What is wrong with the FCC's news monitoring

Are unemployment benefits NOT income?


1. Disability Insurance Payments

2. Employer-Provided Insurance

3. Gift Giving of Up-to $13,000; Gift Receipt of Any Amount

4. Life Insurance Payouts

5. Sale of Principal Residence

6. Up to $3,000 of Income Offset by Capital Losses

7. Income Earned in Nine States

8. Corporate Income Earned In Five States

9. Inheritance

10. Municipal Bond Interest
I'm sure they did, it's how dictators work.

And if you see that going on here, outside your own comic book, I have to wonder if you can spell the names of the medications you're on. If that were the case Lush Rimjob would not exist. How's his career working out?

You know, the one with the comic book mentality is you.

Under Dubya we saw an FCC that cracked down on sex and swearing on TV and radio - here in Los Angeles they are STILL censoring Pink Floyd from singing "bullshit" in the song "Money."

The FCC is very much a political group. Clinton used them to harass opposition media, and Obama is expanding that to new extremes. The placement of an open Stalinist like Tom Wheeler is a chilling event to the freedom of speech in it's own right. The choice of a man who has openly advocated state control of the content of broadcasts is a pretty clear signal of the administrations hostility toward a free press.
I'm sure they did, it's how dictators work.

And if you see that going on here, outside your own comic book, I have to wonder if you can spell the names of the medications you're on. If that were the case Lush Rimjob would not exist. How's his career working out?

You know, the one with the comic book mentality is you.

Under Dubya we saw an FCC that cracked down on sex and swearing on TV and radio - here in Los Angeles they are STILL censoring Pink Floyd from singing "bullshit" in the song "Money."

The FCC is very much a political group. Clinton used them to harass opposition media, and Obama is expanding that to new extremes. The placement of an open Stalinist like Tom Wheeler is a chilling event to the freedom of speech in it's own right. The choice of a man who has openly advocated state control of the content of broadcasts is a pretty clear signal of the administrations hostility toward a free press.

Wheeler's an example of that DC Revolving Door I just mentioned. A tradition that makes me want to mentally puke. But not for the reasons in your comic book.

I'm not aware of any Dubya crackdown on sex and swearing. Again, a POTUS appoints Commissioners and a Chairman; he doesn't run the jernt. And trust me, if a station is bleeping 'bullshit' out of Money they're doing so by voluntary choice. That's playing to (perceived) public opinion rather than law.

And Bull Clinton -- the guy who signed away the public airwaves with Telcom 96, "used them to harass opposition"?? Laughable.
Wheeler's an example of that DC Revolving Door I just mentioned. A tradition that makes me want to mentally puke. But not for the reasons in your comic book.

The fact that the FCC leadership is a "revolving door" is evidence in it's own right of the political nature of the FCC.

I'm not aware of any Dubya crackdown on sex and swearing.

Super Bowl?s ?Nipplegate? Fiasco 10 Years Later: The Pop Diva, the Boob, and the Outrage - The Daily Beast

Again, a POTUS appoints Commissioners and a Chairman; he doesn't run the jernt. And trust me, if a station is bleeping 'bullshit' out of Money they're doing so by voluntary choice. That's playing to (perceived) public opinion rather than law.

Those who fail to promote the agenda of the administration are asked to tender resignation, to be replaced by those more pliable.

To imagine otherwise is beyond naive.

As for the FCC crackdown, seriously?

FCC Anti-Profanity Policy Overturned - Yahoo Voices - voices.yahoo.com

And Bull Clinton -- the guy who signed away the public airwaves with Telcom 96, "used them to harass opposition"?? Laughable.

Partisan blinders?

You missed the whole "hush Rush" campaign during the 90's - sure you did.....
Wheeler's an example of that DC Revolving Door I just mentioned. A tradition that makes me want to mentally puke. But not for the reasons in your comic book.

The fact that the FCC leadership is a "revolving door" is evidence in it's own right of the political nature of the FCC.

The "Revolving Door" (I have to explain this?) refers to the network that appoints foxes to guard government chicken houses. Like Tim Geithner. Like Hank Paulsen. Like Michael Taylor. And this guy. And the aforementioned infamous Michael Powell. It's not specific to the FCC at all. They represent the very businesses that would stand to benefit from having an insider in that agency (and in Powell's case, nepotism). On our planet we call that "conflict of interest".

And Bush did that, huh? Funny that his name doesn't appear anywhere in the article.

Our puritanical hypocrisy surely amuses the world, but you can't blame the POTUS for that.

