What kind of a country is modern Ukraine?

Ignoramus, Russia has invaded Ukraine in 2014, annexed Crimea and was conducting hybrid warfare in Donbas until full invasion in 2022.

It is suicidal for a country fighting for its very survival to allow enemy propaganda operations.

Did you read Ukrainian mass media between the so-called Ukrainian Revolution, i.e. between February 2014 and the beginning of the Russian Military Operation in Ukraine in February 2022?

I read the Ukrainian mass media in that period.

And for example, in August 2017 I read that people in Ukraine had been outraged that an owner of a tourists’ carriage had cruelly treated his horse which drove tourists through the city of Odessa, see here.

Was Ukraine really a country at war at that time?

When a country is at war, there are no tourists in that country.

And when a country "fights for its very survival", its people don’t worry about cruel treatment of animals.​

When the question “What kind of a country is modern Ukraine?” is asked, Americans usually answer that it doesn’t matter for them, what kind of a country modern Ukraine is.

However, in the past it did matter for Americans what kind of a country Libya was in 2011 when the U.S. bombed it; or it did matter for Americans what kind of a country Iraq was in 2003 when U.S. invaded it, etc.

The second Americans’ answer to the question “What kind of a country is modern Ukraine?” is the answer “Modern Ukraine may be a not especially good country now, but it is changing for the better”.

In this article, I am going to consider both above-mentioned theses.​

Rights of ethnic minorities in Ukraine after the Euromaidan

Before the so-called Ukrainian revolution, alias Euromaidan, i.e. before February 2014, ethnic minorities had much more rights in Ukraine than now. For example, Ukraine had state-financed Hungarian, Romanian etc. schools where children were taught in their respective languages during the whole course of education.

However, in 2020 and 2021 the Law on Indigenous Peoples and Law on Secondary Education were passed in Ukraine and under these Laws the state stopped to finance Hungarian, Romanian etc. schools of ethnic minorities because ethnic Hungarians, Romanians and other peoples were not named “Indigenous Peoples of Ukraine” in these Laws.

Before February 2014, there were also so-called regional languages in Ukraine, i.e. languages which were native for more than 10% people in a region, city, town or settlement. These regional languages could be free used in public offices, in mass media, in private enterprises etc. on the territory of the respective region, city, town or settlement.

But in 2019 the above-mentioned regional languages were eliminated in Ukraine.
Freedom of speech in Ukraine after the Euromaidan

Before February 2014, Ukrainian police protected offices of mass media, even opposition ones.
However after the Euromaidan, the police often do not intervene when Ukrainian nationalists attack opposition media.

In the summer of 2016, a Ukrainian website accused the Ukrainian TV company Inter of cooperation with separatists. Till November 2016, the building, where this TV company is situated, was three times attacked by “activists” and its rooms were set on fire - fortunately, nobody died in these arsons. However, the material damage was great.

After one of these arsons, an Advisor to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko wrote in Facebook that one shouldn`t rule out that Inter managers themselves had provoked the arson of their rooms; see here.

So far, no culprits of these arsons have been found; and by the way, so far, Ukrainian authorities haven’t published any confirmation that Inter had really cooperated with separatists, i.e. no criminal proceedings have been started because of these allegations.​

In December 2017, Yevheniy Murayev, the owner of the Ukrainian TV channel NewsOne, called the Euromaidan a coup d'etat.

Although his words weren’t violation of Ukrainian laws, hundreds of “activists” surrounded the building of NewsOne and demanded apologies from Murayev.

The police did not intervene and Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs Avakov said that owners of NewsOne “had to stop to provoke people”.

The “activists” blocked all entrances to the building of NewsOne by using sand bags and barbed wire; and this blockade lasted for 7 days and although it was an obvious violation of Ukrainian laws, nobody was arrested or otherwise punished for it.

