What makes arguing with liberals so frustrating #1

if you break the law you go to jail. is this some sort of new thing for you?

our subject was whether collecting taxes at the point of a gun was violent, liberal, and like stealing, while capitalism is peaceful and voluntary. Remember??

try stealing something, youll go to jail.

of course liberals don't go to jail for stealing our income with guns

if you dont wanna pay taxes dont. leave the country, go someplace else, no one if forcing you to live here.

actually dear taxes are higher elsewhere

oh and btw, conservative vote for and levy taxes as well.......... ahhhhhhh CONSERVATIVE ARE STEALING MY MONEY AT GUN POINT NOW!!!!!!!!

actually conservatives have introduced 30 Balanced Budget Amendments since Jefferson founded the party in 1792. Liberals killed all 30 of them!
if you break the law you go to jail. is this some sort of new thing for you?

our subject was whether collecting taxes at the point of a gun was violent, liberal, and like stealing, while capitalism is peaceful and voluntary. Remember??

try stealing something, youll go to jail.

of course liberals don't go to jail for stealing our income with guns

if you dont wanna pay taxes dont. leave the country, go someplace else, no one if forcing you to live here.

actually dear taxes are higher elsewhere

oh and btw, conservative vote for and levy taxes as well.......... ahhhhhhh CONSERVATIVE ARE STEALING MY MONEY AT GUN POINT NOW!!!!!!!!

actually conservatives have introduced 30 Balanced Budget Amendments since Jefferson founded the party in 1792. Liberals killed all 30 of them!
lie much?????
oh and btw, conservative vote for and levy taxes as well.......... ahhhhhhh CONSERVATIVE ARE STEALING MY MONEY AT GUN POINT NOW!!!!!!!!

actually it is not conservatives that vote policy but independents since they are the ones who decide elections.

actually conservatives have introduced 30 Balanced Budget Amendments since Jefferson founded the party in 1792. Liberals killed all 30 of them![/QUOTE]

lie much?????

of course if it was a lie the liberal would not be so afraid to present his evidence. What does your fear tell you?
Lets be honest shall we...

You couldnt afford the weapons you would need to hold off the government if they really wanted to take you out.

The 2nd amendment was made obsolete long ago.

Unless you have a defense against the drones which can drop a Hellfire in your lap, then the whole argument is just stupid.

The Taliban seems to be making a mockery of the U.S. Military. What makes you think 50 millions armed Americans couldn't do the same?
Lets be honest shall we...

You couldnt afford the weapons you would need to hold off the government if they really wanted to take you out.

The 2nd amendment was made obsolete long ago.

Unless you have a defense against the drones which can drop a Hellfire in your lap, then the whole argument is just stupid.

The Taliban seems to be making a mockery of the U.S. Military. What makes you think 50 millions armed Americans couldn't do the same?

he has not heard of Vietnam either??
Shut the fuck up, asswipe.

The US military is not losing to the Taliban. We are wasting our time training the ragtag ANSF, but we have no problem killing the Taliban when needed.

Oh, good luck with your militia taking on the US military....

Lets be honest shall we...

You couldnt afford the weapons you would need to hold off the government if they really wanted to take you out.

The 2nd amendment was made obsolete long ago.

Unless you have a defense against the drones which can drop a Hellfire in your lap, then the whole argument is just stupid.

