What?,Many Pollsters Are Only Polling About 24% Replublicans? Hmm. No Wonder Biden Ahead By About 10 Points.

You make my point. Totally bogus for months, then they tighten them up at the end to gain credibility
That doesn't make your point. A simpler explanation than your conspiracy nuttery is that the actual voter profile changed. It proves that before it proves your silly fantasy.


Another day, another disastrous poll for Donald Trump. A new McClatchy/Marist poll conducted on Monday, August 1, found Clinton with a staggering 15-point lead, 48% to 33%.

New Hampshire poll: Clinton leads Trump by 15 points

Washington (CNN)Hillary Clinton holds a double digit lead -- 15 points -- on Donald Trump in New Hampshire, according to a new poll released Wednesday.

Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump by 14 Points Nationally in New Poll

Hillary Clinton has widened her lead over Donald Trump, polling 14 percentage points ahead nationally, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll, which comes 12 days before the presidential election.

Hillary Clinton Leads by 7 Points in Pennsylvania Poll

Hillary Clinton leads him by seven percentage points, 46 percent to 39 percent, in a four-way race.

Clinton Holds 11-Point National Lead Over Trump: NBC/WSJ Poll

Hillary Clinton is ahead of Donald Trump by double digits with just over three weeks until Election Day, according to a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll conducted entirely after the second presidential debate.

Clinton leads Trump by 15 points among early voters

With 11 days to go before the U.S. presidential election, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton leads Republican Donald Trump by 15 percentage points among early voters surveyed in the past two weeks, according to the Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project.

Election Update: Clinton’s Big Lead Means A Steadier Forecast

A friend asked me the other day whether there’s anything preventing Hillary Clinton from rising further in our forecast, beyond what have generally been very good polls for her. Clinton’s chances are up a bit — she’s hit 88 percent in our polls-only forecast, up slightly from 86 percent on Friday and 83 percent a week ago. In the polls-plus forecast, Clinton’s chances are 85 percent, up from 80 percent a week earlier

Wason Poll: Clinton Up 15 Points in Virginia – Bearing Drift

Democrat Hillary Clinton now holds a 15-point advantage over Republican Donald Trump in Virginia, according to a tracking survey released Sunday by the Wason Center for Public Policy at Christopher Newport University. Clinton leads Trump among likely voters in Virginia, 44-29 percent.

“It’s crystal clear why the Trump campaign pulled staff out of Virginia this week,” said Dr. Quentin Kidd, Director of the Wason Center.

Clinton Leads by 7 Points in North Carolina Poll

A New York Times Upshot/Siena College survey released on Tuesday confirms that Mr. Trump’s standing has deteriorated considerably. Hillary Clinton has a seven-point lead over Mr. Trump in North Carolina, 46 percent to 39 percent, among likely voters in a three-way race including the Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson.

Poll: Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump in Texas

Texas may be a battleground state this election, according to a new poll of all 50 states by the Washington Post, which shows Hillary Clinton with a narrow edge over Donald Trump in Texas 46 to 45 percent among registered voters.

Wisconsin poll: Clinton up double-digits over Trump

Clinton leads Trump by 15 percentage points, 52% to 37%, among likely voters -- with 10% supporting neither candidate. That's a huge jump from the same poll's findings in July, when it had Clinton at 45% to Trump's 41%.

Clinton has big lead over Trump in Michigan, MSU survey shows

EAST LANSING, MI -- A survey from Michigan State University's Institute for Public Policy and Social Research suggests Democrat Hillary Clinton has a wide lead over Republican Donald Trump among Michigan's likely voters.

The quarterly State of the State Survey conducted by the institute tracked voters from Sept. 1 to Oct. 30 and found that among likely voters in Michigan, 52 percent said they would vote for Clinton and 32 percent said they would vote for Trump.
Which shows the answers to the polls changed, over time. It doesn't prove your nutty fantasy.

Yes, and they will no doubt change over time this fall as well, resulting in a Trump landslide.
I dont recall if it was on Rush, or Fox & Friends. But on one of these programs today, someone called into the show, and disclosed a number of well known pollsters, and the per-cent of at least Republicans that they polled. It was about 24 or 25% of those polled were Republican.
It was a credible reporter who did the research on these pollsters.
Hmm, no wonder all Americans are doubting these polls !!!, then again, nothing new here, right? we went thru this in 2016 when Hillary was supposed to be 50 Points Ahead !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What percentage of Republicans should be in the poll?
ahh,,,didnt the polls in 2016 give Hillary up to a 14 point lead and about 400 electoral votes?

No. Some of them even showed Trump in the lead.

Washington (CNN)Hillary Clinton holds a double digit lead -- 15 points -- on Donald Trump in New Hampshire, according to a new poll released Wednesday.

Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump by 14 Points Nationally in New Poll

Hillary Clinton has widened her lead over Donald Trump, polling 14 percentage points ahead nationally, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll, which comes 12 days before the presidential election.

Hillary Clinton Leads by 7 Points in Pennsylvania Poll

Hillary Clinton leads him by seven percentage points, 46 percent to 39 percent, in a four-way race.

Clinton Holds 11-Point National Lead Over Trump: NBC/WSJ Poll

Hillary Clinton is ahead of Donald Trump by double digits with just over three weeks until Election Day, according to a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll conducted entirely after the second presidential debate.

Clinton leads Trump by 15 points among early voters

With 11 days to go before the U.S. presidential election, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton leads Republican Donald Trump by 15 percentage points among early voters surveyed in the past two weeks, according to the Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project.

Election Update: Clinton’s Big Lead Means A Steadier Forecast

A friend asked me the other day whether there’s anything preventing Hillary Clinton from rising further in our forecast, beyond what have generally been very good polls for her. Clinton’s chances are up a bit — she’s hit 88 percent in our polls-only forecast, up slightly from 86 percent on Friday and 83 percent a week ago. In the polls-plus forecast, Clinton’s chances are 85 percent, up from 80 percent a week earlier

Wason Poll: Clinton Up 15 Points in Virginia – Bearing Drift

Democrat Hillary Clinton now holds a 15-point advantage over Republican Donald Trump in Virginia, according to a tracking survey released Sunday by the Wason Center for Public Policy at Christopher Newport University. Clinton leads Trump among likely voters in Virginia, 44-29 percent.

“It’s crystal clear why the Trump campaign pulled staff out of Virginia this week,” said Dr. Quentin Kidd, Director of the Wason Center.

Clinton Leads by 7 Points in North Carolina Poll

A New York Times Upshot/Siena College survey released on Tuesday confirms that Mr. Trump’s standing has deteriorated considerably. Hillary Clinton has a seven-point lead over Mr. Trump in North Carolina, 46 percent to 39 percent, among likely voters in a three-way race including the Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson.

Poll: Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump in Texas

Texas may be a battleground state this election, according to a new poll of all 50 states by the Washington Post, which shows Hillary Clinton with a narrow edge over Donald Trump in Texas 46 to 45 percent among registered voters.

Wisconsin poll: Clinton up double-digits over Trump

Clinton leads Trump by 15 percentage points, 52% to 37%, among likely voters -- with 10% supporting neither candidate. That's a huge jump from the same poll's findings in July, when it had Clinton at 45% to Trump's 41%.


EAST LANSING, MI -- A survey from Michigan State University's Institute for Public Policy and Social Research suggests Democrat Hillary Clinton has a wide lead over Republican Donald Trump among Michigan's likely voters.

The quarterly State of the State Survey conducted by the institute tracked voters from Sept. 1 to Oct. 30 and found that among likely voters in Michigan, 52 percent said they would vote for Clinton and 32 percent said they would vote for Trump.

Your side was using the same conspiracy theories in 2018, when the polls under-reported the magnitude of the Democratic win.

They were saying the same thing in 2016, when the polls were spot on.

This isn't going to end well for you. That means you're going to have to create a conspiracy theory about Democrats cheating to justify losing so big.
like yall did with the fake russian dossier !
I dont recall if it was on Rush, or Fox & Friends. But on one of these programs today, someone called into the show, and disclosed a number of well known pollsters, and the per-cent of at least Republicans that they polled. It was about 24 or 25% of those polled were Republican.
It was a credible reporter who did the research on these pollsters.
Hmm, no wonder all Americans are doubting these polls !!!, then again, nothing new here, right? we went thru this in 2016 when Hillary was supposed to be 50 Points Ahead !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What percentage of Republicans should be in the poll?
the same % as dem.
like yall did with the fake russian dossier !

So is there any Trumptard conspiracy theory you haven't fallen for? Even just one?

Apparently not. You're a very reliable conspiracy parrot.
Your side was using the same conspiracy theories in 2018, when the polls under-reported the magnitude of the Democratic win.

They were saying the same thing in 2016, when the polls were spot on.

This isn't going to end well for you. That means you're going to have to create a conspiracy theory about Democrats cheating to justify losing so big.
like yall did with the fake russian dossier !

Trump did much better in 2018 then Obama or Clinton did in their first mid term. Both won second terms. Trump will do the same.
Washington (CNN)Hillary Clinton holds a double digit lead

What did you hope to accomplish by cherrypicking polls, many of them restricted to one state, aside from demonstrating your desperation?

Clinton never had a consistent national need like this. You're in deep shit. Admitting that is the first step of climbing out of shit. Since you won't do that, you won't be able to climb out of the shit.

