What meaning does marriage have in today's society?

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Little in your thread has anything to do with marriage.

Since you have never been in a Western country I will try to help.

Women (and men) have the right to decide who they marry. They have the right to decide who they show their bodies. Actors and Actresses play roles- and sometimes that includes holding hands and even kissing- and we are okay with that.

No- not any mental sickness- we just think girls and women are human beings with the same rights as men.

Sexual integrity in a marriage is a crucial component of it, without it is it even a marriage. And girls and women seem to doing everything in their power to live it up with their sexual wickedness. These rights men don't have, it's definitely mental sickness because these things cause pain to their boys and men, like fathers, sons, etc.

Going seriously steady.

I don't get your post.

Everything works itself out... eventually.

Is it marriage though? But only men seem to be bearing the brunt of this. Even religions punish men severely for these so called sexual misdeeds and women are left completely alone.

It has been men throughout history who have exhibited "sexual wickedness," i.e. enjoying sex outside of marriage with little or no punishment, and without any nasty names being called them, while religions have come after women and dealt out harsh punishments to them, even execution, for the same or lesser misconduct. What country are you in that the opposite has been true?
The interesting thing is that the gap has closed in promiscuity. I'm not certain it is a good thing.

I perceive it as a very good thing as it clears the way for an honest and open discussion between men, women, and religious leaders about how people should handle their sexual lives. This discussion has been overdue for centuries. While everyone (Christian variety) ostensibly is supposed to believe in no sex before marriage and faithfulness to the spouse thereafter. But men, while encouraging each other to break this code and congratulating those who do, have shoveled horseshit on women for the same or lesser misconduct.

Now we have a level playing field and can get real. What is "sexual morality"? Religious leaders must participate and speak up, given that they have been so loud and consistent that this is what God wants, but seem to have only actually admonished women and never men (as long as they are heterosexual). If this is what the supreme being really wants, and one has to follow this code or be turned away from Heaven, religious leaders have failed to tend to men's immortal souls. Otherwise, the religious angle with which women have traditionally been bombarded is bullshit and God has nothing to do with it.

If Stormy Daniels is not getting into heaven based on her sex life, neither is donald trump.
The real problem is the negative effects it has had on the women themselves.

The Lingering Psychological Effects of Multiple Sex Partners

Is There a Price to Pay for Promiscuity?


You will note the references in the first article to the double standard and its effects. Moreover, efforts by social/religious institutions to instill guilt and manipulate women emotionally are well known; it's psychological warfare, basically. Nobody attempts to manipulate men emotionally no matter what they do. But with women: oh!!!! You must feel awful about sleeping with this guy, you must feel awful about getting birth control because it means that you intended to sleep with this guy, you must feel horrible about having an abortion, blah, blah, blah. I notice that the right-wing jackasses are all of a sudden just SO interested in women's mental and physical health when they never were before, and only for limited purposes.

The issue of the morality of sexual acts is entirely separate. That is the first thing on the agenda: what is right and what is wrong, what is "morality," and how closely people intend to follow it. Remember that the "world's oldest profession" would not have survived without a substantial number of clients.

It's not funny that men never told we women about the "Jesus has forgiven me" instant get-out-of-jail-free card that well-known men keep using when they get caught. It apparently wipes the slate clean notwithstanding perhaps decades of sexually "immoral" acts, and all one has to do is snivel in front a microphone for a few minutes and hum a few bars of "Jesus Loves Me." Had we women only known how easy it is to "get right with God"! I
personally passed up a great opportunity just because of the claptrap I was fed as a child, while my male peers were out doing whatever they wished. They certainly did not seem very worried about "sin" or getting into heaven.

It's way overdue to discuss the real motives behind this mess and be honest with each other, round-table style.
Sexual integrity in a marriage is a crucial component of it, without it is it even a marriage. And girls and women seem to doing everything in their power to live it up with their sexual wickedness. These rights men don't have, it's definitely mental sickness because these things cause pain to their boys and men, like fathers, sons, etc.

I don't get your post.

Is it marriage though? But only men seem to be bearing the brunt of this. Even religions punish men severely for these so called sexual misdeeds and women are left completely alone.

It has been men throughout history who have exhibited "sexual wickedness," i.e. enjoying sex outside of marriage with little or no punishment, and without any nasty names being called them, while religions have come after women and dealt out harsh punishments to them, even execution, for the same or lesser misconduct. What country are you in that the opposite has been true?
The interesting thing is that the gap has closed in promiscuity. I'm not certain it is a good thing.

I perceive it as a very good thing as it clears the way for an honest and open discussion between men, women, and religious leaders about how people should handle their sexual lives. This discussion has been overdue for centuries. While everyone (Christian variety) ostensibly is supposed to believe in no sex before marriage and faithfulness to the spouse thereafter. But men, while encouraging each other to break this code and congratulating those who do, have shoveled horseshit on women for the same or lesser misconduct.

