What is wrong with the FCC's news monitoring

So the monitors will magically appear in radio and TV newsrooms one fine day. They'll say: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you" and the sheep will meekly line up to be shorn. Or be invited to dinner at The Obama (formerly White) House where they'll be served - with mint jelly.
So the monitors will magically appear in radio and TV newsrooms one fine day. They'll say: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you" and the sheep will meekly line up to be shorn. Or be invited to dinner at The Obama (formerly White) House where they'll be served - with mint jelly.

And arugula. Don't forget the arugula.
I linked the whole thing back in post 71 Einstein. Go ahead back there and cite the parts dealing with "regulating the content of news programs".


Feel free to prove they asked those questions out of concern about the ability of minorities to break into the newspaper business, which is not even close to being any of their business.

"Feel free" to "prove" a point I never made about entities I never brought up, huh.

What a great opportunity. I feel like I just hit the lottery.

:bow2: :bow2: :bow2: :bow2: :bow2:


Let me guess, you didn't actually say any of this.

This "issue" (if that's what it is) was apparently generated by this editorial in the Wall Street Journal a couple of weeks ago. The writer of the editorial is a Republican FCC Commissioner appointed by O'bama. Basically it's a study of how information is processed.

Yes, the government is doing a study. When has that ever happened... :eek:

Rather than biased editorials, half-wits fanning flames of mythologies and OPs that give no basis for themselves whatsoever, let's go right to the heart of the matter. Here's the actual proposal from the research company designed to execute this study. The reader will note it's a year old already.

>> Overall Project Goals and Objectives

We understand that the purpose of this Study of Critical Information Needs (CINs) is to provide
a comprehensive analysis of access/barriers to CINs in diverse American communities.
The objectives of the study are to:
• collect data to inform:
o the access (or potential barriers) to CINs as identified by the FCC;
o the media that makes up media ecologies (i.e., what media is actually included in that ecology; ownership of that market; what specific type of content dominates those media ecologies; what is the flow of information within the ecology, etc);
o the use of and interaction between media that makes media ecologies (i.e., how do different layers of the ecology interact to provide for CINs; how do individuals of diverse neighborhoods/communities differ in terms of access to CINs);
• validate data collection tools/templates and protocols;
• demonstrate high internal validity and reliability of measured constructs

Study Goals and Objectives

The objectives of the study are to help FCC answer the following questions:
• How does this study inform the acquisition and/or barriers to CINs in American communities?
• What barriers to entry exist in the FCC regulated markets and to what extent do those barriers to entry have a negative impact?
• Do the tools/templates demonstrate a high degree of internal validity? Do the tools/templates demonstrate a high degree of reliability across diverse target markets? <<

Sorry but that's the boring reality. As you were with the fantasies...

Why does your account get hacked more than anyone else's on the board?
Feel free to prove they asked those questions out of concern about the ability of minorities to break into the newspaper business, which is not even close to being any of their business.

"Feel free" to "prove" a point I never made about entities I never brought up, huh.

What a great opportunity. I feel like I just hit the lottery.

:bow2: :bow2: :bow2: :bow2: :bow2:


Let me guess, you didn't actually say any of this.

This "issue" (if that's what it is) was apparently generated by this editorial in the Wall Street Journal a couple of weeks ago. The writer of the editorial is a Republican FCC Commissioner appointed by O'bama. Basically it's a study of how information is processed.

Yes, the government is doing a study. When has that ever happened... :eek:

Rather than biased editorials, half-wits fanning flames of mythologies and OPs that give no basis for themselves whatsoever, let's go right to the heart of the matter. Here's the actual proposal from the research company designed to execute this study. The reader will note it's a year old already.

>> Overall Project Goals and Objectives

We understand that the purpose of this Study of Critical Information Needs (CINs) is to provide
a comprehensive analysis of access/barriers to CINs in diverse American communities.
The objectives of the study are to:
&#8226; collect data to inform:
o the access (or potential barriers) to CINs as identified by the FCC;
o the media that makes up media ecologies (i.e., what media is actually included in that ecology; ownership of that market; what specific type of content dominates those media ecologies; what is the flow of information within the ecology, etc);
o the use of and interaction between media that makes media ecologies (i.e., how do different layers of the ecology interact to provide for CINs; how do individuals of diverse neighborhoods/communities differ in terms of access to CINs);
&#8226; validate data collection tools/templates and protocols;
&#8226; demonstrate high internal validity and reliability of measured constructs

Study Goals and Objectives

The objectives of the study are to help FCC answer the following questions:
&#8226; How does this study inform the acquisition and/or barriers to CINs in American communities?
&#8226; What barriers to entry exist in the FCC regulated markets and to what extent do those barriers to entry have a negative impact?
&#8226; Do the tools/templates demonstrate a high degree of internal validity? Do the tools/templates demonstrate a high degree of reliability across diverse target markets? <<

Sorry but that's the boring reality. As you were with the fantasies...

Why does your account get hacked more than anyone else's on the board?

That's a quote from a link, illiterate hack. Wtf do you think >> and << are there for?

