genetics by Reich do not make it any less so.

But the continuing existence of racial gaps, even as the IQ scores of all groups rise (that’s the Flynn effect, identified and named by Herrnstein and Murray), does undercut the case for racial quotas and preferences and the “disparate impact” legal doctrine established by the Supreme Court 47 years ago.

The justification for quotas is the assumption that in a fair society, we would find the same racial mix in every school, every occupation and every neighborhood. Any significant deviation from statistical equality, in this view, can be evidence of persistent racial discrimination.

This notion suffuses the behavior of leaders in colleges and universities, in large corporations, in government at all levels. Many such leaders regard enforcing quotas as a moral duty, even if they place people in positions for which they’re unprepared. For these “well-meaning people,” David Reich has a (probably unintentional) warning: Science is undermining the rationale for the work you’re doing.

Genetics Is Undercutting the Case for Racial Quotas
Leave Them to Buzz to Themselves

Why submit to the meddling extortion of degenerate race traitors? They are not "well-meaning" at all; you've been suckered into believing their public poses of idealism. They are driven by a vicious and destructive program that necessitates taking away the pride of any Whites who are not in their sado-masochistic cult.
My question is what is wrong with holding the opinion that the White Race is superior to all other races

Because it's not!

I find it interesting that in pro sports like the NBA and NFL have a extremely high percentage of black players. 75% in the NBA, and 70% in the NFL.

Well....this begs the question of what is superiority anyhow? To begin with and this is about as far as I will go....it is a relative thing....what one person thinks is 'superior' may be and no doubt is different from what others may think. So in a nutshell it is a waste of time arguing about who is superior and who is inferior...
Rhetorical Tricks That Numb the Mind

That's a cheap and easy way to dismiss an opinion by pretending that all judgments are relative and therefore meaningless except to whoever makes one. This is to be expected from a copycat of the Illiterate Language Lords who doesn't know what "beg the question" really means outside the media's defective grammar.

Your opinion or judgment on who is superior may be meaningful to you and to some others who agree with your point of view but to those who do not share your point of view it will be disregarded and easily so....no science to back it up to begin with. Thus it
Begs the question --a term that comes from formal logic. It's a translation of the Latin phrase petitio principii, and it's used to mean that someone has made a conclusion based on a premise that lacks support

Thus most racial realists today who have effective arguments steer clear of claiming 'superiority' as it is irrelevant anyhow....at least to White Nationalists...we do not claim to be superior.

White supremacy is based on a racist belief that white people are innately superior to people of other races; white nationalism is about maintaining political and economic dominance, not just a numerical majority or cultural hegemony.

What is White Nationalism..........What is White Nationalism?
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My question is what is wrong with holding the opinion that the White Race is superior to all other races

Because it's not!

I find it interesting that in pro sports like the NBA and NFL have a extremely high percentage of black players. 75% in the NBA, and 70% in the NFL.

Well....this begs the question of what is superiority anyhow? To begin with and this is about as far as I will go....it is a relative thing....what one person thinks is 'superior' may be and no doubt is different from what others may think. So in a nutshell it is a waste of time arguing about who is superior and who is inferior...
Rhetorical Tricks That Numb the Mind

That's a cheap and easy way to dismiss an opinion by pretending that all judgments are relative and therefore meaningless except to whoever makes one. This is to be expected from a copycat of the Illiterate Language Lords who doesn't know what "beg the question" really means outside the media's defective grammar.

Your opinion or judgment on who is superior may be meaningful to you and to some others who agree with your point of view but to those who do not share your point of view it will be disregarded and easily so....no science to back it up to begin with. Thus it
Begs the question --a term that comes from formal logic. It's a translation of the Latin phrase petitio principii, and it's used to mean that someone has made a conclusion based on a premise that lacks support

Thus most racial realists today who have effective arguments steer clear of claiming 'superiority' as it is irrelevant anyhow....at least to White Nationalists...we do not claim to be superior.

White supremacy is based on a racist belief that white people are innately superior to people of other races; white nationalism is about maintaining political and economic dominance, not just a numerical majority or cultural hegemony.

What is White Nationalism..........What is White Nationalism?
Rednecks Are Yellow

If we don't assert and enforce our superiority, we will become decadent, weak, and helpless. The upper-class front group, American Renaissance, rejects it only because proud Whites wouldn't put up with being inferior to a self-appointed and illegitimate hereditary leadership class of Whites. If we don't intelligently rank races, we won't intelligently rank within our race. We will just accept the status quo. In fact, Southerners, whose rulers gave them the most rational racial structure with Jim Crow, didn't extend that to class and became the most slavish richloving scabs.

I knew a Klan member from Georgia who had been shot in the stomach fighting for our country. I questioned his indiscriminate support of Bush, a sheltered Chickenhawk traitor. Unlike his dumb colleagues, he didn't try to claim Bush had been a "fighter pilot" or some other pathetic wriggling away from the obvious truth. This Klansman knew full well that W was a draftdodger, but his answer was, "That's his privilege." So these fake White Nationalists movements are pushing that we should be proud to die taking a rich kid's place out of gratitude if the plutocracy liberates us from Liberalism.
By this question I am not suggesting it is OK for anyone to break laws and go out and harm people just because they are not white. The days of black lynching are long gone. Nobody should be hanged for crimes they did not commit, or even hanged without a fair trial.

My question is what is wrong with holding the opinion that the White Race is superior to all other races, and and GOD favors whites above other races. The question not about burning crosses on people's lawns or terrorizing them wearing white hoods, nor even having laws that force minorities to sit at the back of a public bus. It is not about rolling back time so some people can be nostalgic about what they consider to be the good ole days.

What liberals don't understand about Donald Trump as well as the people that are part of his base, they feel as white people and racists they no longer have seat at the table on any issue, large or small. In the past, they not only sat at the table, they controlled the conversation and the laws that were passed.

For Trump's unwavering voter block (about 30% of voters) Donald Trump represent to them that it is OK to be white, and it OK to be a white racists. Gays and minorities can publicly feel free to state their views and are protected by hate laws, but White Racist they need to stay in the closet, much like gays did for decades, and pretend to be something they are not. At work or at school they must pretend to feel comfortable working with other races that they do not like and believe they are superior too. If a white Racist comes out in the open in public, that person is likely to get fire, even if that person does an outstanding job.

So why can't trump voters be proud to be white and being racist without forced to apologize for their views? Notice, President Trump is setting the example for his base: Never apologize under any circumstances; you never have to apologize to people who are inferior to you.

“It is more difficult to undermine faith than knowledge, love succumbs to change less than to respect, hatred is more durable than aversion, and at all times the driving force of the most important changes in this world has been found less in a scientific knowledge animating the masses, but rather in a fanaticism dominating them and in a hysteria which drove them forward.”
- Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf -

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