Now we have a level playing field and can get real. What is "sexual morality"? Religious leaders must participate and speak up, given that they have been so loud and consistent that this is what God wants, but seem to have only actually admonished women and never men (as long as they are heterosexual). If this is what the supreme being really wants, and one has to follow this code or be turned away from Heaven, religious leaders have failed to tend to men's immortal souls. Otherwise, the religious angle with which women have traditionally been bombarded is bullshit and God has nothing to do with it.

If Stormy Daniels is not getting into heaven based on her sex life, neither is donald trump.
The real problem is the negative effects it has had on the women themselves.

The Lingering Psychological Effects of Multiple Sex Partners

Is There a Price to Pay for Promiscuity?


You will note the references in the first article to the double standard and its effects. Moreover, efforts by social/religious institutions to instill guilt and manipulate women emotionally are well known; it's psychological warfare, basically. Nobody attempts to manipulate men emotionally no matter what they do. But with women: oh!!!! You must feel awful about sleeping with this guy, you must feel awful about getting birth control because it means that you intended to sleep with this guy, you must feel horrible about having an abortion, blah, blah, blah. I notice that the right-wing jackasses are all of a sudden just SO interested in women's mental and physical health when they never were before, and only for limited purposes.

The issue of the morality of sexual acts is entirely separate. That is the first thing on the agenda: what is right and what is wrong, what is "morality," and how closely people intend to follow it. Remember that the "world's oldest profession" would not have survived without a substantial number of clients.

It's not funny that men never told we women about the "Jesus has forgiven me" instant get-out-of-jail-free card that well-known men keep using when they get caught. It apparently wipes the slate clean notwithstanding perhaps decades of sexually "immoral" acts, and all one has to do is snivel in front a microphone for a few minutes and hum a few bars of "Jesus Loves Me." Had we women only known how easy it is to "get right with God"! I
personally passed up a great opportunity just because of the claptrap I was fed as a child, while my male peers were out doing whatever they wished. They certainly did not seem very worried about "sin" or getting into heaven.

It's way overdue to discuss the real motives behind this mess and be honest with each other, round-table style.
Life is tough all over, women do not have a corner on the market for misery Men get minipulated all the time. Until we realize that it is bad form to poo poo other smisery we will keep dishing it out in unmanagable portions. I do not give a shit what happened in the past, is it fair right now. That what we need to strive for. I have no intention of allowing some one make one up on me for some thing some one else did
Sexual integrity in a marriage is a crucial component of it, without it is it even a marriage. And girls and women seem to doing everything in their power to live it up with their sexual wickedness. These rights men don't have, it's definitely mental sickness because these things cause pain to their boys and men, like fathers, sons, etc.

I don't get your post.

Is it marriage though? But only men seem to be bearing the brunt of this. Even religions punish men severely for these so called sexual misdeeds and women are left completely alone.

It has been men throughout history who have exhibited "sexual wickedness," i.e. enjoying sex outside of marriage with little or no punishment, and without any nasty names being called them, while religions have come after women and dealt out harsh punishments to them, even execution, for the same or lesser misconduct. What country are you in that the opposite has been true?
The interesting thing is that the gap has closed in promiscuity. I'm not certain it is a good thing.

I perceive it as a very good thing as it clears the way for an honest and open discussion between men, women, and religious leaders about how people should handle their sexual lives. This discussion has been overdue for centuries. While everyone (Christian variety) ostensibly is supposed to believe in no sex before marriage and faithfulness to the spouse thereafter. But men, while encouraging each other to break this code and congratulating those who do, have shoveled horseshit on women for the same or lesser misconduct.

Now we have a level playing field and can get real. What is "sexual morality"? Religious leaders must participate and speak up, given that they have been so loud and consistent that this is what God wants, but seem to have only actually admonished women and never men (as long as they are heterosexual). If this is what the supreme being really wants, and one has to follow this code or be turned away from Heaven, religious leaders have failed to tend to men's immortal souls. Otherwise, the religious angle with which women have traditionally been bombarded is bullshit and God has nothing to do with it.

If Stormy Daniels is not getting into heaven based on her sex life, neither is donald trump.
The real problem is the negative effects it has had on the women themselves.

The Lingering Psychological Effects of Multiple Sex Partners

Is There a Price to Pay for Promiscuity?

Fuck marriage! I will never do it again! As far as the whole women getting away with it or not getting away with sexual promiscuity in the past or today. Some talk about men getting away with it in the past, just who do you think they were cheating with?