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Hopefully the gathered information will be used to determine that cable "news" outlets can't false-advertise by calling themselves "news" anymore:

"It is a melancholy truth, that a suppression of the press could not more compleatly deprive the nation of it's benefits, than is done by it's abandoned prostitution to falsehood."
-- Thomas Jefferson; from letter to John Norvell (June 14, 1807)
The next thing you will see if they keep it up, is federal agents sitting in your company, trying to see how the business is being run, and that it is being run in a fashion that satisfies them in that the company is doing what the feds want them to do in respect to pay, the employee's etc. Yall know, it is all for the collective now.
The next thing you will see if they keep it up, is federal agents sitting in your company, trying to see how the business is being run, and that it is being run in a fashion that satisfies them in that the company is doing what the feds want them to do in respect to pay, the employee's etc. Yall know, it is all for the collective now.

This reminds me of Atlas Shrugged where the steel maker Hank Reardon had a government appointed "minder" whose job was to report back to the authorities anything Reardon did that the bureaucrats didn't like.

It's scare how close reality has come to resemble that book.
So new rule.

We don't let agencies even look at anything for fear we might find out things the nutters don't want to hear.

Kind of like when Kellerman determined a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a house hold member than a bad guy, the NRA and Gun Industry made sure that THEY NEVER STUDIED THAT AGAIN!!!!

Vested interest representation.

On a serious note, six companies control 90% of the media in this country. How does anyone see this as a good thing?
So new rule.

We don't let agencies even look at anything for fear we might find out things the nutters don't want to hear.

Kind of like when Kellerman determined a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a house hold member than a bad guy, the NRA and Gun Industry made sure that THEY NEVER STUDIED THAT AGAIN!!!!

Vested interest representation.

On a serious note, six companies control 90% of the media in this country. How does anyone see this as a good thing?

"A free press can, of course, be good or bad, but, most certainly without freedom, the press will never be anything but bad" - Albert Camus
Obama is simply attempting to legalize (or legitimize) what he's already done to the press.........

At least most of it.......except Fox and talk radio.....
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So new rule.

We don't let agencies even look at anything for fear we might find out things the nutters don't want to hear.

Kind of like when Kellerman determined a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a house hold member than a bad guy, the NRA and Gun Industry made sure that THEY NEVER STUDIED THAT AGAIN!!!!

Vested interest representation.

On a serious note, six companies control 90% of the media in this country. How does anyone see this as a good thing?

You're not the first to note that here, and you'll get the same response they got and the same response I always get....


I understand Budddy Holly gets a royalty though, so it's not all bad :thup:
People who demand links are layabouts who refuse to do their own research and want YOU to do it for them.

So very........very......well.....CNN.


How in the wide world of fuck is it my job to make somebody else's point? HOW?

Dumb shit.
People who demand links are layabouts who refuse to do their own research and want YOU to do it for them.

So very........very......well.....CNN.


How in the wide world of fuck is it my job to make somebody else's point? HOW?

Dumb shit.

Typical liberal denial.

Now when conservatives want to challenge something we research the data ourselves. But liberals? They want you to do everything for them. If you refuse they first try name-calling. When that fails they want a government grant.
Why bother spending the money, after all they already have media matters.

Media Matters is losing ground thanks to the arrival of a small core of opposing Mani Stream media -primarily centered around Fox News.

The stated purpose of Media Matters was to combat what they call "conservative misinformation" they define conservative misinformation as news or commentary presented in the media that is not accurate, reliable, or credible and that forwards the conservative agenda, basically anything that presents or attempts to present a rebuttal to the leftist diarrhea that the media had been dumping on the public for decades.

The Daily Caller in 2012 published an exposé that revealed the extent to which MMfA had become engaged in dictating the content of media reports. Newspapers such as the
NY Times,
Washington Post,
Los Angeles Times
All took dictation from Media Matters .

The Caller reported that by 2008, "Media Matters staff had the direct line of MSNBC president Phil Griffin, and used it. Griffin took their calls [and orders]" We were pretty much writing [MSNBC's] prime time,... But then, virtually all the mainstream media was using our stuff stated one former Media Matters employee. -Daily Caller Article

MMfA Dictates the content of many mainstream media reports

MMfA Engages in underhanded mud-slinging tactics against conservatives attempting to label them as liars and racists

MMfA attempts to create the illusion that conservatives dominate the mainstream media

MMfA Had regular contact and strategy sessions with political operatives within the Obama Regime

The FCC move is simply another blow from the Socio-Fascists at their campaign to monopolize the Media and gain absolute control over the minds of the Masses.

Media Matters for America
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People who demand links are layabouts who refuse to do their own research and want YOU to do it for them.

So very........very......well.....CNN.


How in the wide world of fuck is it my job to make somebody else's point? HOW?

Dumb shit.

Typical liberal denial.

Now when conservatives want to challenge something we research the data ourselves. But liberals? They want you to do everything for them. If you refuse they first try name-calling. When that fails they want a government grant.

As I said, it's a fallacy and you can't answer it.

"Run! Martians are invading the earth!"

"Yeah? Where'd you hear that?"

"Go look it up, I can't do everything for you!"

Fucking idiot. No wonder you don't have a clue what news is.
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