What Needs to be Done to Stop Islamic Terrorism is not Difficult to Understand.

Islamic terrorism against the US started when we began meddling in the affairs of Middle Eastern countries.

That is how you stop it. Stop meddling.

That is complete nonsense. Buying oil from the Middle East is 'meddling' in some minds, so it cant be helped.

And terroism is not a justifiable response to mere 'meddling'.

Why do people have to continue to remind you Marxist libtards to stop blaming the victim on matters related to Islamic Terrorism?

Trump will tell you the iraq war started all this mess.

No he would not, not in context anyway. Themess started a couple of centuries ago with the founding of Wahhabiism.
But why dont we do it?

Because we have allowed anti-Western minded morons to take control of our government, of our universities that train the people that run our government and our journalist profession who present the picture of what is happening to the People who elect the people that run our government.

And so the things that history shows actually works are not even considered.

In short, this whole thing is preventable, but is allowed by the Marxist left in order to create the chaos needed to deplete our resources, distract us from the home-guard and to begin a violent Marxist civil war like the many we saw in Central America.

We are losing this effort because the leadership of the Left wants us to fail and give them their window of opportunity to establish their Dictatorship of the Proletariate.

Trump will be our Somoza and the millions of illegal aliens will be our indigenous population fighting in the boondocks for an overthrow of our government.

So this shit is only going to get worse and worse until we either find our Pinochet or Fujimori.
So you are calling for crimes against humanity. Oooooookayyyyyy...
If you understood that, you're doing a lot better than me. LOL and WTF
But why dont we do it?

Because we have allowed anti-Western minded morons to take control of our government, of our universities that train the people that run our government and our journalist profession who present the picture of what is happening to the People who elect the people that run our government.

And so the things that history shows actually works are not even considered.

In short, this whole thing is preventable, but is allowed by the Marxist left in order to create the chaos needed to deplete our resources, distract us from the home-guard and to begin a violent Marxist civil war like the many we saw in Central America.

We are losing this effort because the leadership of the Left wants us to fail and give them their window of opportunity to establish their Dictatorship of the Proletariate.

Trump will be our Somoza and the millions of illegal aliens will be our indigenous population fighting in the boondocks for an overthrow of our government.

So this shit is only going to get worse and worse until we either find our Pinochet or Fujimori.

Islamic terrorism against the US started when we began meddling in the affairs of Middle Eastern countries.

That is how you stop it. Stop meddling.
ok so say we stop meddling,and it still goes on.....then what would you suggest?
But why dont we do it?

Because we have allowed anti-Western minded morons to take control of our government, of our universities that train the people that run our government and our journalist profession who present the picture of what is happening to the People who elect the people that run our government.

And so the things that history shows actually works are not even considered.

In short, this whole thing is preventable, but is allowed by the Marxist left in order to create the chaos needed to deplete our resources, distract us from the home-guard and to begin a violent Marxist civil war like the many we saw in Central America.

We are losing this effort because the leadership of the Left wants us to fail and give them their window of opportunity to establish their Dictatorship of the Proletariate.

Trump will be our Somoza and the millions of illegal aliens will be our indigenous population fighting in the boondocks for an overthrow of our government.

So this shit is only going to get worse and worse until we either find our Pinochet or Fujimori.

Islamic terrorism against the US started when we began meddling in the affairs of Middle Eastern countries.

That is how you stop it. Stop meddling.

We had 8 years of Clinton before the worst terrorist attack ever on our soil. Funny how the left only looks at things post 9/11. And there were countless attacks before 9/11 that go way back in history. The terrorists always say the reason is because Islam should rule the world. They want a caliphate and sharia law to be imposed all over the world. Just what could we do to change that? Their mentality goes back centuries and hasn't changed much.

Seems that Obama's sympathy toward the radicals has emboldened them and they've stepped up their effort the past 7 years. Obama gave them a green light. His foreign policy has favored the radical Muslims.
The carpet bombing of Raqqa, Syria...
...would kill hundreds of thousands of the innocent hostage population.
We will drop tons of leaflets and broadcast warnings for the civilians to get the hell out of Dodge. Those who don't go get beaucoup virgils.
You must have a different definition of "hostages" than I have. Don't you think if they could have left they would have done so already?
But why dont we do it?

Because we have allowed anti-Western minded morons to take control of our government, of our universities that train the people that run our government and our journalist profession who present the picture of what is happening to the People who elect the people that run our government.

And so the things that history shows actually works are not even considered.

In short, this whole thing is preventable, but is allowed by the Marxist left in order to create the chaos needed to deplete our resources, distract us from the home-guard and to begin a violent Marxist civil war like the many we saw in Central America.

