What Motivates Hatred of Cops?

Please do tell. Btw, bear in mind that we've heard all the 'gentle giant Big Mike' stories.

Yours please.

I have no idea who "gentle giant big Mike" is.

Mine I've related many times here, short version: I was accosted by two cops (who never identified themselves as such) who pulled guns on me, threw me up against a wall and started going through my pockets.

What was I doing at the time? Walking home from work after disembarking from the 23 trolley.

And I might add, it pissed them off when they found no wallet on me (because it had been stolen in a mugging a couple of days prior). To be exact the one's words were, "what the fuck you doing walking around without ID for"?

Strangely he did not say it in a German accent. Ironically (for you), my first thought was to say, "hey, I didn't know we were in FUCKING CZECHOSLOVAKIA". But I didn't.

They put me in handcuffs and drove me back down Germantown Avenue (in the direction I had just come from, so I didn't even get free travel out of the deal) to a murder scene, which is where I started looking around in the (unmarked) car for some clue as to who the fuck these guys were and figured it out on my own.

Turns out they were looking for a murder suspect whose description utterly didn't match me in any way whatsoever.

Sometimes I cite this incident in gun threads as an example of what would have happened if I believed in the bullshit gun mentality of walking around armed. Two nondescript guys in a nondescript car pointing guns at me with no warning at all? There would have been anywhere from one to three dead there -- again for no reason.

These two were the same race as me. It ain't about race; it's about personal power trips. And specifically it's about the institutional Warrior Mentality. They seem to think they're an occupying army, and We the People are the enemy.
We've heard these stories before. Prisons are full of innocent people too.

Look, I don't know what happened to you and no doubt sometimes cops go too far, but I am left with the distinct impression that you're no choir boy either. That is why I said thug lifestyle.
This kind of idiocy fuels the hate as well. ^^^^

You have idiots that rationalize there must be a valid reason for cops attacking you. Anything but the truth being the cops were out of control as the videos are now showing.

I kinda knew it was a waste of time even recounting a quick version for a prejudiced asshole who can't see beyond his own prejudices. Wouldn't matter what the story was or how authentic -- there's always more sand for the ostriches.
After hearing about jungle bunny civilizations and various sworn exploits from people I consider of your caliber, perhaps you can understand my reticence. Sorry, you don't seem that much more reliable than most other thugs.


You asked, I obliged. If you weren't going to accept any answer that didn't fit a "jungle bunny" mentality, then you shouldn't have asked in the first place.

That's why you're dismissed. Now piss off and quit wasting everybody's time on what could be a worthy issue.
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All of the above. However, I think the news media creates must of the hatred due to distortions in reporting. Hardly a day goes by without some real or alleged police misuse of their authority being reported. This is a tiny amount compared to the more 1.1 million law enforcement officers in the US. Yet these these stories shape the opinions of millions of people. Due to this perception of the police, a lot of people see the police as a danger and not someone who is dedicated to protect and serve.

One thing I have noticed is that when cops clearly murder someone, and are usually arrested and convicted those stories quickly fade away.

It's when there is reasonable doubt the cop was wrong the incident is hyped, misreported and stays in the spotlight. Such as that "hand up don't shoot" bullshit.

Why do you think the media would attempt to manipulate the public like that? Who benefits from riots and looting?

I'll tell you who...

The democrook party. Anything that maintains racial strife or inflames it empowers race-baiters. After riots people generally demand the police are better equipped, then object when they roll out the MRAPs. There are always calls for more gun control and welfare money as well.

I am not kidding when I say liberal political whores are criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths.

Again here we have pure idiocy parading as opinion. Its amusing that people assume that cops (who are the first contact) are going to tell on themselves and be sent to prison. In fact they have been caught in lies more than a few times yet idiots such as you continue to grant them deity status. :laugh:
I have no idea who "gentle giant big Mike" is.

Mine I've related many times here, short version: I was accosted by two cops (who never identified themselves as such) who pulled guns on me, threw me up against a wall and started going through my pockets.

What was I doing at the time? Walking home from work after disembarking from the 23 trolley.

And I might add, it pissed them off when they found no wallet on me (because it had been stolen in a mugging a couple of days prior). To be exact the one's words were, "what the fuck you doing walking around without ID for"?

