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What is wrong with being a racist?

They would point at you and scream "racist" to use you as an example of their point, that racism still exists.

When they do that, all it does is make you stronger in your beliefs.

Clear enough?

I suggest you take time to read my first post. It appears you are basing your perception on the title of thread and making some false assumptions about my intent.

1. We should keep the word "racist" to mean a very bad person who "dislikes" (I shan't use a stronger word) another ethnicity and would do harm (in every possible way) to them.

2. I prefer the word "racialist," which I interpret as referring to a person who would NEVER hurt a person of any other ethnicity, BUT who sincerely believes (based on personal experience and the experiences of others) that two of the five major ethnicities in this country are the least problematic of the five major ethnicities in our country.

a. In fact, a racialist is always polite and respectful to people of ALL ethnicities.

3. When we vote, for example, it is usually a case of choosing the lesser of the two evils.

a. So when we choose a neighborhood for our family, we think: "No ethnicity is angelic. OF COURSE, all ethnicities have good and bad people. But I think that it would helpful to buy a house or rent an apartment in an area that is predominately X or Y, for those two ethnicities are the least problematic of the five major ethnicities."
We hold these truths to be self evident, that all white men are created equal...

...that doesn't have the same ring to it. I find it hard to believe that's what the Founders meant.
An excerpt from an articles a few days ago on racism

As president and slave owner Thomas Jefferson noted in his “Notes on the State of Virginia” in the early 1780s:

"It will probably be asked, why not retain and incorporate the blacks into the state, and thus save the expense of supplying, by importation of white settlers, the vacancies they will leave? Deep rooted prejudices entertained by the whites; ten thousand recollections, by the blacks, of the injuries they have sustained; new provocations; the real distinctions which nature has made; and many other circumstances, will divide us into parties, and produce convulsions which will probably never end but in the extermination of the one or the other race."
Jefferson, like many of his white peers, considered blacks inferior to whites and feared a race war would ensue if they were emancipated. Jefferson believed that slaves would retaliate against their former masters and thus embraced the idea of "colonization": arranging for transportation of free blacks to Africa, regardless of their birthplace. Slavery, Jefferson wrote, was “demoralizing to both White and Black society.”

Opinion | Sophia Nelson: From Trump to Thomas Jefferson, Roseanne's racism part of a long legacy
From the beginning, the Founding Fathers believed not only that slaves were inherently less than, but that they would stage an uprising if they were ever allowed to be free. This sense of superiority, mixed with a racially charged fear of free African Americans, continues to inform society today.

1. We should keep the word "racist" to mean a very bad person who "dislikes" (I shan't use a stronger word) another ethnicity and would do harm (in every possible way) to them.

2. I prefer the word "racialist," which I interpret as referring to a person who would NEVER hurt a person of any other ethnicity, BUT who sincerely believes (based on personal experience and the experiences of others) that two of the five major ethnicities in this country are the least problematic of the five major ethnicities in our country.

a. In fact, a racialist is always polite and respectful to people of ALL ethnicities.

3. When we vote, for example, it is usually a case of choosing the lesser of the two evils.

a. So when we choose a neighborhood for our family, we think: "No ethnicity is angelic. OF COURSE, all ethnicities have good and bad people. But I think that it would helpful to buy a house or rent an apartment in an area that is predominately X or Y, for those two ethnicities are the least problematic of the five major ethnicities."
Yes, we easily run afoul of definitions on the subject. If someone points out that certain groups have lower IQ scores, higher crime rates and less socioeconomic success in general yet rejects that racism itself is the root cause, does that make the person "racist"?
In answer to your question "what is wrong with holding the opinion that the White Race is superior..."
  1. it's not true
  2. because of this erroneous belief white people enslaved, kidnapped, raped, whipped, "bred", tortured, etc. black people
  3. after slavery was abolished this erroneous belief caused white people to lynch, firebomb the homes & churches, burn crosses, refuse to sell to, employ, educate, etc.black people and to institute a whole new set of Jim Crow laws that sought to return black people to financial and social bondage if they couldn't be returned to physical bondage
  4. even after the civil rights act of 1964 was enacted this erroneous belief of white supremacy prompted some whites to simply ignore these laws and continue their racist behaviors (have you seen the movie Hidden Figures?)
  5. last (at least for now) racism as opposed to "being a racist" is unlawful
Trump's statement about never apologizing to those whom you view as your "inferiors" is idiotic to say the least and very juvenile. But that's another topic for another day, maybe.

