What Now, Republicans???

I would love to see the Rs repeal Obamacare and close the borders, but I doubt they will.

I have no clue how they could, nor why it would be worth the investment to undertake such a monumental task.

If I could snap my fingers and "close' the borders, I would.

There is a cost issue to address, however and there are clearly more pressing issues than making the border between the US and Mexico, impenetrable. Think about it - what would you rather have that money go to? I'd rather see it go towards helping people to get off of drugs or cleaning up cities, making our streets safer, etc.

Why throw almost a trillion bucks at a problem with such a low return and no guarantee of success?

As for Obamacare, I really feel like the Republicans should just leave that alone. Despite the constant bleating of how bad it is, healthcare reform was absolutely necessary.

"As for Obamacare, I really feel like the Republicans should just leave that alone. Despite the constant bleating of how bad it is, healthcare reform was absolutely necessary."

Some folks are a little .....slower....than others.

Begin by understanding that the scam does none of the things it promised to do, and, perhaps...one day....you'll catch on.

PC, no one else in your thread is acting like a schmuck, why do YOU feel that It's necessary to act like one?

Kindly refrain from insulting people who show up in good faith to participate in your threads, thanks.

In the future, I refuse to respond to you UNLESS you can frame a question in a more mature manner.

If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

On the outside I may appear rude, abrasive and sarcastic, but, just like an onion, when you peel away the layers, you'll find the same thing..and you'll cry like a baby.

I don't think you're rude or abrasive. I think you're a bipolar pontificator suffering from delusions of intellectual grandeur.

You could have stopped after the first three words.
I have no clue how they could, nor why it would be worth the investment to undertake such a monumental task.

If I could snap my fingers and "close' the borders, I would.

There is a cost issue to address, however and there are clearly more pressing issues than making the border between the US and Mexico, impenetrable. Think about it - what would you rather have that money go to? I'd rather see it go towards helping people to get off of drugs or cleaning up cities, making our streets safer, etc.

Why throw almost a trillion bucks at a problem with such a low return and no guarantee of success?

As for Obamacare, I really feel like the Republicans should just leave that alone. Despite the constant bleating of how bad it is, healthcare reform was absolutely necessary.

"As for Obamacare, I really feel like the Republicans should just leave that alone. Despite the constant bleating of how bad it is, healthcare reform was absolutely necessary."

Some folks are a little .....slower....than others.

Begin by understanding that the scam does none of the things it promised to do, and, perhaps...one day....you'll catch on.

PC, no one else in your thread is acting like a schmuck, why do YOU feel that It's necessary to act like one?

Kindly refrain from insulting people who show up in good faith to participate in your threads, thanks.

In the future, I refuse to respond to you UNLESS you can frame a question in a more mature manner.

If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

On the outside I may appear rude, abrasive and sarcastic, but, just like an onion, when you peel away the layers, you'll find the same thing..and you'll cry like a baby.

You're kidding, aren't you? Do my job for a day and than get back to me about how tough you are.

This is the INTERNET - it's the kiddie pool to the real world.

I disagree with your self-serving synopses of who you are "inside."

I think that you have no true opinions that were not whispered in your ear by some deranged pundit.

1. I'm not always rude and sarcastic. Sometimes I'm asleep.

2. "I think that you have no true opinions that were not whispered in your ear by some deranged pundit."
Well...there we have it: proof you're an idiot.

3. "Do my job for a day and than get back to me about how tough you are."
You think it's easy foreclosing on widows and orphans??
Taking candy from babies???
Helping corporations hide profits???
Paying off politicians???
Whipping peasants???

By the end of the day, I'm simply exhausted.
See, now that's both funny, substantial, and original.
How does the GOP repeal the ACA over the president's veto?

Defunding it would work.

They tried that, even shutting down the government to do it! Good lord, let it go already!
Now that a lot of the Democrats that voted for the ACA are no longer in the Congress, I say try it again. And this time when President shit for brains shuts down Veterans memorials to veterans, private citizens and veterans will reopen them.
"As for Obamacare, I really feel like the Republicans should just leave that alone. Despite the constant bleating of how bad it is, healthcare reform was absolutely necessary."

Some folks are a little .....slower....than others.

Begin by understanding that the scam does none of the things it promised to do, and, perhaps...one day....you'll catch on.

PC, no one else in your thread is acting like a schmuck, why do YOU feel that It's necessary to act like one?

