What kind of country do we live in?

WTF is wrong with this country?


Bullshit partisan hacks from both parties.

Really? It isn't the democrats that are fighting to kill hundreds of thousands of people or take rights away from people for being different.

Partisan my fucking ass.

So Hillary the Democrat didn't use the US military to assassinate Ghaddafi and cause hundreds of thousands of deaths from the

ensuing chaos in Libya?

Oh wait, that is what happened. Yes, indeed it is.
This is a real serious question we must ask when we see things like this. These are Americans using their freedom to protest the Trumpcare plan. A plan where if it is passed, many of these guys die. WTF is wrong with this country?

WATCH: US Capitol Police Drag Disabled Trumpcare Protesters From Wheelchairs, Make 43 Arrests..

All of this because Trump wants to give the very rich a record tax cut.

It is estimated that thousands will die prematurely if Trumpcare becomes law.

Those arrests came more than a day BEFORE anyone really knew ANY details of the "plan" they were protesting. They're all in WORSE SHAPE -- if nothing is done to manage the burnout of O-Care...

Don't think protests like that or the AARP "You are all gonna die" ads are effective. Because people are too smart to be influenced by groups that know NOTHING about the details of what they're protesting..

"AARP" is really "Hartford Insurance", nothing more, anymore.
WTF is wrong with this country?


Bullshit partisan hacks from both parties.

Really? It isn't the democrats that are fighting to kill hundreds of thousands of people or take rights away from people for being different.

Partisan my fucking ass.

So Hillary the Democrat didn't use the US military to assassinate Ghaddafi and cause hundreds of thousands of deaths from the

ensuing chaos in Libya?

Oh wait, that is what happened. Yes, indeed it is.

Actually it did not.

UN security council resolution 1973 (2011)

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, on the situation in Libya, is a measure that was adopted on 17 March 2011. The Security Council resolution was proposed by France, Lebanon, and the United Kingdom.

Military intervention in Libya began on 19 March, as fighter jets of the French Air Force destroyed several pro-Gaddafi vehicles advancing on rebel stronghold Benghazi. U.S. and British submarines then fired over 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles at targets throughout Libya, severely disabling the regime's air defense capability and allowing a wider enforcement of the no-fly zone to begin. A coalition of 10 states from Europe and the Middle East initially participated in the intervention, later expanding to 17. On 31 March, NATO assumed command of the operation. The intervention succeeded in preventing pro-Gaddafi forces from capturing Benghazi.[16]

On 24 August, it was acknowledged for the first time that
special forces troops from Britain, Italy, France, Jordan, Qatar,and the UAE had intervened on the ground in Libyan territory, stepping up operations in Tripoli and other cities.[19] This has been questioned as a possible violation of Resolution 1973[20] although the use of special forces is not prohibited by the resolution.

The second reason why it did not happen as you say is because Hillary Clinton was the secretary of state and they do not have such authority.
WTF is wrong with this country?


Bullshit partisan hacks from both parties.

Really? It isn't the democrats that are fighting to kill hundreds of thousands of people or take rights away from people for being different.

Partisan my fucking ass.

So Hillary the Democrat didn't use the US military to assassinate Ghaddafi and cause hundreds of thousands of deaths from the

ensuing chaos in Libya?

Oh wait, that is what happened. Yes, indeed it is.

Actually it did not.

UN security council resolution 1973 (2011)

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, on the situation in Libya, is a measure that was adopted on 17 March 2011. The Security Council resolution was proposed by France, Lebanon, and the United Kingdom.

