What is wrong with being a racist?

The real problem in our country right now isn't racism. It is the absolutely manic obsession people have with finding it.

The left of today reminds me of Maoist China in this regard. In Maoist China, everything had to serve the cultural revolution and opinions were scrutinized to the nth degree to make sure of that. In today's left, everything must serve identity politics, and the rigidity and determination to control expression is no less.
Yup, and when the Right is shot, tortured, imprisoned and stripped of their livelihoods for not agreeing with the left, let me know.

You had that happen to you, did you? Who was shot, tortured, imprisoned and stripped from their livelihood?
No, that's what happened when Mao took over in China.
My question is what is wrong with holding the opinion that the White Race is superior to all other races, and and GOD favors whites above other races.

1) White aren't superior.
2) There is no God.

What liberals don't understand about Donald Trump as well as the people that are part of his base, they feel as white people and racists they no longer have seat at the table on any issue, large or small. In the past, they not only sat at the table, they controlled the conversation and the laws that were passed.

Uh, guy, most of Congress is white, most of it is male, most of it is Christian.

For Trump's unwavering voter block (about 30% of voters) Donald Trump represent to them that it is OK to be white, and it OK to be a white racists.

No, being a racist of any color is never "Okay".
An excerpt from an articles a few days ago on racism

As president and slave owner Thomas Jefferson noted in his “Notes on the State of Virginia” in the early 1780s:

"It will probably be asked, why not retain and incorporate the blacks into the state, and thus save the expense of supplying, by importation of white settlers, the vacancies they will leave? Deep rooted prejudices entertained by the whites; ten thousand recollections, by the blacks, of the injuries they have sustained; new provocations; the real distinctions which nature has made; and many other circumstances, will divide us into parties, and produce convulsions which will probably never end but in the extermination of the one or the other race."
Jefferson, like many of his white peers, considered blacks inferior to whites and feared a race war would ensue if they were emancipated. Jefferson believed that slaves would retaliate against their former masters and thus embraced the idea of "colonization": arranging for transportation of free blacks to Africa, regardless of their birthplace. Slavery, Jefferson wrote, was “demoralizing to both White and Black society.”

Opinion | Sophia Nelson: From Trump to Thomas Jefferson, Roseanne's racism part of a long legacy
From the beginning, the Founding Fathers believed not only that slaves were inherently less than, but that they would stage an uprising if they were ever allowed to be free. This sense of superiority, mixed with a racially charged fear of free African Americans, continues to inform society today.
Good argument!
Intellect and ambition are the most important differentiators in humans. If you need to use your skin color to feel good about yourself, you are probably not a superior specimen.
The problem with your view that "Trump & his base of white people no longer have a seat at the table on any issue"
is that millions of pictures have been taken of the people that have a seat at the table of our government finance, & business. and they show that 90 to 98% of the seats are filled with white men. so it is not true that "white men no longer have a seat"
Coming from an African American, this post is a little disgusting to me, but being entirely unbiased there are still some factors in your statement that need addressing. There is nothing wrong with being "racist". And when I say that I mean there is nothing wrong with disliking someone else for a specific reason. You are completely entitled to feel that way, but it is the disrespect, violence, and slander that is associated with some white racist that really gives you guys a bad name. White racist have never been a peaceful people, and that's really all the world is looking for. Now addressing the "seat at the table" comment... This group of people have never liked to share "power" which was their mistake, because if this power was shared from the beginning they could hold more seats in power. Other races would be able to tolerate and even help uplift the white race, but they have all long been scared away by pitch forks, lynching, and hate crimes. Now people want to take that power because this one race feels superior to others. Its a child's play mentality really, except grown men and women are kicking and screaming. Race doesn't really matter when we all die eventually. Have your opinions, but don't make other people feel small because of it.
By this question I am not suggesting it is OK for anyone to break laws and go out and harm people just because they are not white. The days of black lynching are long gone. Nobody should be hanged for crimes they did not commit, or even hanged without a fair trial.

My question is what is wrong with holding the opinion that the White Race is superior to all other races, and and GOD favors whites above other races. The question not about burning crosses on people's lawns or terrorizing them wearing white hoods, nor even having laws that force minorities to sit at the back of a public bus. It is not about rolling back time so some people can be nostalgic about what they consider to be the good ole days.

