What makes Paying for SEX - Wrong ?

I have no problem with prostitution. I think it should be legalized.


Legalize and regulate it (as many here have said already)

And by "regulate" I mean mandatory STD tests every 3 months. (no "working" until the results come back, and if caught working, VERY stiff {no pun intended} fines imposed)

Ok ok, pun somewhat intended. :tongue:

But it "fits" doesnt it? :lol::lol::lol:

I'll be here all week, be sure to tip your waitress.
It makes it easier to combat the real problem, which is Child Prostitution.

Yeah, but for Bozo Bobby here, that would be anyone under 45.

Why is it, when they like me, I don't like them, and when I like them, they don't like me?

More than that, why should you have to pay for it, when if you do a little work, you'll get it for free? :)
Wow... Reading this thread is like reading a diary of the Little Culture that couldn't be free.

Prostitution is illegal, because the act itself is an infringement upon the rights of the human being.

This despite the simple fact that the respective parties may not be sufficient well heeled in the intellect dept to understand that...

Immutable principle #1: We are endowed by our creator with Life.
Immitable Principle #2: That life comes with the right to pursue the fulfillment of that life.
Immutable principle #3: The Right comes with the responsibilitiy to not exercise that right to the detriment of the right of another to exercise their own rights.
Immutable principle #4: The responsibility requires that each individual jealously defend their own rights and the rights of their neighbor as well; this principle represents a facet of the Moral Imperative.

Prostitution results, of course, from the drive generated from a primal base instinct... the strongest instinct in the species... An instinct which we understand as the biological imperative; an imperative which is moderated by the moral imperative which sustains it.

Where one seeks to engage in casual sex, thus succumbing to the biological imperative; one subjects the female, who bears the full measure of responsibility for the consequences of such to that responsibility. And to do so, on the premise that it's a business deal is an invalid rationalization; as that fails the moral imperative to trade for equitable, fair values.

Now this is to say that the transaction must be equitable in the sense that the values exchanged are fair to both parties... and such is decidedly not an equitable exchange, thus not fair to the female.

That the coitus does not result in conception, each and everytime is irrelevant; as you are not the arbiter of such; and where you pay a sum against the exchange for sexual intercourse, you subject that female to the probability that she will conceive another human being; a human life; a life which she is not prepared to accept and nurture and not prepared to otherwise sustain. Thus the transaction is inevitably trading human life' and there is no price which can sustain such...

Thus there is no right to engage in prostitution for either the male of the female.

As all rights are sustained by their inherent responsibilities and such a transcation rejects the responsibility and as goes the responsibility, so goes the right.
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No, with one you are paying to take a life and with the other you are paying for SEX, not REPRODUCTION.

Granted sex can lead to reproduction but that isn't what a guy who visits a prostitute is looking for. He's, typically, looking to get off, not become a papa.

If money is being expended to create life it is, most often, going to doctors (sometimes to a surrogate) not to prostitutes.

Just to bring you up to speed, Avatar is an uber Christian..
Wow... Reading this thread is like reading a diary of the Little Culture that couldn't be free.

Prostitution is illegal, because the act itself is an infringement upon the rights of the human being.

This despite the simple fact that the respective parties may not be sufficient well heeled in the intellect dept to understand that...

Immutable principle #1: We are endowed by our creator with Life.
Immitable Principle #2: That life comes with the right to pursue the fulfillment of that life.
Immutable principle #3: The Right comes with the responsibilitiy to not exercise that right to the detriment of the right of another to exercise their own rights.
Immutable principle #4: The responsibility requires that each individual jealously defend their own rights and the rights of their neighbor as well; this principle represents a facet of the Moral Imperative.

Prostitution results, of course, from the drive generated from a primal base instinct... the strongest instinct in the species... An instinct which we understand as the biological imperative; an imperative which is moderated by the moral imperative which sustains it.

Where one seeks to engage in casual sex, thus succumbing to the biological imperative; one subjects the female, who bears the full measure of responsibility for the consequences of such to that responsibility. And to do so, on the premise that it's a business deal is an invalid rationalization; as that fails the moral imperative to trade for equitable, fair values.

Now this is to say that the transaction must be equitable in the sense that the values exchanged are fair to both parties... and such is decidedly not an equitable exchange, thus not fair to the female.