In 2021 the broadcasting of NewsOne was suspended by Ukrainian authorities. And in 2023, the Ukrainian Council for Broadcasting – after a decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine - revoked license of NewsOne, see the official website of this Council; i.e. this TV channel was fully closed.

Therefore, I can conclude that situation in the sphere of rights of ethnic minorities and in the sphere of freedom of speech has become worse as compared with the situation before the Euromaidan.


So - called 'Ukraine' is a highly corrupted failed state where criminals run the country.
Here are some examples of lynch 'justice' which almost fully replaced the official one.
Almost the entirely population became animals, cursed be f.... Putin he wants animals back in Russia








Ukraine is darling of EU which embraces it.
Most of tortured humans died shortly after release.

Never heard about in the western presstitute MS 'media'








Did you read Ukrainian mass media between the so-called Ukrainian Revolution, i.e. between February 2014 and the beginning of the Russian Military Operation in Ukraine in February 2022?

I read the Ukrainian mass media in that period.

And for example, in August 2017 I read that people in Ukraine had been outraged that an owner of a tourists’ carriage had cruelly treated his horse which drove tourists through the city of Odessa, see here.

Was Ukraine really a country at war at that time?

When a country is at war, there are no tourists in that country.

And when a country "fights for its very survival", its people don’t worry about cruel treatment of animals.​

Is this a serious post? :cuckoo:
Ukraine is darling of EU which embraces it.
Most of tortured humans died shortly after release.

Never heard about in the western presstitute MS 'media'









Yep, tell me you eat Russian propaganda for breakfast lunch and dinner, without telling me you eat Russian propaganda.

Someone got mistreated somewhere therefore Ukraine is an authoritarian Nazi state. Logic bulletproof.
So - called 'Ukraine' is a highly corrupted failed state where criminals run the country.
Here are some examples of lynch 'justice' which almost fully replaced the official one.
Almost the entirely population became animals, cursed be f.... Putin he wants animals back in Russia








Oh my, someone got tied up. Horrible!

I can't imagine fragile souls like you hearing what Russian invaders were busy with in Ukraine.

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If the Ukrainians were smarter, they could take advantage of their favorable geographical application. Ukraine could have become a neutral buffer between Russia and Europe, and made money from it - a gentle calf suckles two mothers. But the desire to kill russians was stronger.

What did Russia want? You think it wanted to kill ukrainians? No, Russia only asked for non-aligned status for Ukraine. Let me remind you that it was the neutral status that once allowed Sweden and Finland to become the most prosperous countries in Europe, but Ukraine gave up its chance.

Ukraine could have become a new Sweden or Finland, but it chose to become an ever-warring second Israel. She dared not refuse her superiors.
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If the Ukrainians were smarter, they could take advantage of their favorable geographical application. Ukraine could have become a neutral buffer between Russia and Europe, and made money from it - a gentle calf suckles two mothers. But the desire to kill russians was stronger.

Yep, Ukraine is pretty fucking stupid for sure, should've been joining NATO in 1991 like Litva instead of playing nice with violent "brother" drunkards next door.

Lesson learned in blood.
Aide to Zelenky admits there could have been a peace deal in 2022 with Russia after a draft agreement was signed in Turkey, then loco Joe sent his errand boy Boris the wrecking ball Johnson to Kiev and have a word in the shell like ear of Zelensky not to honour the deal, so here we are thousands of deaths later.
Aide to Zelenky admits there could have been a peace deal in 2022 with Russia after a draft agreement was signed in Turkey, then loco Joe sent his errand boy Boris the wrecking ball Johnson to Kiev and have a word in the shell like ear of Zelensky not to honour the deal, so here we are thousands of deaths later.

First of all, Arahamia is not an aide. He is a head of the biggest faction in the Ukrainian parliament and was the head of Ukrainian delegation in Belarus and Turkey in spring 2022.

