What New Orleans has that you do not

I live in Miami

I guess you can say the food is good here, if you like carribean food. But for other food like chinese or Italian Do not go to the Beach!!

Football--The dolphins won championships and even went undefeated for a whole year. But that was so long ago that no one remembers except Shula!

Women--great place for a hot date. But make sure they were born women, if you catch my drift.

Drugs and crime--plenty of that.

Public Safty--not much of that.

Corrupt politicians--Too much of that!

Beaches--wonderful public and private beaches.

Still number one place on the East coast for a sun tan!

Is Miami great? Can be, if only the citizens recognize that the pathway towards greatness is for Miami to fully embrace their destiny as an international city--else some back water town like Tampa might claim that spot.

P.S.--the Miami-Dade public school system has some of the best highschools in the nation!! Education under Charlie Crist has grown by leaps and bounds!! Thank you Independent Governor Charlie Crist!! Now encourage floridian educational policies in the US Senate, dear future Senator Charlie Crist!!(By the way, did I tell you that I was voting fo him?:razz:)
I'm not a fan of NO in the least. Been there several times and it has nothing that interests me. Never had a desire to go to Mardi Gras, either. No offense.
Two years...maybe three.

Then you really should know that Brit food has an excellent reputation these days. And for good reason. I know where the joke comes from but it just isn't true now.
Really? What British menu choice are good?

You don't even know what questions to ask, do you?

Why don't you ask about how British food has changed over the past 10 years or so? Asking about menu choices is just moronic, Ravi. I doubt you've ever set foot in this country and, if on the off chance that you have, whether you ventured outside of London.

Your opinions are based on how Britain was decades ago.
You know--I actually prefer Classic Italian and German food over English food.

So I have to ask--What is new in the English culinary arts?
You forgot to mention the Saints!


Will edit, how could I forget?
and the historical areas and items....jackson square ...the history of new orleans

Oldest continuously operating cathedral in the country.

And not far away in St. Bernard Parish is the Chalmette battlefield - where America won its final battle of independence against the Brits.
but sadly its true, I have posted about it before, new orleans has such a retarded mentality. every weekend there is festivals and people hanging out at the 24/7 bars, and people eating 10x as much food as they should and not many people care about anything else.
Its a tourist city. What do you think the tourists come to do, hang out in their hotel rooms all weekend?
worst health, education, and jobs in the entire country and yet people are proud of it for some reason.
you'll never understand, so don't try.
Was really disappointed, there was supposed to be a conference I was going to go to in New Orleans a few years ago and Katrina hit. I would of had a fully paid for trip to NO, with per diem for food, HOtel and plane fare paid for, but it was moved to Atlanta because of Katrina. Was excited about the chance to go to NO. And last year I went to a conference in Galveston for a conference, months after another hurricane did some serious damage there. What is it with me and conferences and hurricanes proceeding it

Sorry to hear that. Now is a good time to come. The city has really started coming back. This past Mardi Gras was the biggest I can remember. So many people came down on a whim just because the Saints won the superbowl and they wanted to be part of it, it was nuts.
So basically, in New Orleans you can grow up stupid (cuz the schools are shit) but you can have a cool funeral when some gansta shoots you. Well, yea, I can see why droolers love it.

But you get to party like a son of a bitch in between

New Orleans kicks ass

Great. The population appears to be proud of a failed school system, high crime rate and partying. Nice funerals - that's a real sales pitch. :lol::lol:

understatement of the thread.
I'm going to start off this post being fair...

by pointing out what NOLA does not have.

We don't have the best public school system ...
We don't have the lowest crime rate...
We don't have the Olive Garden...
We have less than 1 Starbucks per 100,000 residents...
We don't have pristine ski slopes...

Now I will tell you what we do have that you don't...

I can walk to the store, buy a beer, crack it open, and drink it on the way home - and I don't live in the boonies, I live in the city.