Military intervention in Libya began on 19 March, as fighter jets of the French Air Force destroyed several pro-Gaddafi vehicles advancing on rebel stronghold Benghazi. U.S. and British submarines then fired over 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles at targets throughout Libya, severely disabling the regime's air defense capability and allowing a wider enforcement of the no-fly zone to begin. A coalition of 10 states from Europe and the Middle East initially participated in the intervention, later expanding to 17. On 31 March, NATO assumed command of the operation. The intervention succeeded in preventing pro-Gaddafi forces from capturing Benghazi.[16]

On 24 August, it was acknowledged for the first time that
special forces troops from Britain, Italy, France, Jordan, Qatar,and the UAE had intervened on the ground in Libyan territory, stepping up operations in Tripoli and other cities.[19] This has been questioned as a possible violation of Resolution 1973[20] although the use of special forces is not prohibited by the resolution.

The second reason why it did not happen as you say is because Hillary Clinton was the secretary of state and they do not have such authority.

Sure they don't. Who do you think organized the whole thing? Hillary, duh!

How is Libya doing now? Aye?
just to answer the opening post question , its a great country , greatest country the world has ever seen and built and set in motion by a great group of planners and thinkers . ------- its going to be funny when you lefty guys and your kids lose it . -------------- just a comment !!

The great planners, and thinkers who flood the country with Third-World riff-raffs, and who make it so Americans pay the most in the World for healthcare?
WTF is wrong with this country?


Bullshit partisan hacks from both parties.

Really? It isn't the democrats that are fighting to kill hundreds of thousands of people or take rights away from people for being different.

Partisan my fucking ass.

The Republicans really have become the party of death, they care more about getting Americans killed in Iraq, than about saving American lives in need at home.
American lives in need???

Illegal alien lives in need.
Refugee lives in need.
Muslim lives in need
MS-13 lives in need.

Not too many Americans in that bunch.

Well, I don't know the disabled people in the video sure looked like White Americans to me.
This is a real serious question we must ask when we see things like this. These are Americans using their freedom to protest the Trumpcare plan. A plan where if it is passed, many of these guys die. WTF is wrong with this country?

WATCH: US Capitol Police Drag Disabled Trumpcare Protesters From Wheelchairs, Make 43 Arrests..

All of this because Trump wants to give the very rich a record tax cut.

It is estimated that thousands will die prematurely if Trumpcare becomes law.

Those arrests came more than a day BEFORE anyone really knew ANY details of the "plan" they were protesting. They're all in WORSE SHAPE -- if nothing is done to manage the burnout of O-Care...

Don't think protests like that or the AARP "You are all gonna die" ads are effective. Because people are too smart to be influenced by groups that know NOTHING about the details of what they're protesting..

"AARP" is really "Hartford Insurance", nothing more, anymore.

They are a broker. Probably their biggest income. They have Hartford and United Healthcare. They got EXEMPTIONS from the Obama Admin to CONTINUE their Group plans when everyone else -- including me --- had theirs taken away.. Payback for money AARP spent lobbying for ObamaCare.. They'll never see me signing up in the future --- No way....
I guess this guy is faking or crying wolf.

The Story of Mike Phillips

If Medicaid is cut, he loses.

You right wingers are sorry ass pathetic losers as human beings. You talk only about money, so how much of your money can you take with your dead asses when your life is over?

As you know, Mike Phillips will continue on just as he is today.

What is your problem?

Not exactly. If Medicaid goes, Mike has no help.

I don't have a problem. What's yours?

Apparently Obama did not really feel in the way so disingenuously describe..

Especially since the question was about end of life care.

Nice try.

Where are you getting the idea that medicade is going anywhere?


Bullshit partisan hacks from both parties.

Really? It isn't the democrats that are fighting to kill hundreds of thousands of people or take rights away from people for being different.

Partisan my fucking ass.

So Hillary the Democrat didn't use the US military to assassinate Ghaddafi and cause hundreds of thousands of deaths from the

ensuing chaos in Libya?

Oh wait, that is what happened. Yes, indeed it is.

Actually it did not.

UN security council resolution 1973 (2011)

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, on the situation in Libya, is a measure that was adopted on 17 March 2011. The Security Council resolution was proposed by France, Lebanon, and the United Kingdom.

