What kind of country do we live in?

It's all Trump all the time, sunshine.

Hillary has nothing to do with it.

When she refers to the GOP as the party of death she does have something to do with it, at least in the commentary sense.

Problem is everyone wants as much health coverage as they can get and want someone else to pay for it.
You are the party of death: 40k/year die from no insurance, GOP starts the wars with casualties, ferchrisssake it's obvious, dupes...bad infrastructure and Katrina, etc crap safety net- anything to save the rich tax cuts...

Bullshit partisan hacks from both parties.

Really? It isn't the democrats that are fighting to kill hundreds of thousands of people or take rights away from people for being different.

Partisan my fucking ass.

The Republicans really have become the party of death, they care more about getting Americans killed in Iraq, than about saving American lives in need at home.
Quit listening to the liberal media.

In Europe the right wing still supports national healthcare typically, despite sometimes being more socially Conservative than Republicans.

They do support national healthcare, because it does make sense.

The only first World country that doesn't get this is America.

How can you defend this chart below?
Oh it makes so much frigging sense for Americans to pay about a 1/3rd more on healthcare, than the 2nd highest spenders in the World.

It's the New BS GOP AMA/insurer Big Health scam rag! It's time for an ACA based COST cutting....
This is a real serious question we must ask when we see things like this. These are Americans using their freedom to protest the Trumpcare plan. A plan where if it is passed, many of these guys die. WTF is wrong with this country?

WATCH: US Capitol Police Drag Disabled Trumpcare Protesters From Wheelchairs, Make 43 Arrests..

All of this because Trump wants to give the very rich a record tax cut.

It is estimated that thousands will die prematurely if Trumpcare becomes law.

These people would have a much better chance of living if the friggin government would stay out of the business of trying to regulate health care.

Nobody is going to die is Obamcare goes away. In fact people could provide better health care because the insurance premiums, deductibles and co payments would be lower. Obamacare really ran up those cost.

The only taxes rescinded with the new health care bill are those filthy Obamacare taxes, which need to go.

The Left always hates every tax cut and always bitches that is for the rich. They need to stop being so damn greedy. Everybody in this country pays too many taxes, regardless of income.
This is a real serious question we must ask when we see things like this. These are Americans using their freedom to protest the Trumpcare plan. A plan where if it is passed, many of these guys die. WTF is wrong with this country?

WATCH: US Capitol Police Drag Disabled Trumpcare Protesters From Wheelchairs, Make 43 Arrests..

All of this because Trump wants to give the very rich a record tax cut.

It is estimated that thousands will die prematurely if Trumpcare becomes law.

These people would have a much better chance of living if the friggin government would stay out of the business of trying to regulate health care.

Nobody is going to die is Obamcare goes away. In fact people could provide better health care because the insurance premiums, deductibles and co payments would be lower. Obamacare really ran up those cost.

The only taxes rescinded with the new health care bill are those filthy Obamacare taxes, which need to go.

The Left always hates every tax cut and always bitches that is for the rich. They need to stop being so damn greedy. Everybody in this country pays too many taxes, regardless of income.

All this is simply unsupported conservative lunacy.
This is a real serious question we must ask when we see things like this. These are Americans using their freedom to protest the Trumpcare plan. A plan where if it is passed, many of these guys die. WTF is wrong with this country?

WATCH: US Capitol Police Drag Disabled Trumpcare Protesters From Wheelchairs, Make 43 Arrests..

All of this because Trump wants to give the very rich a record tax cut.

It is estimated that thousands will die prematurely if Trumpcare becomes law.

Why did they take them from their wheelchairs? There has to be a good reason. Protesters congregating illegally are protesters congregating illegally, no matter how disabled they are. The disability doesn't absolve them from responsibility.
I guess protesting in a politician's office is NOT going to fly, huh? Wonder how these folks got reunited with their wheelchairs once outside.
This is a real serious question we must ask when we see things like this. These are Americans using their freedom to protest the Trumpcare plan. A plan where if it is passed, many of these guys die. WTF is wrong with this country?