That the coitus does not result in conception, each and everytime is irrelevant; as you are not the arbiter of such; and where you pay a sum against the exchange for sexual intercourse, you subject that female to the probability that she will conceive another human being; a human life; a life which she is not prepared to accept and nurture and not prepared to otherwise sustain. Thus the transaction is inevitably trading human life' and there is no price which can sustain such...

Thus there is no right to engage in prostitution for either the male of the female.

As all rights are sustained by their inherent responsibilities and such a transcation rejects the responsibility and as goes the responsibility, so goes the right.

Prostitution is legal down here. Very few prostitutes get pregnant, if at all. Never been an issue....

Well there you have it friends... the assurance that 'prostitutes NEVER CONCEIVE...' it's 'never been an issue'...


But such is the nature of the LIE... and is why liars are to be avoided where possible and silenced where not...
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Well there you have it friends... the assurance that 'prostitutes NEVER CONCEIVE...' it's 'never been an issue'...


But such is the nature of the LIE... and is why liars are to be avoided where possible and silenced where not...

Just as when I drive a car having an accident is never an issue - unless I have one. I have had one car ding in 26 years of driving. shrug...
This thread was funny till Avatar4321 and PubliusInfinitum got into mumbo jumbo moralizing. It is one area in which many across the ideological spectrum agree, why prosecute enjoyment when there is no harm. Similar to legalized drug arguments.

A question for our two moralists, if procreation issues are the reasons prostitution is wrong then suppose a child were impossible. Would it be OK then? Or is it ok for same sex prostitution since no child is possible?
Wow... Reading this thread is like reading a diary of the Little Culture that couldn't be free.

Prostitution is illegal, because the act itself is an infringement upon the rights of the human being.

This despite the simple fact that the respective parties may not be sufficient well heeled in the intellect dept to understand that...

Immutable principle #1: We are endowed by our creator with Life.
Immitable Principle #2: That life comes with the right to pursue the fulfillment of that life.
Immutable principle #3: The Right comes with the responsibilitiy to not exercise that right to the detriment of the right of another to exercise their own rights.
Immutable principle #4: The responsibility requires that each individual jealously defend their own rights and the rights of their neighbor as well; this principle represents a facet of the Moral Imperative.

Prostitution results, of course, from the drive generated from a primal base instinct... the strongest instinct in the species... An instinct which we understand as the biological imperative; an imperative which is moderated by the moral imperative which sustains it.

Where one seeks to engage in casual sex, thus succumbing to the biological imperative; one subjects the female, who bears the full measure of responsibility for the consequences of such to that responsibility. And to do so, on the premise that it's a business deal is an invalid rationalization; as that fails the moral imperative to trade for equitable, fair values.

Now this is to say that the transaction must be equitable in the sense that the values exchanged are fair to both parties... and such is decidedly not an equitable exchange, thus not fair to the female.

That the coitus does not result in conception, each and everytime is irrelevant; as you are not the arbiter of such; and where you pay a sum against the exchange for sexual intercourse, you subject that female to the probability that she will conceive another human being; a human life; a life which she is not prepared to accept and nurture and not prepared to otherwise sustain. Thus the transaction is inevitably trading human life' and there is no price which can sustain such...

Thus there is no right to engage in prostitution for either the male of the female.

As all rights are sustained by their inherent responsibilities and such a transcation rejects the responsibility and as goes the responsibility, so goes the right.

Prostitution is legal down here. Very few prostitutes get pregnant, if at all. Never been an issue....

Well there you have it friends... the assurance that 'prostitutes NEVER CONCEIVE...' it's 'never been an issue'...


But such is the nature of the LIE... and is why liars are to be avoided where possible and silenced where not...

Well there you have it friends... the assurance that 'prostitutes NEVER CONCEIVE...' it's 'never been an issue'...


But such is the nature of the LIE... and is why liars are to be avoided where possible and silenced where not...

Just as when I drive a car having an accident is never an issue - unless I have one. I have had one car ding in 26 years of driving. shrug...

SWEET NON SEQUITUR! Of course, with the exception of the ever-more-rare demolition derby, the purpose of driving a car is NOT to drive it into another car... in contrast to coitus, which IS designed for procreation...

The irony here is that you've come to ADMIT THAT DESPITE THE GOAL OF DRIVING TO BE TO AVOID HITTING ANOTHER CAR; that you have managed to do so, 'BY ACCIDENT'... and this as part and parcel of a defense wherein you claim through your personal assurance, that the act which is designed for no other purpose THAN CONCEPTION... 'NEVER RESULTS IN CONCEPTION...' at least, where such is engaged on a professional level...

