What is your favorite story from the Bible?

Yes, it's nonsense. We know the continent of Australia was separate 30 million years ago. There were no humans 30 million years ago.

Yes, it's nonsense. And it is particularly insane nonsense, given that these facts are available to anyone with an internet connection or a library.

As in, there is NO excuse for what you are saying.

And spare me your dimestore psychogy...the above are facts, no matter what I had for breakfast. Your opinion of me has zero bearing on that.
Except that the Bible explicitly states that the subterranean waters came to the surface which obviously aged all strata of earth.
But then you'd actually have to read the story and we can't have that.

Uh...what? How did that "age" the strata of the Earth? And now you are straying into the, "god used miracles to fool all the scientists" territory. At which point, there's really no debate to be had...anything can happen, in "magic world!"
Its not magic. It's genetic manipulation by someone(or non human thing--similar in appearance) that is far smarter than some slave that owes 22 grand to a Joo for his F150 pickmup twuck. Tradition says his name was Yahvey. And there were many with him

Genetic manipulation? By what mechanism, what physical forces? what cause and effect?

yes, it's magical bullshit.
You chose to die in Indiana. Your opinion is utterly irrelevant. Take a look around you.
Hmm, I rather like this city. hey troll.... in all the time you have bent over backwards to make yourself seem retarded in an effort to annoy people... has it ever actually worked?
... in all the time you have bent over backwards to make yourself seem retarded in an effort to annoy people... has it ever actually worked?

Oh, don't be so humble; you've done very well at seeming retarded without having to ask anybody else for advice.
My real fave story though would have been the one about the aliens, but someone edited it out.
Because Australia wasn't a separate continent before the flood.
Try reading the verse about the subterranean waters that came to the surface.
But that would require actually reading.
Is that based on scientific evidence or was that story simply pulled out of thin air?
My real fave story though would have been the one about the aliens, but someone edited it out.
Because Australia wasn't a separate continent before the flood.
Try reading the verse about the subterranean waters that came to the surface.
But that would require actually reading.

"Because Australia wasn't a separate continent before the flood."

haha....WHAT?!?! What is this insane nonsense you are peddling?
It's not insane nonsense.
Scientists have been theorizing for at least a hundred years that the continents started splitting away from each other sometime in the past.
Your problem is instant hatred of anything to do with God.
But you know, if a scientist sort of agrees with anything that a Bible commentator wrote several hundred years ago then, well, God hate steps in.
So you're saying that the flood happened when all the continents were together? That was 250 million years ago when there were dinosaurs on the earth. So why didn't Noah have any dinosaurs on his boat? Is that how they all died out, in the flood?
My real fave story though would have been the one about the aliens, but someone edited it out.
Because Australia wasn't a separate continent before the flood.
Try reading the verse about the subterranean waters that came to the surface.
But that would require actually reading.

"Because Australia wasn't a separate continent before the flood."

haha....WHAT?!?! What is this insane nonsense you are peddling?
It's not insane nonsense.
Scientists have been theorizing for at least a hundred years that the continents started splitting away from each other sometime in the past.
Your problem is instant hatred of anything to do with God.
But you know, if a scientist sort of agrees with anything that a Bible commentator wrote several hundred years ago then, well, God hate steps in.

Yes, it's nonsense. We know the continent of Australia was separate 30 million years ago. There were no humans 30 million years ago.

Yes, it's nonsense. And it is particularly insane nonsense, given that these facts are available to anyone with an internet connection or a library.

As in, there is NO excuse for what you are saying.

And spare me your dimestore psychogy...the above are facts, no matter what I had for breakfast. Your opinion of me has zero bearing on that.
Except that the Bible explicitly states that the subterranean waters came to the surface which obviously aged all strata of earth.
But then you'd actually have to read the story and we can't have that.
Scientific evidence doesn't support your theory.
My fave story is the flood, because nobody can tell me how Noah got kangaroos from Australia and back again.
I can. "2 of each kind". Marsupial > many types the size of rabbits are now extinct. Noahs ark was a DNA bank. Any decent geneticist can today take a marsupial gene and(theoretically) mod it according to a map.Kangaroo ? Hold my beer !
Bovine, Equine, Psittacine, Reptile, Amphibian. Get it fool ?
So Noah didn't actually have any animals but just a DNA bank of all the animals, and then recreated all of them after the flood? Is that what you're saying?
My real fave story though would have been the one about the aliens, but someone edited it out.
Because Australia wasn't a separate continent before the flood.
Try reading the verse about the subterranean waters that came to the surface.
But that would require actually reading.
Is that based on scientific evidence or was that story simply pulled out of thin air?
We already had this discussion and you haven't looked it up...no surprise.
Because Australia wasn't a separate continent before the flood.
Try reading the verse about the subterranean waters that came to the surface.
But that would require actually reading.

"Because Australia wasn't a separate continent before the flood."

haha....WHAT?!?! What is this insane nonsense you are peddling?
It's not insane nonsense.
Scientists have been theorizing for at least a hundred years that the continents started splitting away from each other sometime in the past.
Your problem is instant hatred of anything to do with God.
But you know, if a scientist sort of agrees with anything that a Bible commentator wrote several hundred years ago then, well, God hate steps in.

Yes, it's nonsense. We know the continent of Australia was separate 30 million years ago. There were no humans 30 million years ago.

Yes, it's nonsense. And it is particularly insane nonsense, given that these facts are available to anyone with an internet connection or a library.

As in, there is NO excuse for what you are saying.