The Taliban seems to be making a mockery of the U.S. Military. What makes you think 50 millions armed Americans couldn't do the same?
IF.....that 15.3% or 10% or 6% or 4% was wisely invested in a private 401K


yes this is so true, the liberals in effect steal 15% of everyone's income which if invested privately would render each of us millionaires at retirement
youre a retard if you think paying taxes is "stealing"

What's the difference?

actually the average person making $45k, putting 15% of their income away for 30 years, assuming 5% rate of return would have $470,000 after 30 years. if that rate averages 7% over 30 years, its only $690,000. not exactly anywhere near $1M

Compound Interest Calculator

Most people work longer than 30 years. That would make you 46 if you started working at 16. 50 years is closer to a normal working career. That brings your totals to $1.5 million at a 5% interest rate and $3.08 million at a 7% interest rate. Plus, if you die, your children inheret the money. With Social Security they get nothing.
yes this is so true, the liberals in effect steal 15% of everyone's income which if invested privately would render each of us millionaires at retirement
youre a retard if you think paying taxes is "stealing"

What's the difference?

actually the average person making $45k, putting 15% of their income away for 30 years, assuming 5% rate of return would have $470,000 after 30 years. if that rate averages 7% over 30 years, its only $690,000. not exactly anywhere near $1M

Compound Interest Calculator

Most people work longer than 30 years. That would make you 46 if you started working at 16. 50 years is closer to a normal working career. That brings your totals to $1.5 million at a 5% interest rate and $3.08 million at a 7% interest rate. Plus, if you die, your children inheret the money. With Social Security they get nothing.

yes its a huge tragedy. Capitalism made us all rich, but liberals stole the money and wasted it! THey should be illegal as the Constitution intended.
yes this is so true, the liberals in effect steal 15% of everyone's income which if invested privately would render each of us millionaires at retirement
youre a retard if you think paying taxes is "stealing"

What's the difference?

actually the average person making $45k, putting 15% of their income away for 30 years, assuming 5% rate of return would have $470,000 after 30 years. if that rate averages 7% over 30 years, its only $690,000. not exactly anywhere near $1M

Compound Interest Calculator

Most people work longer than 30 years. That would make you 46 if you started working at 16. 50 years is closer to a normal working career. That brings your totals to $1.5 million at a 5% interest rate and $3.08 million at a 7% interest rate. Plus, if you die, your children inheret the money. With Social Security they get nothing.
name someone who works a full time career starting at 16?

most people dont begin a career until well into their 20's. they will work "jobs" but not a career.
youre a retard if you think paying taxes is "stealing"

What's the difference?

actually the average person making $45k, putting 15% of their income away for 30 years, assuming 5% rate of return would have $470,000 after 30 years. if that rate averages 7% over 30 years, its only $690,000. not exactly anywhere near $1M

Compound Interest Calculator

Most people work longer than 30 years. That would make you 46 if you started working at 16. 50 years is closer to a normal working career. That brings your totals to $1.5 million at a 5% interest rate and $3.08 million at a 7% interest rate. Plus, if you die, your children inheret the money. With Social Security they get nothing.
name someone who works a full time career starting at 16?

most people dont begin a career until well into their 20's. they will work "jobs" but not a career.

dear 25- 67= 42 years, not the 30 years your silly annunity tables go to!!! Sorry. As a liberal are smart enough to comment on these matters?
youre a retard if you think paying taxes is "stealing"

What's the difference?

actually the average person making $45k, putting 15% of their income away for 30 years, assuming 5% rate of return would have $470,000 after 30 years. if that rate averages 7% over 30 years, its only $690,000. not exactly anywhere near $1M

Compound Interest Calculator

Most people work longer than 30 years. That would make you 46 if you started working at 16. 50 years is closer to a normal working career. That brings your totals to $1.5 million at a 5% interest rate and $3.08 million at a 7% interest rate. Plus, if you die, your children inheret the money. With Social Security they get nothing.
name someone who works a full time career starting at 16?

most people dont begin a career until well into their 20's. they will work "jobs" but not a career.

Bill Gates.

And Doogie Hauser.
yes this is so true, the liberals in effect steal 15% of everyone's income which if invested privately would render each of us millionaires at retirement
youre a retard if you think paying taxes is "stealing"

What's the difference?

actually the average person making $45k, putting 15% of their income away for 30 years, assuming 5% rate of return would have $470,000 after 30 years. if that rate averages 7% over 30 years, its only $690,000. not exactly anywhere near $1M

Compound Interest Calculator

Most people work longer than 30 years. That would make you 46 if you started working at 16. 50 years is closer to a normal working career. That brings your totals to $1.5 million at a 5% interest rate and $3.08 million at a 7% interest rate. Plus, if you die, your children inheret the money. With Social Security they get nothing.