Strangely he did not say it in a German accent. Ironically (for you), my first thought was to say, "hey, I didn't know we were in FUCKING CZECHOSLOVAKIA". But I didn't.

They put me in handcuffs and drove me back down Germantown Avenue (in the direction I had just come from, so I didn't even get free travel out of the deal) to a murder scene, which is where I started looking around in the (unmarked) car for some clue as to who the fuck these guys were and figured it out on my own.

Turns out they were looking for a murder suspect whose description utterly didn't match me in any way whatsoever.

Sometimes I cite this incident in gun threads as an example of what would have happened if I believed in the bullshit gun mentality of walking around armed. Two nondescript guys in a nondescript car pointing guns at me with no warning at all? There would have been anywhere from one to three dead there -- again for no reason.

These two were the same race as me. It ain't about race; it's about personal power trips. And specifically it's about the institutional Warrior Mentality. They seem to think they're an occupying army, and We the People are the enemy.
We've heard these stories before. Prisons are full of innocent people too.

Look, I don't know what happened to you and no doubt sometimes cops go too far, but I am left with the distinct impression that you're no choir boy either. That is why I said thug lifestyle.
This kind of idiocy fuels the hate as well. ^^^^

You have idiots that rationalize there must be a valid reason for cops attacking you. Anything but the truth being the cops were out of control as the videos are now showing.

I kinda knew it was a waste of time even recounting a quick version for a prejudiced asshole who can't see beyond his own prejudices. Wouldn't matter what the story was or how authentic -- there's always more sand for the ostriches.
After hearing about jungle bunny civilizations and various sworn exploits from people I consider of your caliber, perhaps you can understand my reticence. Sorry, you don't seem that much more reliable than most other thugs.


You asked, I obliged. If you weren't going to accept any answer that didn't fit a "jungle bunny" mentality, then you shouldn't have asked in the first place.

That's why you're dismissed. No piss off and quit wasting everybody's time on what could be a worthy issue.
To be fair, I did tell you about the Big Mike stories. Perhaps if you had understood you would have come up with something a little less cliche and more believable.
We've heard these stories before. Prisons are full of innocent people too.

Look, I don't know what happened to you and no doubt sometimes cops go too far, but I am left with the distinct impression that you're no choir boy either. That is why I said thug lifestyle.
This kind of idiocy fuels the hate as well. ^^^^

You have idiots that rationalize there must be a valid reason for cops attacking you. Anything but the truth being the cops were out of control as the videos are now showing.

I kinda knew it was a waste of time even recounting a quick version for a prejudiced asshole who can't see beyond his own prejudices. Wouldn't matter what the story was or how authentic -- there's always more sand for the ostriches.
After hearing about jungle bunny civilizations and various sworn exploits from people I consider of your caliber, perhaps you can understand my reticence. Sorry, you don't seem that much more reliable than most other thugs.


You asked, I obliged. If you weren't going to accept any answer that didn't fit a "jungle bunny" mentality, then you shouldn't have asked in the first place.

That's why you're dismissed. No piss off and quit wasting everybody's time on what could be a worthy issue.
To be fair, I did tell you about the perhaps if you had understood you would have come up with something a little less cliche and more believable.
This from the timid racist that is afraid to even live in the US. I cant believe he actually believes what he thinks matters. :laugh:
This kind of idiocy fuels the hate as well. ^^^^

You have idiots that rationalize there must be a valid reason for cops attacking you. Anything but the truth being the cops were out of control as the videos are now showing.

I kinda knew it was a waste of time even recounting a quick version for a prejudiced asshole who can't see beyond his own prejudices. Wouldn't matter what the story was or how authentic -- there's always more sand for the ostriches.
After hearing about jungle bunny civilizations and various sworn exploits from people I consider of your caliber, perhaps you can understand my reticence. Sorry, you don't seem that much more reliable than most other thugs.


You asked, I obliged. If you weren't going to accept any answer that didn't fit a "jungle bunny" mentality, then you shouldn't have asked in the first place.