So why did DearLeader fire his campaign manager, if there's no problem?
I dont recall if it was on Rush, or Fox & Friends. But on one of these programs today, someone called into the show, and disclosed a number of well known pollsters, and the per-cent of at least Republicans that they polled. It was about 24 or 25% of those polled were Republican.
It was a credible reporter who did the research on these pollsters.
Hmm, no wonder all Americans are doubting these polls !!!, then again, nothing new here, right? we went thru this in 2016 when Hillary was supposed to be 50 Points Ahead !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What percentage of Republicans should be in the poll?
the same % as dem.
Why? That assumes that there as many Dems as Republicans. Is that true?
Washington (CNN)Hillary Clinton holds a double digit lead

What did you hope to accomplish by cherrypicking polls, many of them restricted to one state, aside from demonstrating your desperation?

Clinton never had a consistent national need like this. You're in deep shit. Admitting that is the first step of climbing out of shit. Since you won't do that, you won't be able to climb out of the shit.

So why did DearLeader fire his campaign manager, if there's no problem?

We can look at history as well. Trump did much better in his 2018 mid term than Obama/Biden or Clinton in their first mid term. Both won a second term easily. I expect the same this year.
Washington (CNN)Hillary Clinton holds a double digit lead

What did you hope to accomplish by cherrypicking polls, many of them restricted to one state, aside from demonstrating your desperation?

Clinton never had a consistent national need like this. You're in deep shit. Admitting that is the first step of climbing out of shit. Since you won't do that, you won't be able to climb out of the shit.

So why did DearLeader fire his campaign manager, if there's no problem?

Washington (CNN)Hillary Clinton holds a double digit lead

What did you hope to accomplish by cherrypicking polls, many of them restricted to one state, aside from demonstrating your desperation?

Clinton never had a consistent national need like this. You're in deep shit. Admitting that is the first step of climbing out of shit. Since you won't do that, you won't be able to climb out of the shit.

So why did DearLeader fire his campaign manager, if there's no problem?

We can look at history as well. Trump did much better in his 2018 mid term than Obama/Biden or Clinton in their first mid term. Both won a second term easily. I expect the same this year.
No. The gerrymandering has you fooled. The dems outvoted the republicans in 2018 by a larger margin than the repubs outvoted them in either 2010 or 1994. 8.6% to 6.8%, to be exact.
Washington (CNN)Hillary Clinton holds a double digit lead

What did you hope to accomplish by cherrypicking polls, many of them restricted to one state, aside from demonstrating your desperation?

Clinton never had a consistent national need like this. You're in deep shit. Admitting that is the first step of climbing out of shit. Since you won't do that, you won't be able to climb out of the shit.

So why did DearLeader fire his campaign manager, if there's no problem?

We can look at history as well. Trump did much better in his 2018 mid term than Obama/Biden or Clinton in their first mid term. Both won a second term easily. I expect the same this year.
No. The gerrymandering has you fooled. The dems outvoted the republicans in 2018 by a larger margin than the repubs outvoted them in either 2010 or 1994. 8.6% to 6.8%, to be exact.
In 2010 Republican picked up 7 Senate Seats, vs 2018 when Dimwingers lost 2.

In 2010 Republicans picked up 63 House Seats, vs the avg Dimwinger pick up in 2018 of 41 seats.

I dont recall if it was on Rush, or Fox & Friends. But on one of these programs today, someone called into the show, and disclosed a number of well known pollsters, and the per-cent of at least Republicans that they polled. It was about 24 or 25% of those polled were Republican.
It was a credible reporter who did the research on these pollsters.
Hmm, no wonder all Americans are doubting these polls !!!, then again, nothing new here, right? we went thru this in 2016 when Hillary was supposed to be 50 Points Ahead !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone with a brain bigger than Joe's know polls are just what the pollsters want. Now why these people want old Joe for president is beyond any reason I can think of His czars he has picked AOC as his green czar and O'Rourke as his gun czar. Both lunatics in the fields old Joe has chose for them. Joe will not win except in New York and California. Both need invaded before they go beyond destroyed.
Washington (CNN)Hillary Clinton holds a double digit lead

What did you hope to accomplish by cherrypicking polls, many of them restricted to one state, aside from demonstrating your desperation?

Clinton never had a consistent national need like this. You're in deep shit. Admitting that is the first step of climbing out of shit. Since you won't do that, you won't be able to climb out of the shit.

So why did DearLeader fire his campaign manager, if there's no problem?

We can look at history as well. Trump did much better in his 2018 mid term than Obama/Biden or Clinton in their first mid term. Both won a second term easily. I expect the same this year.
No. The gerrymandering has you fooled. The dems outvoted the republicans in 2018 by a larger margin than the repubs outvoted them in either 2010 or 1994. 8.6% to 6.8%, to be exact.
Explain how gerrymandering affects Senate races.

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