You clearly haven't seen his interview in original (and that is obvious as long as you don't understand Ukrainian). According to him, the main reason why the deal with Russians wasn't reached was not because of Johnson, but because of deep distrust in the Russians and that they would follow the agreement.

He openly admits thar the main goal of this negotiations was just to gain the time.
First of all, Arahamia is not an aide. He is a head of the biggest faction in the Ukrainian parliament and was the head of Ukrainian delegation in Belarus and Turkey in spring 2022.

You clearly haven't seen his interview in original (and that is obvious as long as you don't understand Ukrainian). According to him, the main reason why the deal with Russians wasn't reached was not because of Johnson, but because of deep distrust in the Russians and that they would follow the agreement.

He openly admits thar the main goal of this negotiations was just to gain the time.
Well if thats the case just like Minsk 2 it shows those Nazis just can't be trusted, also i don't really buy it, Bozo the clown rushed off to Kiev to give Zelensky his orders.
Well if thats the case just like Minsk 2 it shows those Nazis just can't be trusted, also i don't really buy it, Bozo the clown rushed off to Kiev to give Zelensky his orders.
Minsk 2 is always blamed on Ukraine. It is one of the main narratives of Russian propaganda. But you haven't read them, either. Have you?

Reality shows that these accords were worded in a way that either side interpreted them in their favor.

One of the examples was a clause about new elections there. Ukraine insisted that these elections be held according to Ukrainian law, the Central Elections Committee being in charge, Ukrainian parties and candidates taking part, and observers and journalists from Ukraine and elsewhere monitoring them. The separatists insisted on their supervision, the amnesty being adopted first, etc. As a result, almost a year of ping-pong, and the separatists organized their elections there and began forming their statelets; Ukraine condemned and didn't recognize that, of course.

Virtually every one paragraph was interpreted differently and was a sticking point. Make no mistake, I am not trying to blame the separatists (or Moscow, more correctly) for Minsk 2 derailment. The both sides were worth each other, were not going to implement them in full, and used them for own benefit.
Aide to Zelenky admits there could have been a peace deal in 2022 with Russia after a draft agreement was signed in Turkey, then loco Joe sent his errand boy Boris the wrecking ball Johnson to Kiev and have a word in the shell like ear of Zelensky not to honour the deal, so here we are thousands of deaths later.

There's an old what we call anecdote but Americans (I believe) a joke going:
One Ukrainian is a partisan, two Ukrainians - a partisan detachment, three Ukrainians - a partisan detachment with a traitor.
You can't deal with the bastards. It's a good thing those agreements didn't go through. Their unconditional surrender is the only way this must end. Banderites will have to be hanged by the neck, Russian speaking regions joined to Russia and live a normal human life, Ukrainian ones may go to hell or EU, for that matter, and wallow in their gay European rights. Isn't that what they have been longing for all these years?
– describe events which took place between February 2014 and January 2022.
Yes , it is interesting to re-examine that period when the UAF guided by the US broke the Minsk agreements every day and, at the behest of the mad US Neocons, Ukraine was armed and financed to go to war .
Nice to see recent history recorded accurately .
There's an old what we call anecdote but Americans (I believe) a joke going:
One Ukrainian is a partisan, two Ukrainians - a partisan detachment, three Ukrainians - a partisan detachment with a traitor.
You can't deal with the bastards. It's a good thing those agreements didn't go through. Their unconditional surrender is the only way this must end. Banderites will have to be hanged by the neck, Russian speaking regions joined to Russia and live a normal human life, Ukrainian ones may go to hell or EU, for that matter, and wallow in their gay European rights. Isn't that what they have been longing for all these years?
Well you are right about one thing, this will only end when Russia reaches it's objectives and there will have to be trials for the Nazis that have caused so much carnage, Russia is too soft at times like when they allowed many of those Azov creatures to walk free after Mariupol was liberated, many of those are beyond help they are a walking advert for the third Reich, if Russia doesn't see this through it will fester and rise again in the future.

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