WATCH: US Capitol Police Drag Disabled Trumpcare Protesters From Wheelchairs, Make 43 Arrests..

All of this because Trump wants to give the very rich a record tax cut.

It is estimated that thousands will die prematurely if Trumpcare becomes law.

Why did they take them from their wheelchairs? There has to be a good reason. Protesters congregating illegally are protesters congregating illegally, no matter how disabled they are. The disability doesn't absolve them from responsibility.
I guess protesting in a politician's office is NOT going to fly, huh? Wonder how these folks got reunited with their wheelchairs once outside.

They shouldn't have to be protesting for healthcare.
This is a real serious question we must ask when we see things like this. These are Americans using their freedom to protest the Trumpcare plan. A plan where if it is passed, many of these guys die. WTF is wrong with this country?

WATCH: US Capitol Police Drag Disabled Trumpcare Protesters From Wheelchairs, Make 43 Arrests..

All of this because Trump wants to give the very rich a record tax cut.

It is estimated that thousands will die prematurely if Trumpcare becomes law.

Billionaires like Trump pay millions to get politicians to change the laws to make it favorable for them to rip off the country, but the GOP base is convinced they do it all through hard work. That's why I may pay 20 or 30 percent in taxes and a monster like Trump pay nothing.

Trump Kicks The Little Guy, Helps Wall Street Kill Honesty Rule
So then, what shall we do about these Fat cats that are trying to take over the world? They are making young little gals to live with them and have sex with their old frail decrepit wrinkle body. Eternal tormenting these young women with their dirty ole' adult diaper smell. that is all over their bodies


Late in the 2016 election cycle, billionaire political activist George Soros made a series of unexpected yet creative moves with his money that paid high dividends. While continuing to donate to high-profile races like those for president and the Senate, he also poured millions of dollars into smaller races for district attorney in places like Illinois, Georgia, Texas and Colorado. In Jefferson County, Colorado, George Soros found 'justice was not for sale'

This is a real serious question we must ask when we see things like this. These are Americans using their freedom to protest the Trumpcare plan. A plan where if it is passed, many of these guys die. WTF is wrong with this country?

WATCH: US Capitol Police Drag Disabled Trumpcare Protesters From Wheelchairs, Make 43 Arrests..

All of this because Trump wants to give the very rich a record tax cut.

It is estimated that thousands will die prematurely if Trumpcare becomes law.

Billionaires like Trump pay millions to get politicians to change the laws to make it favorable for them to rip off the country, but the GOP base is convinced they do it all through hard work. That's why I may pay 20 or 30 percent in taxes and a monster like Trump pay nothing.

Trump Kicks The Little Guy, Helps Wall Street Kill Honesty Rule
So then, what shall we do about these Fat cats that are trying to take over the world? They are making young little gals to live with them and have sex with their old frail decrepit wrinkle body. Eternal tormenting these young women with their dirty ole' adult diaper smell. that is all over their bodies


Late in the 2016 election cycle, billionaire political activist George Soros made a series of unexpected yet creative moves with his money that paid high dividends. While continuing to donate to high-profile races like those for president and the Senate, he also poured millions of dollars into smaller races for district attorney in places like Illinois, Georgia, Texas and Colorado. In Jefferson County, Colorado, George Soros found 'justice was not for sale'

This is a real serious question we must ask when we see things like this. These are Americans using their freedom to protest the Trumpcare plan. A plan where if it is passed, many of these guys die. WTF is wrong with this country?

WATCH: US Capitol Police Drag Disabled Trumpcare Protesters From Wheelchairs, Make 43 Arrests..

All of this because Trump wants to give the very rich a record tax cut.

It is estimated that thousands will die prematurely if Trumpcare becomes law.

Why did they take them from their wheelchairs? There has to be a good reason. Protesters congregating illegally are protesters congregating illegally, no matter how disabled they are. The disability doesn't absolve them from responsibility.
I guess protesting in a politician's office is NOT going to fly, huh? Wonder how these folks got reunited with their wheelchairs once outside.