Military intervention in Libya began on 19 March, as fighter jets of the French Air Force destroyed several pro-Gaddafi vehicles advancing on rebel stronghold Benghazi. U.S. and British submarines then fired over 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles at targets throughout Libya, severely disabling the regime's air defense capability and allowing a wider enforcement of the no-fly zone to begin. A coalition of 10 states from Europe and the Middle East initially participated in the intervention, later expanding to 17. On 31 March, NATO assumed command of the operation. The intervention succeeded in preventing pro-Gaddafi forces from capturing Benghazi.[16]

On 24 August, it was acknowledged for the first time that
special forces troops from Britain, Italy, France, Jordan, Qatar,and the UAE had intervened on the ground in Libyan territory, stepping up operations in Tripoli and other cities.[19] This has been questioned as a possible violation of Resolution 1973[20] although the use of special forces is not prohibited by the resolution.

The second reason why it did not happen as you say is because Hillary Clinton was the secretary of state and they do not have such authority.

Sure they don't. Who do you think organized the whole thing? Hillary, duh!

How is Libya doing now? Aye?

The bitch ever bragged about it.

I guess this guy is faking or crying wolf.

The Story of Mike Phillips

If Medicaid is cut, he loses.

You right wingers are sorry ass pathetic losers as human beings. You talk only about money, so how much of your money can you take with your dead asses when your life is over?

As you know, Mike Phillips will continue on just as he is today.

What is your problem?

Not exactly. If Medicaid goes, Mike has no help.

I don't have a problem. What's yours?

Apparently Obama did not really feel in the way so disingenuously describe..

Especially since the question was about end of life care.

Nice try.

Where are you getting the idea that medicade is going anywhere?


Do you ever read, you ignorant SOB?
I guess this guy is faking or crying wolf.

The Story of Mike Phillips

If Medicaid is cut, he loses.

You right wingers are sorry ass pathetic losers as human beings. You talk only about money, so how much of your money can you take with your dead asses when your life is over?

As you know, Mike Phillips will continue on just as he is today.

What is your problem?

Not exactly. If Medicaid goes, Mike has no help.

I don't have a problem. What's yours?

Apparently Obama did not really feel in the way so disingenuously describe..

Especially since the question was about end of life care.

Nice try.

Where are you getting the idea that medicade is going anywhere?


Do you ever read, you ignorant SOB?

Answer the question fool.

WTF is wrong with this country?


Bullshit partisan hacks from both parties.

Really? It isn't the democrats that are fighting to kill hundreds of thousands of people or take rights away from people for being different.

Partisan my fucking ass.

The Republicans really have become the party of death, they care more about getting Americans killed in Iraq, than about saving American lives in need at home.
If the republicans do nothing, you do realize obamacare is going to fail? Then your party will be the party of death? Quit listening to the liberal media.
This is a real serious question we must ask when we see things like this. These are Americans using their freedom to protest the Trumpcare plan. A plan where if it is passed, many of these guys die. WTF is wrong with this country?

WATCH: US Capitol Police Drag Disabled Trumpcare Protesters From Wheelchairs, Make 43 Arrests..

All of this because Trump wants to give the very rich a record tax cut.

It is estimated that thousands will die prematurely if Trumpcare becomes law.

From what I see, they doesn't receive Obamacare or any other care. They are on government care. The federal government pays their bills.
Everybody always talking as if Obama loved them. Obama and Clinton approved GMO"s, and which it is known to cause cancer and a whole lot of other illnesses. If they removes that stuff from our diets, that there will be less sickness spreading around. And that healthcare will be a lot cheaper. But corporations doesn't want that. They make the stuff that makes us sick, and then merged with the pharmaceutical companies to make a more bigger profit from off of the meds that they owns.