Keep in mind, the title of the thread is asking a question. Do not confuse that question with making a personal statement, or statement of fact.

Trump very strongly believes that one of the great sins is to apologize for anything. I can practically guarantee you no matter what he says or does, no matter how wrong or offensive or racist he maybe, he will never apologize or admit to a single error. And his base, especially racists, are energized that he never backs down no matter what, no matter the cost to others, no matter who suffers for it. Its one of his long standing rules of life, one that he never forgives if someone crosses that line.

Is trump a racist? Yes to a limited degree just like nearly everyone is. What he does is uses racism as political tool to get what he wants. He tapped into a voting block no candidate or party was willing to touch.
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God would not pick someone as morally bankrupt as Trump is. One of God's commandments is "though shall not lie", something Trump does constantly. Another one is "though shall not bear false witness", something Trump does consistently to people who are not loyal to him. God is all about love; Trump embraces the opposite. Which, BTW, is not hate.

Trump has a lock on the evangelical base. If what you says is valid, why are they so strongly behind Donald Trump even more than they were for George W Bush, who is a devoted Christian. It is my perception if the election had been between GWB and Trump, Evangelical would have overwhelming still voted for Trump despite your points to the contrary. Evangelicals Christians seem energized by all Trump's methods, including lying.
Why? abortion and baking cakes.
In answer to your question "what is wrong with holding the opinion that the White Race is superior..."
  1. it's not true
  2. because of this erroneous belief white people enslaved, kidnapped, raped, whipped, "bred", tortured, etc. black people
  3. after slavery was abolished this erroneous belief caused white people to lynch, firebomb the homes & churches, burn crosses, refuse to sell to, employ, educate, etc.black people and to institute a whole new set of Jim Crow laws that sought to return black people to financial and social bondage if they couldn't be returned to physical bondage
  4. even after the civil rights act of 1964 was enacted this erroneous belief of white supremacy prompted some whites to simply ignore these laws and continue their racist behaviors (have you seen the movie Hidden Figures?)
  5. last (at least for now) racism as opposed to "being a racist" is unlawful
Trump's statement about never apologizing to those whom you view as your "inferiors" is idiotic to say the least and very juvenile. But that's another topic for another day, maybe.

Keep in mind, the title of the thread is asking a question. Do not confuse that question with making a personal statement, or statement of fact.

Trump very strongly believes that one of the great sins is to apologize for anything. I can practically guarantee you no matter what he says or does, no matter how wrong or offensive or racist he maybe, he will never apologize or admit to a single error. And his base, especially racists, are energized that he never backs down no matter what, no matter the cost to others, no matter who suffers for it. Its one of his long standing rules of life, one that he never forgives if someone crosses that line.

Is trump a racist? Yes to a limited degree just like nearly everyone is. What he does is uses racism as political tool to get what he wants. He tapped into a voting block no candidate or party was willing to touch.
Tell me how, to a limited degree, I believe anyone not white is inferior to me.
Keep in mind, the title of the thread is asking a question. Do not confuse that question with making a personal statement, or statement of fact.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by this unless you stating that just because you asked the question, doesn't mean that this is what you believe? I just had a discussion about this very same topics mere hours before Roseanne Barr was canned for the statement she made. The poster was asking shouldn't a person who is a racist hide this aspect of their personality, while the general response, including my own, was that the better course of action would simply be to just stop being a racist.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by this unless you stating that just because you asked the question, doesn't mean that this is what you believe? I just had a discussion about this very same topics mere hours before Roseanne Barr was canned for the statement she made. The poster was asking shouldn't a person who is a racist hide this aspect of their personality, while the general response, including my own, was that the better course of action would simply be to just stop being a racist.

