What makes arguing with liberals so frustrating #1

The ability to use the people's money to increase power, prestige, influence, and personal wealth is addicting. And most who go to Washington these days become addicted very quickly and getting re-elected and continuing becomes their No. 1 priority. It is infectious, malignant, and corrupting in all aspects of government and the best interests of the people become secondary considerations if they are considered at all. Free stuff granted and/or promised is the way to continue to be re-elected, ensure a legacy and great personal wealth.

Likewise the allure of received and/or promised free stuff is quickly addicting and soon becomes corrupting in all aspects of society. And soon electing people that will keep the free stuff coming becomes the No. 1 priority. It too is infectious, malignant, and corrupting. Some might even say that so long as it is legal, there is no problem.

Only when we return to the concept that nobody in the federal government can use the people's money to dispense favors or benevolence to ANYBODY, will we again have true public servants in government and an America that again understands the blessings of liberty.

But isn't cronyism really the way all government works regardless of the type?

And if so, then isn't it more a matter of policing the corruption properly as opposed to end political favor trading?

But do you put the foxes in charge of guarding the hen house from the foxes? Who is there to police the corruption? Most of the media has not done its job in a long long time now, and the few media sources that do are quickly demonized and marginalized as much as possible.

Easily 50% or more of Americans are now dependent on and/or addicted to some form of government freebies. Many of these are willing for others to lose their freebies, but don't want to lose those they themselves are getting. So they vote to keep the gravy train alive.

And yes, cronyism is a fact of and has existed in all of society for all of history, inside and outside of government. But when localized it is more easily managed. At the federal level, it gets swallowed up in the magnitude of an ever growing, expanding, and power hungry government. I doubt there is a human alive who fully understands how large, pervasive, and corrupt it has all become.

But make it illegal for anybody in the federal government to give away the people's money or resources to anybody, and that would correct a huge chunk of it. Instead of buying votes, they would be forced to return to the concept of earning votes via responsible, efficient, effective government again.

How is "giving away the people money" defined?

Obviously there HAS to be government contractors to service the military, build roads and bridges, etc. so what you're saying is too vague and generalized to be an effective strategy.
But isn't cronyism really the way all government works regardless of the type?

And if so, then isn't it more a matter of policing the corruption properly as opposed to end political favor trading?

But do you put the foxes in charge of guarding the hen house from the foxes? Who is there to police the corruption? Most of the media has not done its job in a long long time now, and the few media sources that do are quickly demonized and marginalized as much as possible.

Easily 50% or more of Americans are now dependent on and/or addicted to some form of government freebies. Many of these are willing for others to lose their freebies, but don't want to lose those they themselves are getting. So they vote to keep the gravy train alive.

And yes, cronyism is a fact of and has existed in all of society for all of history, inside and outside of government. But when localized it is more easily managed. At the federal level, it gets swallowed up in the magnitude of an ever growing, expanding, and power hungry government. I doubt there is a human alive who fully understands how large, pervasive, and corrupt it has all become.

But make it illegal for anybody in the federal government to give away the people's money or resources to anybody, and that would correct a huge chunk of it. Instead of buying votes, they would be forced to return to the concept of earning votes via responsible, efficient, effective government again.

How is "giving away the people money" defined?

Obviously there HAS to be government contractors to service the military, build roads and bridges, etc. so what you're saying is too vague and generalized to be an effective strategy.

I think some are speaking of the Safety Net...you know welfare...giving people money for squirting out babies with NO responsibilty demanded for receiving the funds.

Is it right for able-bodied people who can work to be on the dole for prolonged periods and take up residence in the net while making it a hammock perpetually?
But isn't cronyism really the way all government works regardless of the type?

And if so, then isn't it more a matter of policing the corruption properly as opposed to end political favor trading?

But do you put the foxes in charge of guarding the hen house from the foxes? Who is there to police the corruption? Most of the media has not done its job in a long long time now, and the few media sources that do are quickly demonized and marginalized as much as possible.

Easily 50% or more of Americans are now dependent on and/or addicted to some form of government freebies. Many of these are willing for others to lose their freebies, but don't want to lose those they themselves are getting. So they vote to keep the gravy train alive.

And yes, cronyism is a fact of and has existed in all of society for all of history, inside and outside of government. But when localized it is more easily managed. At the federal level, it gets swallowed up in the magnitude of an ever growing, expanding, and power hungry government. I doubt there is a human alive who fully understands how large, pervasive, and corrupt it has all become.

But make it illegal for anybody in the federal government to give away the people's money or resources to anybody, and that would correct a huge chunk of it. Instead of buying votes, they would be forced to return to the concept of earning votes via responsible, efficient, effective government again.

How is "giving away the people money" defined?

Obviously there HAS to be government contractors to service the military, build roads and bridges, etc. so what you're saying is too vague and generalized to be an effective strategy.

