What I've learned about the Trump presidency

There are a tonne of Trump cronies (perhaps even Trump himself) who are praying for him to win, not because he wants the presidency, but because of the investigations into his presidency that are surely going to follow.

One thing I have learned about conservatives during this presidency, especially on this board, is that they are not for freedom or anything the US Consititution stands for. They are so anti the other side, they would rather turn the US into a totalitarian dictatorship than have someone like Biden in charge. They would rather have a civil war. They are scum and the epitome of what the US ISN'T supposed to be. Hang your collective heads in shame...don't ever quote your founding fathers or the constitution. Know this, if the FF were alive today and saw you guys, they wouldn't be embracing you at all. They'd hate you and what you stand for. Divisive, totalitarian-minded, petty, idiots. I'd say racist too, but as most of them were too (and sexist) it probably wouldn't bother them as much. But your mindsets certainly would. Remember this also - you neocon whackadoodles are the 18th Century Brits reborn.
What I've learned most is how far this country still has to go.

The people who have become emboldened by Trump's presidency -- I have to admit, I didn't realize how many of this kind of person still existed.

So, looking for a silver lining, now we know.

Working class whites who are tired of being ignored and shit upon?

Yes, republicans were surprised by that too.
No, you don't understand what I was actually talking about. But that's okay.

I understand who Trump's base is, who it actually is, not the fantasies of those who hate us.
ANd this, on top of the fact that the left is already not respecting the peaceful transfer of power?

it is like you are operating from a book on How to Kill Republics.

Peaceful transfer of power? There was only one candidate for the 2016 who said they might not accept the result of the election if he lost. That same candidate is saying the same thing this time around. A Trump supporter has no right acting indignant about peaceful transfers of power.

As for the George Floyd/BLM thing that has been going on since Floyd was killed. Things don't happen in a vacuum. You don't think the current President sitting in the WH's vitriol towards - well anyone who dares criticise him - hasn't had an effect on those happenings?

1. The cry went out to RESIST. And they did. From the fbi lying to launch a bullshit investigation to the judge that signed off on it, to the dems in congress that impeached based on what they knew was bullshit to the media that carried their water, to the mobs killing people in the streets.

2. The antifa/blm mobs, you are right. they do not happen in a vacuum. And no, Trump is not the one at fault. THey are.
ANd this, on top of the fact that the left is already not respecting the peaceful transfer of power?

it is like you are operating from a book on How to Kill Republics.

Peaceful transfer of power? There was only one candidate for the 2016 election who said he might not accept the result of the election if he lost. That same candidate is saying the same thing this time around. A Trump supporter has no right acting indignant about peaceful transfers of power.

As for the George Floyd/BLM thing that has been going on since Floyd was killed. Things don't happen in a vacuum. You don't think the current President sitting in the WH's vitriol towards - well anyone who dares criticise him - hasn't had an effect on those happenings?
the Floyd riots and Mr Trump connected????!!!!! hahahhahahahahahahah
ANd this, on top of the fact that the left is already not respecting the peaceful transfer of power?

it is like you are operating from a book on How to Kill Republics.

Peaceful transfer of power? There was only one candidate for the 2016 election who said he might not accept the result of the election if he lost. That same candidate is saying the same thing this time around. A Trump supporter has no right acting indignant about peaceful transfers of power.

As for the George Floyd/BLM thing that has been going on since Floyd was killed. Things don't happen in a vacuum. You don't think the current President sitting in the WH's vitriol towards - well anyone who dares criticise him - hasn't had an effect on those happenings?
the Floyd riots and Mr Trump connected????!!!!! hahahhahahahahahahah

Dem cities, dem cops, dem criminals, and it is trump's fault.
1. The cry went out to RESIST. And they did. From the fbi lying to launch a bullshit investigation to the judge that signed off on it, to the dems in congress that impeached based on what they knew was bullshit to the media that carried their water, to the mobs killing people in the streets.