Kindly refrain from insulting people who show up in good faith to participate in your threads, thanks.

In the future, I refuse to respond to you UNLESS you can frame a question in a more mature manner.

If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

On the outside I may appear rude, abrasive and sarcastic, but, just like an onion, when you peel away the layers, you'll find the same thing..and you'll cry like a baby.

You're kidding, aren't you? Do my job for a day and than get back to me about how tough you are.

This is the INTERNET - it's the kiddie pool to the real world.

I disagree with your self-serving synopses of who you are "inside."

I think that you have no true opinions that were not whispered in your ear by some deranged pundit.

1. I'm not always rude and sarcastic. Sometimes I'm asleep.

2. "I think that you have no true opinions that were not whispered in your ear by some deranged pundit."
Well...there we have it: proof you're an idiot.

3. "Do my job for a day and than get back to me about how tough you are."
You think it's easy foreclosing on widows and orphans??
Taking candy from babies???
Helping corporations hide profits???
Paying off politicians???
Whipping peasants???

By the end of the day, I'm simply exhausted.

Ever been robed with a hypodermic needle? Ever been almost killed by a salt truck in a foot of snow? Get over yourself.

I have people asking me if they can shoot up in my cab.

I pick up bad people and take them to buy drugs. Your job is 'exhausting?"

Try catching a prostitute that tries to run at a seedy motel in the middle of the night in a block that the police REFUSE to drive into.
Geeze...I thought I had it bad.
I have no clue how they could, nor why it would be worth the investment to undertake such a monumental task.

If I could snap my fingers and "close' the borders, I would.

There is a cost issue to address, however and there are clearly more pressing issues than making the border between the US and Mexico, impenetrable. Think about it - what would you rather have that money go to? I'd rather see it go towards helping people to get off of drugs or cleaning up cities, making our streets safer, etc.

Why throw almost a trillion bucks at a problem with such a low return and no guarantee of success?

As for Obamacare, I really feel like the Republicans should just leave that alone. Despite the constant bleating of how bad it is, healthcare reform was absolutely necessary.

"As for Obamacare, I really feel like the Republicans should just leave that alone. Despite the constant bleating of how bad it is, healthcare reform was absolutely necessary."

Some folks are a little .....slower....than others.

Begin by understanding that the scam does none of the things it promised to do, and, perhaps...one day....you'll catch on.

PC, no one else in your thread is acting like a schmuck, why do YOU feel that It's necessary to act like one?

Kindly refrain from insulting people who show up in good faith to participate in your threads, thanks.

In the future, I refuse to respond to you UNLESS you can frame a question in a more mature manner.

She's not here to debate. She's here to hone her bitch credentials. She's here to toss lame insults at people who refute the nonsense she cuts and pastes.

I actually am very fond of PC, she's got chutzpah. Just wish she would stop being such a hack.

Translation: "She'd be just fine if she would simply give up thinking, and join me in the Lock-Step Liberal mode."

No, you'd be just fine if you STARTED thinking. Babbling endless historical events without synthesizing the information and juxtaposing it into its proper contemporary context is just that....babbling.
"As for Obamacare, I really feel like the Republicans should just leave that alone. Despite the constant bleating of how bad it is, healthcare reform was absolutely necessary."

Some folks are a little .....slower....than others.

Begin by understanding that the scam does none of the things it promised to do, and, perhaps...one day....you'll catch on.

PC, no one else in your thread is acting like a schmuck, why do YOU feel that It's necessary to act like one?

Kindly refrain from insulting people who show up in good faith to participate in your threads, thanks.

In the future, I refuse to respond to you UNLESS you can frame a question in a more mature manner.

If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

On the outside I may appear rude, abrasive and sarcastic, but, just like an onion, when you peel away the layers, you'll find the same thing..and you'll cry like a baby.

You're kidding, aren't you? Do my job for a day and than get back to me about how tough you are.

This is the INTERNET - it's the kiddie pool to the real world.

I disagree with your self-serving synopses of who you are "inside."

I think that you have no true opinions that were not whispered in your ear by some deranged pundit.

1. I'm not always rude and sarcastic. Sometimes I'm asleep.

2. "I think that you have no true opinions that were not whispered in your ear by some deranged pundit."
Well...there we have it: proof you're an idiot.

