"What ISIS Really Wants"


VIP Member
Jan 7, 2014
Graeme Wood wrote an excellent piece in The Atlantic. He also part of a discussion at Center for Strategic & International Studies. I believe it would help to have some background into ISIS is but this is extremely informative. For me it helped solidify my notion of what is current ISIS.

What ISIS Really Wants - The Atlantic

Isis wants the power that it sees being used by others in the world to do things their way.
Graeme Wood is somebody who needs a new first name. Besides that, he's a Canadian weenie apologist for radical Islam.
"What ISIS Really Wants'

Is for the United States to attack with conventional ground troops.

And unfortunately there are a good number of witless conservatives who would give ISIS exactly what it wants.
If people agree to separate the POLITICAL religion of Jihadists
from the spiritual practice of Islam, would that stop this division over who is apologizing and enabling
and bring unity in opposing the political abuse of military and govt forces for religious dominance over others.
I read the article and have to admit that he hit most of the high points on the subject. ...... :cool:
Must admit I have not read the article. It is on my reading list. I just came across the video first.

What I find surprising I guess is how it is just about impossible for non-Muslims to grasp the concept. It is just a completely different reality which they just don't get. It is a oneness of thought that even those who have studied Eastern religions don't seem to comprehend.
Finished the article. It reinforced my belief that ISIS is just not going away. The only way ISIS is going to be defeated is militarily or find a way to nullify it religiously. A part which reflected my comment that there is a oneness is the religion is, "Musa Cerantonio and Anjem Choudary could mentally shift from contemplating mass death to discussing the virtues of Vietnamese coffee, with apparent delight in each." This not to say mass death is better or worse than coffee but there is a continuum between to the two. Things are not 'compartmentalized'.

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