2. The antifa/blm mobs, you are right. they do not happen in a vacuum. And no, Trump is not the one at fault. THey are.

make no mistake Correll. Trump has brought this all on himself. The only ones who don't see that are the likes of you and his other acolytes. Even other repubs are starting to see it. To be honest, I think they always saw it, but were too scared to do anything about it. Now they see the winds of change in the country.

you guys are like dinosaurs. It is no longer your world. For better or worse.
ANd this, on top of the fact that the left is already not respecting the peaceful transfer of power?

it is like you are operating from a book on How to Kill Republics.

Peaceful transfer of power? There was only one candidate for the 2016 election who said he might not accept the result of the election if he lost. That same candidate is saying the same thing this time around. A Trump supporter has no right acting indignant about peaceful transfers of power.

As for the George Floyd/BLM thing that has been going on since Floyd was killed. Things don't happen in a vacuum. You don't think the current President sitting in the WH's vitriol towards - well anyone who dares criticise him - hasn't had an effect on those happenings?
the Floyd riots and Mr Trump connected????!!!!! hahahhahahahahahahah

Dem cities, dem cops, dem criminals, and it is trump's fault.
blacks murdering blacks --Mr trump and the cops' fault
I've learned that ODS and TDS are alive because of wackos.....not people I'd help if they depended on me for it.
more babble crap from the TDS crowd
RACIST = hahahahhahahahaahhahaha....we've been over this and that's bullshit--so it makes your OP bullshit

Absolutely I'm anti Trump. Most normal people are. Note I am anti-Trump not anti-Republican. There is a difference. You nimrods can't see that though.
All I see is six of one, half a dozen of the other in your comparison. Poor fellow.
the Floyd riots and Mr Trump connected????!!!!! hahahhahahahahahahah

Ya know, I've been on this board for 14 years, and with one exception when I first joined I've never put anybody on ignore. I love seeing other peoples' ignorance. But you are not even attempting to add to the debate. it's like you're a four year old. Then again, I know's it's late stateside, so maybe you're on your second bottle of sour mash..
The communist democrats believe that the great men who created this nation would overwhelmingly support burning and looting. They would celebrate adults beating up 7 year olds and shooting 5 year olds in the head. The great men would approve of those marching through residential neighborhoods demanding that those who live there give up their homes as reparations. Of course the founders would want to abolish law enforcement and reimagine a loving social understanding counselor. Such men would consider a black man having the right if not the obligation to rape white girls in revenge for slavery. One can only marvel at the impeccable perception of such men in upholding the right to beat up old people. Extra points for beating them to death.

This is why communist democrats want to erase our history. This is the revision they would impose on us.
There are a tonne of Trump cronies (perhaps even Trump himself) who are praying for him to win, not because he wants the presidency, but because of the investigations into his presidency that are surely going to follow.

One thing I have learned about conservatives during this presidency, especially on this board, is that they are not for freedom or anything the US Consititution stands for. They are so anti the other side, they would rather turn the US into a totalitarian dictatorship than have someone like Biden in charge. They would rather have a civil war. They are scum and the epitome of what the US ISN'T supposed to be. Hang your collective heads in shame...don't ever quote your founding fathers or the constitution. Know this, if the FF were alive today and saw you guys, they wouldn't be embracing you at all. They'd hate you and what you stand for. Divisive, totalitarian-minded, petty, idiots. I'd say racist too, but as most of them were too (and sexist) it probably wouldn't bother them as much. But your mindsets certainly would. Remember this also - you neocon whackadoodles are the 18th Century Brits reborn.
Listening to a prog twaddle on about the sanctity of the Constitution is fucking laughable.