Again, a POTUS appoints Commissioners and a Chairman; he doesn't run the jernt. And trust me, if a station is bleeping 'bullshit' out of Money they're doing so by voluntary choice. That's playing to (perceived) public opinion rather than law.

Those who fail to promote the agenda of the administration are asked to tender resignation, to be replaced by those more pliable.

To imagine otherwise is beyond naive.

Ah, "imagination". Yeah that does explain a lot.

That's not a "crackdown" -- more the opposite. It's a shot across the bow of the hypocrisy noted just above. And way past due.

Btw where the article says "empowering the FCC to police the airwaves for objectionable content in general", that ain't how it works. FCC doesn't "police the airwaves for objectionable content". It responds to audience complaints. No complaints = no action.

I don't believe this got any complaints...


And Bull Clinton -- the guy who signed away the public airwaves with Telcom 96, "used them to harass opposition"?? Laughable.

Partisan blinders?

You missed the whole "hush Rush" campaign during the 90's - sure you did.....

::click:: ?? ::click:: ... :confused: Goodness gracious me, my links have stopped working. Oh pshaw.

Oh wait... "imagination". I forgot.
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The "Revolving Door" (I have to explain this?) refers to the network that appoints foxes to guard government chicken houses. Like Tim Geithner. Like Hank Paulsen. Like Michael Taylor. And this guy. And the aforementioned infamous Michael Powell. It's not specific to the FCC at all. They represent the very businesses that would stand to benefit from having an insider in that agency (and in Powell's case, nepotism). On our planet we call that "conflict of interest".

No shit?

So what you're saying is that when the democrats are in charge, a particular group of bureaucrats who promote the agenda of the left find themselves in top positions, but when Republicans hold office that group is ushered out the door in favor of a more moderate group. While out, the first group works on party projects awaiting the next democrat?

Well dayum.. :eek:

And Bush did that, huh? Funny that his name doesn't appear anywhere in the article.

The Bush FCC engaged in a major crackdown. The Clinton FCC opened the floodgates, especially for shock jocks. A tit here and an F-bomb there drove Bush to crack down.

You know all this, despite your game playing.

Our puritanical hypocrisy surely amuses the world, but you can't blame the POTUS for that.

Ah, "imagination". Yeah that does explain a lot.


That's not a "crackdown" -- more the opposite. It's a shot across the bow of the hypocrisy noted just above. And way past due.

Btw where the article says "empowering the FCC to police the airwaves for objectionable content in general", that ain't how it works. FCC doesn't "police the airwaves for objectionable content". It responds to audience complaints. No complaints - no action.

Are you nuts, the FCC was fining everyone.

Bono said "Fuck" on the grammy awards and Fox paid out the ass.

I don't believe this got any complaints...

::click:: ?? ::click:: ... :confused: Goodness gracious me, my links have stopped working. Oh pshaw.

Oh wait... "imagination". I forgot.

The "Revolving Door" (I have to explain this?) refers to the network that appoints foxes to guard government chicken houses. Like Tim Geithner. Like Hank Paulsen. Like Michael Taylor. And this guy. And the aforementioned infamous Michael Powell. It's not specific to the FCC at all. They represent the very businesses that would stand to benefit from having an insider in that agency (and in Powell's case, nepotism). On our planet we call that "conflict of interest".

No shit?

So what you're saying is that when the democrats are in charge, a particular group of bureaucrats who promote the agenda of the left find themselves in top positions, but when Republicans hold office that group is ushered out the door in favor of a more moderate group. While out, the first group works on party projects awaiting the next democrat?

Well dayum.. :eek:

ahhh... not quite. What I'm really saying is that those who pretend two political parties don't work the Door exactly the same way must have been served some of the special mushrooms. Bring this up in your remedial reading class. Oughta be fun.

And Bush did that, huh? Funny that his name doesn't appear anywhere in the article.

The Bush FCC engaged in a major crackdown. The Clinton FCC opened the floodgates, especially for shock jocks. A tit here and an F-bomb there drove Bush to crack down.

You know all this, despite your game playing.

What I know is that neither is directed by the POTUS. There is no "Bush FCC" or "Clinton FCC". They have influence in setting up the hierarchy, but after that they work on their own.

I know, I know, comic books are more interesting that facts.

That's not a "crackdown" -- more the opposite. It's a shot across the bow of the hypocrisy noted just above. And way past due.

Btw where the article says "empowering the FCC to police the airwaves for objectionable content in general", that ain't how it works. FCC doesn't "police the airwaves for objectionable content". It responds to audience complaints. No complaints - no action.

Are you nuts, the FCC was fining everyone.

Bono said "Fuck" on the grammy awards and Fox paid out the ass.

