What Number of "Mass Shootings" will Justify overruling of the 2nd Amendment?

You use the word commie as a catch all for anyone you don't like, don't you?
Idiots here advocate for civil war every day, but that doesn't mean I believe it will happen. That wasn't the question anyway. Do you think somebody will come to take your guns or mine?

Yes. It's already happened in New Orleans and California.


A Decade Later, Remember New Orleans … Gun Confiscation Can (And Has) Happened In America

California's gun seizure squad finds an arsenal under a bed - CNN

Next! :itsok:

The California link was about a felon who was not allowed to own guns having his arsenal confiscated. Are you in favor of felons being armed? At the time of the link (about a year ago) California was the only state that actively checked felons to see if they had guns that they legally couldn't have. While I see where that might be disappointing to a felon in possession of guns he isn't allowed to have, it is better than waiting until he uses them in a crime before they are taken from him. He shouldn't have them to start with, right?

The New Orleans link describes an abuse of power that should have never happened. Thankfully, soon after that happened, President Bush signed a federal law preventing gun confiscation during times of emergency to prevent that from happening again.

I will change my question slightly. Do you think someone will legally come to take your and my guns? Do you distrust America that much?

No one is in favor of felons owning guns except for the ultra crazy sovereign people, and you progressives. We want the violent criminals to be locked up forever, you don't. You want them released to prey on the civilian population so that you can then bleat about taking gun Rights away from the 99.999% of those who own guns legally.
Why shouldn't a felon get their rights back after the government says they have paid their debt to society?

Do you really believe someone will try to take your and my guns, or are you just repeating silly crap?
Just keep IGNORING the Democrats running for President that have said YES they would confiscate Firearms.
Why shouldn't a felon get their rights back after the government says they have paid their debt to society?

Wait,....you're all for confiscation and every gun grabber stupid new law they can come up with against law abiding good citizens..........

BUT...you'll fight for the rights of murderers, child molesters and rapists to be armed ???

This mentality is fucked up on So many levels
Why shouldn't a felon get their rights back after the government says they have paid their debt to society?

Wait,....you're all for confiscation and every gun grabber stupid new law they can come up with against law abiding good citizens..........

BUT...you'll fight for the rights of murderers, child molesters and rapists to be armed ???

This mentality is fucked up on So many levels
When in the fuck have I ever said I am ok with confiscation of firearms?
If the government says they have paid their debt they should have their rights fully reinstated
If not keep them locked up.
Why shouldn't a felon get their rights back after the government says they have paid their debt to society?

Wait,....you're all for confiscation and every gun grabber stupid new law they can come up with against law abiding good citizens..........

BUT...you'll fight for the rights of murderers, child molesters and rapists to be armed ???

This mentality is fucked up on So many levels
When in the fuck have I ever said I am ok with confiscation of firearms?
If the government says they have paid their debt they should have their rights fully reinstated
If not keep them locked up.

It appears to me that the left does not understand what an unalienable Right is and the people on the right want to ignore it.

Did all of you realize that the United States Supreme Court once admitted that the Right to keep and bear Arms existed, but it was not a Right granted by the Second Amendment NOR is it dependent upon that instrument for its existence?

In other words, even if the Second Amendment were completely repealed, the Right would exist. All the Second Amendment can do is guarantee the Right. If someone tries to enforce a law to infringe on the Second Amendment (and the government is now infringing on that Right), it is our duty and obligation to demand the government make good on the guarantee. We have the Right, the Duty and the Obligation to resist any effort by government to deprive any free man of the Right to keep and bear Arms.

Word to the left: Quit allowing the government to set dangerous and crazy people back onto your streets. If a person cannot be trusted to own a firearm, they are still a dangerous threat to the community. Ban dangerous people, not guns. Keep them locked up; keep them in mental facilities; keep them under constant supervision. But, don't let them back into the streets, then bitch when they commit an inevitable violent act.
When in the fuck have I ever said I am ok with confiscation of firearms?
If the government says they have paid their debt they should have their rights fully reinstated
If not keep them locked up.

Wait...your're not a Democrat / Prog or Socialist ?
because "usually" they're the ones screaming for Criminal Social Justice
You are truly stupid. Slavery is abhorrent to all ethical and moral belief, and nobody in this country ever had the right to own another human being as if he were property, even though it was legal for a time. Criminals attacked a government installation more than 150 years ago because our government declared the vile act of slavery would end. Those attackers weren't defending their rights. They had no more right to own people than a mass shooter has the right to shoot up a school. The attack at Fort Sumpter did happen, but it had nothing to do with protecting anyone's rights from the government. The revolutionary war was a war against an oppressive government. The civil war was the act of traitors attacking our country. Only a fool wouldn't see that difference.

Owning guns doesn't make anybody a gun nut. Insisting that our country doesn't have the right to regulate ownership and use of guns for the safety of it's citizens is what makes you a gun nut. You idiots seem to think that owning a gun puts that person on your side when more than 90% of the country favors universal background checks. You are truly an idiot

Show me where I said the government doesn't have "the right" to make regulations. Stop making shit up as you go.