Men are the ones who thought up the whole "Madonna/whore" "good girl versus bad girl" nonsense, without also discussing "good boys versus bad boys." It seems that men want women to shoulder the entire burden while they never even considered their own, personal morality. Were they good boys or bad boys, since they obviously were participants in the same act.
It has been men throughout history who have exhibited "sexual wickedness," i.e. enjoying sex outside of marriage with little or no punishment, and without any nasty names being called them, while religions have come after women and dealt out harsh punishments to them, even execution, for the same or lesser misconduct. What country are you in that the opposite has been true?
The interesting thing is that the gap has closed in promiscuity. I'm not certain it is a good thing.

I perceive it as a very good thing as it clears the way for an honest and open discussion between men, women, and religious leaders about how people should handle their sexual lives. This discussion has been overdue for centuries. While everyone (Christian variety) ostensibly is supposed to believe in no sex before marriage and faithfulness to the spouse thereafter. But men, while encouraging each other to break this code and congratulating those who do, have shoveled horseshit on women for the same or lesser misconduct.

Now we have a level playing field and can get real. What is "sexual morality"? Religious leaders must participate and speak up, given that they have been so loud and consistent that this is what God wants, but seem to have only actually admonished women and never men (as long as they are heterosexual). If this is what the supreme being really wants, and one has to follow this code or be turned away from Heaven, religious leaders have failed to tend to men's immortal souls. Otherwise, the religious angle with which women have traditionally been bombarded is bullshit and God has nothing to do with it.

If Stormy Daniels is not getting into heaven based on her sex life, neither is donald trump.
The real problem is the negative effects it has had on the women themselves.

The Lingering Psychological Effects of Multiple Sex Partners

Is There a Price to Pay for Promiscuity?


You will note the references in the first article to the double standard and its effects. Moreover, efforts by social/religious institutions to instill guilt and manipulate women emotionally are well known; it's psychological warfare, basically. Nobody attempts to manipulate men emotionally no matter what they do. But with women: oh!!!! You must feel awful about sleeping with this guy, you must feel awful about getting birth control because it means that you intended to sleep with this guy, you must feel horrible about having an abortion, blah, blah, blah. I notice that the right-wing jackasses are all of a sudden just SO interested in women's mental and physical health when they never were before, and only for limited purposes.

The issue of the morality of sexual acts is entirely separate. That is the first thing on the agenda: what is right and what is wrong, what is "morality," and how closely people intend to follow it. Remember that the "world's oldest profession" would not have survived without a substantial number of clients.

It's not funny that men never told we women about the "Jesus has forgiven me" instant get-out-of-jail-free card that well-known men keep using when they get caught. It apparently wipes the slate clean notwithstanding perhaps decades of sexually "immoral" acts, and all one has to do is snivel in front a microphone for a few minutes and hum a few bars of "Jesus Loves Me." Had we women only known how easy it is to "get right with God"! I
personally passed up a great opportunity just because of the claptrap I was fed as a child, while my male peers were out doing whatever they wished. They certainly did not seem very worried about "sin" or getting into heaven.

It's way overdue to discuss the real motives behind this mess and be honest with each other, round-table style.
Life is tough all over, women do not have a corner on the market for misery Men get minipulated all the time. Until we realize that it is bad form to poo poo other smisery we will keep dishing it out in unmanagable portions. I do not give a shit what happened in the past, is it fair right now. That what we need to strive for. I have no intention of allowing some one make one up on me for some thing some one else did

Actually, we agree. On a level playing field, let's discuss what is right and wrong. Let's dump the ridiculous double standard in favor of establishing a basic set of rules that apply equally to all.
It has been men throughout history who have exhibited "sexual wickedness," i.e. enjoying sex outside of marriage with little or no punishment, and without any nasty names being called them, while religions have come after women and dealt out harsh punishments to them, even execution, for the same or lesser misconduct. What country are you in that the opposite has been true?
The interesting thing is that the gap has closed in promiscuity. I'm not certain it is a good thing.

I perceive it as a very good thing as it clears the way for an honest and open discussion between men, women, and religious leaders about how people should handle their sexual lives. This discussion has been overdue for centuries. While everyone (Christian variety) ostensibly is supposed to believe in no sex before marriage and faithfulness to the spouse thereafter. But men, while encouraging each other to break this code and congratulating those who do, have shoveled horseshit on women for the same or lesser misconduct.

Now we have a level playing field and can get real. What is "sexual morality"? Religious leaders must participate and speak up, given that they have been so loud and consistent that this is what God wants, but seem to have only actually admonished women and never men (as long as they are heterosexual). If this is what the supreme being really wants, and one has to follow this code or be turned away from Heaven, religious leaders have failed to tend to men's immortal souls. Otherwise, the religious angle with which women have traditionally been bombarded is bullshit and God has nothing to do with it.