3. "Do my job for a day and than get back to me about how tough you are."
You think it's easy foreclosing on widows and orphans??
Taking candy from babies???
Helping corporations hide profits???
Paying off politicians???
Whipping peasants???

By the end of the day, I'm simply exhausted.

And now you're really happy because you've made this thread all about you. Did I leave out narcissist?

1. I'd be really happy if the Republicans agreed with the ten items I plan on posting.

2. "you're really happy because you've made this thread all about you."
Guilty as charged.

3. One of my fav pieces is the Ethelbert Nevin opus:

"As for Obamacare, I really feel like the Republicans should just leave that alone. Despite the constant bleating of how bad it is, healthcare reform was absolutely necessary."

Some folks are a little .....slower....than others.

Begin by understanding that the scam does none of the things it promised to do, and, perhaps...one day....you'll catch on.

PC, no one else in your thread is acting like a schmuck, why do YOU feel that It's necessary to act like one?

Kindly refrain from insulting people who show up in good faith to participate in your threads, thanks.

In the future, I refuse to respond to you UNLESS you can frame a question in a more mature manner.

If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

On the outside I may appear rude, abrasive and sarcastic, but, just like an onion, when you peel away the layers, you'll find the same thing..and you'll cry like a baby.

You're kidding, aren't you? Do my job for a day and than get back to me about how tough you are.

This is the INTERNET - it's the kiddie pool to the real world.

I disagree with your self-serving synopses of who you are "inside."

I think that you have no true opinions that were not whispered in your ear by some deranged pundit.

1. I'm not always rude and sarcastic. Sometimes I'm asleep.

2. "I think that you have no true opinions that were not whispered in your ear by some deranged pundit."
Well...there we have it: proof you're an idiot.

3. "Do my job for a day and than get back to me about how tough you are."
You think it's easy foreclosing on widows and orphans??
Taking candy from babies???
Helping corporations hide profits???
Paying off politicians???
Whipping peasants???

By the end of the day, I'm simply exhausted.

Ever been robed with a hypodermic needle? Ever been almost killed by a salt truck in a foot of snow? Get over yourself.

I have people asking me if they can shoot up in my cab.

I pick up bad people and take them to buy drugs. Your job is 'exhausting?"

Try catching a prostitute that tries to run at a seedy motel in the middle of the night in a block that the police REFUSE to drive into.

That effluvia aside....I could be nicer if you could be smarter.
PC, no one else in your thread is acting like a schmuck, why do YOU feel that It's necessary to act like one?

Kindly refrain from insulting people who show up in good faith to participate in your threads, thanks.

In the future, I refuse to respond to you UNLESS you can frame a question in a more mature manner.

If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

On the outside I may appear rude, abrasive and sarcastic, but, just like an onion, when you peel away the layers, you'll find the same thing..and you'll cry like a baby.

You're kidding, aren't you? Do my job for a day and than get back to me about how tough you are.

This is the INTERNET - it's the kiddie pool to the real world.

I disagree with your self-serving synopses of who you are "inside."

I think that you have no true opinions that were not whispered in your ear by some deranged pundit.

1. I'm not always rude and sarcastic. Sometimes I'm asleep.

2. "I think that you have no true opinions that were not whispered in your ear by some deranged pundit."
Well...there we have it: proof you're an idiot.

3. "Do my job for a day and than get back to me about how tough you are."
You think it's easy foreclosing on widows and orphans??
Taking candy from babies???
Helping corporations hide profits???
Paying off politicians???
Whipping peasants???

By the end of the day, I'm simply exhausted.

And now you're really happy because you've made this thread all about you. Did I leave out narcissist?

1. I'd be really happy if the Republicans agreed with the ten items I plan on posting.

2. "you're really happy because you've made this thread all about you."
Guilty as charged.

3. One of my fav pieces is the Ethelbert Nevin opus:

zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Mirrors are cheap. I suggest you get a new one, it will keep you busy.
Hope the GOP does exactly what the OP suggests.

They're not going to do a damn thing. They know that the American populace has the attention span of a 5-year old and they will shift right back into do-nothing mode before Thanksgiving.

And therein, the difference between Republicans and conservatives.
If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

On the outside I may appear rude, abrasive and sarcastic, but, just like an onion, when you peel away the layers, you'll find the same thing..and you'll cry like a baby.

You're kidding, aren't you? Do my job for a day and than get back to me about how tough you are.

