What makes arguing with liberals so frustrating #1

Liberal Fascism is pure Pubcrappe, dittohead. National Socialist was the name of the party before Hitler took it over. PURE PROPAGANDA for the dupes. I see you'll swallow ANY RW propaganda, even Nazi propaganda. The perfect dupe of the greedy rich/corporations...
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actually the obvious answer is that reasonable people would want machine guns so that liberal government is not the only party to have them!!

Alexander Hamilton: "...that standing army can never be formidable (threatening) to the liberties
of the people, while there is a large body of citizens, little if at all inferior to them in the use of arms."
(Federalist Paper #29)

Adolf Hitler: "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun
registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead."
(Chancelor's Speech, 1935)

Thomas Jefferson: "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"
so you think the military is unsafe?

The military? No. The government that directs the military? Abso-fucking-lutely, at least in potentia.
better move then... it aint gonna change anytime soon. it would suck to be you. living in fear all the time, hope your scared life is peachy.....
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Have you considered that it might be that what YOU consider "reasonable gun control" is, in fact, one step away from gun-grabbing? It's not disagreeing with something that makes it hyperbole.

I consider not carrying machine guns into bars reasonable. There I go, "gun-grabbing"!

And WHY do you consider that reasonable? Because you think your fellow Americans can't be trusted?

I'm going to ignore, for the moment, the inevitable leftist need to go insanely extreme on everything. "Opposing gun control laws means you want machine guns in bars!" Pathetic.

No. You're wrong. There are whackjobs on both sides. Lots of Conservatives here are complete whackjobs who use hyperbole all the time. If you don't like Ron Paul, you're a statist who hates freedom. If you have a friend who happens to be Muslim, you're a terrorist by association. If you thought the government health care you got in the Navy seemed pretty good, you want the government to control your whole life. Lots of whacky BS like that from lots of Conservative posters. Exactly the stuff the OP claims only Libs do.
The Conservative whackjobs are absolutely no different than this RightWingConspiracy fellow who claims I'm an evil corporate bastardwho hates the Earth because he found out I own a successful company and drive a Mercedes S-Class. Or the guy who said i hate American workers when I dared to claim that the Teamsters might not be holy and the UAW has abused its' power.
Both sides are the same to Independents. While we focus on the merit of an issue or the logic of a position, the extremists attack anything that doesn't fall in line with the opinions fed to them by their thought masters.

::snore:: Sorry, Sparky, that doesn't work. When your response is always "Hang the right, because they do it too" and "It's no big deal on the left, because everyone does it", the only person stupid enough for you to fool is you.

Hmmm. Apparently you're not too bright. Okay lemme dumb it down SO much, even you will get it. My respons e is not always - nor was it even in this case "Hang the right, because they do it too". My first post was that I see both sides do what is stated in the OP. Of course complete whackjobs consider their side to always be correct and "the other side" to always be wrong.
We non-whackjobs can call both sides on their BS when it's obvious. So ever so sorry there l'il girl, your argument fails.
Pubs have been crap ever since Ike, and before Ike. And Ike wasn't a real Republican. Indies are also dumb- they ALSO believe too much Pubcrappe.. Tyvm

You're wrong.

Nixon propsed a plan for universal health care. Would have got it through too, if Watergate hadnt kicked his ass.

And Nixon got us out of Viet Nam.

So he's a good Republican.

Gerald Ford was a decent and honest man placed in a very difficult position. Cant attack him as a NeoCon.

Reagan spent like a madman but was doing it to outspend and bankrupt the Soviet Union. And he was successful. He was misled by economist Milton Friedman on Trickle Down economics but Reagan meant well and would be too far center for todays NeoCon party regardless of how much they praise their rewrite of his policies.

George HW Bush had some NeoCon tendencies but he knew better than to occupy Iraq and he implinmented cap and trade on emissions causing acid rain ( which is where Gore got the idea in the first place...aint that ironic? ) So he's not so bad.

So really, its just since the RepubliCON revolution of 94 that they got crazy with Gingrich, the gang of seven and that whole thing.
When all is said and done, they could easily recover what is put aside for them by their employer.

Our resident dumbass just needs to hold the party line in spite of the fact that his side lost any credibiltiy a long long time ago.

HOPE we get another CHANGE this November.

Yes, competition would force employers to lower prices or pay higher wages if Social Security were defeated. Probably government would mandate employer contributions, at first anyway, to private accounts during the transition to be sure retirement accounts were funded.

I heard the VP say on TV that SS is not in bad shape! How can that be when the government is $16 trillion in debt, the trust fund was stolen, and 10,000 people retire each day? Only a liberal could say that with a straight face.

Our neighbors are liberal as heck. the wife is 52, she just got on SSI for fibromyalgia!! She just can't work. Yet I see her out mowing the yard, playing with the dog, doing all kinds of stuff. When she came over and cooed that to my husband I had to go into the house to keep from slapping her. Yet people who realy ARE disabled have to jump through hoops to get any help.

