What Is Your Speed?

From my laptop in the next room to the router I get 10.16 mbps
I stream everything so I pay for the fastest.
But you're not getting the fastest. Far from it. Unless you misplaced your decimal point.

You note I did say "from my laptop sitting in a room away from the router"...my house was built in 1895...solid everything. So that is pretty good considering.
Walking and sitting right nest to the router I get 22.86
And you're getting ripped off if you are paying for the fastest. As I have already stated, I am also totally wireless and get 30mbps.

And can have everything to do with your location...fastest in Chicago will be a lot different than fastest in Boondock, TX
The only digital computer that I know the programming and interior structure of is the Univac 1218 business computer and when militarized is the 1219B circa 1970. Two megacycle clock count.
Not sure how much I trust this reading. I have 14ms/87 up/11 down which I think is higher than my ISP says I get. Typically your ISP always overrates your speeds because they can, not underrates them.
Interesting would be if near the speed ones will show its price for that.For example, mine is $6.5.
You mean how much we pay for our speed?

$35 a mo.
You mean how much we pay for our speed?

$35 a mo.
Man - that is nice. i think I pay almost double that at 60 a month.

It is. I was paying that for 50mbps, and Cable One doubled it hmm around 6 months or more ago, for the same price.
Paying $24.95 for 5 down and 1 up.
Getting : 5.72 down, 1.08 up and 13ms ping.
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Heck if I know. I think the one I posted is mbps (megabytes per second).
I liked the mph though.

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