ROFLMNAO... Oh GOD! That's precious.... you really are, just ALL OVER IT!

Now friends... take a look at the Reputation of this member... Notice how positively "popular" she is... now THAT should tell you something... and I'm sure you'll agree that it's not good news.
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i've never understood how porn is legal, but prostitution is not.

Porn is covered under free speech, prostitution presents too many problems for corporate profits, self help books, and government taxation. lol
i've never understood how porn is legal, but prostitution is not.

Porn is covered under free speech, prostitution presents too many problems for corporate profits, self help books, and government taxation. lol

Pornography serves the same purpose as Prostitution, it feeds obsession of a carnel instinct; thus competes with the moral imperative, challenging the sustanance of the biological imperative; it's a fools errand... which should be just as illegal as prostitution.

The rationalizations which serve to sustain it, such as the 'freedom of speech' noted above, are invalid and rest upon unsound foundations which demonstrate to no end the detriments on whatever culture entertains such.

It's amazing how the same people that defend pornography as 'a right,' will quickly feign OUTRAGE at the individuals who succumb to the temptation inherent in such, which inevitably leads to the obsession of child pornography; which is rarely NOT FOUND in STARK ABUNDANCE at the home of a PEDOPHILE.

They'll of course argue that its natural that a pedophile would have child porn; this based upon the assumption that the pedophilia preceded the child porn... when in reality, an individual simply followed the temptation intrinsic to the viewing of pornography, to ever farther levels of taboo... until they came to rationalizing; as a result of normalization, wherein the ever-increasing levels of debauchery no longer provided the stimulus they craved; which sustained the afrementioned rationalization that 'viewing such was OK...'

"It's only photographs or video; no one will know; no one is getting hurt; it's in the privacy of my own home..., etc..." Where upon they become part and parcel of an underground culture... where the stimulus of feeding the obsession through the mere viewing needs to be extended to 'touching'... And there is no right to engage in the sexual 'touching' of a child; thus there is no right to engage in that which sustains the obession to do so... And why is that?

Because such is a failure to maintain the RESPONSIBILITY inherent in ONE'S RIGHTS, to defend the right of the child; to be a CHILD and remain innocent of such debauchery...
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It's illegal because a bunch of tight-arsed wowsers managed to scare a bunch of piss-weak legislators into making criminal what would ordinarily be a - as has already been pointed out - a business transaction.
PI, you seem to feel that any sexual activity not limited to monogamous, heterosexual, married sex will lead to pedophilia. Pornography leads to pedophilia? I don't see how you made that leap.

As far as prostitution being illegal, I find it ironic that the exact same activity is perfectly legal so long as there is no transfer of funds. Having sex is not illegal, with however many partners over whatever period of time, but if someone pays for it, suddenly it's immoral and illegal. How many other things can you do legally as long as no one pays for it?
PI, you seem to feel that any sexual activity not limited to monogamous, heterosexual, married sex will lead to pedophilia. Pornography leads to pedophilia? I don't see how you made that leap.

As far as prostitution being illegal, I find it ironic that the exact same activity is perfectly legal so long as there is no transfer of funds. Having sex is not illegal, with however many partners over whatever period of time, but if someone pays for it, suddenly it's immoral and illegal. How many other things can you do legally as long as no one pays for it?

Masturbation is the other.
PI, you seem to feel that any sexual activity not limited to monogamous, heterosexual, married sex will lead to pedophilia. Pornography leads to pedophilia? I don't see how you made that leap.

As far as prostitution being illegal, I find it ironic that the exact same activity is perfectly legal so long as there is no transfer of funds. Having sex is not illegal, with however many partners over whatever period of time, but if someone pays for it, suddenly it's immoral and illegal. How many other things can you do legally as long as no one pays for it?

Masturbation is the other.
Masturbation can be limited to defiling oneself. It does not involve another human.

Prostitution destroys many women emotionally. Just a drugs destroys lives and families. On the prostitution end it is an emotional destruction, on the drugs it is a physical and mental destruction. I would no more want prostitution legal than I would want to legalized suicide or cocaine and meth. That does not say people will not do these things, but it sure does not say that a society should approve of it's citizens acting out self destructive behavior.