We are losing this effort because the leadership of the Left wants us to fail and give them their window of opportunity to establish their Dictatorship of the Proletariate.

Trump will be our Somoza and the millions of illegal aliens will be our indigenous population fighting in the boondocks for an overthrow of our government.

So this shit is only going to get worse and worse until we either find our Pinochet or Fujimori.

Islamic terrorism against the US started when we began meddling in the affairs of Middle Eastern countries.

That is how you stop it. Stop meddling.
ok so say we stop meddling,and it still goes on.....then what would you suggest?

It might for a time. The grudge is strong.

If we don't stop...we know it won't end.
Islamic terrorism against the US started when we began meddling in the affairs of Middle Eastern countries.

That is how you stop it. Stop meddling.

That is complete nonsense. Buying oil from the Middle East is 'meddling' in some minds, so it cant be helped.

And terroism is not a justifiable response to mere 'meddling'.

Why do people have to continue to remind you Marxist libtards to stop blaming the victim on matters related to Islamic Terrorism?

Trump will tell you the iraq war started all this mess.

No he would not, not in context anyway. Themess started a couple of centuries ago with the founding of Wahhabiism.

So you don't even listen to him?

"Obviously the war in Iraq was a big, fat mistake, all right?” said Trump. "George Bush made a mistake, we can make mistakes. But that one was a beauty."
But why dont we do it?

Because we have allowed anti-Western minded morons to take control of our government, of our universities that train the people that run our government and our journalist profession who present the picture of what is happening to the People who elect the people that run our government.

And so the things that history shows actually works are not even considered.

In short, this whole thing is preventable, but is allowed by the Marxist left in order to create the chaos needed to deplete our resources, distract us from the home-guard and to begin a violent Marxist civil war like the many we saw in Central America.

We are losing this effort because the leadership of the Left wants us to fail and give them their window of opportunity to establish their Dictatorship of the Proletariate.

Trump will be our Somoza and the millions of illegal aliens will be our indigenous population fighting in the boondocks for an overthrow of our government.

So this shit is only going to get worse and worse until we either find our Pinochet or Fujimori.

Islamic terrorism against the US started when we began meddling in the affairs of Middle Eastern countries.

That is how you stop it. Stop meddling.

Right we should get completely out of the middle east we should not trade with them we should not allow them to immigrate here

we should have absolutely nothing to do with them
ok so say we stop meddling,and it still goes on.....then what would you suggest?
The Middle East is about 100 years behind the West, and it must go through a transition similar to what the West went through, which was extremely destructive and bloody (WWI and WWII). I just don't see any way around that.

So our best policy would probably be to stay as much out of the way of that transition as possible, and wait for the Arabs to come out the other side.
But why dont we do it?

Because we have allowed anti-Western minded morons to take control of our government, of our universities that train the people that run our government and our journalist profession who present the picture of what is happening to the People who elect the people that run our government.

And so the things that history shows actually works are not even considered.

In short, this whole thing is preventable, but is allowed by the Marxist left in order to create the chaos needed to deplete our resources, distract us from the home-guard and to begin a violent Marxist civil war like the many we saw in Central America.

We are losing this effort because the leadership of the Left wants us to fail and give them their window of opportunity to establish their Dictatorship of the Proletariate.

Trump will be our Somoza and the millions of illegal aliens will be our indigenous population fighting in the boondocks for an overthrow of our government.

So this shit is only going to get worse and worse until we either find our Pinochet or Fujimori.

Islamic terrorism against the US started when we began meddling in the affairs of Middle Eastern countries.

That is how you stop it. Stop meddling.

We had 8 years of Clinton before the worst terrorist attack ever on our soil. Funny how the left only looks at things post 9/11. And there were countless attacks before 9/11 that go way back in history. The terrorists always say the reason is because Islam should rule the world. They want a caliphate and sharia law to be imposed all over the world. Just what could we do to change that? Their mentality goes back centuries and hasn't changed much.

Seems that Obama's sympathy toward the radicals has emboldened them and they've stepped up their effort the past 7 years. Obama gave them a green light. His foreign policy has favored the radical Muslims.

9/11 came about because of Bush Sr.'s invasion of Iraq in 1991, and the subsequent stationing of troops in the ME.
But why dont we do it?

Because we have allowed anti-Western minded morons to take control of our government, of our universities that train the people that run our government and our journalist profession who present the picture of what is happening to the People who elect the people that run our government.

And so the things that history shows actually works are not even considered.

In short, this whole thing is preventable, but is allowed by the Marxist left in order to create the chaos needed to deplete our resources, distract us from the home-guard and to begin a violent Marxist civil war like the many we saw in Central America.

