What I've learned about the Trump presidency

There are a tonne of Trump cronies (perhaps even Trump himself) who are praying for him to win, not because he wants the presidency, but because of the investigations into his presidency that are surely going to follow.

One thing I have learned about conservatives during this presidency, especially on this board, is that they are not for freedom or anything the US Consititution stands for. They are so anti the other side, they would rather turn the US into a totalitarian dictatorship than have someone like Biden in charge. They would rather have a civil war. They are scum and the epitome of what the US ISN'T supposed to be. Hang your collective heads in shame...don't ever quote your founding fathers or the constitution. Know this, if the FF were alive today and saw you guys, they wouldn't be embracing you at all. They'd hate you and what you stand for. Divisive, totalitarian-minded, petty, idiots. I'd say racist too, but as most of them were too (and sexist) it probably wouldn't bother them as much. But your mindsets certainly would. Remember this also - you neocon whackadoodles are the 18th Century Brits reborn.
Listening to a prog twaddle on about the sanctity of the Constitution is fucking laughable.


You do know your Orange God/King said the constitution was outdated? You do know that means he doesn't believe in it? You do know this don't you?
I didn't vote for him, dipschitt....And what I do know is you prog drips give even less of a hoot in hell about the document than Trump or anyone else does.

So stuff that where the sun don't shine.

I voted Libertarian so ewe can stuff your fat Orange God/King up your Azz. Oh and take that document he loathes and calls outdated out of your Azz.
you must HATE America--like the Obamas, etc--go to Somalia

I got an idea, why don't you come and take me.
I bet you would like a guy to take you.

Why don't you try?
I'm hetrosexual.
There are a tonne of Trump cronies (perhaps even Trump himself) who are praying for him to win, not because he wants the presidency, but because of the investigations into his presidency that are surely going to follow.

One thing I have learned about conservatives during this presidency, especially on this board, is that they are not for freedom or anything the US Consititution stands for. They are so anti the other side, they would rather turn the US into a totalitarian dictatorship than have someone like Biden in charge. They would rather have a civil war. They are scum and the epitome of what the US ISN'T supposed to be. Hang your collective heads in shame...don't ever quote your founding fathers or the constitution. Know this, if the FF were alive today and saw you guys, they wouldn't be embracing you at all. They'd hate you and what you stand for. Divisive, totalitarian-minded, petty, idiots. I'd say racist too, but as most of them were too (and sexist) it probably wouldn't bother them as much. But your mindsets certainly would. Remember this also - you neocon whackadoodles are the 18th Century Brits reborn.

@ DG, the RNC needs the DNC as badly as the DNC needs the RNC. The RNC/DNC play the "Good Guy/Bad Guy" routine & are also HEAVILY invested into the narcissistic game of "Us vs Them" also known as "Divide & Conquer". Government by it's very nature is corrupt @ ALL levels & political partie$ just add to the corruption. My suggestion for you is to perform an INDEPENDANT RESEARCH on a candidate before you cast a vote for said candidate. AVOID party affiliated propaganda on a candidate for party propaganda is LOADED WITH HALF TRUTHS @ best. Always compare a candidates past record & political belief system to the American constituency's U.S. Federal Constitution, which will give you an insight into the integrity of a candidate. Take care, till we meet again!
There are a tonne of Trump cronies (perhaps even Trump himself) who are praying for him to win, not because he wants the presidency, but because of the investigations into his presidency that are surely going to follow.

One thing I have learned about conservatives during this presidency, especially on this board, is that they are not for freedom or anything the US Consititution stands for. They are so anti the other side, they would rather turn the US into a totalitarian dictatorship than have someone like Biden in charge. They would rather have a civil war. They are scum and the epitome of what the US ISN'T supposed to be. Hang your collective heads in shame...don't ever quote your founding fathers or the constitution. Know this, if the FF were alive today and saw you guys, they wouldn't be embracing you at all. They'd hate you and what you stand for. Divisive, totalitarian-minded, petty, idiots. I'd say racist too, but as most of them were too (and sexist) it probably wouldn't bother them as much. But your mindsets certainly would. Remember this also - you neocon whackadoodles are the 18th Century Brits reborn.
Listening to a prog twaddle on about the sanctity of the Constitution is fucking laughable.


You do know your Orange God/King said the constitution was outdated? You do know that means he doesn't believe in it? You do know this don't you?
I didn't vote for him, dipschitt....And what I do know is you prog drips give even less of a hoot in hell about the document than Trump or anyone else does.