Issuing contracts for necessary services is not charity or benevolence or cronyism. The easiest way to accomplish that is to eliminate all unnecessary regulation on government contracts such as a requirement that the contract go only to union shops or that the contractor must pay union wages, etc. Then widely advertise the contracts that will be let, be sure all open contracts are posted in one easily located and accessible place, and then issue the contract to the lowest qualified bidder. And assign qualified oversight to ensure that the contractor meets all specifications of the contract as agreed, no kickbacks occur, and all the money is accounted for. Any department head or other bureaucrat caught allowing kickbacks or intentionally sloppy oversight should be fired or even prosecuted, fined, and/or jailed.

As for necessary permanent installations--military bases, etc.--these should be distributed equitably as much as possible throughout the 50 states using per capita criteria to determine equitability.

Giving away the people's money is giving it to a particular person, group, entity, class, or whatever who did nothing to earn it and with no expectation or requirement that they do anything to earn it.

There is absolutely nothing vague or generalizxed about that concept for anybody of normal intelligence and education.
"Giving away the people's money is giving it to a particular person, group, entity, class, or whatever who did nothing to earn it and with no expectation or requirement that they do anything to earn it."

If you met these imaginary demons, you would find they deserve a minimal safety net, and more opportunity for training in order to pull themselves up- not to mention jobs that pay a living wage and have health insurance that gives them preventive care and saves EVERYBODY money over the ER care/bancruptcy/scams out of control "system" we have now. Change the channel.
so you think the military is unsafe?

The military? No. The government that directs the military? Abso-fucking-lutely, at least in potentia.
better move then... it aint gonna change anytime soon. it would suck to be you. living in fear all the time, hope your scared life is peachy.....
We think you are about the most stupid person on this board. Why then do you continue to post and leave no doubt?
"Giving away the people's money is giving it to a particular person, group, entity, class, or whatever who did nothing to earn it and with no expectation or requirement that they do anything to earn it."

If you met these imaginary demons, you would find they deserve a minimal safety net, and more opportunity for training in order to pull themselves up- not to mention jobs that pay a living wage and have health insurance that gives them preventive care and saves EVERYBODY money over the ER care/bancruptcy/scams out of control "system" we have now. Change the channel.

Well one thing that makes arguing with liberals is that they translate what I said into stupid concepts like 'demons. I work with people caught in the safety net on an ongoing basis so you can stow your self righteous assumption that I don't know anything about that or don't care about that. And the longer I work with such people, the more convinced I am that the Federal government is the worst possible solution for such folks.

Some people are smart enough to realize that 'safety nets' do not have to be provided by the Federal government and in most cases, the Federal government is too big, too inefficient, too impersonal, and swallows up far too many of the resources in its bureaucracy, to be the best means of providing a safety net or a whole lot of other things.

And I would challenge anybody anywhere to show how the Federal goernment has ever done ANYTHING at less cost than what can be done by the states or in the private sector.
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why havent you reported her? fraud is still fraud. i know plenty of conservatives who are on welfare and food stamps... whats your point?

Is she committing fraud according to the law ?

Likely she is not. It is legal to bilk the system.
if its not illegal stop complaining about it.
I would have made that dishonest leech my personal cause.
The entire welfare and disability systems are over run with fraud.
That woman CAN work. She is just a lazy good for nothing parasite.
But do you put the foxes in charge of guarding the hen house from the foxes? Who is there to police the corruption? Most of the media has not done its job in a long long time now, and the few media sources that do are quickly demonized and marginalized as much as possible.

Easily 50% or more of Americans are now dependent on and/or addicted to some form of government freebies. Many of these are willing for others to lose their freebies, but don't want to lose those they themselves are getting. So they vote to keep the gravy train alive.

And yes, cronyism is a fact of and has existed in all of society for all of history, inside and outside of government. But when localized it is more easily managed. At the federal level, it gets swallowed up in the magnitude of an ever growing, expanding, and power hungry government. I doubt there is a human alive who fully understands how large, pervasive, and corrupt it has all become.

But make it illegal for anybody in the federal government to give away the people's money or resources to anybody, and that would correct a huge chunk of it. Instead of buying votes, they would be forced to return to the concept of earning votes via responsible, efficient, effective government again.

How is "giving away the people money" defined?

Obviously there HAS to be government contractors to service the military, build roads and bridges, etc. so what you're saying is too vague and generalized to be an effective strategy.

I think some are speaking of the Safety Net...you know welfare...giving people money for squirting out babies with NO responsibilty demanded for receiving the funds.

Is it right for able-bodied people who can work to be on the dole for prolonged periods and take up residence in the net while making it a hammock perpetually?

Do you see the irony in being against health care being required to provide contraception and then being upset about people having too many kids?