Highlighted for posterity and the PONZI SCHEME Socialist Security is.

Well played.
"What makes arguing with liberals so frustrating?"

They have all the facts, empathy, and knowledge, and all the dittoheads/dupes have are BS Pub talking points, idiotic "common sense", and stupid insults and blind hate?

Memorize sig...What you're not told, and the BS distraction you are....
youre a retard if you think paying taxes is "stealing"

What's the difference?

actually the average person making $45k, putting 15% of their income away for 30 years, assuming 5% rate of return would have $470,000 after 30 years. if that rate averages 7% over 30 years, its only $690,000. not exactly anywhere near $1M

Compound Interest Calculator

Most people work longer than 30 years. That would make you 46 if you started working at 16. 50 years is closer to a normal working career. That brings your totals to $1.5 million at a 5% interest rate and $3.08 million at a 7% interest rate. Plus, if you die, your children inheret the money. With Social Security they get nothing.

Highlighted for posterity and the PONZI SCHEME Socialist Security is.

Well played.

And how would would you do through the Pub Depression of 2008-2009? Your rates are a pub dupe dream world...
and all the dittoheads/dupes have are BS Pub talking points,

do you mean our Founders were dittoheads/dupes because they too believed in freedom from big liberal government???

No, just people like you. Our founding fathers WERE liberals at the time. Big liberal gov't is just smarter and fairer than conservative big gov't. You are duped by the greedy rich and corprorations...
why does a reasonable person need a machine gun? its not exactly used for hunting or sport shooting now is it?

pretty sure the obvious right wing response will be, cause i want one and it is protected by the 2nd amendment. so why not give everyone guns, grenades, land mines, rocket launchers, tanks and nukes.

actually the obvious answer is that reasonable people would want machine guns so that liberal government is not the only party to have them!!

Alexander Hamilton: "...that standing army can never be formidable (threatening) to the liberties
of the people, while there is a large body of citizens, little if at all inferior to them in the use of arms."
(Federalist Paper #29)

Adolf Hitler: "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun
registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead."
(Chancelor's Speech, 1935)

Thomas Jefferson: "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"
so you think the military is unsafe?

The military? No. The government that directs the military? Abso-fucking-lutely, at least in potentia.
do you mean our Founders were dittoheads/dupes because they too believed in freedom from big liberal government???

No, just people like you.

but I believe in freedom too???????????????

Our founding fathers WERE liberals at the time.

you mean classical liberals or modern conservatives who believed in very very limited government

Big liberal gov't is just smarter and fairer than conservative big gov't.

but dear conservatives are not for big government????

You are duped by the greedy rich and corprorations...

dear a ditto head is a pal of Rush?? not a corproration? Can you make up your mind?? which of your Founders do hate most?
Limited gov't was a King with no parliament. A constitution and bill of rights WAS liberal big government duh. You are the dupe of revisionist neocon BS history. Tell me how Hitler was a liberal socialist- more brand new dumbazz history.
Limited gov't was a King with no parliament.

what?????? where??? what are you talking about. Limited government is one that spends 15% of GDP to pick one current definition

A constitution and bill of rights WAS liberal big government duh.

when Constutution was adopted government was very tiny by any measure compared to today

You are the dupe of revisionist neocon BS history.

if so why be so afraid to give your best example for the whole world to see. what does your fear tell you? Are you smart enough to be here?

Tell me how Hitler was a liberal socialist- more brand new dumbazz history.

Dear, his party was the National Socialist Party. Read "Liberal Fascism" if you want a 400 page explanation

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