This is the INTERNET - it's the kiddie pool to the real world.

I disagree with your self-serving synopses of who you are "inside."

I think that you have no true opinions that were not whispered in your ear by some deranged pundit.

1. I'm not always rude and sarcastic. Sometimes I'm asleep.

2. "I think that you have no true opinions that were not whispered in your ear by some deranged pundit."
Well...there we have it: proof you're an idiot.

3. "Do my job for a day and than get back to me about how tough you are."
You think it's easy foreclosing on widows and orphans??
Taking candy from babies???
Helping corporations hide profits???
Paying off politicians???
Whipping peasants???

By the end of the day, I'm simply exhausted.

And now you're really happy because you've made this thread all about you. Did I leave out narcissist?

1. I'd be really happy if the Republicans agreed with the ten items I plan on posting.

2. "you're really happy because you've made this thread all about you."
Guilty as charged.

3. One of my fav pieces is the Ethelbert Nevin opus:

zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Mirrors are cheap. I suggest you get a new one, it will keep you busy.

Mirrors can't talk and lucky for you they can't laugh either!
Most folks understand the binary nature of our political system.

Between Democrat and Republican, you pick the one closest to your views....and bubble in the little circle.

There are two outliers....

a. The dopes who boast that they never vote for either, 'they're the same...' which usually means that they are afraid to have to confront arguments, or to lazy to study the choices.

b. Loser-terians, the 'my way or else' folks who more often than not, throw elections to the Democrats.

(This does not include the out-right liars who claim to be Republicans, but consistently post support of the Liberals....we all know who that is, don't we.)

Now that the American people have finally done what we on the Right, more particularly, conservatives, implored them to do six years ago, kick the community organizer to the curb......we need to elucidate what it is we hoped for when we gave our votes, our support to the Republican candidates.

Here is my considered list, in no particular order, of what the anti-Leftist aims should be.

1. ObamaCare: Repeal this fraudulent bill, replace it with one based on more accurate and truthful accounts, i.e., numbers covered, actual costs to the nation and of deductibles, promises about keeping doctors and plans.

Obama wasn't the first Bolshevik to support socialized medicine. For context, there was Henry Sigerist: "He devoted himself to the study of history of medicine.Socialized Medicine in the Soviet Union(1937), andHistory of Medicinewere among his most important works. He emerged as a major spokesman for "compulsory health insurance". ...He attacked the American Medical Association because of his conflicting views on socialized medicine." Henry E. Sigerist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. And, Sigerist was one of the apologists for Stalin, including his state-engineered famine in the Ukraine. 7 million perished
(The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century Stalin s Forced Famine 1932-33).

b. Sigerist "shared with the architects of Soviet health policy under Stalin an outlook best described as medical totalitarianism. He really believed that humanity would be better off if every individual were under the medical supervision of the state from cradle to grave....[and] Sigerist's belief in the necessity for state control over all aspects of medicine ultimately made him an apologist for state control over most aspects of human life."
Fee and Brown, eds. "Making Medical History: The Life and Times of Henry E. Sigerist," p. 252

Knowing the thinking behind ObamaCare should make it easier to end it.

2. Close and man the borders, and remind the world that we are a sovereign nation.
Before any consideration be given to dealing with those who have broken our laws, stop the flow of new law-breakers.

a. The "Global Governance Movement," the Soviet-inspired United Nations, claims precedence over a wide area of issues: budget practices, law enforcement, criminal law, criminal law, school curriculum, textbooks, immigration, border enforcement, healthcare, parental care, discipline of children, employment, multilingualism, gender composition of government bodies, among others. UN Human Rights treaties address all of the above.
Fonte, "Submission or Sovereignty."

b. There is a responsibility that flows from citizenship, duties to others, basically to strangers, including a defense of their common territory and the maintenance of the law that applies within said jurisdiction.
Roger Scruton, "The West and the Rest."

Note the central idea: territory. There is no common territory without borders, and without national sovereignty.

More to follow.
Why did you ruin a perfectly rational opening to this thread with all that cut-n-paste GOP talking points?

You had me...a left leaning swing voter...untill this part.

Now that the American people have finally done what we on the Right, more particularly, conservatives, implored them to do six years ago

"Cut and paste" refers to the manner of presentation.

You haven't been able to address the point, dope.
I did address the points, which aren't even your orginal thoughts. They're all far righty BS, that have little to do with reality.