What liberals don't understand about Donald Trump as well as the people that are part of his base, they feel as white people and racists they no longer have seat at the table on any issue, large or small. In the past, they not only sat at the table, they controlled the conversation and the laws that were passed.

For Trump's unwavering voter block (about 30% of voters) Donald Trump represent to them that it is OK to be white, and it OK to be a white racists. Gays and minorities can publicly feel free to state their views and are protected by hate laws, but White Racist they need to stay in the closet, much like gays did for decades, and pretend to be something they are not. At work or at school they must pretend to feel comfortable working with other races that they do not like and believe they are superior too. If a white Racist comes out in the open in public, that person is likely to get fire, even if that person does an outstanding job.

So why can't trump voters be proud to be white and being racist without forced to apologize for their views? Notice, President Trump is setting the example for his base: Never apologize under any circumstances; you never have to apologize to people who are inferior to you.
You may think you're clever, but we have no shortage of leftist trolls acting as strawmen for the left. There's already several of you on this forum, and several of them have already been banned as well, likely for being socks.

I don't know that you're a sock, nor do I know who's sock you are, assuming you are one.

The bottom line, however, is that you should try to be original with your trolling, doing something others are doing is rather boring.

That said, if you lack creativity, hen I'll leave you with this: The fastest way to blow your cover is to call the supporters of someone you claim to support racist. People on the right understand that the 1488ers are a small minority, and that the left only want them to represent the entire movement, so that they don't have to actually debate, and can instead just scream racist at everyone they disagree with.

Despite the fact you're an obvious troll, I guess I'd feel bad if I didn't answer your question.

I'd say nothing is inherently wrong with holding a specific opinion, regardless of popular opinion, so long as you're not infringing on the rights of others.
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....whites are superior in not committing murder/etc and graduating school....these are just facts
there is nothing wrong with facts--but they are scary to some people
In the eyes of God, all men are created equal. In the real world it's a different story. Nature does not acknowledge equality, only equilibrium.
Okay, then why is a white man more "balanced", than a non-white person?

Maybe because in the US about 5% of White are on welfare while almost 50% of Blacks.

It takes a more "well balanced" person to provide for their families instead of demanding that somebody else pay their bills.

The same with crime. Proportional Whites commit substantially less crime than Blacks. How "well balanced" are you to be criminal?
The notion that every member of one race is superior to every member of another race, due to skin color, is idiotic. How do you not know this?

What you wrote makes sense... In turn, what make you think that I believe something to the contrary. It is my impression you responded just title of the thread, and made assumptions without actually understanding the content of the post.
Maybe because in the US about 5% of White are on welfare while almost 50% of Blacks.

It takes a more "well balanced" person to provide for their families instead of demanding that somebody else pay their bills.

The same with crime. Proportional Whites commit substantially less crime than Blacks. How "well balanced" are you to be criminal?
How many bank CEO's were charged with crimes for the 2008 economic meltdown? Charles Keating killed more people than Charles Manson; was he charged with any crimes?
The notion that every member of one race is superior to every member of another race, due to skin color, is idiotic. How do you not know this?


The funniest part is that your interlocutor appears to believe that the sense of supremacy was a-okay, just an inconsequential opinion like every other mere opinion, and the rest - like discrimination, denigration, lynching, enslavement - were just some unrelated accidents of history.
By this question I am not suggesting it is OK for anyone to break laws and go out and harm people just because they are not white. The days of black lynching are long gone. Nobody should be hanged for crimes they did not commit, or even hanged without a fair trial.

My question is what is wrong with holding the opinion that the White Race is superior to all other races, and and GOD favors whites above other races. The question not about burning crosses on people's lawns or terrorizing them wearing white hoods, nor even having laws that force minorities to sit at the back of a public bus. It is not about rolling back time so some people can be nostalgic about what they consider to be the good ole days.

What liberals don't understand about Donald Trump as well as the people that are part of his base, they feel as white people and racists they no longer have seat at the table on any issue, large or small. In the past, they not only sat at the table, they controlled the conversation and the laws that were passed.