So stuff that where the sun don't shine.

I voted Libertarian so ewe can stuff your fat Orange God/King up your Azz. Oh and take that document he loathes and calls outdated out of your Azz.
I quit voting altogether in 2000.....The LP is joke in the poorest of taste.

As for Trump, he's no better or worse than any other remocrat or depublican who only hides behind the Constitution as a matter of convenience....I made peace with that fact before I quit voting....It's a liberating thought....That makes me neither one of his fanbois nor his haters, just someone who sees and understands him for who he is and isn't without getting all worked up about it.

As for the Constitution itself, I'm with Lysander Spooner: It has either given us the shit show that we have or has been powerless to prevent it, and as such is worthless.

So you're for doing away with it? Outstanding.
I'm for doing away with The State.

What about the constitution.
I added some meat to the previous post.

Well I believe the constitution does work. The ruling class only thinks it should work on us and they are above it. That is all our own faults.
Ruling class?? Sorry, that's not how it works here. Anyone with the stomach for politics can rule. Especially if they're good at telling people what they want to hear my

Fake Nuz
Nope. All the "class" warfare shit that Marxists thrive on is what's fake. There's no caste system, no requirement of birth. No ruling class. What was Obama's background?

He played the game and was a useful tool for the corporations.
There are a tonne of Trump cronies (perhaps even Trump himself) who are praying for him to win, not because he wants the presidency, but because of the investigations into his presidency that are surely going to follow.

One thing I have learned about conservatives during this presidency, especially on this board, is that they are not for freedom or anything the US Consititution stands for. They are so anti the other side, they would rather turn the US into a totalitarian dictatorship than have someone like Biden in charge. They would rather have a civil war. They are scum and the epitome of what the US ISN'T supposed to be. Hang your collective heads in shame...don't ever quote your founding fathers or the constitution. Know this, if the FF were alive today and saw you guys, they wouldn't be embracing you at all. They'd hate you and what you stand for. Divisive, totalitarian-minded, petty, idiots. I'd say racist too, but as most of them were too (and sexist) it probably wouldn't bother them as much. But your mindsets certainly would. Remember this also - you neocon whackadoodles are the 18th Century Brits reborn.
Listening to a prog twaddle on about the sanctity of the Constitution is fucking laughable.


You do know your Orange God/King said the constitution was outdated? You do know that means he doesn't believe in it? You do know this don't you?
I didn't vote for him, dipschitt....And what I do know is you prog drips give even less of a hoot in hell about the document than Trump or anyone else does.

So stuff that where the sun don't shine.

I voted Libertarian so ewe can stuff your fat Orange God/King up your Azz. Oh and take that document he loathes and calls outdated out of your Azz.
you must HATE America--like the Obamas, etc--go to Somalia

I got an idea, why don't you come and take me.
I bet you would like a guy to take you.

Why don't you try?
I'm hetrosexual.

ROTFLMFAO, not a chance!!!!
There are a tonne of Trump cronies (perhaps even Trump himself) who are praying for him to win, not because he wants the presidency, but because of the investigations into his presidency that are surely going to follow.

One thing I have learned about conservatives during this presidency, especially on this board, is that they are not for freedom or anything the US Consititution stands for. They are so anti the other side, they would rather turn the US into a totalitarian dictatorship than have someone like Biden in charge. They would rather have a civil war. They are scum and the epitome of what the US ISN'T supposed to be. Hang your collective heads in shame...don't ever quote your founding fathers or the constitution. Know this, if the FF were alive today and saw you guys, they wouldn't be embracing you at all. They'd hate you and what you stand for. Divisive, totalitarian-minded, petty, idiots. I'd say racist too, but as most of them were too (and sexist) it probably wouldn't bother them as much. But your mindsets certainly would. Remember this also - you neocon whackadoodles are the 18th Century Brits reborn.
Listening to a prog twaddle on about the sanctity of the Constitution is fucking laughable.


You do know your Orange God/King said the constitution was outdated? You do know that means he doesn't believe in it? You do know this don't you?
I didn't vote for him, dipschitt....And what I do know is you prog drips give even less of a hoot in hell about the document than Trump or anyone else does.

So stuff that where the sun don't shine.

I voted Libertarian so ewe can stuff your fat Orange God/King up your Azz. Oh and take that document he loathes and calls outdated out of your Azz.
I quit voting altogether in 2000.....The LP is joke in the poorest of taste.