I do however agree with you. Welfare should be a hand UP, not a hand OUT when dealing with people who are perfectly capable of working. There should be stricter oversight of the system and anyone who shouldn't be on it should be removed immediately.
And I will add...

Was/IS it government's responsibility to take over the charity role private citizens are quite capable of handling on thier own?

Sorry. You're going to lose me if you expect me to count on the good will of others.

So you won't count on the good will of others, but you are okay with the government taking property away from others and giving it to you? That's putting an awful lot of faith in a government that you just gave the power to take and do anything it wants to anybody.
But do you put the foxes in charge of guarding the hen house from the foxes? Who is there to police the corruption? Most of the media has not done its job in a long long time now, and the few media sources that do are quickly demonized and marginalized as much as possible.

Easily 50% or more of Americans are now dependent on and/or addicted to some form of government freebies. Many of these are willing for others to lose their freebies, but don't want to lose those they themselves are getting. So they vote to keep the gravy train alive.

And yes, cronyism is a fact of and has existed in all of society for all of history, inside and outside of government. But when localized it is more easily managed. At the federal level, it gets swallowed up in the magnitude of an ever growing, expanding, and power hungry government. I doubt there is a human alive who fully understands how large, pervasive, and corrupt it has all become.

But make it illegal for anybody in the federal government to give away the people's money or resources to anybody, and that would correct a huge chunk of it. Instead of buying votes, they would be forced to return to the concept of earning votes via responsible, efficient, effective government again.

How is "giving away the people money" defined?

Obviously there HAS to be government contractors to service the military, build roads and bridges, etc. so what you're saying is too vague and generalized to be an effective strategy.

Issuing contracts for necessary services is not charity or benevolence or cronyism. The easiest way to accomplish that is to eliminate all unnecessary regulation on government contracts such as a requirement that the contract go only to union shops or that the contractor must pay union wages, etc. Then widely advertise the contracts that will be let, be sure all open contracts are posted in one easily located and accessible place, and then issue the contract to the lowest qualified bidder. And assign qualified oversight to ensure that the contractor meets all specifications of the contract as agreed, no kickbacks occur, and all the money is accounted for. Any department head or other bureaucrat caught allowing kickbacks or intentionally sloppy oversight should be fired or even prosecuted, fined, and/or jailed.

As for necessary permanent installations--military bases, etc.--these should be distributed equitably as much as possible throughout the 50 states using per capita criteria to determine equitability.

Giving away the people's money is giving it to a particular person, group, entity, class, or whatever who did nothing to earn it and with no expectation or requirement that they do anything to earn it.

There is absolutely nothing vague or generalizxed about that concept for anybody of normal intelligence and education.

Yes yes you're a genius

First off though you statement has merit, Military bases, etc. aren't needed in every state. Trying to spread enough around to every state will either dilute the benefit to the point of meaninglessness or cost too much to be feasible even based on the capita criteria you mentioned.

Second, the requirement as I understand it is not " union wages" but competitive wages for the area. This allows local contractors to compete with out of state contractors who can recruit in lower income areas ( not poor but placed where it is cheaper to live so you get paid less too )

Lastly, I agree that taking money from hard working people and handing it freely over to those who didn't work for it is wrong. Which is why I am against allowing corporations to externalize their costs onto the taxpayer and collect subsidies and tax breaks for doing so.
And I will add...

Was/IS it government's responsibility to take over the charity role private citizens are quite capable of handling on thier own?

Sorry. You're going to lose me if you expect me to count on the good will of others.
And again? Where in the Constitution was it ever written that Government was to take on the role of charity?
And I would challenge anybody anywhere to show how the Federal goernment has ever done ANYTHING at less cost than what can be done by the states or in the private sector.

How MANY times do I have to destroy this dogmatic driven MYTH? It has been dis-proven on numerous threads, yet you still chant the same crap, over and over and over...

Please explain why you refuse to accept facts Foxfyre?

America has the most 'private sector' health care in the world. AND the most expensive per capita than ANY nation on earth. And the most expensive 'private sector' health care in the world does not even provide the best outcomes for American citizens.
And I would challenge anybody anywhere to show how the Federal goernment has ever done ANYTHING at less cost than what can be done by the states or in the private sector.

How MANY times do I have to destroy this dogmatic driven MYTH? It has been dis-proven on numerous threads, yet you still chant the same crap, over and over and over...

Please explain why you refuse to accept facts Foxfyre?

America has the most 'private sector' health care in the world. AND the most expensive per capita than ANY nation on earth. And the most expensive 'private sector' health care in the world does not even provide the best outcomes for American citizens.

You have? DO TELL? :badgrin:

And I will add...

Was/IS it government's responsibility to take over the charity role private citizens are quite capable of handling on thier own?

Sorry. You're going to lose me if you expect me to count on the good will of others.
And again? Where in the Constitution was it ever written that Government was to take on the role of charity?