You do know your Orange God/King said the constitution was outdated? You do know that means he doesn't believe in it? You do know this don't you?
the Floyd riots and Mr Trump connected????!!!!! hahahhahahahahahahah

Ya know, I've been on this board for 14 years, and with one exception when I first joined I've never put anybody on ignore. I love seeing other peoples' ignorance. But you are not even attempting to add to the debate. it's like you're a four year old. Then again, I know's it's late stateside, so maybe you're on your second bottle of sour mash..
Ya know, I've been on this board for 14 years, and with one exception when I first joined I've never put anybody on ignore. I love seeing other peoples' ignorance. But you are not even attempting to add to the debate. it's like you're a four year old. Then again, I know's it's late stateside, so maybe you're on your second bottle of sour mash.
1. The cry went out to RESIST. And they did. From the fbi lying to launch a bullshit investigation to the judge that signed off on it, to the dems in congress that impeached based on what they knew was bullshit to the media that carried their water, to the mobs killing people in the streets.

2. The antifa/blm mobs, you are right. they do not happen in a vacuum. And no, Trump is not the one at fault. THey are.

make no mistake Correll. Trump has brought this all on himself. The only ones who don't see that are the likes of you and his other acolytes. Even other repubs are starting to see it. To be honest, I think they always saw it, but were too scared to do anything about it. Now they see the winds of change in the country.

you guys are like dinosaurs. It is no longer your world. For better or worse.

Trump refused to be cowed by the liberal mob.

That is what this country needs.

That the mob reacted with increased noise and violence, is not Trump's fault, but their choice to make.

What did Trump do, that justifies the violence in the streets?

Did he pardon the cops that killed FLoyd? DId he put in place policies that led to floyd's death?

or was it a dem city, where dems have been in power for generations, where any and all reforms you could want, could have been done decades ago?
Ok... I'm no Biden fan - certainly not voting for the Democrats - but this attempt to make Biden look mentally unfit ---- from Trump supporters??? It's like the punchline to a really bad joke.
Finally, somebody gets it.
You get it? What, that the only one making Joe look two bottles short of a six pack is . . . JOE?

ANd this, on top of the fact that the left is already not respecting the peaceful transfer of power?

it is like you are operating from a book on How to Kill Republics.

Peaceful transfer of power? There was only one candidate for the 2016 election who said he might not accept the result of the election if he lost. That same candidate is saying the same thing this time around. A Trump supporter has no right acting indignant about peaceful transfers of power.

As for the George Floyd/BLM thing that has been going on since Floyd was killed. Things don't happen in a vacuum. You don't think the current President sitting in the WH's vitriol towards - well anyone who dares criticise him - hasn't had an effect on those happenings?
the Floyd riots and Mr Trump connected????!!!!! hahahhahahahahahahah

Dem cities, dem cops, dem criminals, and it is trump's fault.
blacks murdering blacks --Mr trump and the cops' fault
The cops standing down and retreating, to let their cities get sacked and burned, under the orders of cowardly idiot democrat mayors....TRUMP'S FAULT!

This is the very reason I refuse to take these assholes seriously anymore, and just mock them on sight.
There are a tonne of Trump cronies (perhaps even Trump himself) who are praying for him to win, not because he wants the presidency, but because of the investigations into his presidency that are surely going to follow.

One thing I have learned about conservatives during this presidency, especially on this board, is that they are not for freedom or anything the US Consititution stands for. They are so anti the other side, they would rather turn the US into a totalitarian dictatorship than have someone like Biden in charge. They would rather have a civil war. They are scum and the epitome of what the US ISN'T supposed to be. Hang your collective heads in shame...don't ever quote your founding fathers or the constitution. Know this, if the FF were alive today and saw you guys, they wouldn't be embracing you at all. They'd hate you and what you stand for. Divisive, totalitarian-minded, petty, idiots. I'd say racist too, but as most of them were too (and sexist) it probably wouldn't bother them as much. But your mindsets certainly would. Remember this also - you neocon whackadoodles are the 18th Century Brits reborn.
Listening to a prog twaddle on about the sanctity of the Constitution is fucking laughable.


You do know your Orange God/King said the constitution was outdated? You do know that means he doesn't believe in it? You do know this don't you?
I didn't vote for him, dipschitt....And what I do know is you prog drips give even less of a hoot in hell about the document than Trump or anyone else does.