That's my point

Nonsense. You just said you didn't like the way it was presented.

I suggest you jump in the lake to see if that point on your head writes under water.
PC, no one else in your thread is acting like a schmuck, why do YOU feel that It's necessary to act like one?

Kindly refrain from insulting people who show up in good faith to participate in your threads, thanks.

In the future, I refuse to respond to you UNLESS you can frame a question in a more mature manner.

If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

On the outside I may appear rude, abrasive and sarcastic, but, just like an onion, when you peel away the layers, you'll find the same thing..and you'll cry like a baby.

You're kidding, aren't you? Do my job for a day and than get back to me about how tough you are.

This is the INTERNET - it's the kiddie pool to the real world.

I disagree with your self-serving synopses of who you are "inside."

I think that you have no true opinions that were not whispered in your ear by some deranged pundit.

1. I'm not always rude and sarcastic. Sometimes I'm asleep.

2. "I think that you have no true opinions that were not whispered in your ear by some deranged pundit."
Well...there we have it: proof you're an idiot.

3. "Do my job for a day and than get back to me about how tough you are."
You think it's easy foreclosing on widows and orphans??
Taking candy from babies???
Helping corporations hide profits???
Paying off politicians???
Whipping peasants???

By the end of the day, I'm simply exhausted.

Ever been robed with a hypodermic needle? Ever been almost killed by a salt truck in a foot of snow? Get over yourself.

I have people asking me if they can shoot up in my cab.

I pick up bad people and take them to buy drugs. Your job is 'exhausting?"

Try catching a prostitute that tries to run at a seedy motel in the middle of the night in a block that the police REFUSE to drive into.
Geeze...I thought I had it bad.

Only between the ears.
1.) Immigration reform without amnesty for law breakers.
2.) Balanced budget minus any $$$$ for Obamacare.
3.) Cut off funds to Civil Rights Division of Justice Department
4.) Reign in NSA spying (its the Constitution Stupid!)
Most folks understand the binary nature of our political system.

Between Democrat and Republican, you pick the one closest to your views....and bubble in the little circle.

There are two outliers....

a. The dopes who boast that they never vote for either, 'they're the same...' which usually means that they are afraid to have to confront arguments, or to lazy to study the choices.

b. Loser-terians, the 'my way or else' folks who more often than not, throw elections to the Democrats.

(This does not include the out-right liars who claim to be Republicans, but consistently post support of the Liberals....we all know who that is, don't we.)

Now that the American people have finally done what we on the Right, more particularly, conservatives, implored them to do six years ago, kick the community organizer to the curb......we need to elucidate what it is we hoped for when we gave our votes, our support to the Republican candidates.

Here is my considered list, in no particular order, of what the anti-Leftist aims should be.

1. ObamaCare: Repeal this fraudulent bill, replace it with one based on more accurate and truthful accounts, i.e., numbers covered, actual costs to the nation and of deductibles, promises about keeping doctors and plans.

Obama wasn't the first Bolshevik to support socialized medicine. For context, there was Henry Sigerist: "He devoted himself to the study of history of medicine.Socialized Medicine in the Soviet Union(1937), andHistory of Medicinewere among his most important works. He emerged as a major spokesman for "compulsory health insurance". ...He attacked the American Medical Association because of his conflicting views on socialized medicine." Henry E. Sigerist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. And, Sigerist was one of the apologists for Stalin, including his state-engineered famine in the Ukraine. 7 million perished
(The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century Stalin s Forced Famine 1932-33).

b. Sigerist "shared with the architects of Soviet health policy under Stalin an outlook best described as medical totalitarianism. He really believed that humanity would be better off if every individual were under the medical supervision of the state from cradle to grave....[and] Sigerist's belief in the necessity for state control over all aspects of medicine ultimately made him an apologist for state control over most aspects of human life."
Fee and Brown, eds. "Making Medical History: The Life and Times of Henry E. Sigerist," p. 252

Knowing the thinking behind ObamaCare should make it easier to end it.