If Stormy Daniels is not getting into heaven based on her sex life, neither is donald trump.
The real problem is the negative effects it has had on the women themselves.

The Lingering Psychological Effects of Multiple Sex Partners

Is There a Price to Pay for Promiscuity?

Fuck marriage! I will never do it again! As far as the whole women getting away with it or not getting away with sexual promiscuity in the past or today. Some talk about men getting away with it in the past, just who do you think they were cheating with?

Men are the ones who thought up the whole "Madonna/whore" "good girl versus bad girl" nonsense, without also discussing "good boys versus bad boys." It seems that men want women to shoulder the entire burden while they never even considered their own, personal morality. Were they good boys or bad boys, since they obviously were participants in the same act.
A victimes attitude! I will cary my own load thank you! I do n ot know many men wanting thier load carried for them, we quite frankly do not like it when you try! Sorry men did not make opposite exist nature does. Men did not put you where you are today, you are responsible for your own decisions just as I am. If you do not realizehis sooyour life will end with you never having taken control of your own destiny. You want to klnow is responsible for the mistakes in your life look in the mirror. That is what I do. I do not blame my issues on women. I blame my choice for the one that did shit to me, I should have chose better. If you have issues with your man, then you shopuld have chose better also! I made my bed and will lay in it!
The interesting thing is that the gap has closed in promiscuity. I'm not certain it is a good thing.

I perceive it as a very good thing as it clears the way for an honest and open discussion between men, women, and religious leaders about how people should handle their sexual lives. This discussion has been overdue for centuries. While everyone (Christian variety) ostensibly is supposed to believe in no sex before marriage and faithfulness to the spouse thereafter. But men, while encouraging each other to break this code and congratulating those who do, have shoveled horseshit on women for the same or lesser misconduct.

Now we have a level playing field and can get real. What is "sexual morality"? Religious leaders must participate and speak up, given that they have been so loud and consistent that this is what God wants, but seem to have only actually admonished women and never men (as long as they are heterosexual). If this is what the supreme being really wants, and one has to follow this code or be turned away from Heaven, religious leaders have failed to tend to men's immortal souls. Otherwise, the religious angle with which women have traditionally been bombarded is bullshit and God has nothing to do with it.

If Stormy Daniels is not getting into heaven based on her sex life, neither is donald trump.
The real problem is the negative effects it has had on the women themselves.

The Lingering Psychological Effects of Multiple Sex Partners

Is There a Price to Pay for Promiscuity?

Fuck marriage! I will never do it again! As far as the whole women getting away with it or not getting away with sexual promiscuity in the past or today. Some talk about men getting away with it in the past, just who do you think they were cheating with?

Men are the ones who thought up the whole "Madonna/whore" "good girl versus bad girl" nonsense, without also discussing "good boys versus bad boys." It seems that men want women to shoulder the entire burden while they never even considered their own, personal morality. Were they good boys or bad boys, since they obviously were participants in the same act.
A victimes attitude! I will cary my own load thank you! I do n ot know many men wanting thier load carried for them, we quite frankly do not like it when you try! Sorry men did not make opposite exist nature does. Men did not put you where you are today, you are responsible for your own decisions just as I am. If you do not realizehis sooyour life will end with you never having taken control of your own destiny. You want to klnow is responsible for the mistakes in your life look in the mirror. That is what I do. I do not blame my issues on women. I blame my choice for the one that did shit to me, I should have chose better. If you have issues with your man, then you shopuld have chose better also! I made my bed and will lay in it!

Nonsense! I am recommending that each carry his or her own personal load. You missed the point. The question for each of us to answer, supposedly in keeping with religious notions, is how to take personal responsibility for our actions. None of this "well, she let me" garbage when the man accepted a proposition, or what he perceived to be one, rather than refusing to participate and heading home.
I perceive it as a very good thing as it clears the way for an honest and open discussion between men, women, and religious leaders about how people should handle their sexual lives. This discussion has been overdue for centuries. While everyone (Christian variety) ostensibly is supposed to believe in no sex before marriage and faithfulness to the spouse thereafter. But men, while encouraging each other to break this code and congratulating those who do, have shoveled horseshit on women for the same or lesser misconduct.

Now we have a level playing field and can get real. What is "sexual morality"? Religious leaders must participate and speak up, given that they have been so loud and consistent that this is what God wants, but seem to have only actually admonished women and never men (as long as they are heterosexual). If this is what the supreme being really wants, and one has to follow this code or be turned away from Heaven, religious leaders have failed to tend to men's immortal souls. Otherwise, the religious angle with which women have traditionally been bombarded is bullshit and God has nothing to do with it.

If Stormy Daniels is not getting into heaven based on her sex life, neither is donald trump.
The real problem is the negative effects it has had on the women themselves.