The first clause of Article I, Section 8, reads, "The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States."

Now Hamilton and Madison argued over what "general welfare " meant. And the debate wasn't really settled until 1936 with the case United States vs Butler which established that determination of the general welfare would be left to the discretion of Congress.

So, the Constitution gives the Congress the power to determine what "General Welfare" means and to spend money promoting it.

Now you tell me where the Constitution supports your assertion that the Government should be involved with "charity"
But isn't cronyism really the way all government works regardless of the type?

And if so, then isn't it more a matter of policing the corruption properly as opposed to end political favor trading?

But do you put the foxes in charge of guarding the hen house from the foxes? Who is there to police the corruption? Most of the media has not done its job in a long long time now, and the few media sources that do are quickly demonized and marginalized as much as possible.

Easily 50% or more of Americans are now dependent on and/or addicted to some form of government freebies. Many of these are willing for others to lose their freebies, but don't want to lose those they themselves are getting. So they vote to keep the gravy train alive.

And yes, cronyism is a fact of and has existed in all of society for all of history, inside and outside of government. But when localized it is more easily managed. At the federal level, it gets swallowed up in the magnitude of an ever growing, expanding, and power hungry government. I doubt there is a human alive who fully understands how large, pervasive, and corrupt it has all become.

But make it illegal for anybody in the federal government to give away the people's money or resources to anybody, and that would correct a huge chunk of it. Instead of buying votes, they would be forced to return to the concept of earning votes via responsible, efficient, effective government again.

How is "giving away the people money" defined?

Obviously there HAS to be government contractors to service the military, build roads and bridges, etc. so what you're saying is too vague and generalized to be an effective strategy.

What part of the phrase "giving away" are you too stupidly liberal to differentiate from "paying contractors to perform work"?
But do you put the foxes in charge of guarding the hen house from the foxes? Who is there to police the corruption? Most of the media has not done its job in a long long time now, and the few media sources that do are quickly demonized and marginalized as much as possible.

Easily 50% or more of Americans are now dependent on and/or addicted to some form of government freebies. Many of these are willing for others to lose their freebies, but don't want to lose those they themselves are getting. So they vote to keep the gravy train alive.

And yes, cronyism is a fact of and has existed in all of society for all of history, inside and outside of government. But when localized it is more easily managed. At the federal level, it gets swallowed up in the magnitude of an ever growing, expanding, and power hungry government. I doubt there is a human alive who fully understands how large, pervasive, and corrupt it has all become.

But make it illegal for anybody in the federal government to give away the people's money or resources to anybody, and that would correct a huge chunk of it. Instead of buying votes, they would be forced to return to the concept of earning votes via responsible, efficient, effective government again.

How is "giving away the people money" defined?

Obviously there HAS to be government contractors to service the military, build roads and bridges, etc. so what you're saying is too vague and generalized to be an effective strategy.

I think some are speaking of the Safety Net...you know welfare...giving people money for squirting out babies with NO responsibilty demanded for receiving the funds.

Is it right for able-bodied people who can work to be on the dole for prolonged periods and take up residence in the net while making it a hammock perpetually?

Not just the welfare state. There's also the massive expansion of the government by way of creating programs that have jack shit to do with the jobs our government was originally intended to perform, all under the heading of the apocryphal "general welfare clause".
Sorry. You're going to lose me if you expect me to count on the good will of others.
And again? Where in the Constitution was it ever written that Government was to take on the role of charity?

The first clause of Article I, Section 8, reads, "The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States."

Now Hamilton and Madison argued over what "general welfare " meant. And the debate wasn't really settled until 1936 with the case United States vs Butler which established that determination of the general welfare would be left to the discretion of Congress.

So, the Constitution gives the Congress the power to determine what "General Welfare" means and to spend money promoting it.

Now you tell me where the Constitution supports your assertion that the Government should be involved with "charity"
And General Welfare doesn't mean what it has become.

They were speaking of protecting the Liberty of the Individual and thier right to live thier lives unfettered by Government intrusion.
And I would challenge anybody anywhere to show how the Federal goernment has ever done ANYTHING at less cost than what can be done by the states or in the private sector.

I think (generally) that anything the Federal Government can do, the State can probably do better (well, except for maybe a National Military). I suppose though you can argue that the Fed Gov't can reduce costs in certain programs because they have the advantage of "buying in bulk"; however, the Fed Gov't usually applies a "one-size-fits-all" approach, which decreases efficiency..

But there are things that the government, in general, can do better that the private sector.

This goes for things like police dept, fire dept, lighthouses, autopsies, and arguably Health Care (because consumers know nothing about price/quality, so what forces are driving efficiencies? People argue the insurance companies keep prices in check, but are the insurance companies interests = to the interests of the consumer?).

Holy Shit, Look at that Awesome Lighthouse!!!
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