This big epidemic of illnesses that we has today, never was a big issue in the past. We never have that many people that had cancer. It was just only very little handful of people that had it. But now, there are some family that has two or more people that are suffering from cancer and all sort of other illnesses like diabetes and mental illnesses.
Well, and Obama doesn't even feed his own children GMO foods, but he has them on an organic diet and which organic foods are not allowed to be genetically altered (GMO's) or sprayed with pesticide.
But Obama has received his money from big corporations. They just buy his or her books for millions of dollars, with a hand shake and a wink for a good job that he had done for them.
They doesn't even want to hand out free prescriptions to anyone.
Obama just laughing at all the fools for being fooled. While he is laying back smoking his crack, and everybody else looking sickly.

WTF is wrong with this country?


Bullshit partisan hacks from both parties.

Really? It isn't the democrats that are fighting to kill hundreds of thousands of people or take rights away from people for being different.

Partisan my fucking ass.

The Republicans really have become the party of death, they care more about getting Americans killed in Iraq, than about saving American lives in need at home.
If the republicans do nothing, you do realize obamacare is going to fail? Then your party will be the party of death? Quit listening to the liberal media.
It'll be the end of the GOP as you know it. People won't forget your party sold them out to give the 1% $1Trillion.

Bullshit partisan hacks from both parties.

Really? It isn't the democrats that are fighting to kill hundreds of thousands of people or take rights away from people for being different.

Partisan my fucking ass.

The Republicans really have become the party of death, they care more about getting Americans killed in Iraq, than about saving American lives in need at home.
If the republicans do nothing, you do realize obamacare is going to fail? Then your party will be the party of death? Quit listening to the liberal media.
It'll be the end of the GOP as you know it. People won't forget your party sold them out to give the 1% $1Trillion.
They won't believe your lies anymore after obamacare implodes. Remember not one republican voted for it. Goodbye!
WTF is wrong with this country?


Bullshit partisan hacks from both parties.

Really? It isn't the democrats that are fighting to kill hundreds of thousands of people or take rights away from people for being different.

Partisan my fucking ass.

The Republicans really have become the party of death, they care more about getting Americans killed in Iraq, than about saving American lives in need at home.
If the republicans do nothing, you do realize obamacare is going to fail? Then your party will be the party of death? Quit listening to the liberal media.

I don't support either party, I don't fit your cutter sub-Human bogus bull sh*t.

One side wants more Islamists here to kill us, and illegals undermine the system.

The other side wants us to have expensive healthcare, and have Americans die from lack of healthcare.

This country is designed for cold hearted, thoughtless White Negroes AKA British sub-Humans.
WTF is wrong with this country?


Bullshit partisan hacks from both parties.

Really? It isn't the democrats that are fighting to kill hundreds of thousands of people or take rights away from people for being different.

Partisan my fucking ass.

The Republicans really have become the party of death, they care more about getting Americans killed in Iraq, than about saving American lives in need at home.
Quit listening to the liberal media.

In Europe the right wing still supports national healthcare typically, despite sometimes being more socially Conservative than Republicans.

They do support national healthcare, because it does make sense.

The only first World country that doesn't get this is America.

How can you defend this chart below?
Oh it makes so much frigging sense for Americans to pay about a 1/3rd more on healthcare, than the 2nd highest spenders in the World.

This is a real serious question we must ask when we see things like this. These are Americans using their freedom to protest the Trumpcare plan. A plan where if it is passed, many of these guys die. WTF is wrong with this country?

WATCH: US Capitol Police Drag Disabled Trumpcare Protesters From Wheelchairs, Make 43 Arrests..

All of this because Trump wants to give the very rich a record tax cut.

It is estimated that thousands will die prematurely if Trumpcare becomes law.

Billionaires like Trump pay millions to get politicians to change the laws to make it favorable for them to rip off the country, but the GOP base is convinced they do it all through hard work. That's why I may pay 20 or 30 percent in taxes and a monster like Trump pay nothing.

Trump Kicks The Little Guy, Helps Wall Street Kill Honesty Rule

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