Brass Bands-
A couple of weeks ago on esplanade they had a triatholon going down one lane and a 2nd line parade going down the other. You may have a triatholon where you live, but you don't have 2nd line brass bands, and you certainly don't have 2nd line brass bands and a triatholon sharing the same street. And you won't get this kind of music anywhere else in the world - unless you're fortunate to have a New Orleans band coming through.

Jazz Funerals-
We have jazz funerals at any time in any place. I woke up a couple of weeks ago to one going down my street, a herse, a band, and 20 mourners, very small. They played funeral music on my street corner for 30 minutes. You will never wake up to something like that because they do not have them where you live.

If you want to go out for a good meal, you have to actually decide where you want to go. We can take the phone book, throw a dart at the restaurant section, and be guaranteed culinary delight.

No snow-
Though this may not apply so some of my fellow southerners - snow is not a problem here. You will never have to wake up in the morning, put on 58263 layers of clothes, and trudge out to the car, slipping on the ice cracking your head on the way, to get the snow off the windshield and pray she starts. Other New Orleanians may not appreciate the lack of snow - but having lived in places where it snows - I do. snow sucks.

Mardi Gras Indians-
You don't have Mardi Gras Indians. We do. They exist nowhere in the Universe but here. If you wanna see one, you'll have to get up early Mardi Gras day. Or check them out St. Joseph's day or Super Sunday. Or look at my avatar.

Mardi Gras-
Speaking of Mardi Gras Indians - if you're not in Louisiana, you don't have Mardi Gras. Unless you in Mobile, in which case, you have a sucky Mardi Gras (don't mean to rag on Mobile, its actually a great place, but their Mardi Gras pales in comparison). I'm sure you have plenty of holidays that act as pretenses to having a good time - 4th of July, Thanksgiving, etc. We have those, too. But we have a holiday that is dedicated to good times, without pretense or excuse - you don't.

Most of the people where you live are trying as hard as fuck to move away - people where we live will do anything they can to stay here. Its called pride.

To those of you who just hate for hate's sake - fuck you , suck on it, I have a better life than you.

To the rest of you - if you want to see something UNIQUELY AMERICAN - that you will get nowhere else in the world - I would like to help you see it.I can provide advice on what to do in the city, and if the timing is right, I will be your personal guide. Email me at [email protected]

P.S. - my entire state has shit you will never see where you live. New Orleans is just the most prominent example. You won't see Mamou Mari Gras in New Orleans, and unless you live in Acadiana - you won't see it where you live, either.


I'm in Cleveland, Spiderman Tuba. Donca just feel mah pain?

Can I stay over at your house for a long weekend? I need beads...and mebbe a little sex?

Don't sweat it Madi. You're one step above DEEEtroit.

Poor Detroit. Ruined by Big Auto, greed and corruption...and that city had a vibe unique on Planet Earth.

God bless all the towns in trouble that have a vibe. Homogenity is soul-crushing.

and the historical areas and items....jackson square ...the history of new orleans

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Sorry, mo chara. These days it always makes me laugh when Americans talk about their 'historic cities'. The village I live near dates from the 11th century. That's historic.

That's awesome. But we're Americans so we care more about our own history.

Well, it appears you don't care enough to learn it, since you seem very proud of your crap school system. Maybe if you had better schools, you'd have less poor people, and they could earn their own money instead of wanting to take it from other people.
Then you really should know that Brit food has an excellent reputation these days. And for good reason. I know where the joke comes from but it just isn't true now.
Really? What British menu choice are good?

You don't even know what questions to ask, do you?

Why don't you ask about how British food has changed over the past 10 years or so? Asking about menu choices is just moronic, Ravi. I doubt you've ever set foot in this country and, if on the off chance that you have, whether you ventured outside of London.

Your opinions are based on how Britain was decades ago.

Why can't you just tell us what's good? I don't really see why it has to be more complicated than that.

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