They shouldn't have to be protesting for healthcare.

No. In 2008 I voted for Obama expecting universal healthcare. I believe in it, have for a long time.
This protest, however, smells of a "spectacle" designed to make the Capitol police look like jack booted thugs being "mean" to disabled people, when in fact they would no doubt have preferred to wheel them out when they refused to leave. I'm willing to bet they were grabbing the wheels, applying the brakes, dragging their feet and throwing themselves from their chairs in order not to be removed after being ordered to leave. I'm all for disabled people's rights, but this was a political stunt and the disabled who took part deserve no more pity than anyone else who protests and refuses to disburse.
I just heard that several disabled people were physically harmed as they were removed. When muscles haven't been used and no weight put on bones makes them very vulnerable to injury.
I'm sure many Republicans find that hilarious.


I know they thought this was hilarious.
This is a real serious question we must ask when we see things like this. These are Americans using their freedom to protest the Trumpcare plan. A plan where if it is passed, many of these guys die. WTF is wrong with this country?

WATCH: US Capitol Police Drag Disabled Trumpcare Protesters From Wheelchairs, Make 43 Arrests..

All of this because Trump wants to give the very rich a record tax cut.

It is estimated that thousands will die prematurely if Trumpcare becomes law.

These people would have a much better chance of living if the friggin government would stay out of the business of trying to regulate health care.

Nobody is going to die is Obamcare goes away. In fact people could provide better health care because the insurance premiums, deductibles and co payments would be lower. Obamacare really ran up those cost.

The only taxes rescinded with the new health care bill are those filthy Obamacare taxes, which need to go.

The Left always hates every tax cut and always bitches that is for the rich. They need to stop being so damn greedy. Everybody in this country pays too many taxes, regardless of income.

All this is simply unsupported conservative lunacy.

No Moon Bat. The "unsupported lunacy" is the stupid statement that the people at the protest were somehow going to die if we did away with Obmacare and that rescinding the Obamacare taxes was somehow a tax cut for the rich.

Do you even know what filthy ass taxes are included in the stupid Obamacare tax package? Like a tax on bio fuels and an excise tax on charitable hospitals. It even taxes medical devices like what people need that get knee replacement. I guess in the world of Libtard Moon Bats only the rich buy medical devices.

The uneducated Libtard rhetoric against doing away with the worst bill ever passed in the US Congress is full of lies and hate mongering.

Of course the same idiots that still support Obamacare are the "stupid Americans" that Jonathan Gruber told us abut that believed the lies that Obama told us about Obamacare, aren't they?

This is a real serious question we must ask when we see things like this. These are Americans using their freedom to protest the Trumpcare plan. A plan where if it is passed, many of these guys die. WTF is wrong with this country?

WATCH: US Capitol Police Drag Disabled Trumpcare Protesters From Wheelchairs, Make 43 Arrests..

All of this because Trump wants to give the very rich a record tax cut.

It is estimated that thousands will die prematurely if Trumpcare becomes law.

These people would have a much better chance of living if the friggin government would stay out of the business of trying to regulate health care.

Nobody is going to die is Obamcare goes away. In fact people could provide better health care because the insurance premiums, deductibles and co payments would be lower. Obamacare really ran up those cost.

The only taxes rescinded with the new health care bill are those filthy Obamacare taxes, which need to go.

The Left always hates every tax cut and always bitches that is for the rich. They need to stop being so damn greedy. Everybody in this country pays too many taxes, regardless of income.

All this is simply unsupported conservative lunacy.

No Moon Bat. The "unsupported lunacy" is the stupid statement that the people at the protest were somehow going to die if we did away with Obmacare and that rescinding the Obamacare taxes was somehow a tax cut for the rich.

Do you even know what filthy ass taxes are included in the stupid Obamacare tax package? Like a tax on bio fuels and an excise tax on charitable hospitals. It even taxes medical devices like what people need that get knee replacement. I guess in the world of Libtard Moon Bats only the rich buy medical devices.