So stuff that where the sun don't shine.
more babble crap from the TDS crowd
RACIST = hahahahhahahahaahhahaha....we've been over this and that's bullshit--so it makes your OP bullshit

Absolutely I'm anti Trump. Most normal people are. Note I am anti-Trump not anti-Republican. There is a difference. You nimrods can't see that though.
I'm anti-Republican and anti-Democrat and pro-Trump.
I'm also, unlike yourself, an American and can vote.
There are a tonne of Trump cronies (perhaps even Trump himself) who are praying for him to win, not because he wants the presidency, but because of the investigations into his presidency that are surely going to follow.

One thing I have learned about conservatives during this presidency, especially on this board, is that they are not for freedom or anything the US Consititution stands for. They are so anti the other side, they would rather turn the US into a totalitarian dictatorship than have someone like Biden in charge. They would rather have a civil war. They are scum and the epitome of what the US ISN'T supposed to be. Hang your collective heads in shame...don't ever quote your founding fathers or the constitution. Know this, if the FF were alive today and saw you guys, they wouldn't be embracing you at all. They'd hate you and what you stand for. Divisive, totalitarian-minded, petty, idiots. I'd say racist too, but as most of them were too (and sexist) it probably wouldn't bother them as much. But your mindsets certainly would. Remember this also - you neocon whackadoodles are the 18th Century Brits reborn.

Conservatives are authoritarian and reactionary – they fear positive, beneficial change, they seek to compel conformity and silence dissent, and work to increase the size and power of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

Absolutely. All the while rambling on about 'freedom' etc...They don't want freedom, they want control.
Be specific.
Control of what?
There are a tonne of Trump cronies (perhaps even Trump himself) who are praying for him to win, not because he wants the presidency, but because of the investigations into his presidency that are surely going to follow.

One thing I have learned about conservatives during this presidency, especially on this board, is that they are not for freedom or anything the US Consititution stands for. They are so anti the other side, they would rather turn the US into a totalitarian dictatorship than have someone like Biden in charge. They would rather have a civil war. They are scum and the epitome of what the US ISN'T supposed to be. Hang your collective heads in shame...don't ever quote your founding fathers or the constitution. Know this, if the FF were alive today and saw you guys, they wouldn't be embracing you at all. They'd hate you and what you stand for. Divisive, totalitarian-minded, petty, idiots. I'd say racist too, but as most of them were too (and sexist) it probably wouldn't bother them as much. But your mindsets certainly would. Remember this also - you neocon whackadoodles are the 18th Century Brits reborn.
I've learned that he is a great President despite Democrats and their media lackey's standing in his way and pushing a false racism narrative and trying to impeach him over lies, fake dossier and bullshit. Crybaby Democrat motherfuckers.
There are a tonne of Trump cronies (perhaps even Trump himself) who are praying for him to win, not because he wants the presidency, but because of the investigations into his presidency that are surely going to follow.

One thing I have learned about conservatives during this presidency, especially on this board, is that they are not for freedom or anything the US Consititution stands for. They are so anti the other side, they would rather turn the US into a totalitarian dictatorship than have someone like Biden in charge. They would rather have a civil war. They are scum and the epitome of what the US ISN'T supposed to be. Hang your collective heads in shame...don't ever quote your founding fathers or the constitution. Know this, if the FF were alive today and saw you guys, they wouldn't be embracing you at all. They'd hate you and what you stand for. Divisive, totalitarian-minded, petty, idiots. I'd say racist too, but as most of them were too (and sexist) it probably wouldn't bother them as much. But your mindsets certainly would. Remember this also - you neocon whackadoodles are the 18th Century Brits reborn.
Listening to a prog twaddle on about the sanctity of the Constitution is fucking laughable.


You do know your Orange God/King said the constitution was outdated? You do know that means he doesn't believe in it? You do know this don't you?
I didn't vote for him, dipschitt....And what I do know is you prog drips give even less of a hoot in hell about the document than Trump or anyone else does.

So stuff that where the sun don't shine.

I voted Libertarian so ewe can stuff your fat Orange God/King up your Azz. Oh and take that document he loathes and calls outdated out of your Azz.

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