As for Trump, he's no better or worse than any other remocrat or depublican who only hides behind the Constitution as a matter of convenience....I made peace with that fact before I quit voting....It's a liberating thought....That makes me neither one of his fanbois nor his haters, just someone who sees and understands him for who he is and isn't without getting all worked up about it.

As for the Constitution itself, I'm with Lysander Spooner: It has either given us the shit show that we have or has been powerless to prevent it, and as such is worthless.

So you're for doing away with it? Outstanding.
I'm for doing away with The State.

What about the constitution.
I added some meat to the previous post.

Well I believe the constitution does work. The ruling class only thinks it should work on us and they are above it. That is all our own faults.
Ruling class?? Sorry, that's not how it works here. Anyone with the stomach for politics can rule. Especially if they're good at telling people what they want to hear my

Fake Nuz
Nope. All the "class" warfare shit that Marxists thrive on is what's fake. There's no caste system, no requirement of birth. No ruling class. What was Obama's background?

He played the game and was a useful tool for the corporations.
Whatever. You assumed a "ruling class". There's no such thing.
Ok... I'm no Biden fan - certainly not voting for the Democrats - but this attempt to make Biden look mentally unfit ---- from Trump supporters??? It's like the punchline to a really bad joke.
They don't see it. They really don't see it.

Group pathology. I guess this must have been what it was like, the last time the world saw this.

It reeks of desperation.
Well, I think that at the core of this is a knowledge that the world is changing quickly, the country is changing quickly, and all they're doing is slowing the process down a bit. Hence all this raw anger. They don't care how ugly Trumpism is, or how ugly it gets. This is a final, loud, primal scream.

And to be fair, I fully agree with some of their points and concerns. Or I at least think the concerns are reasonable. The problem is the way they have been taught to fight - all emotion, no reason. Trump. What they don't see is that they're only making it worse for themselves down the road.
you are anti-American if you are anti-Trump

oh, god not that old chestnut. That sentence would go down well in 1917 Russia. Take out the word American and replace is with Russian, and take out the word Trump and replace it with Lenin and you'd be right at home.

As for anybody who is anti-Trump? I couldn't think of a more patriotic American right now...
Let’s all hope those patriotic Americans vote Trump out of office this November.
There are a tonne of Trump cronies (perhaps even Trump himself) who are praying for him to win, not because he wants the presidency, but because of the investigations into his presidency that are surely going to follow.

One thing I have learned about conservatives during this presidency, especially on this board, is that they are not for freedom or anything the US Consititution stands for. They are so anti the other side, they would rather turn the US into a totalitarian dictatorship than have someone like Biden in charge. They would rather have a civil war. They are scum and the epitome of what the US ISN'T supposed to be. Hang your collective heads in shame...don't ever quote your founding fathers or the constitution. Know this, if the FF were alive today and saw you guys, they wouldn't be embracing you at all. They'd hate you and what you stand for. Divisive, totalitarian-minded, petty, idiots. I'd say racist too, but as most of them were too (and sexist) it probably wouldn't bother them as much. But your mindsets certainly would. Remember this also - you neocon whackadoodles are the 18th Century Brits reborn.

Conservatives are authoritarian and reactionary – they fear positive, beneficial change, they seek to compel conformity and silence dissent, and work to increase the size and power of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

Absolutely. All the while rambling on about 'freedom' etc...They don't want freedom, they want control.
It’s the means by which Republicans seek to retain their minority rule.
There are a tonne of Trump cronies (perhaps even Trump himself) who are praying for him to win, not because he wants the presidency, but because of the investigations into his presidency that are surely going to follow.

One thing I have learned about conservatives during this presidency, especially on this board, is that they are not for freedom or anything the US Consititution stands for. They are so anti the other side, they would rather turn the US into a totalitarian dictatorship than have someone like Biden in charge. They would rather have a civil war. They are scum and the epitome of what the US ISN'T supposed to be. Hang your collective heads in shame...don't ever quote your founding fathers or the constitution. Know this, if the FF were alive today and saw you guys, they wouldn't be embracing you at all. They'd hate you and what you stand for. Divisive, totalitarian-minded, petty, idiots. I'd say racist too, but as most of them were too (and sexist) it probably wouldn't bother them as much. But your mindsets certainly would. Remember this also - you neocon whackadoodles are the 18th Century Brits reborn.