You are correct, I was just posting a question. But I am aware the nature of the any hot button question can trigger people to prematurely reach conclusions just based on the question. Which in the case of this specific topic, was by design because being a racist is about prejudge a person or a group of people based on negatived biases.

Personally I think at the core of Rosanne Barr's personality is a person who is an agitator, a person who enjoys causing problems by saying and doing things that tick people off. She screwed up big time, thinking her star power would allow her to make racist statement without any blow back. I don't think she has very strong racial attitudes, but she is not afraid to make racist statements as a tool to piss people off. Her show was worth about 100 million in annual revenue to ABC, which demonstrates ABCs tolerance with her pushing the limits.
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The real problem in our country right now isn't racism. It is the absolutely manic obsession people have with finding it.

The left of today reminds me of Maoist China in this regard. In Maoist China, everything had to serve the cultural revolution and opinions were scrutinized to the nth degree to make sure of that. In today's left, everything must serve identity politics, and the rigidity and determination to control expression is no less.
My question is what is wrong with holding the opinion that the White Race is superior to all other races

Because it's not!

I find it interesting that in pro sports like the NBA and NFL have a extremely high percentage of black players. 75% in the NBA, and 70% in the NFL.

And that makes whites "superior"?
Probably the same things that make the Israelis superior to the Palestinians, to put it in terms you might understand.
By this question I am not suggesting it is OK for anyone to break laws and go out and harm people just because they are not white. The days of black lynching are long gone. Nobody should be hanged for crimes they did not commit, or even hanged without a fair trial.

My question is what is wrong with holding the opinion that the White Race is superior to all other races, and and GOD favors whites above other races. The question not about burning crosses on people's lawns or terrorizing them wearing white hoods, nor even having laws that force minorities to sit at the back of a public bus. It is not about rolling back time so some people can be nostalgic about what they consider to be the good ole days.

What liberals don't understand about Donald Trump as well as the people that are part of his base, they feel as white people and racists they no longer have seat at the table on any issue, large or small. In the past, they not only sat at the table, they controlled the conversation and the laws that were passed.

For Trump's unwavering voter block (about 30% of voters) Donald Trump represent to them that it is OK to be white, and it OK to be a white racists. Gays and minorities can publicly feel free to state their views and are protected by hate laws, but White Racist they need to stay in the closet, much like gays did for decades, and pretend to be something they are not. At work or at school they must pretend to feel comfortable working with other races that they do not like and believe they are superior too. If a white Racist comes out in the open in public, that person is likely to get fire, even if that person does an outstanding job.

So why can't trump voters be proud to be white and being racist without forced to apologize for their views? Notice, President Trump is setting the example for his base: Never apologize under any circumstances; you never have to apologize to people who are inferior to you.

Have you read "Animal Farm"? Your many words could be summarized from quotes in the book, especially now:

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."
Napoleon represents Trump;

"If Comrade Napoleon says it, it must be right" is one motto, and "work harder" is a second. Boxer represents the dedicated proletariate who is willing to work himself to death, believing blindly in his leaders.
Boxer is a trumpanzee
The real problem in our country right now isn't racism. It is the absolutely manic obsession people have with finding it.

The left of today reminds me of Maoist China in this regard. In Maoist China, everything had to serve the cultural revolution and opinions were scrutinized to the nth degree to make sure of that. In today's left, everything must serve identity politics, and the rigidity and determination to control expression is no less.
Yup, and when the Right is shot, tortured, imprisoned and stripped of their livelihoods for not agreeing with the left, let me know.
By this question I am not suggesting it is OK for anyone to break laws and go out and harm people just because they are not white. The days of black lynching are long gone. Nobody should be hanged for crimes they did not commit, or even hanged without a fair trial.