The Lingering Psychological Effects of Multiple Sex Partners

Is There a Price to Pay for Promiscuity?

Fuck marriage! I will never do it again! As far as the whole women getting away with it or not getting away with sexual promiscuity in the past or today. Some talk about men getting away with it in the past, just who do you think they were cheating with?

Men are the ones who thought up the whole "Madonna/whore" "good girl versus bad girl" nonsense, without also discussing "good boys versus bad boys." It seems that men want women to shoulder the entire burden while they never even considered their own, personal morality. Were they good boys or bad boys, since they obviously were participants in the same act.
A victimes attitude! I will cary my own load thank you! I do n ot know many men wanting thier load carried for them, we quite frankly do not like it when you try! Sorry men did not make opposite exist nature does. Men did not put you where you are today, you are responsible for your own decisions just as I am. If you do not realizehis sooyour life will end with you never having taken control of your own destiny. You want to klnow is responsible for the mistakes in your life look in the mirror. That is what I do. I do not blame my issues on women. I blame my choice for the one that did shit to me, I should have chose better. If you have issues with your man, then you shopuld have chose better also! I made my bed and will lay in it!

Nonsense! I am recommending that each carry his or her own personal load. You missed the point. The question for each of us to answer, supposedly in keeping with religious notions, is how to take personal responsibility for our actions. None of this "well, she let me" garbage when the man accepted a proposition, or what he perceived to be one, rather than refusing to participate and heading home.
"Men are the ones who thought up the maddona whore thing." Sure seems like the blame thing to me! I said I made my bed I will lay in it, seems like personal responsibilty to me!
Ask any politician in this so called great nation and after they count the number of affairs they have had them that will tell you.
Regardless of gender, anyone reading the op and subsequent posts here would agree that a distorted perception of the female population is evidenced.

So being acutely aware of unjust and unfair things women are doing is distorted perception? So if one doesn't kowtow to females sexual wickedness they have to get treatment? What exactly in my posts do you fault as distorted perception of female population? You and your cahoots are doing something which is unacceptable and you should mend yourselves.

Yes, all things work themselves out. We just may not like the outcome, but there is a self compensating feature at work. If we make bad decisions we suffer consequences. This is how feedback works.

By divorce you mean? Isn't divorce a sign that marriage doesn't work, why even marry if you know it'll end up in divorce? Maybe the church should start refusing to marry couple, if the girl or woman involved is not a virgin. So who is responsible for a child's suffering, in this example, Anna Faith's son? Women put their sons in a situation which a man can never put his daughter in.

As to your assertion that religion treat men more harshly than women for sexual misdeeds, I see it the exact opposite way. Women have been treated more harshly by religion than men. The woman at the well with Christ was alone because she was scorned for having too many husbands.

It has been men throughout history who have exhibited "sexual wickedness," i.e. enjoying sex outside of marriage with little or no punishment, and without any nasty names being called them, while religions have come after women and dealt out harsh punishments to them, even execution, for the same or lesser misconduct. What country are you in that the opposite has been true?

Rubbish! It has been and it still is men who suffer immensely more for their sexual activities than women. Women even now are not thought of as sexual beings. As both of you are replying to the same thing, I'll reply to you both at once:

Do you remember reading or hearing a Jesus Christ's saying which goes something like "a man who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery"? Has Jesus Christ uttered a similar saying against women? That a woman who looks at a man with lust has committed adultery? Is this not men being treated harshly than women? In all probability, Jesus Christ being a man, would have thought women were not even capable of being sexual, heck even until 19th century, people thought women were asexual being.

In your country, there was a time when black men were tortured and killed for even looking at a white woman, something similar didn't happen with black women, black women weren't killed because they looked at white men.

Even now, in almost all countries, only boys and men are thought to commit sexual crimes, like rape, etc, that is why law related sexual crime is written with male pronouns, it assumes only the male gender can commit sexual crimes and female gender is the victim most of the time.

You just have to look at society to see that boys and men are punished more harshly than girls and women, boys and men look at girls and something is done, girls and women look at boys and men, and they are not even seen as committing any crime or wrongdoing.

If a boy or man is accused of anything, they are raped in prison by other boys and men, women don't run this risk.

Lysistrata, the sexual wickedness of men you are referring to, isn't of the same quality as women's.

The interesting thing is that the gap has closed in promiscuity. I'm not certain it is a good thing.

No, girls and women were always in the lead in promiscuity, this biased shows your deep hatred of men, you are deliberately not focusing on the girls and women involved in promiscuity. Even in olden days if a man was involved in promiscuity, it was mostly with women, so don't these women count? For as many men, there were probably more women.
It has been men throughout history who have exhibited "sexual wickedness," i.e. enjoying sex outside of marriage with little or no punishment, and without any nasty names being called them, while religions have come after women and dealt out harsh punishments to them, even execution, for the same or lesser misconduct. What country are you in that the opposite has been true?
The interesting thing is that the gap has closed in promiscuity. I'm not certain it is a good thing.