One of our local state reps is a former judge who specialized in SS cases.

He has indicated that it makes him sick to see the kind of crapp people pull. And much of it is legal.....
Pubs have been crap ever since Ike, and before Ike. And Ike wasn't a real Republican. Indies are also dumb- they ALSO believe too much Pubcrappe.. Tyvm

But you are a real moron.

100% Grade idiot.

Why don't you shove your little 10 word posts up your oversized ass ?
Yes, competition would force employers to lower prices or pay higher wages if Social Security were defeated. Probably government would mandate employer contributions, at first anyway, to private accounts during the transition to be sure retirement accounts were funded.

I heard the VP say on TV that SS is not in bad shape! How can that be when the government is $16 trillion in debt, the trust fund was stolen, and 10,000 people retire each day? Only a liberal could say that with a straight face.

Our neighbors are liberal as heck. the wife is 52, she just got on SSI for fibromyalgia!! She just can't work. Yet I see her out mowing the yard, playing with the dog, doing all kinds of stuff. When she came over and cooed that to my husband I had to go into the house to keep from slapping her. Yet people who realy ARE disabled have to jump through hoops to get any help.
why havent you reported her? fraud is still fraud. i know plenty of conservatives who are on welfare and food stamps... whats your point?

Is she committing fraud according to the law ?

Likely she is not. It is legal to bilk the system.
Nixon offered Health Car as a last gasp to save his own corrupt ass. He said he had a secret plan to win Vietnam, a lie to get elected, then killed another 20k GI's for NOTHING. A total lying sack of SHYTTE.

Ford was nice guy who would never have been pres. without Nixon (who ruined respect for the office until about 2015- if Obama is reelected...read something, Indy.

Intense, you're a pathetic troll. Hoping for your recovery. And good night, chumps.
Our neighbors are liberal as heck. the wife is 52, she just got on SSI for fibromyalgia!! She just can't work. Yet I see her out mowing the yard, playing with the dog, doing all kinds of stuff. When she came over and cooed that to my husband I had to go into the house to keep from slapping her. Yet people who realy ARE disabled have to jump through hoops to get any help.
why havent you reported her? fraud is still fraud. i know plenty of conservatives who are on welfare and food stamps... whats your point?

Is she committing fraud according to the law ?

Likely she is not. It is legal to bilk the system.
if its not illegal stop complaining about it.
The ability to use the people's money to increase power, prestige, influence, and personal wealth is addicting. And most who go to Washington these days become addicted very quickly and getting re-elected and continuing becomes their No. 1 priority. It is infectious, malignant, and corrupting in all aspects of government and the best interests of the people become secondary considerations if they are considered at all. Free stuff granted and/or promised is the way to continue to be re-elected, ensure a legacy and great personal wealth.

Likewise the allure of received and/or promised free stuff is quickly addicting and soon becomes corrupting in all aspects of society. And soon electing people that will keep the free stuff coming becomes the No. 1 priority. It too is infectious, malignant, and corrupting. Some might even say that so long as it is legal, there is no problem.

Only when we return to the concept that nobody in the federal government can use the people's money to dispense favors or benevolence to ANYBODY, will we again have true public servants in government and an America that again understands the blessings of liberty.
The ability to use the people's money to increase power, prestige, influence, and personal wealth is addicting. And most who go to Washington these days become addicted very quickly and getting re-elected and continuing becomes their No. 1 priority. It is infectious, malignant, and corrupting in all aspects of government and the best interests of the people become secondary considerations if they are considered at all. Free stuff granted and/or promised is the way to continue to be re-elected, ensure a legacy and great personal wealth.

Likewise the allure of received and/or promised free stuff is quickly addicting and soon becomes corrupting in all aspects of society. And soon electing people that will keep the free stuff coming becomes the No. 1 priority. It too is infectious, malignant, and corrupting. Some might even say that so long as it is legal, there is no problem.

Only when we return to the concept that nobody in the federal government can use the people's money to dispense favors or benevolence to ANYBODY, will we again have true public servants in government and an America that again understands the blessings of liberty.

But isn't cronyism really the way all government works regardless of the type?

And if so, then isn't it more a matter of policing the corruption properly as opposed to end political favor trading?
The ability to use the people's money to increase power, prestige, influence, and personal wealth is addicting. And most who go to Washington these days become addicted very quickly and getting re-elected and continuing becomes their No. 1 priority. It is infectious, malignant, and corrupting in all aspects of government and the best interests of the people become secondary considerations if they are considered at all. Free stuff granted and/or promised is the way to continue to be re-elected, ensure a legacy and great personal wealth.

Likewise the allure of received and/or promised free stuff is quickly addicting and soon becomes corrupting in all aspects of society. And soon electing people that will keep the free stuff coming becomes the No. 1 priority. It too is infectious, malignant, and corrupting. Some might even say that so long as it is legal, there is no problem.