Conservatives are authoritarian and reactionary – they fear positive, beneficial change, they seek to compel conformity and silence dissent, and work to increase the size and power of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

Absolutely. All the while rambling on about 'freedom' etc...They don't want freedom, they want control.
It’s the means by which Republicans seek to retain their minority rule.

Resisting the mob rule of you dems, is our right.
you are anti-American if you are anti-Trump

oh, god not that old chestnut. That sentence would go down well in 1917 Russia. Take out the word American and replace is with Russian, and take out the word Trump and replace it with Lenin and you'd be right at home.

As for anybody who is anti-Trump? I couldn't think of a more patriotic American right now...
Let’s all hope those patriotic Americans vote Trump out of office this November.
Let’s all hope those patriotic Americans vote Trump into office this November.
you are anti-American if you are anti-Trump

oh, god not that old chestnut. That sentence would go down well in 1917 Russia. Take out the word American and replace is with Russian, and take out the word Trump and replace it with Lenin and you'd be right at home.

As for anybody who is anti-Trump? I couldn't think of a more patriotic American right now...
Let’s all hope those patriotic Americans vote Trump out of office this November.

You know what I love? When libs ridicule the very idea of patriotism and then whine when we question their patriotism.

I remember a couple of times, I saw a lib ridicule the idea of patriotism and then, IN THE SAME SENTENCE, claim to be a Patriot.

You guys really have no self awareness at all.
more babble crap from the TDS crowd
RACIST = hahahahhahahahaahhahaha....we've been over this and that's bullshit--so it makes your OP bullshit

Absolutely I'm anti Trump. Most normal people are. Note I am anti-Trump not anti-Republican. There is a difference. You nimrods can't see that though.
I'm anti-Republican and anti-Democrat and pro-Trump.
I'm also, unlike yourself, an American and can vote.
good call
I'm not conservative or liberal/etc ..I'm American

American idiot
yes, you are
the Floyd riots and Mr Trump connected????!!!!! hahahhahahahahahahah

Ya know, I've been on this board for 14 years, and with one exception when I first joined I've never put anybody on ignore. I love seeing other peoples' ignorance. But you are not even attempting to add to the debate. it's like you're a four year old. Then again, I know's it's late stateside, so maybe you're on your second bottle of sour mash..

That's just the stench of Cult45 desperation.
That's just the stench of Biden desperation.
the lefties sure do BABBLE a lot ...you people post crap----
I hate Mr Trump thread # 2,193,030,334
---jesus christ --just post ''''''I hate Trump''''---because all the other stuff you post is babblecrap = worthless shit

The Orange Virus sucks out loud. So does Cult45. Happy? :04:
you are still crying and insane from 2016 --that's obvious
Most normal people are

Most normal people aren't in favor of what is going on in our cities and yet your party turns a blind eye. Thugs vote for your party and your Party knows it, which is why they handle all these nuts with kid gloves.
The problem is the way they have been taught to fight - all emotion, no reason.

This is hilarious. Emotion is a keystone of the Democratic Party. It is the reason smooth talker Obama was elected, it is why Democrats are fawning over Biden's speech the other night. No facts, just platitudes and feel good stuff. Liberals run on pure emotion and are the LEAST pragmatic people on the planet earth. In fact, much of the vitriol for Trump has NOTHING to do with his policies and everything to do with his delivery. The same policies could be enacted by a milder mannered President and there wouldn't be near the hatred and derangement exhibited towards Trump. Most can't point to bad policies, but they call him a racist and a "blob".
There are a tonne of Trump cronies (perhaps even Trump himself) who are praying for him to win, not because he wants the presidency, but because of the investigations into his presidency that are surely going to follow.

One thing I have learned about conservatives during this presidency, especially on this board, is that they are not for freedom or anything the US Consititution stands for. They are so anti the other side, they would rather turn the US into a totalitarian dictatorship than have someone like Biden in charge. They would rather have a civil war. They are scum and the epitome of what the US ISN'T supposed to be. Hang your collective heads in shame...don't ever quote your founding fathers or the constitution. Know this, if the FF were alive today and saw you guys, they wouldn't be embracing you at all. They'd hate you and what you stand for. Divisive, totalitarian-minded, petty, idiots. I'd say racist too, but as most of them were too (and sexist) it probably wouldn't bother them as much. But your mindsets certainly would. Remember this also - you neocon whackadoodles are the 18th Century Brits reborn.
Listening to a prog twaddle on about the sanctity of the Constitution is fucking laughable.