I perceive it as a very good thing as it clears the way for an honest and open discussion between men, women, and religious leaders about how people should handle their sexual lives. This discussion has been overdue for centuries. While everyone (Christian variety) ostensibly is supposed to believe in no sex before marriage and faithfulness to the spouse thereafter. But men, while encouraging each other to break this code and congratulating those who do, have shoveled horseshit on women for the same or lesser misconduct.

Now we have a level playing field and can get real. What is "sexual morality"? Religious leaders must participate and speak up, given that they have been so loud and consistent that this is what God wants, but seem to have only actually admonished women and never men (as long as they are heterosexual). If this is what the supreme being really wants, and one has to follow this code or be turned away from Heaven, religious leaders have failed to tend to men's immortal souls. Otherwise, the religious angle with which women have traditionally been bombarded is bullshit and God has nothing to do with it.

If Stormy Daniels is not getting into heaven based on her sex life, neither is donald trump.
The real problem is the negative effects it has had on the women themselves.

The Lingering Psychological Effects of Multiple Sex Partners

Is There a Price to Pay for Promiscuity?

Fuck marriage! I will never do it again! As far as the whole women getting away with it or not getting away with sexual promiscuity in the past or today. Some talk about men getting away with it in the past, just who do you think they were cheating with?

Men are the ones who thought up the whole "Madonna/whore" "good girl versus bad girl" nonsense, without also discussing "good boys versus bad boys." It seems that men want women to shoulder the entire burden while they never even considered their own, personal morality. Were they good boys or bad boys, since they obviously were participants in the same act.
Ladies, women, sisters, to be frank, men are hormones on steroids! Truly, you have no idea what nature has done to us.
Sure, nature did a number on you, too, a different number and men don't understand that, either. We're both in the same boat; can' live with 'em, can't shoot 'em (well, we won't go to far into that right now; just a reminder, though, the second amendment applies to women and a .22 pistol can be very small).
To say men are sexually obsessed, especially from the female point of view, is a gross understatement. A fairly typically virile young man could easily mate three times a day and still be on the prowl. The drive is wild. Understandably, his fellow females are less than drawn to this. Unfortunately, the male turns this into frustration. Deep, painful frustration. Rejection. Self doubt. Anger. Suppression of emotion. Not a pretty picture, eh?
Psychology being what it is, this is 'naturally' going to come back on women, subconsciously on the part of the male or not. That doesn't mean it is without hope, however. The right instruction in life easily alleviates, in fact obviates, the errors we would otherwise make. In any case, always keep in mind how much men do, very profoundly, love women.
Ladies, women, sisters, to be frank, men are hormones on steroids! Truly, you have no idea what nature has done to us.
Sure, nature did a number on you, too, a different number and men don't understand that, either. We're both in the same boat; can' live with 'em, can't shoot 'em (well, we won't go to far into that right now; just a reminder, though, the second amendment applies to women and a .22 pistol can be very small).
To say men are sexually obsessed, especially from the female point of view, is a gross understatement. A fairly typically virile young man could easily mate three times a day and still be on the prowl. The drive is wild. Understandably, his fellow females are less than drawn to this. Unfortunately, the male turns this into frustration. Deep, painful frustration. Rejection. Self doubt. Anger. Suppression of emotion. Not a pretty picture, eh?
Psychology being what it is, this is 'naturally' going to come back on women, subconsciously on the part of the male or not. That doesn't mean it is without hope, however. The right instruction in life easily alleviates, in fact obviates, the errors we would otherwise make. In any case, always keep in mind how much men do, very profoundly, love women.

You didn't quote my post, did you deliberately ignore this. The hormones thing is overrated and can't explain all the causes, it is mostly the cognitive programming of boys and men by womankind which causes excessive sex drive in boys and men.
Ladies, women, sisters, to be frank, men are hormones on steroids! Truly, you have no idea what nature has done to us.
Sure, nature did a number on you, too, a different number and men don't understand that, either. We're both in the same boat; can' live with 'em, can't shoot 'em (well, we won't go to far into that right now; just a reminder, though, the second amendment applies to women and a .22 pistol can be very small).
To say men are sexually obsessed, especially from the female point of view, is a gross understatement. A fairly typically virile young man could easily mate three times a day and still be on the prowl. The drive is wild. Understandably, his fellow females are less than drawn to this. Unfortunately, the male turns this into frustration. Deep, painful frustration. Rejection. Self doubt. Anger. Suppression of emotion. Not a pretty picture, eh?
Psychology being what it is, this is 'naturally' going to come back on women, subconsciously on the part of the male or not. That doesn't mean it is without hope, however. The right instruction in life easily alleviates, in fact obviates, the errors we would otherwise make. In any case, always keep in mind how much men do, very profoundly, love women.