Then again if the state is going in the car business to support the corporates and unions they may as well sell drugs and the citizens who desire to sell themselves. If we have no set limitations or boundaries on personal and corporate responsibility equally for all why have any. Just make it all a free for all and let everyone have at it.
PI, you seem to feel that any sexual activity not limited to monogamous, heterosexual, married sex will lead to pedophilia. Pornography leads to pedophilia? I don't see how you made that leap.

As far as prostitution being illegal, I find it ironic that the exact same activity is perfectly legal so long as there is no transfer of funds. Having sex is not illegal, with however many partners over whatever period of time, but if someone pays for it, suddenly it's immoral and illegal. How many other things can you do legally as long as no one pays for it?

Masturbation is the other.
Masturbation can be limited to defiling oneself. It does not involve another human.

Prostitution destroys many women emotionally. Just a drugs destroys lives and families. On the prostitution end it is an emotional destruction, on the drugs it is a physical and mental destruction. I would no more want prostitution legal than I would want to legalized suicide or cocaine and meth. That does not say people will not do these things, but it sure does not say that a society should approve of it's citizens acting out self destructive behavior.

Then again if the state is going in the car business to support the corporates and unions they may as well sell drugs and the citizens who desire to sell themselves. If we have no set limitations or boundaries on personal and corporate responsibility equally for all why have any. Just make it all a free for all and let everyone have at it.

Drugs and prostitution are bad, but who are we to say what people can do to their own bodies? Prohibiting someone from taking drugs or selling themselves for sex implies that you own them, and we are all the owners of ourselves so nobody has the right to tell anyone else what they can cannot do to their own bodies. You can't tell me whether I can get a tattoo and neither can you tell me whether I can smoke a joint or snort coke.
PI, you seem to feel that any sexual activity not limited to monogamous, heterosexual, married sex will lead to pedophilia. Pornography leads to pedophilia? I don't see how you made that leap.

As far as prostitution being illegal, I find it ironic that the exact same activity is perfectly legal so long as there is no transfer of funds. Having sex is not illegal, with however many partners over whatever period of time, but if someone pays for it, suddenly it's immoral and illegal. How many other things can you do legally as long as no one pays for it?

Masturbation is the other.
Masturbation can be limited to defiling oneself. It does not involve another human.

Prostitution destroys many women emotionally. Just a drugs destroys lives and families. On the prostitution end it is an emotional destruction, on the drugs it is a physical and mental destruction. I would no more want prostitution legal than I would want to legalized suicide or cocaine and meth. That does not say people will not do these things, but it sure does not say that a society should approve of it's citizens acting out self destructive behavior.

Then again if the state is going in the car business to support the corporates and unions they may as well sell drugs and the citizens who desire to sell themselves. If we have no set limitations or boundaries on personal and corporate responsibility equally for all why have any. Just make it all a free for all and let everyone have at it.
First of all, masturbation is not "defiling oneself", and 2nd, neither is sex, paid for or not. Prostitution is nothing more than a business transaction. Is a waitress or waiter "defiling" themselves if they give me good service in order to get a larger tip?
If somebody wants to do drugs of kill themselves, I really don't care, that's their business, not mine. It's only wrong if they infringe upon the rights of others.
Masturbation is the other.
Masturbation can be limited to defiling oneself. It does not involve another human.

Prostitution destroys many women emotionally. Just a drugs destroys lives and families. On the prostitution end it is an emotional destruction, on the drugs it is a physical and mental destruction. I would no more want prostitution legal than I would want to legalized suicide or cocaine and meth. That does not say people will not do these things, but it sure does not say that a society should approve of it's citizens acting out self destructive behavior.

Then again if the state is going in the car business to support the corporates and unions they may as well sell drugs and the citizens who desire to sell themselves. If we have no set limitations or boundaries on personal and corporate responsibility equally for all why have any. Just make it all a free for all and let everyone have at it.
First of all, masturbation is not "defiling oneself", and 2nd, neither is sex, paid for or not. Prostitution is nothing more than a business transaction. Is a waitress or waiter "defiling" themselves if they give me good service in order to get a larger tip?
If somebody wants to do drugs of kill themselves, I really don't care, that's their business, not mine. It's only wrong if they infringe upon the rights of others.
1. Sure it is. You appear to be insulted.

2. I don't care what you do to yourself but when you involve another human I am going to say what I think about it like it or not. Sex with someone else is more than just a business transaction paying for it or getting it for free.

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