We are losing this effort because the leadership of the Left wants us to fail and give them their window of opportunity to establish their Dictatorship of the Proletariate.

Trump will be our Somoza and the millions of illegal aliens will be our indigenous population fighting in the boondocks for an overthrow of our government.

So this shit is only going to get worse and worse until we either find our Pinochet or Fujimori.

Islamic terrorism against the US started when we began meddling in the affairs of Middle Eastern countries.

That is how you stop it. Stop meddling.

Right we should get completely out of the middle east we should not trade with them we should not allow them to immigrate here

we should have absolutely nothing to do with them
It's not that black and white.
It might for a time. The grudge is strong.

If we don't stop...we know it won't end.
Except for the FACT that Islamic terrorism is not the result of a grudge at all. They went to war with us long before we ever invaded Iraq or Afghanistan.

Lol, stupid fools.
But why dont we do it?

Because we have allowed anti-Western minded morons to take control of our government, of our universities that train the people that run our government and our journalist profession who present the picture of what is happening to the People who elect the people that run our government.

And so the things that history shows actually works are not even considered.

In short, this whole thing is preventable, but is allowed by the Marxist left in order to create the chaos needed to deplete our resources, distract us from the home-guard and to begin a violent Marxist civil war like the many we saw in Central America.

We are losing this effort because the leadership of the Left wants us to fail and give them their window of opportunity to establish their Dictatorship of the Proletariate.

Trump will be our Somoza and the millions of illegal aliens will be our indigenous population fighting in the boondocks for an overthrow of our government.

So this shit is only going to get worse and worse until we either find our Pinochet or Fujimori.

Islamic terrorism against the US started when we began meddling in the affairs of Middle Eastern countries.

That is how you stop it. Stop meddling.

We had 8 years of Clinton before the worst terrorist attack ever on our soil. Funny how the left only looks at things post 9/11. And there were countless attacks before 9/11 that go way back in history. The terrorists always say the reason is because Islam should rule the world. They want a caliphate and sharia law to be imposed all over the world. Just what could we do to change that? Their mentality goes back centuries and hasn't changed much.

Seems that Obama's sympathy toward the radicals has emboldened them and they've stepped up their effort the past 7 years. Obama gave them a green light. His foreign policy has favored the radical Muslims.

9/11 came about because of Bush Sr.'s invasion of Iraq in 1991, and the subsequent stationing of troops in the ME.
Osama bin Laden wanted Saudi Arabia to lead the effort to repel Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait.

But Saudi Arabia is always happy to pay other countries to do their dirty work. Bush, Sr. worked out a deal where we would do the heavy lifting, and Saudi Arabia would give us cash to pay for the war.

This arrangement is what pissed off OBL.

Saudi Arabia is also happy to let us lead the effort to repel ISIS while Saudi Arabia focuses on Al Qaeda in Yemen.
But why dont we do it?

Because we have allowed anti-Western minded morons to take control of our government, of our universities that train the people that run our government and our journalist profession who present the picture of what is happening to the People who elect the people that run our government.

And so the things that history shows actually works are not even considered.

In short, this whole thing is preventable, but is allowed by the Marxist left in order to create the chaos needed to deplete our resources, distract us from the home-guard and to begin a violent Marxist civil war like the many we saw in Central America.

We are losing this effort because the leadership of the Left wants us to fail and give them their window of opportunity to establish their Dictatorship of the Proletariate.

Trump will be our Somoza and the millions of illegal aliens will be our indigenous population fighting in the boondocks for an overthrow of our government.

So this shit is only going to get worse and worse until we either find our Pinochet or Fujimori.
So...say it. What needs to be done to stop Islamic terrorism?
There are many countries in the world that aren't the targets of extremist Islamic attacks.

Let's just do what they do and see if that works.

What countries are they? Bucolic South American juntas? Third World mud holes?

You are delusional if you think that there is a cause to these attacks on us other than simple geopolitics; the Islamic Jihadis and their Marxist allies want to end Western Civilization.
ok so say we stop meddling,and it still goes on.....then what would you suggest?
The Middle East is about 100 years behind the West, and it must go through a transition similar to what the West went through, which was extremely destructive and bloody (WWI and WWII). I just don't see any way around that.

So our best policy would probably be to stay as much out of the way of that transition as possible, and wait for the Arabs to come out the other side.
Yep. Sometimes there's no "good" answer to a problem. I would agree that any military intervention is very very likely to fail, but trying diplomacy to try and avoid at Pak-India type nuclear exchange is in everybodys' interests.

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