You didn't quote my post, did you deliberately ignore this. The hormones thing is overrated and can't explain all the causes, it is mostly the cognitive programming of boys and men by womankind which causes excessive sex drive in boys and men.
The post was a statement, not intended directly as a response.
How you perceive being a man is certainly not going to be identical with how any other man perceives it.
One of the problems being human is that no other person ever feels, experiences, what you do. What seems totally acceptable to a person beside you might be intolerable for you.
In society, one has to navigate not only what we call the physical environment, but also the 'human', mental environment. In the process, navigation is modified to avoid collision with prevailing, majority perceptions. We notice that acting in a certain way receives negative feedback. When this is encountered, when we are blocked, in the 'physical' environment, we continue navigating around the obstacle and continue on. In the 'human environment', ego can lead us to mis-navigate and run aground. We could call it a fault of navigation. It could have been from misreading the obstacle. Whatever cause, the evident problem is a mis-match of the individual's perceptions and those of the surrounding population. Be assured, women have lots of mental problems, perhaps as many as men do. They are capable of doing hateful, hurtful things. Still, anyone is statistically much safer in a large group of women than a large group of men.
What planet and what elementary school are you posting from?

Definitely not the one you are from and the school you learned.

I perceive it as a very good thing as it clears the way for an honest and open discussion between men, women, and religious leaders about how people should handle their sexual lives. This discussion has been overdue for centuries. While everyone (Christian variety) ostensibly is supposed to believe in no sex before marriage and faithfulness to the spouse thereafter. But men, while encouraging each other to break this code and congratulating those who do, have shoveled horseshit on women for the same or lesser misconduct.

Now we have a level playing field and can get real. What is "sexual morality"? Religious leaders must participate and speak up, given that they have been so loud and consistent that this is what God wants, but seem to have only actually admonished women and never men (as long as they are heterosexual). If this is what the supreme being really wants, and one has to follow this code or be turned away from Heaven, religious leaders have failed to tend to men's immortal souls. Otherwise, the religious angle with which women have traditionally been bombarded is bullshit and God has nothing to do with it.

If Stormy Daniels is not getting into heaven based on her sex life, neither is donald trump.

If women wanted an honest and open discussion, they could have done this a long time ago, writing about sexual inequalities, but the whole society has been treating women well so they were nicely enjoying and not talking about it.

You know it as as well as I do that women weren't punished for encouraging others girls and women to sleep around. It has never been the case.

There never was a level playing field, women always had an upper hand, if a woman or girl wanted to have sex, all they had to do was put it out and hundreds of men would queue up, but if a man wanted to have sex, he had to buy it, or jump through hundreds of hoops. Religious leaders have always been very harsh with men, that is why there so many restrictions on men, and so many punishments, hardly anything exists for women, women are not even seen as sexual beings.

How can you even compare what Stormy Daniels did and what Donald Trump did? I'm not G-D and I won't even dare to presume how a G-D's view goes on these issues. There are two components to every sexual need, the active and passive, Stormy Daniels was able to satisfy both, can you say Donald Trump could? Stormy Daniels was paid to dance nude, have sex, be photographed and taken a video of, while doing those things, all these things would have made her enjoy her passive sexuality, has Donald Trump been treated in the same way? Almost any boy or man would pay to see Stormy Daniels, no girl or woman would even pay to see Donald Trump at any age.
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Little in your thread has anything to do with marriage.

Since you have never been in a Western country I will try to help.

Women (and men) have the right to decide who they marry. They have the right to decide who they show their bodies. Actors and Actresses play roles- and sometimes that includes holding hands and even kissing- and we are okay with that.

No- not any mental sickness- we just think girls and women are human beings with the same rights as men.

Sexual integrity in a marriage is a crucial component of it, without it is it even a marriage. And girls and women seem to doing everything in their power to live it up with their sexual wickedness. These rights men don't have, it's definitely mental sickness because these things cause pain to their boys and men, like fathers, sons, etc..
'girls and women ...live it up with their sexual wickedness....'

Why do you hold women to a different standard than men?

I think you are confused about what 'mental sickness' is.

Among so many other things.

Again- we just think that women have equal rights with men.

You clearly don't.
What planet and what elementary school are you posting from?

Definitely not the one you are from and the school you learned.

I perceive it as a very good thing as it clears the way for an honest and open discussion between men, women, and religious leaders about how people should handle their sexual lives. This discussion has been overdue for centuries. While everyone (Christian variety) ostensibly is supposed to believe in no sex before marriage and faithfulness to the spouse thereafter. But men, while encouraging each other to break this code and congratulating those who do, have shoveled horseshit on women for the same or lesser misconduct.