For Trump's unwavering voter block (about 30% of voter)s Donald Trump represent to them that it is OK to be white, and it OK to be a white racists. Gays and minorities can publicly feel free to state their views and are protected by hate laws, but White Racist they need to stay in the closet, much like gays did for decades, and pretend to be something they are not. At work or at school they must pretend to feel comfortable working with other races that they do not like and believe they are superior too. If a white Racist comes out in the open in public, that person is likely to get fired, even if that person does an outstanding job.

So why can't trump voters be proud to be white and being racist without forced to apologize for their views? Notice, President Trump is setting the example for his base: Never apologize under any circumstances; you never have to apologize to people who are inferior to you.

Where did you copy and paste this tripe from?
Feel free to do a search. Every single word was typed manually by me within over the course of 15 minutes specifically for this forum. You will not find it anywhere else on the internet or in print.

If it helps any, think of it as a question that might come up as legal question for those studying the law or politics at an university
Liberals never can quite come to terms with the fact that we don't fit their never ending attacks calling us " uneducated rubes" lol
Maybe because in the US about 5% of White are on welfare while almost 50% of Blacks.

It takes a more "well balanced" person to provide for their families instead of demanding that somebody else pay their bills.

The same with crime. Proportional Whites commit substantially less crime than Blacks. How "well balanced" are you to be criminal?
How many bank CEO's were charged with crimes for the 2008 economic meltdown? Charles Keating killed more people than Charles Manson; was he charged with any crimes?

How many Black rap stars or sports figures have been charged with a crime? A whole lotta of 'em.
By this question I am not suggesting it is OK for anyone to break laws and go out and harm people just because they are not white. The days of black lynching are long gone. Nobody should be hanged for crimes they did not commit, or even hanged without a fair trial.

My question is what is wrong with holding the opinion that the White Race is superior to all other races, and and GOD favors whites above other races. The question not about burning crosses on people's lawns or terrorizing them wearing white hoods, nor even having laws that force minorities to sit at the back of a public bus. It is not about rolling back time so some people can be nostalgic about what they consider to be the good ole days.

What liberals don't understand about Donald Trump as well as the people that are part of his base, they feel as white people and racists they no longer have seat at the table on any issue, large or small. In the past, they not only sat at the table, they controlled the conversation and the laws that were passed.

For Trump's unwavering voter block (about 30% of voter)s Donald Trump represent to them that it is OK to be white, and it OK to be a white racists. Gays and minorities can publicly feel free to state their views and are protected by hate laws, but White Racist they need to stay in the closet, much like gays did for decades, and pretend to be something they are not. At work or at school they must pretend to feel comfortable working with other races that they do not like and believe they are superior too. If a white Racist comes out in the open in public, that person is likely to get fired, even if that person does an outstanding job.

So why can't trump voters be proud to be white and being racist without forced to apologize for their views? Notice, President Trump is setting the example for his base: Never apologize under any circumstances; you never have to apologize to people who are inferior to you.

Where did you copy and paste this tripe from?

I'll give you a hint. It begins with , "St...", and ends with "ormfront".
Classic! The "Stormfront" claim even though SF has been closed down for a long time.
You know, there is a reason that I'm not racist.

Short answer? Knowledge. If I think that someone isn't as smart as me or doesn't know enough to teach me something, I close myself off from new knowledge. Some of my best teachers while I was in the Navy were Black, or Filipino. And, it was because of a Filipino named June that I became a shit hot Personnelman with an error rate of only 2.5 percent. In order to be considered a water walker at the top of your game in the admin business, you had to hit 5 percent. I hit an error rate of HALF that.

And, there are others who have taught me some of the skills they had which came in useful over the course of my life. I know how to plant and harvest, butcher small to medium animals, as well as can build things out of wood.

If I had been a racist and didn't let those people teach me, I wouldn't be the person I am today, I'd be a lot more diminished.
Races are different from each other no one race is necessarily better at everything than any other race. Blacks, on average, are more physically fit than Whites.
Whites have higher IQ's than Blacks. Asians have higher IQ's than Whites. Nobody has done a true non-biased, non-racist study of the various benefits of the various races to see if one of them truly is superior to the others. Nothing I said here is racist except to the ears of the close minded.

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