Only when we return to the concept that nobody in the federal government can use the people's money to dispense favors or benevolence to ANYBODY, will we again have true public servants in government and an America that again understands the blessings of liberty.

But isn't cronyism really the way all government works regardless of the type?

And if so, then isn't it more a matter of policing the corruption properly as opposed to end political favor trading?

But do you put the foxes in charge of guarding the hen house from the foxes? Who is there to police the corruption? Most of the media has not done its job in a long long time now, and the few media sources that do are quickly demonized and marginalized as much as possible.

Easily 50% or more of Americans are now dependent on and/or addicted to some form of government freebies. Many of these are willing for others to lose their freebies, but don't want to lose those they themselves are getting. So they vote to keep the gravy train alive.

And yes, cronyism is a fact of and has existed in all of society for all of history, inside and outside of government. But when localized it is more easily managed. At the federal level, it gets swallowed up in the magnitude of an ever growing, expanding, and power hungry government. I doubt there is a human alive who fully understands how large, pervasive, and corrupt it has all become.

But make it illegal for anybody in the federal government to give away the people's money or resources to anybody, and that would correct a huge chunk of it. Instead of buying votes, they would be forced to return to the concept of earning votes via responsible, efficient, effective government again.
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The ability to use the people's money to increase power, prestige, influence, and personal wealth is addicting. And most who go to Washington these days become addicted very quickly and getting re-elected and continuing becomes their No. 1 priority. It is infectious, malignant, and corrupting in all aspects of government and the best interests of the people become secondary considerations if they are considered at all. Free stuff granted and/or promised is the way to continue to be re-elected, ensure a legacy and great personal wealth.

Likewise the allure of received and/or promised free stuff is quickly addicting and soon becomes corrupting in all aspects of society. And soon electing people that will keep the free stuff coming becomes the No. 1 priority. It too is infectious, malignant, and corrupting. Some might even say that so long as it is legal, there is no problem.

Only when we return to the concept that nobody in the federal government can use the people's money to dispense favors or benevolence to ANYBODY, will we again have true public servants in government and an America that again understands the blessings of liberty.
I have said time and time agian that the 'swamp' (DC was built on one), has to be really drained and the District of Criminals needs an enema at the hands of educated people.
The ability to use the people's money to increase power, prestige, influence, and personal wealth is addicting. And most who go to Washington these days become addicted very quickly and getting re-elected and continuing becomes their No. 1 priority. It is infectious, malignant, and corrupting in all aspects of government and the best interests of the people become secondary considerations if they are considered at all. Free stuff granted and/or promised is the way to continue to be re-elected, ensure a legacy and great personal wealth.

Likewise the allure of received and/or promised free stuff is quickly addicting and soon becomes corrupting in all aspects of society. And soon electing people that will keep the free stuff coming becomes the No. 1 priority. It too is infectious, malignant, and corrupting. Some might even say that so long as it is legal, there is no problem.

Only when we return to the concept that nobody in the federal government can use the people's money to dispense favors or benevolence to ANYBODY, will we again have true public servants in government and an America that again understands the blessings of liberty.
I have said time and time agian that the 'swamp' (DC was built on one), has to be really drained and the District of Criminals needs an enema at the hands of educated people.

Yup. And I think we are the last generation with enough educated people left that could do that. If it doesn't get done now, we will have lost the America that the Founders gave us and will revert to just another declining nation with limited freedom, opportunity, and without much hope.
The ability to use the people's money to increase power, prestige, influence, and personal wealth is addicting. And most who go to Washington these days become addicted very quickly and getting re-elected and continuing becomes their No. 1 priority. It is infectious, malignant, and corrupting in all aspects of government and the best interests of the people become secondary considerations if they are considered at all. Free stuff granted and/or promised is the way to continue to be re-elected, ensure a legacy and great personal wealth.

Likewise the allure of received and/or promised free stuff is quickly addicting and soon becomes corrupting in all aspects of society. And soon electing people that will keep the free stuff coming becomes the No. 1 priority. It too is infectious, malignant, and corrupting. Some might even say that so long as it is legal, there is no problem.

Only when we return to the concept that nobody in the federal government can use the people's money to dispense favors or benevolence to ANYBODY, will we again have true public servants in government and an America that again understands the blessings of liberty.
I have said time and time agian that the 'swamp' (DC was built on one), has to be really drained and the District of Criminals needs an enema at the hands of educated people.

Yup. And I think we are the last generation with enough educated people left that could do that. If it doesn't get done now, we will have lost the America that the Founders gave us and will revert to just another declining nation with limited freedom, opportunity, and without much hope.

As Obama and the Statists have wished for...after all? Remember Obama stated the we aren't any more 'Exceptional' than any other country...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUgbVzjQMBk]A Stark Contrast: Obama vs. the GOP on "American Exceptionalism" - YouTube[/ame]

As he speaks to 'Damaging' foreign relations in 2008


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