That's why you're dismissed. No piss off and quit wasting everybody's time on what could be a worthy issue.
To be fair, I did tell you about the perhaps if you had understood you would have come up with something a little less cliche and more believable.
This from the timid racist that is afraid to even live in the US. I cant believe he actually believes what he thinks matters. :laugh:
I grant you that I am no Walter Mitty race pimp, avenging perceived slights by bringing the vengeance of a strong black man upon weakling white racists, but I thought it might stretch the limits of credulity a bit much, especially after Martin, Brown and the veracity of other thugs.
For the most part, I don't think White people hate police officers as much as Black folk because they subconsciously see them enforcing the values and concepts that Western/European society are based on. Minorities are hostile towards the police because they enforce laws that are alien to their culture and thus remind them that they're outsiders, which could manifest itself into a level of frustration and isolation that could lead them to acting violently to such a visible, active bastion of White culture.
White people hate cops just as much as anyone. You sound like an idiot.

No need to get so defensive, Asclepias. It's not like I've just asked for your license and registration.
He gets that way when you ask him about his jungle bunny civilization stories too.

The one where Bantu nanotechnologists created the first microchip of the one where Ashanti astrophysicists put the first watermelon in space?
For the most part, I don't think White people hate police officers as much as Black folk because they subconsciously see them enforcing the values and concepts that Western/European society are based on. Minorities are hostile towards the police because they enforce laws that are alien to their culture and thus remind them that they're outsiders, which could manifest itself into a level of frustration and isolation that could lead them to acting violently to such a visible, active bastion of White culture.
White people hate cops just as much as anyone. You sound like an idiot.

No need to get so defensive, Asclepias. It's not like I've just asked for your license and registration.
He gets that way when you ask him about his jungle bunny civilization stories too.

The one where Bantu nanotechnologists created the first microchip of the one where Ashanti astrophysicists put the first watermelon in space?
More evidence of your illiteracy. A "nanotechnologist" would create a nano chip not a microchip moron. :laugh:

  1. the branch of technology that deals with dimensions and tolerances of less than 100 nanometers, especially the manipulation of individual atoms and molecules.
I kinda knew it was a waste of time even recounting a quick version for a prejudiced asshole who can't see beyond his own prejudices. Wouldn't matter what the story was or how authentic -- there's always more sand for the ostriches.
After hearing about jungle bunny civilizations and various sworn exploits from people I consider of your caliber, perhaps you can understand my reticence. Sorry, you don't seem that much more reliable than most other thugs.


You asked, I obliged. If you weren't going to accept any answer that didn't fit a "jungle bunny" mentality, then you shouldn't have asked in the first place.

That's why you're dismissed. No piss off and quit wasting everybody's time on what could be a worthy issue.
To be fair, I did tell you about the perhaps if you had understood you would have come up with something a little less cliche and more believable.
This from the timid racist that is afraid to even live in the US. I cant believe he actually believes what he thinks matters. :laugh:
I grant you that I am no Walter Mitty race pimp, avenging perceived slights by bringing the vengeance of a strong black man upon weakling white racists, but I thought it might stretch the limits of credulity a bit much, especially after Martin, Brown and the veracity of other thugs.

Whoever Walter Mitty is I'm sure he is more intelligent than you are on his worse day and a lot less timid.
We've heard these stories before. Prisons are full of innocent people too.

Look, I don't know what happened to you and no doubt sometimes cops go too far, but I am left with the distinct impression that you're no choir boy either. That is why I said thug lifestyle.
This kind of idiocy fuels the hate as well. ^^^^

You have idiots that rationalize there must be a valid reason for cops attacking you. Anything but the truth being the cops were out of control as the videos are now showing.

I kinda knew it was a waste of time even recounting a quick version for a prejudiced asshole who can't see beyond his own prejudices. Wouldn't matter what the story was or how authentic -- there's always more sand for the ostriches.
After hearing about jungle bunny civilizations and various sworn exploits from people I consider of your caliber, perhaps you can understand my reticence. Sorry, you don't seem that much more reliable than most other thugs.


You asked, I obliged. If you weren't going to accept any answer that didn't fit a "jungle bunny" mentality, then you shouldn't have asked in the first place.

That's why you're dismissed. Now piss off and quit wasting everybody's time on what could be a worthy issue.
To be fair, I did tell you about the Big Mike stories. Perhaps if you had understood you would have come up with something a little less cliche and more believable.