Absolute imbeciles like you, however, are MORE than happy to give up your rights and take away the rights of others in your dumbass pursuit of some snowflake 'Utopia", attempting to solve a problem that doesn't exist. You've been told 1000 times by people WAY smarter than you on this forum that the vast majority of gun deaths are suicides and gang related. NOT random murders. Except in LEFTIST "Utopias" like Chicago and Los Angeles.

The ONLY 'Gun problem" in this country is Leftist. PERIOD. everyone knows that. But instead of focusing on the real problem, you loons run around like Chicken Little
screaming how evil "GUNS" are.

No.....idiot......guns are not dangerous.....PEOPLE are. Guns don't just wake up in the morning and decide to go kill someone.
Fix the problem with you morons on the Left and your idiotic policies that cater to criminals and there will be NO " Gun Problem": at all.
You are truly stupid. Slavery is abhorrent to all ethical and moral belief, and nobody in this country ever had the right to own another human being as if he were property, even though it was legal for a time. Criminals attacked a government installation more than 150 years ago because our government declared the vile act of slavery would end. Those attackers weren't defending their rights. They had no more right to own people than a mass shooter has the right to shoot up a school. The attack at Fort Sumpter did happen, but it had nothing to do with protecting anyone's rights from the government. The revolutionary war was a war against an oppressive government. The civil war was the act of traitors attacking our country. Only a fool wouldn't see that difference.

Owning guns doesn't make anybody a gun nut. Insisting that our country doesn't have the right to regulate ownership and use of guns for the safety of it's citizens is what makes you a gun nut. You idiots seem to think that owning a gun puts that person on your side when more than 90% of the country favors universal background checks. You are truly an idiot

Show me where I said the government doesn't have "the right" to make regulations. Stop making shit up as you go.

Absolute imbeciles like you, however, are MORE than happy to give up your rights and take away the rights of others in your dumbass pursuit of some snowflake 'Utopia", attempting to solve a problem that doesn't exist. You've been told 1000 times by people WAY smarter than you on this forum that the vast majority of gun deaths are suicides and gang related. NOT random murders. Except in LEFTIST "Utopias" like Chicago and Los Angeles.

The ONLY 'Gun problem" in this country is Leftist. PERIOD. everyone knows that. But instead of focusing on the real problem, you loons run around like Chicken Little
screaming how evil "GUNS" are.

No.....idiot......guns are not dangerous.....PEOPLE are. Guns don't just wake up in the morning and decide to go kill someone.
Fix the problem with you morons on the Left and your idiotic policies that cater to criminals and there will be NO " Gun Problem": at all.

Guns don't kill people. Unstable idiots with guns do. That's why we need to regulate who gets them , dumb ass.
Guns don't kill people. Unstable idiots with guns do. That's why we need to regulate who gets them , dumb ass.

We already do.
Unstable people on the LEFT do 97% of all YOUR gun violence. FIX YOUR PEOPLE....and fix "the problem"

How many more laws and rules do you think it will take to get the job done? 100? 1000? 100,000 ?
Stop being an imbecile.

Morons who keep thinking more laws that ONLY AFFECT Law Abiding People will curb violence are retarded. Factually.
It's why the UK has become the stabbing and acid throwing capital of the world. and why cars and trucks are used to mow down crowds there.

What you are begging for on your scrawny weak knees is an endless stream of ever tightening laws and regulations until guns are essentially outlawed.
Stop being a pussy and admit it.
You don't get this do you? You must be new here or a real Pollyanna. If this was 1955, yeah our government listened to US. Think back to Eisenhower warning us against Military industrial complex. But little did he ever imagine our society and our entire government would have been corrupted by our own politicians or inteligencia. And who made that happen? I keep seeing the face of George Soros. Wealthy foreign manipulators. Because none of this was a spontaneous cry from indigenous folks asking for diversity. Nope, never happened. This push for open borders, and sanctuary cities. Nobody asked for or needed giving Muslims sanctuary in Europe or Illegals here in the states , funny that was never asked for or by requested by locals. But it's imposed on us nonetheless. That seems to be a constant here. That isn't what a free and open democracy is about. It seems more like a dictatorship.
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Guns don't kill people. Unstable idiots with guns do. That's why we need to regulate who gets them , dumb ass.

We already do.
Unstable people on the LEFT do 97% of all YOUR gun violence. FIX YOUR PEOPLE....and fix "the problem"

How many more laws and rules do you think it will take to get the job done? 100? 1000? 100,000 ?
Stop being an imbecile.

Morons who keep thinking more laws that ONLY AFFECT Law Abiding People will curb violence are retarded. Factually.
It's why the UK has become the stabbing and acid throwing capital of the world. and why cars and trucks are used to mow down crowds there.

What you are begging for on your scrawny weak knees is an endless stream of ever tightening laws and regulations until guns are essentially outlawed.
Stop being a pussy and admit it.

