What lessons did we learn from Obama's failed presidency?

ObamaNoCare = failure
Fast & Furious = failure
Communist Van Jones into cabinet = failure
Iranian nuclear deal = failure
Paris climate accord = failure
Swapped a traitorous deserter for five Taliban militants = failure
Alienated the police forces = failure
Alienated the military = failure
Compromised the military =failure
Apologized for America constantly = failure
Lost over 1000 seats for the Democrats = failure
Failed to get Hillary elected = failure
Brought race relations back to 1950 = failure
Both AGs, Holder and Lynch = failures
Wife's school lunch program = failure
Terrible golf game = failure
Throws like a girl and rides a girls bicycle = failure
Kissed the ass of Putin, Assad, Castro, al-Baghdadi and the Ayatollah = failure
Released 1000+ criminals from jail and 100s of terrorists from Guantanamo = failure
When your thread is based on lies, it's a failed thread.

Well those aren't lies and the thread hasn't failed, loser.
projecting again?

Apparently you like to use words that you don't know the meanings my of.
What did we learn? That much of the country has darkness covering their eyes and is unwilling to see the truth when irs before them
OBama was an excellent president. Which now everyone sees after 6 months of the Don.
ObamaNoCare = failure
Fast & Furious = failure
Communist Van Jones into cabinet = failure
Iranian nuclear deal = failure
Paris climate accord = failure
Swapped a traitorous deserter for five Taliban militants = failure
Alienated the police forces = failure
Alienated the military = failure
Compromised the military =failure
Apologized for America constantly = failure
Lost over 1000 seats for the Democrats = failure
Failed to get Hillary elected = failure
Brought race relations back to 1950 = failure
Both AGs, Holder and Lynch = failures
Wife's school lunch program = failure
Terrible golf game = failure
Throws like a girl and rides a girls bicycle = failure
Kissed the ass of Putin, Assad, Castro, al-Baghdadi and the Ayatollah = failure
Released 1000+ criminals from jail and 100s of terrorists from Guantanamo = failure

This is a run down of every FAUX News bullet point over 8 years. What I learned from 8 years of Pres. Obama is this country is full of low information (that is a euphemism for 'idiot') people like yourself that will believe everything they hear and read on fake news sites and have no critical thinking skills.

Here's your sign————> STOOPID
I think the big lesson we learned with that Obama asshole was don't ever ever ever elect Democrats, especially the affirmative action dumbshits. He was a disaster.

That lesson pretty well took in 2016 when that corrupt dishonest Crooked Hillary was not elected. Thank god for that. She would have been as big or bigger disaster than Obama.
Except for the GOP base, the entire world knows of the failed presidency of George W. Bush and the amazing job Obama did cleaning up GOP mess. And now, except for the GOP base, we once again have a failed presidency because of the t@rd the GOP elected into office. As bad as Bush was, Trump is way, way worse.
Except for the GOP base, the entire world knows of the failed presidency of George W. Bush and the amazing job Obama did cleaning up GOP mess. And now, except for the GOP base, we once again have a failed presidency because of the t@rd the GOP elected into office. As bad as Bush was, Trump is way, way worse.

Yep, you got that right. The GOP voters are a special kind of stoopid.
This is a run down of every FAUX News bullet point over 8 years. What I learned from 8 years of Pres. Obama is this country is full of low information (that is a euphemism for 'idiot') people like yourself that will believe everything they hear and read on fake news sites and have no critical thinking skills.
Whirled Wad of Wub

"Critical thinking" is a euphemism for "spinning it my way." Thanks for exposing bipartisan idiocy by using this high-sounding, dishonest, and unexplained term that was introduced by the Right

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