And spare me your dimestore psychogy...the above are facts, no matter what I had for breakfast. Your opinion of me has zero bearing on that.
Except that the Bible explicitly states that the subterranean waters came to the surface which obviously aged all strata of earth.
But then you'd actually have to read the story and we can't have that.
Scientific evidence doesn't support your theory.
Yes it does...extreme heat speeds up molecules.
Are you really this stupid?
My fave story is the flood, because nobody can tell me how Noah got kangaroos from Australia and back again.
The world was one giant continent back then.
250 million years ago? As science shows? Sorry, but there were no humanoids back then. Epic fail.
Heat speeds up the aging process.
And still you ignore prior discussions.
Are you suffering from dementia?
My real fave story though would have been the one about the aliens, but someone edited it out.
Because Australia wasn't a separate continent before the flood.
Try reading the verse about the subterranean waters that came to the surface.
But that would require actually reading.
Is that based on scientific evidence or was that story simply pulled out of thin air?
We already had this discussion and you haven't looked it up...no surprise.
Look up what? The scientific evidence that humans were alive 250 million years ago?
My real fave story though would have been the one about the aliens, but someone edited it out.
Because Australia wasn't a separate continent before the flood.
Try reading the verse about the subterranean waters that came to the surface.
But that would require actually reading.
Is that based on scientific evidence or was that story simply pulled out of thin air?
We already had this discussion and you haven't looked it up...no surprise.
Look up what? The scientific evidence that humans were alive 250 million years ago?
The fact that extreme heat speeds up the aging process.
It's called oxidation.
Don't look it up...you'll simply get confused.
"Because Australia wasn't a separate continent before the flood."

haha....WHAT?!?! What is this insane nonsense you are peddling?
It's not insane nonsense.
Scientists have been theorizing for at least a hundred years that the continents started splitting away from each other sometime in the past.
Your problem is instant hatred of anything to do with God.
But you know, if a scientist sort of agrees with anything that a Bible commentator wrote several hundred years ago then, well, God hate steps in.

Yes, it's nonsense. We know the continent of Australia was separate 30 million years ago. There were no humans 30 million years ago.

Yes, it's nonsense. And it is particularly insane nonsense, given that these facts are available to anyone with an internet connection or a library.

As in, there is NO excuse for what you are saying.

And spare me your dimestore psychogy...the above are facts, no matter what I had for breakfast. Your opinion of me has zero bearing on that.
Except that the Bible explicitly states that the subterranean waters came to the surface which obviously aged all strata of earth.
But then you'd actually have to read the story and we can't have that.
Scientific evidence doesn't support your theory.
Yes it does...extreme heat speeds up molecules.
Are you really this stupid?
What scientific data supports subteranean waters creating aged strata all over the world in a big flood?
My fave story is the flood, because nobody can tell me how Noah got kangaroos from Australia and back again.
The world was one giant continent back then.
250 million years ago? As science shows? Sorry, but there were no humanoids back then. Epic fail.
Heat speeds up the aging process.
And still you ignore prior discussions.
Are you suffering from dementia?
What you say makes no sense. Can you produce a real scientific link that backs up what you say?
My real fave story though would have been the one about the aliens, but someone edited it out.
Because Australia wasn't a separate continent before the flood.
Try reading the verse about the subterranean waters that came to the surface.
But that would require actually reading.
Is that based on scientific evidence or was that story simply pulled out of thin air?
We already had this discussion and you haven't looked it up...no surprise.
Look up what? The scientific evidence that humans were alive 250 million years ago?
Ask the global warming experts, they know all about the weather from back then.
My fave story is the flood, because nobody can tell me how Noah got kangaroos from Australia and back again.
The world was one giant continent back then.
250 million years ago? As science shows? Sorry, but there were no humanoids back then. Epic fail.
Heat speeds up the aging process.
And still you ignore prior discussions.
Are you suffering from dementia?
What you say makes no sense. Can you produce a real scientific link that backs up what you say?
Can you produce a real scientific link that backs up what you say?
My real fave story though would have been the one about the aliens, but someone edited it out.
Because Australia wasn't a separate continent before the flood.
Try reading the verse about the subterranean waters that came to the surface.
But that would require actually reading.
Is that based on scientific evidence or was that story simply pulled out of thin air?
We already had this discussion and you haven't looked it up...no surprise.
Look up what? The scientific evidence that humans were alive 250 million years ago?
The fact that extreme heat speeds up the aging process.
It's called oxidation.
Don't look it up...you'll simply get confused.
So how does this tie into the continents being together 250 million years ago? And the fact that there were no humans at that time?
My real fave story though would have been the one about the aliens, but someone edited it out.
Because Australia wasn't a separate continent before the flood.
Try reading the verse about the subterranean waters that came to the surface.
But that would require actually reading.
Is that based on scientific evidence or was that story simply pulled out of thin air?
We already had this discussion and you haven't looked it up...no surprise.
Look up what? The scientific evidence that humans were alive 250 million years ago?
Ask the global warming experts, they know all about the weather from back then.
I think you're in the wrong thread?
Not a "story" in my beliefs, but a way to live:

John 7:53-8:11

Then each of them went home,

8 while Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2 Early in the morning he came again to the temple. All the people came to him and he sat down and began to teach them. 3 The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery; and making her stand before all of them, 4 they said to him, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery. 5 Now in the law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” 6 They said this to test him, so that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. 7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 And once again he bent down and wrote on the ground. 9 When they heard it, they went away, one by one, beginning with the elders; and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. 10 Jesus straightened up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” 11 She said, “No one, sir.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you. Go your way, and from now on do not sin again.”

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