You do know your Orange God/King said the constitution was outdated? You do know that means he doesn't believe in it? You do know this don't you?
I didn't vote for him, dipschitt....And what I do know is you prog drips give even less of a hoot in hell about the document than Trump or anyone else does.

So stuff that where the sun don't shine.

I voted Libertarian so ewe can stuff your fat Orange God/King up your Azz. Oh and take that document he loathes and calls outdated out of your Azz.
I quit voting altogether in 2000.....The LP is joke in the poorest of taste.

As for Trump, he's no better or worse than any other remocrat or depublican who only hides behind the Constitution as a matter of convenience....I made peace with that fact before I quit voting....It's a liberating thought....That makes me neither one of his fanbois nor his haters, just someone who sees and understands him for who he is and isn't without getting all worked up about it.

As for the Constitution itself, I'm with Lysander Spooner: It has either given us the shit show that we have or has been powerless to prevent it, and as such is worthless.

So you're for doing away with it? Outstanding.
I'm for doing away with The State.

What about the constitution.
I added some meat to the previous post.

Well I believe the constitution does work. The ruling class only thinks it should work on us and they are above it. That is all our own faults.
Ruling class?? Sorry, that's not how it works here. Anyone with the stomach for politics can rule. Especially if they're good at telling people what they want to hear my

Fake Nuz
Nope. All the "class" warfare shit that Marxists thrive on is what's fake. There's no caste system, no requirement of birth. No ruling class. What was Obama's background?

He played the game and was a useful tool for the corporations.
Whatever. You assumed a "ruling class". There's no such thing.

There sure is!!!
There are a tonne of Trump cronies (perhaps even Trump himself) who are praying for him to win, not because he wants the presidency, but because of the investigations into his presidency that are surely going to follow.

One thing I have learned about conservatives during this presidency, especially on this board, is that they are not for freedom or anything the US Consititution stands for. They are so anti the other side, they would rather turn the US into a totalitarian dictatorship than have someone like Biden in charge. They would rather have a civil war. They are scum and the epitome of what the US ISN'T supposed to be. Hang your collective heads in shame...don't ever quote your founding fathers or the constitution. Know this, if the FF were alive today and saw you guys, they wouldn't be embracing you at all. They'd hate you and what you stand for. Divisive, totalitarian-minded, petty, idiots. I'd say racist too, but as most of them were too (and sexist) it probably wouldn't bother them as much. But your mindsets certainly would. Remember this also - you neocon whackadoodles are the 18th Century Brits reborn.

This coming from the side that wants to put the same people back in power who weaponize the government against political adversaries and private citizens. Sit down.
Ok... I'm no Biden fan - certainly not voting for the Democrats - but this attempt to make Biden look mentally unfit ---- from Trump supporters??? It's like the punchline to a really bad joke.
They don't see it. They really don't see it.

Group pathology. I guess this must have been what it was like, the last time the world saw this.

It reeks of desperation.
Well, I think that at the core of this is a knowledge that the world is changing quickly, the country is changing quickly, and all they're doing is slowing the process down a bit. Hence all this raw anger. They don't care how ugly Trumpism is, or how ugly it gets. This is a final, loud, primal scream.

And to be fair, I fully agree with some of their points and concerns. Or I at least think the concerns are reasonable. The problem is the way they have been taught to fight - all emotion, no reason. Trump. What they don't see is that they're only making it worse for themselves down the road.

That to me is more a republican ideal than anything specific to the Orange Virus. Many times Republicans need to be carried kicking and screaming into change.
Ok... I'm no Biden fan - certainly not voting for the Democrats - but this attempt to make Biden look mentally unfit ---- from Trump supporters??? It's like the punchline to a really bad joke.
They don't see it. They really don't see it.

Group pathology. I guess this must have been what it was like, the last time the world saw this.

It reeks of desperation.
Well, I think that at the core of this is a knowledge that the world is changing quickly, the country is changing quickly, and all they're doing is slowing the process down a bit. Hence all this raw anger. They don't care how ugly Trumpism is, or how ugly it gets. This is a final, loud, primal scream.

And to be fair, I fully agree with some of their points and concerns. Or I at least think the concerns are reasonable. The problem is the way they have been taught to fight - all emotion, no reason. Trump. What they don't see is that they're only making it worse for themselves down the road.

That to me is more a republican ideal than anything specific to the Orange Virus. Many times Republicans need to be carried kicking and screaming into change.
Yeah, good point. It's the increase in childish, arrogant ignorance of theirs that's a little new. :laugh:

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