I don't know who the fuck "Big Mike" is. I know no such person.
Is there some part of "piss off and quit wasting everybody's time" that's less than clear?
Why assasinate a cop, for revenge, for angst, because they need to take out retribution, there are several reasons...Yet it is not a black only action..

why do cops assassinate perps?
After hearing about jungle bunny civilizations and various sworn exploits from people I consider of your caliber, perhaps you can understand my reticence. Sorry, you don't seem that much more reliable than most other thugs.


You asked, I obliged. If you weren't going to accept any answer that didn't fit a "jungle bunny" mentality, then you shouldn't have asked in the first place.

That's why you're dismissed. No piss off and quit wasting everybody's time on what could be a worthy issue.
To be fair, I did tell you about the perhaps if you had understood you would have come up with something a little less cliche and more believable.
This from the timid racist that is afraid to even live in the US. I cant believe he actually believes what he thinks matters. :laugh:
I grant you that I am no Walter Mitty race pimp, avenging perceived slights by bringing the vengeance of a strong black man upon weakling white racists, but I thought it might stretch the limits of credulity a bit much, especially after Martin, Brown and the veracity of other thugs.

Whoever Walter Mitty is I'm sure he is more intelligent than you are on his worse day and a lot less timid.
Walter is a character which lives his life in an imaginary reality to offset his dull life..
This kind of idiocy fuels the hate as well. ^^^^

You have idiots that rationalize there must be a valid reason for cops attacking you. Anything but the truth being the cops were out of control as the videos are now showing.

I kinda knew it was a waste of time even recounting a quick version for a prejudiced asshole who can't see beyond his own prejudices. Wouldn't matter what the story was or how authentic -- there's always more sand for the ostriches.
After hearing about jungle bunny civilizations and various sworn exploits from people I consider of your caliber, perhaps you can understand my reticence. Sorry, you don't seem that much more reliable than most other thugs.


You asked, I obliged. If you weren't going to accept any answer that didn't fit a "jungle bunny" mentality, then you shouldn't have asked in the first place.

That's why you're dismissed. Now piss off and quit wasting everybody's time on what could be a worthy issue.
To be fair, I did tell you about the Big Mike stories. Perhaps if you had understood you would have come up with something a little less cliche and more believable.

I don't know who the fuck "Big Mike" is. I know no such person.
Is there some part of "piss off and quit wasting everybody's time" that's less than clear?
mike is the teen that was killed in Ferguson...

You asked, I obliged. If you weren't going to accept any answer that didn't fit a "jungle bunny" mentality, then you shouldn't have asked in the first place.

That's why you're dismissed. No piss off and quit wasting everybody's time on what could be a worthy issue.
To be fair, I did tell you about the perhaps if you had understood you would have come up with something a little less cliche and more believable.
This from the timid racist that is afraid to even live in the US. I cant believe he actually believes what he thinks matters. :laugh:
I grant you that I am no Walter Mitty race pimp, avenging perceived slights by bringing the vengeance of a strong black man upon weakling white racists, but I thought it might stretch the limits of credulity a bit much, especially after Martin, Brown and the veracity of other thugs.

Whoever Walter Mitty is I'm sure he is more intelligent than you are on his worse day and a lot less timid.
Walter is a character which lives his life in an imaginary reality to offset his dull life..
Sounds like thats exactly what meathead does. I wonder why he lied and said he was no Walter Mitty?

You asked, I obliged. If you weren't going to accept any answer that didn't fit a "jungle bunny" mentality, then you shouldn't have asked in the first place.

That's why you're dismissed. No piss off and quit wasting everybody's time on what could be a worthy issue.
To be fair, I did tell you about the perhaps if you had understood you would have come up with something a little less cliche and more believable.
This from the timid racist that is afraid to even live in the US. I cant believe he actually believes what he thinks matters. :laugh:
I grant you that I am no Walter Mitty race pimp, avenging perceived slights by bringing the vengeance of a strong black man upon weakling white racists, but I thought it might stretch the limits of credulity a bit much, especially after Martin, Brown and the veracity of other thugs.

