What kind of people annoy you the most.. poll

What kind of people annoy you the most?

  • nosey people

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • people with no apparent morals/ethics

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • people who never grow up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • sociopaths

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • gullible people (cnn viewers)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I couldn't pick between stupid people, those who don't have morals, and those who have no intention of ever growing up.

God bless you always!!!

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  • Banned
  • #9
None of the above.

"Cowards", by a country mile. Maybe my top three "kinds of people" that annoy me.
you mean like RINOs?

wait.. a RINO is not necessarily a coward but probably more a person who wants to be in good w/ the dims so he can get away with corrupt dealings in his position in Congress or elsewhere, dealings that make him big bucks..

A coward would be.. well, how do you define it?
People on internet message boards who ask stupid questions and have the unmitigated audacity to use a period instead of question mark.
wow, it doesn' take much to tick you off, does it?

I thought you were a little more concerned about stolen elections than to write a petty sounding post like this

go figure.. that's what I get for thinking..
HOW could i forget this one:

PETTY people

People who attack even their own party members just to throw some snark out there for who knows what purpose..

yeh, that should definitely be on the list. But I don't think I can add it at this point

Then there are people who are not only petty but

act like they hate the thread but respond just the same.. Gee, if i hated soemthing or someone, I would just go elsewhere... guess I am odd that way...
What kind of people annoy you the most.
Thoughtless "human beings."

You know, those of any age or ethnicity or gender who think only of themselves.

For example, they get on a bus, see two empty seats, sit in the aisle seat, then throw their belongings on the window seat, and completely ignore other passengers needing a seat.

I like to think that eventually those selfish [blank] eventually get their comeuppance.
Thoughtless "human beings."

You know, those of any age or ethnicity or gender who think only of themselves.

For example, they get on a bus, see two empty seats, sit in the aisle seat, then throw their belongings on the window seat, and completely ignore other passengers needing a seat.

I like to think that eventually those selfish [blank] eventually get their comeuppance.
yeh, I have seen a lot of those kinds of things. i mean, do you have to be a certifable member of a religious order to figure out that that is selfish and wrong?

I guess I was rather thoughtless making a thread like this but I wasn't trying to be hateful toward sinful humans. I just seroiusly wanted to know what.. well, I was actually going to use as a title:

What kind of people "make you lose your religion"


I probably should have used that one because the psychologist in me (I'm not a professional psychologist) just likes to know if .. for one, if I am like a lot of others out there. For example, nosey people really irritate me because.. they always seem to want to know things about others that.. you can't figure out WHY they need that info... etc... because they do not need it (you objectively know they do not)
those who put the environment over everything else (or claim to.. Hey, that reminds me: Great Tucker show on the hypocrisy of the libs RE climate matters.. on Monday)
Earlier today a package from the Kohl's website was delivered to my mom. Inside were the three Christmas coffee mugs that she ordered. Because of how well they were not packaged inside of the bag that they were placed in, one mug was scratched, another one was chipped at the top, and the third one was in about three or four pieces. When she called the number and told the lady on the other end of the line what happened, the only thing that could be done was issue my mom a refund because they did not have any more of the coffee mugs that my mom had ordered.

God bless you and my mom always!!!


P.S. In other words, stupid people are who annoy me the most and I say that with only one person on my mind: whoever didn't package those three coffee mugs in a more appropriate and secure way. Maybe it is a good thing that there weren't any more to replace what had already been sent. A new set of three probably would've ended up damaged too.
Earlier today a package from the Kohl's website was delivered to my mom. Inside were the three Christmas coffee mugs that she ordered. Because of how well they were not packaged inside of the bag that they were placed in, one mug was scratched, another one was chipped at the top, and the third one was in about three or four pieces. When she called the number and told the lady on the other end of the line what happened, the only thing that could be done was issue my mom a refund because they did not have any more of the coffee mugs that my mom had ordered.

God bless you and my mom always!!!


P.S. In other words, stupid people are who annoy me the most and I say that with only one person on my mind: whoever didn't package those three coffee mugs in a more appropriate and secure way. Maybe it is a good thing that there weren't any more to replace what had already been sent. A new set of three probably would've ended up damaged too.
This reminds me of another group that annoys me: those who don't give a rat's ass about things like: doing a good job. And when you call them on it, they act like YOU are the one who did something wrong by complaining. I've seen this happen exponentially over the years.. this rudeness, apathy.. don't give a rip, just give me my damn paycheck on time
ALL people. Okay, maybe only 99.37% of people, but it’s pretty close. I find very few redeeming values to the entire human race as a whole.
This reminds me of another group that annoys me: those who don't give a rat's ass about things like: doing a good job. And when you call them on it, they act like YOU are the one who did something wrong by complaining. I've seen this happen exponentially over the years.. this rudeness, apathy.. don't give a rip, just give me my damn paycheck on time
Amen. People who don't give a flying flip about other people's property are right up there with all of the other forms of stupid.

God bless you always!!!


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