Now we have a level playing field and can get real. What is "sexual morality"? Religious leaders must participate and speak up, given that they have been so loud and consistent that this is what God wants, but seem to have only actually admonished women and never men (as long as they are heterosexual). If this is what the supreme being really wants, and one has to follow this code or be turned away from Heaven, religious leaders have failed to tend to men's immortal souls. Otherwise, the religious angle with which women have traditionally been bombarded is bullshit and God has nothing to do with it.

If Stormy Daniels is not getting into heaven based on her sex life, neither is donald trump.

If women wanted an honest and open discussion, they could have done this a long time ago, writing about sexual inequalities, but the whole society has been treating women well so they were nicely enjoying and not talking about it..

And women have been writing about sexual inequalities- at least in the West for over 150 years.

You seem rather ignorant about much- like the whole history of women's suffrage, the battle for birth control, the concept of marital rape.

Tell us how women act- and are treated in your country?

And how do you act?
'girls and women ...live it up with their sexual wickedness....'

Why do you hold women to a different standard than men?

I think you are confused about what 'mental sickness' is.

Among so many other things.

Again- we just think that women have equal rights with men.

You clearly don't.

I'm not holding women to a different standard than men you stupid dumb bitch. Women have a free pass.

Not really, one of the forms of mental sickness is hurting and causing pain while obtaining pleasure.

And you bitches and sons of bitches don't think men need to have equal rights? Where have I wrote that women shouldn't?

And women have been writing about sexual inequalities- at least in the West for over 150 years.

You seem rather ignorant about much- like the whole history of women's suffrage, the battle for birth control, the concept of marital rape.

Tell us how women act- and are treated in your country?

And how do you act?

No, you bitches haven't been writing about sexual inequalities, you bitches have been whining about what you deluded bitches felt was wrong.

No, no, I'm aware of women's suffrage, etc and I don't even think they rank as any achievements you bitch should be proud of.
Isn’t there a minimum age limit to post here?

Aren't you a special kind of idiot?

Whatever I've written about are mature issues almost every person thinks but no one talks about, have men have become so sexually submissive, they accept whatever these bitches are doing living it up with their sexuality?
Fuck marriage! I will never do it again! As far as the whole women getting away with it or not getting away with sexual promiscuity in the past or today. Some talk about men getting away with it in the past, just who do you think they were cheating with?

Men are the ones who thought up the whole "Madonna/whore" "good girl versus bad girl" nonsense, without also discussing "good boys versus bad boys." It seems that men want women to shoulder the entire burden while they never even considered their own, personal morality. Were they good boys or bad boys, since they obviously were participants in the same act.
A victimes attitude! I will cary my own load thank you! I do n ot know many men wanting thier load carried for them, we quite frankly do not like it when you try! Sorry men did not make opposite exist nature does. Men did not put you where you are today, you are responsible for your own decisions just as I am. If you do not realizehis sooyour life will end with you never having taken control of your own destiny. You want to klnow is responsible for the mistakes in your life look in the mirror. That is what I do. I do not blame my issues on women. I blame my choice for the one that did shit to me, I should have chose better. If you have issues with your man, then you shopuld have chose better also! I made my bed and will lay in it!

Nonsense! I am recommending that each carry his or her own personal load. You missed the point. The question for each of us to answer, supposedly in keeping with religious notions, is how to take personal responsibility for our actions. None of this "well, she let me" garbage when the man accepted a proposition, or what he perceived to be one, rather than refusing to participate and heading home.
"Men are the ones who thought up the maddona whore thing." Sure seems like the blame thing to me! I said I made my bed I will lay in it, seems like personal responsibilty to me!

Well, women certainly did not set it up, given that it clearly puts them at a distinct disadvantage. When was it made law that one cannot blame someone for something that they actually did?
Read some of what the nasty crew of ancient bitch-boys who came to be revered as the "fathers of the [Christian] church wrote about women, who were kept illiterate in those days and couldn't fight back. Read some Turtullian, for instance:

Tertullian, the founder of Western theology, said in A.D. 22: “Woman is a temple built over a sewer, the gateway to the devil. Woman, you are the devil’s doorway. You should always go in mourning and in rags.”
Are These Sexist Quotes By Catholic Saints Real?

These so called "church fathers" actually were disgusting little bitches.

Please explain why men want to marry a totally sexually inexperienced woman, and yet will bed just about anyone and then, after sharing a bed with a woman, will call her all sorts of vile names.

I would love to see a survey of every adult person in the U.S. as to whether s/he ever had non-marital sex. It would be a real hoot.
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