2. Close and man the borders, and remind the world that we are a sovereign nation.
Before any consideration be given to dealing with those who have broken our laws, stop the flow of new law-breakers.

a. The "Global Governance Movement," the Soviet-inspired United Nations, claims precedence over a wide area of issues: budget practices, law enforcement, criminal law, criminal law, school curriculum, textbooks, immigration, border enforcement, healthcare, parental care, discipline of children, employment, multilingualism, gender composition of government bodies, among others. UN Human Rights treaties address all of the above.
Fonte, "Submission or Sovereignty."

b. There is a responsibility that flows from citizenship, duties to others, basically to strangers, including a defense of their common territory and the maintenance of the law that applies within said jurisdiction.
Roger Scruton, "The West and the Rest."

Note the central idea: territory. There is no common territory without borders, and without national sovereignty.

More to follow.
Why did you ruin a perfectly rational opening to this thread with all that cut-n-paste GOP talking points?

You had me...a left leaning swing voter...untill this part.

Now that the American people have finally done what we on the Right, more particularly, conservatives, implored them to do six years ago

"Cut and paste" refers to the manner of presentation.

You haven't been able to address the point, dope.

You ignore the points that refute your nonsense, and then claim that no one has addressed 'your' points.

I addressed your point. I asked where the GOP plans to get the votes to override a Presidential veto of the repeal of the ACA.
Most folks understand the binary nature of our political system.

Between Democrat and Republican, you pick the one closest to your views....and bubble in the little circle.

There are two outliers....

a. The dopes who boast that they never vote for either, 'they're the same...' which usually means that they are afraid to have to confront arguments, or to lazy to study the choices.

b. Loser-terians, the 'my way or else' folks who more often than not, throw elections to the Democrats.

(This does not include the out-right liars who claim to be Republicans, but consistently post support of the Liberals....we all know who that is, don't we.)

Now that the American people have finally done what we on the Right, more particularly, conservatives, implored them to do six years ago, kick the community organizer to the curb......we need to elucidate what it is we hoped for when we gave our votes, our support to the Republican candidates.

Here is my considered list, in no particular order, of what the anti-Leftist aims should be.

1. ObamaCare: Repeal this fraudulent bill, replace it with one based on more accurate and truthful accounts, i.e., numbers covered, actual costs to the nation and of deductibles, promises about keeping doctors and plans.

Obama wasn't the first Bolshevik to support socialized medicine. For context, there was Henry Sigerist: "He devoted himself to the study of history of medicine.Socialized Medicine in the Soviet Union(1937), andHistory of Medicinewere among his most important works. He emerged as a major spokesman for "compulsory health insurance". ...He attacked the American Medical Association because of his conflicting views on socialized medicine." Henry E. Sigerist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. And, Sigerist was one of the apologists for Stalin, including his state-engineered famine in the Ukraine. 7 million perished
(The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century Stalin s Forced Famine 1932-33).

b. Sigerist "shared with the architects of Soviet health policy under Stalin an outlook best described as medical totalitarianism. He really believed that humanity would be better off if every individual were under the medical supervision of the state from cradle to grave....[and] Sigerist's belief in the necessity for state control over all aspects of medicine ultimately made him an apologist for state control over most aspects of human life."
Fee and Brown, eds. "Making Medical History: The Life and Times of Henry E. Sigerist," p. 252

Knowing the thinking behind ObamaCare should make it easier to end it.

2. Close and man the borders, and remind the world that we are a sovereign nation.
Before any consideration be given to dealing with those who have broken our laws, stop the flow of new law-breakers.

a. The "Global Governance Movement," the Soviet-inspired United Nations, claims precedence over a wide area of issues: budget practices, law enforcement, criminal law, criminal law, school curriculum, textbooks, immigration, border enforcement, healthcare, parental care, discipline of children, employment, multilingualism, gender composition of government bodies, among others. UN Human Rights treaties address all of the above.
Fonte, "Submission or Sovereignty."

b. There is a responsibility that flows from citizenship, duties to others, basically to strangers, including a defense of their common territory and the maintenance of the law that applies within said jurisdiction.
Roger Scruton, "The West and the Rest."

Note the central idea: territory. There is no common territory without borders, and without national sovereignty.

More to follow.

Yes, we should keep out the Koreans unless they prove they've come here to work and contribute to our society.
Hope the GOP does exactly what the OP suggests.

They're not going to do a damn thing. They know that the American populace has the attention span of a 5-year old and they will shift right back into do-nothing mode before Thanksgiving.

And therein, the difference between Republicans and conservatives.
This creature called a conservative? In your retrospect, is that a Tea Farty member? Or are conservatives allowed in the regular ranks of the GOP?

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