None of which contradicts what I just posted.

I don't believe this got any complaints...

::click:: ?? ::click:: ... :confused: Goodness gracious me, my links have stopped working. Oh pshaw.

Oh wait... "imagination". I forgot.


ahhh... not quite. What I'm really saying is that those who pretend two political parties don't work the Door exactly the same way must have been served some of the special mushrooms. Bring this up in your remedial reading class. Oughta be fun.

That's why it's a revolving door, each party does it when they are in power.

What I know is that neither is directed by the POTUS. There is no "Bush FCC" or "Clinton FCC". They have influence in setting up the hierarchy, but after that they work on their own.


Utter crap, and you know it.

I know, I know, comic books are more interesting that facts.

I wouldn't know, I don't even watch MSNBC
ahhh... not quite. What I'm really saying is that those who pretend two political parties don't work the Door exactly the same way must have been served some of the special mushrooms. Bring this up in your remedial reading class. Oughta be fun.

That's why it's a revolving door, each party does it when they are in power.

Then maybe you should have just said that. Now look how far you have to walk back. Got any mushrooms left?

Actually the Revolving Door doesn't refer to parties changing; it refers to private sector coming in to run their own interests in the Cabinet, then oozing out the same door to be a lobbyist.

What I know is that neither is directed by the POTUS. There is no "Bush FCC" or "Clinton FCC". They have influence in setting up the hierarchy, but after that they work on their own.


Utter crap, and you know it.

Nope. What I do know is that I know far more about FCC than you. Been dealing with them since the Johnson Administration.

I know, I know, comic books are more interesting that facts.

I wouldn't know, I don't even watch MSNBC

Neither do I but fortunately we have readily available something even crazier.
Your posts.

Politics and the FCC

Posted: 11/30/2010


Earlier this year, the Federal Communication Commission received a letter from 30 liberal organizations urging the agency to monitor "hate speech" on talk radio and cable news networks. Notice that there is no mention of any major networks. This letter was addressed to Mark Lloyd, Compliance Czar at the FCC. Please notice that this is the same Mark Lloyd who is reportedly a self-professed communist/socialist and a huge admirer of Hugo Chavez. The same Hugo Chavez that has shut down all but one privately run television network and nearly every privately owned newspaper in Venezuela.


Now this letter gets really interesting. The groups also argue that the Internet has made it more difficult for the public to separate "the facts from bigotry masquerading as news." According to the coalition, the Internet "gives the illusion sources have increased, but in fact there are fewer journalist employed now than ever before."


The weirdly strange thing about this letter is the fact that it was directed at Mark Lloyd, who shortly after he was named to his job at the FCC, was quoted as saying "there are simply too many conservative talk shows on the radio." He has been working diligently, out of the spotlight, to change that.

This past week, racial blowhard Al Sharpton was telling audiences around the country that the FCC should take Rush Limbaugh off the air because of perceived offenses toward racial minorities and other groups. Sharpton should have an office in the West Wing. He takes his orders from the Oval Office.


Politics and the FCC - Vallejo Times Herald

That's what they thought back then, imagine what they're thinking now...:cuckoo:
For the 7,826,891st time, Jizzhat --- the FCC has no jurisdiction over airwaves content. Never did, never will.

You miss a lot with these late-night thread bombs that don't bother to take the time to actually read the thread. You know, put the work in like everybody else has.

Lazy fuck.

And btw Mark Lloyd is not employed at FCC, and there is no such thing as a "compliance czar". Not a surprise since your writer here gives no sources for his claims or his quotes.
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For the 7,826,891st time, Jizzhat --- the FCC has no jurisdiction over airwaves content. Never did, never will.

You miss a lot with these late-night thread bombs that don't bother to take the time to actually read the thread. You know, put the work in like everybody else has.

Lazy fuck.

And btw Mark Lloyd is not employed at FCC, and there is no such thing as a "compliance czar". Not a surprise since your writer here gives no sources for his claims or his quotes.

Yet they were going to conduct a survey asking about the content of airwaves, and you keep telling me that is their fucking job.
For the 7,826,891st time, Jizzhat --- the FCC has no jurisdiction over airwaves content. Never did, never will.

You miss a lot with these late-night thread bombs that don't bother to take the time to actually read the thread. You know, put the work in like everybody else has.

Lazy fuck.

And btw Mark Lloyd is not employed at FCC, and there is no such thing as a "compliance czar". Not a surprise since your writer here gives no sources for his claims or his quotes.

Don't get wee weed up yet, there's more to come, btw I know all about Lloyed tell us something we don't know ya cockbite...:eusa_angel:

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