The uneducated Libtard rhetoric against doing away with the worst bill ever passed in the US Congress is full of lies and hate mongering.

Of course the same idiots that still support Obamacare are the "stupid Americans" that Jonathan Gruber told us abut that believed the lies that Obama told us about Obamacare, aren't they?

View attachment 135404

it's hard to believe most cons are as stupid as you are.

it's hard to believe most cons are as stupid as you are.

The stupid people are the dumb ass Libtards that actually believe the hate mongering that the improvements to Obamacare in the Republican plan are going to somehow result in people dying and that rescinding the filthy ass Obamacare taxes is a tax boom for the rich. What the stupid OP in this thread was claiming.

That is nothing more than mindless Liberal hate mongering. Of course you Moon Bats get most of your political news from Comedy Central, Rachael Maddow and your fellow Moon Bats on DU so no wonder you are so damn ignorant of facts.

I don't know why you Left Wing idiots are even opposed to the Republican improvements. The plan is nothing more than Obamacare Light. It is the plan that should have been passed by the Democrats back in 2009 if any of he dipshits that voted for it had bothered to read it before voting for it. It still maintains massive government control of the health care and still provides filthy ass subsidies for the welfare queens. You know who the welfare queens are don't you? That is the core voting block of the Democrat Party.
This is a real serious question we must ask when we see things like this. These are Americans using their freedom to protest the Trumpcare plan. A plan where if it is passed, many of these guys die. WTF is wrong with this country?

WATCH: US Capitol Police Drag Disabled Trumpcare Protesters From Wheelchairs, Make 43 Arrests..

All of this because Trump wants to give the very rich a record tax cut.

It is estimated that thousands will die prematurely if Trumpcare becomes law.

These people would have a much better chance of living if the friggin government would stay out of the business of trying to regulate health care.

Nobody is going to die is Obamcare goes away. In fact people could provide better health care because the insurance premiums, deductibles and co payments would be lower. Obamacare really ran up those cost.

The only taxes rescinded with the new health care bill are those filthy Obamacare taxes, which need to go.

The Left always hates every tax cut and always bitches that is for the rich. They need to stop being so damn greedy. Everybody in this country pays too many taxes, regardless of income.

All this is simply unsupported conservative lunacy.

No Moon Bat. The "unsupported lunacy" is the stupid statement that the people at the protest were somehow going to die if we did away with Obmacare and that rescinding the Obamacare taxes was somehow a tax cut for the rich.

Do you even know what filthy ass taxes are included in the stupid Obamacare tax package? Like a tax on bio fuels and an excise tax on charitable hospitals. It even taxes medical devices like what people need that get knee replacement. I guess in the world of Libtard Moon Bats only the rich buy medical devices.

The uneducated Libtard rhetoric against doing away with the worst bill ever passed in the US Congress is full of lies and hate mongering.

Of course the same idiots that still support Obamacare are the "stupid Americans" that Jonathan Gruber told us abut that believed the lies that Obama told us about Obamacare, aren't they?

View attachment 135404

What lies? I know I got to keep my own doctor. I just needed a policy that met minimum standards.
The rich deserve a massive and permanent tax cut

Given that the rich have gotten progressively richer since Reagan cut taxes in the 1980's and the middle class has gotten poorer, and the working poor have gone backwards economically, how do your figure the rich deserve even more?

This plan raises insurance rates for people aged 50 - 64 five fold, gives the middle class no tax break at all, but gives the wealthy a tax break of tens of thousand of dollars.
In the right-wing universe vegan young people playing hacky-sack and frisbee at outdoor “resistance” rallies who volunteer for Greenpeace are filled with “hatred”; while people like Michael Savage, Newt Gingrich, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Michelle Malkin, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity are the real softies whose rhetoric inspires our better angels with Gandhian messages of peace, hope, and inclusivity. Maybe the Republicans can send Kellyanne out to explain this upside-down world to us.

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