My question is what is wrong with holding the opinion that the White Race is superior to all other races, and and GOD favors whites above other races. The question not about burning crosses on people's lawns or terrorizing them wearing white hoods, nor even having laws that force minorities to sit at the back of a public bus. It is not about rolling back time so some people can be nostalgic about what they consider to be the good ole days.

What liberals don't understand about Donald Trump as well as the people that are part of his base, they feel as white people and racists they no longer have seat at the table on any issue, large or small. In the past, they not only sat at the table, they controlled the conversation and the laws that were passed.

For Trump's unwavering voter block (about 30% of voters) Donald Trump represent to them that it is OK to be white, and it OK to be a white racists. Gays and minorities can publicly feel free to state their views and are protected by hate laws, but White Racist they need to stay in the closet, much like gays did for decades, and pretend to be something they are not. At work or at school they must pretend to feel comfortable working with other races that they do not like and believe they are superior too. If a white Racist comes out in the open in public, that person is likely to get fire, even if that person does an outstanding job.

So why can't trump voters be proud to be white and being racist without forced to apologize for their views? Notice, President Trump is setting the example for his base: Never apologize under any circumstances; you never have to apologize to people who are inferior to you.

The notion that every member of one race is superior to every member of another race, due to skin color, is idiotic. How do you not know this?
By this question I am not suggesting it is OK for anyone to break laws and go out and harm people just because they are not white. The days of black lynching are long gone. Nobody should be hanged for crimes they did not commit, or even hanged without a fair trial.

My question is what is wrong with holding the opinion that the White Race is superior to all other races, and and GOD favors whites above other races. The question not about burning crosses on people's lawns or terrorizing them wearing white hoods, nor even having laws that force minorities to sit at the back of a public bus. It is not about rolling back time so some people can be nostalgic about what they consider to be the good ole days.

What liberals don't understand about Donald Trump as well as the people that are part of his base, they feel as white people and racists they no longer have seat at the table on any issue, large or small. In the past, they not only sat at the table, they controlled the conversation and the laws that were passed.

For Trump's unwavering voter block (about 30% of voters) Donald Trump represent to them that it is OK to be white, and it OK to be a white racists. Gays and minorities can publicly feel free to state their views and are protected by hate laws, but White Racist they need to stay in the closet, much like gays did for decades, and pretend to be something they are not. At work or at school they must pretend to feel comfortable working with other races that they do not like and believe they are superior too. If a white Racist comes out in the open in public, that person is likely to get fire, even if that person does an outstanding job.

So why can't trump voters be proud to be white and being racist without forced to apologize for their views? Notice, President Trump is setting the example for his base: Never apologize under any circumstances; you never have to apologize to people who are inferior to you.

Have you read "Animal Farm"? Your many words could be summarized from quotes in the book, especially now:

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."
Napoleon represents Trump;

"If Comrade Napoleon says it, it must be right" is one motto, and "work harder" is a second. Boxer represents the dedicated proletariate who is willing to work himself to death, believing blindly in his leaders.
Boxer is a trumpanzee
That's why Animal Farm is a classic. It expresses truth.
Boxer is too kind to be a trumpanzee, though, don't you think?
The real problem in our country right now isn't racism. It is the absolutely manic obsession people have with finding it.

The left of today reminds me of Maoist China in this regard. In Maoist China, everything had to serve the cultural revolution and opinions were scrutinized to the nth degree to make sure of that. In today's left, everything must serve identity politics, and the rigidity and determination to control expression is no less.
Yup, and when the Right is shot, tortured, imprisoned and stripped of their livelihoods for not agreeing with the left, let me know.

You had that happen to you, did you? Who was shot, tortured, imprisoned and stripped from their livelihood?

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