Oh god. Are you gonna start whining about the UK like that other gun nut? They have extremely low crime problems, especially compared to us. We should do what they are doing..
The truth is that many of us are willing to have firearms regulated and therefore, they will not "stand up" with fanatics who are sure their gun collection is the only thing standing between themselves and total chaos.
Because you do not agree with certain people, you will not stand up for their rights?
None... it's a blood sport in America.
How many gun massacres have been committed by a NRA member? Think very carefully about this, we dont want you to get it wrong. Let me give you a hint.

It isnt 1,000,000
It isnt 100,000
It isnt 10,000
It isnt 1,000
It isnt 100
It isnt 10
It isnt 1

Have you guessed how many gun massacres have been committed by a NRA member yet? Would you deprive these women of the ability to defend themselves from the likes of the liberals like Harvey Weinstein and Jeffery Epstein? Do you have a War on Women?

Do you really believe someone will try to take your and my guns, or are you just repeating silly crap?

Commie shills advocate for it on sites like these all day, every day in some cases.

Just look at Maine ..person over there, and that one is mild.

You use the word commie as a catch all for anyone you don't like, don't you?
Idiots here advocate for civil war every day, but that doesn't mean I believe it will happen. That wasn't the question anyway. Do you think somebody will come to take your guns or mine?

Yes. It's already happened in New Orleans and California.


A Decade Later, Remember New Orleans … Gun Confiscation Can (And Has) Happened In America

California's gun seizure squad finds an arsenal under a bed - CNN

Next! :itsok:
In Maryland a Red Flag law was enacted on a resident at 5am in the morning with the "POLICE" showing up and pounding on the guys door. When he opened the door, the guy had a pistol the police tried to take it, a struggle ensued and the guy was shot dead. The liberals on this board just got a thrill run up their legs because they want all law abiding citizens to be killed, then the liberals can take what they want without a fight. That is the real reason, just look at what the Nazi's did to the Jews when the Jews couldn't fight back.

Home Resident Killed by Maryland Police Trying Confiscate His Guns
Police spokesman Jacklyn Davis said officers responded to 103 Linwood Avenue at around 5:15 a.m. to serve an “emergency risk protective order,” also known as the red flag order.
The man answered the door armed with a handgun and a struggle ensued as officers attempted to disarm the man, Davis said.
During the struggle, the man’s handgun discharged and police fired shots, Davis said.

Maryland’s ‘Red Flag’ Law Turns Deadly: Officer Kills Man Who Refused To Turn In Gun
You folks just don't understand

the quickest way to control the American populace isn't to deprive them of their guns, it's to allow us all as many as we'd like, shoot up the town, etc.

THAT elicits the 'control' they wish to impose

don't any of you THINK they've thought this out?


None... it's a blood sport in America.
How many gun massacres have been committed by a NRA member? Think very carefully about this, we dont want you to get it wrong. Let me give you a hint.

It isnt 1,000,000
It isnt 100,000
It isnt 10,000
It isnt 1,000
It isnt 100
It isnt 10
It isnt 1

Have you guessed how many gun massacres have been committed by a NRA member yet? Would you deprive these women of the ability to defend themselves from the likes of the liberals like Harvey Weinstein and Jeffery Epstein? Do you have a War on Women?


How many gun massacres were enabled because the NRA fought to make sure the shooters could have all the guns they wanted? All of them.
Commie shills advocate for it on sites like these all day, every day in some cases.

Just look at Maine ..person over there, and that one is mild.

You use the word commie as a catch all for anyone you don't like, don't you?
Idiots here advocate for civil war every day, but that doesn't mean I believe it will happen. That wasn't the question anyway. Do you think somebody will come to take your guns or mine?

Yes. It's already happened in New Orleans and California.


A Decade Later, Remember New Orleans … Gun Confiscation Can (And Has) Happened In America

California's gun seizure squad finds an arsenal under a bed - CNN

Next! :itsok:
In Maryland a Red Flag law was enacted on a resident at 5am in the morning with the "POLICE" showing up and pounding on the guys door. When he opened the door, the guy had a pistol the police tried to take it, a struggle ensued and the guy was shot dead. The liberals on this board just got a thrill run up their legs because they want all law abiding citizens to be killed, then the liberals can take what they want without a fight. That is the real reason, just look at what the Nazi's did to the Jews when the Jews couldn't fight back.

Home Resident Killed by Maryland Police Trying Confiscate His Guns
Police spokesman Jacklyn Davis said officers responded to 103 Linwood Avenue at around 5:15 a.m. to serve an “emergency risk protective order,” also known as the red flag order.
The man answered the door armed with a handgun and a struggle ensued as officers attempted to disarm the man, Davis said.
During the struggle, the man’s handgun discharged and police fired shots, Davis said.

Maryland’s ‘Red Flag’ Law Turns Deadly: Officer Kills Man Who Refused To Turn In Gun

"The liberals on this board just got a thrill run up their legs because they want all law abiding citizens to be killed"

The above is a quote from andaronjim. No matter what your political beliefs are, read that quote and decide if you think those are the words of a sane person.
"How many mass shooting will have to happen before you give up your guns?"

Me: "I don't know. How many rapes will have to happen before you'll cut off your dick?"

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