Whoever Walter Mitty is I'm sure he is more intelligent than you are on his worse day and a lot less timid.
Walter is a character which lives his life in an imaginary reality to offset his dull life..
Bingo! Asc with more imagination a intellect.
What in your opinion drives someone to randomly assassinate cops? Do you think it is simply a pathological hatred of authority? Or is it the result of cumulative resentment based on experiences and/or observation of abusive and/or brutal police misconduct?
All of the above. However, I think the news media creates must of the hatred due to distortions in reporting. Hardly a day goes by without some real or alleged police misuse of their authority being reported. This is a tiny amount compared to the more 1.1 million law enforcement officers in the US. Yet these these stories shape the opinions of millions of people. Due to this perception of the police, a lot of people see the police as a danger and not someone who is dedicated to protect and serve.
I disagree. I never saw cop misconduct portrayed in the media and I hated cops with a passion. My hate came from personal observation and experience with them.
You seem to be in the minority. 9 out of 10 residents that have had contact with the police said they were treated fairly. Actually only about 16 to 17% have any contact with the police and half those are with traffic stops and accidents. Yet according to a Gallup poll only 52% of the people said they lacked confidence in the police. I think it's pretty clear that the vast majority of the people form their opinion of the police based on media reports, not personal contact. The most followed media stories about the police generally portrays the police as either just doing their job or grossly violating public confidence.
.In U.S., Confidence in Police Lowest in 22 Years
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What in your opinion drives someone to randomly assassinate cops?

Do you think it is simply a pathological hatred of authority? Or is it the result of cumulative resentment based on experience(s) and/or observation(s) of abusive and/or brutal police misconduct?

By puberty, everyone rebels against parental authority. not everyone then goes from that though to patricide. Dislike of authority and murder are very different things and those who murder police specificly aren't sharing something in common with those who have a more generalized resentment of authority figures.

As with murder in the general sense, the reasons are many and personalized to the offender. Not going to find anything looking for some one-size fits all reason for it.
I think it's pretty clear that the vast majority of the people form their opinion of the police based on media reports, not personal contact.

That would have to work both ways though. There may be negative reports today, particularly in the blogosphere and YouTube, but there's a lot more (and always has been) a great deal of TV media splash, appropriately enough called "programming" (a synonym would be 'propaganda'), from Dragnet and Adam-12 through that ridiculous "COPS" show all making the case subtly that such overbearing power trips are actually "normal".

So there's media distortion both ways, and neither extreme represents the whole, but such distortion used to be all one way. And in the mainstream still is.
That would have to work both ways though. There may be negative reports today, particularly in the blogosphere and YouTube, but there's a lot more (and always has been) a great deal of TV media splash, appropriately enough called "programming" (a synonym would be 'propaganda'), from Dragnet and Adam-12 through that ridiculous "COPS" show all making the case subtly that such overbearing power trips are actually "normal".

So there's media distortion both ways, and neither extreme represents the whole, but such distortion used to be all one way. And in the mainstream still is.
What is it about the COPS reality series you find "ridiculous."

While I'm sure the individual episodes are selected to present the most favorable examples to the host agencies there is no question that each episode is real. What must be kept in mind while watching these episodes is the individual cops are aware their actions and behavior are being filmed for public presentation.

Watching one or two episodes of COPS is not enough to form any solid impressions. But if one has sufficient interest in the current controversy over police performance the more time one spends watching these episodes the more substantive his/her awareness and understanding of police attitudes and practices on a nationwide basis will be.
That would have to work both ways though. There may be negative reports today, particularly in the blogosphere and YouTube, but there's a lot more (and always has been) a great deal of TV media splash, appropriately enough called "programming" (a synonym would be 'propaganda'), from Dragnet and Adam-12 through that ridiculous "COPS" show all making the case subtly that such overbearing power trips are actually "normal".

So there's media distortion both ways, and neither extreme represents the whole, but such distortion used to be all one way. And in the mainstream still is.
What is it about the COPS reality series you find "ridiculous."

While I'm sure the individual episodes are selected to present the most favorable examples to the host agencies there is no question that each episode is real. What must be kept in mind while watching these episodes is the individual cops are aware their actions and behavior are being filmed for public presentation.

Watching one or two episodes of COPS is not enough to form any solid impressions. But if one has sufficient interest in the current controversy over police performance the more time one spends watching these episodes the more substantive his/her awareness and understanding of police attitudes and practices on a nationwide basis will be.
The cops show incredible restraint for the most part on that series. They do know they are being filmed.

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