What Obama's 39% approval rating really means...

Wishful thnking. He's already a lame duck and becoming more toxic by the day. Going on 6 years with nothing to show but Obamacare!:lol:

No, not really, just you guys spinning it like that.

What's probbibly going to happen is the right will ride thiis poney into 2016 and then cry about why they lost again. The fact that Dems are all that the right can even think about tells me that they are going to take a beating again.

Once the republicans stop caring about what the left is up to, they might start getting back to the old days.

I, for one, can't wait. I'm sick of this PC world I'm forced into.
Sugre, Obama's going to make a fabulous comeback, Trayvon Martin's girlfriend is going to become a lawyers and the Chicago Cubs are going to win the World Series next year.:lol:

Right, absolutly - just keep up with the lame scandals and the stupid attacks on Obama's personal life. That stiuff will eventually work!

I recomend diging up more welfare relitives to further shame the prez ... he eventually will step aside and you guys can have a party!

Oh, more birther stuff - get James O'Keif on that. He can dress up like a pimp AND wire-tap someone's phone ... It's a win-win!
The game is early and Obama has dug himself a big hole, but it's the NBA and we all know that all NBA games are decided in the fourth quarter. We haven't even made it to halftime.

We are in the 5th year of 8 and when I played ball, the second half started after 4 years. Do people really hire an auditor that doesn't know that 4 is half of 8?
The game is early and Obama has dug himself a big hole, but it's the NBA and we all know that all NBA games are decided in the fourth quarter. We haven't even made it to halftime.

We are in the 5th year of 8 and when I played ball, the second half started after 4 years. Do people really hire an auditor that doesn't know that 4 is half of 8?

I dunno - maybe Obama will go to short passes to the running back? :cuckoo:

Look, his polls are down right now, next month they will be up, what does that mean? Depends ... maybe it means that he's doing a good job, or maybe it means that he gives people that warm, squishy feeling again. You know ... because he's black, good looking and because he speaks well (please, que the teleprompter comments).

You are niether as good OR AS BAD as people say you are.

History is the same way - JFK will forever be one of the great presidents, dispite never actually doing that much. People believe what they want to believe.

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"efficient government". oxymoron.

Quite the contrary...

Did the roads you drove on this morning lack huge potholes? Traffic signals work right?

Fact is, Government does most of what it does very well.

And big corporations fuck a lot of things up.

The thing is, unlike the Private Sector, which fluffs itself with magazines like Forbes and Fortune, government just gets about doing the hard work.
"efficient government". oxymoron.

Quite the contrary...

Did the roads you drove on this morning lack huge potholes? Traffic signals work right?

Fact is, Government does most of what it does very well.

And big corporations fuck a lot of things up.

The thing is, unlike the Private Sector, which fluffs itself with magazines like Forbes and Fortune, government just gets about doing the hard work.


There's a huge difference, and absolute difference, between getting stuff done and the costs and abuse and influence and fraud and waste it took to get it done. With taxpayer dollars.

Those are two entirely different issues, and those with this inexplicable affection for and devotion to government absolutely refuse to admit that.

Unless their affection and devotion blind them to it, like an abused wife who apologizes for her husband, I don't know.

Further, if a "big corporation" fucks something up, I can dump it and use another company. Right now. Today. On my own. Competition. Can't do that with the government.

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There's a huge difference, and absolute difference, between getting stuff done and the costs and abuse and influence and fraud and waste it took to get it done. With taxpayer dollars.

Those are two entirely different issues, and those with this inexplicable affection for and devotion to government absolutely refuse to admit that.

Unless their affection and devotion blind them to it, like an abused wife who apologizes for her husband, I don't know.


What i consider an abuse is that Cigna insisted my last company fire me because I ran up too many medical bills but they paid that MOTHER FUCKER Ed Hanaway 83 million dollars to not work anymore. Oh, yeah, and he killed Nataline Sarkisyan by denying her health coverage.

Now, if the GOP wants to be the party of efficiency, I'd be all for that. That was the GOP I joined in 1980. It isn't. Not since the Teabaggers and Libertarian crazies and religious nuts who want government small enough to fit in a lady's vagina took over.

There's a huge difference, and absolute difference, between getting stuff done and the costs and abuse and influence and fraud and waste it took to get it done. With taxpayer dollars.

Those are two entirely different issues, and those with this inexplicable affection for and devotion to government absolutely refuse to admit that.

Unless their affection and devotion blind them to it, like an abused wife who apologizes for her husband, I don't know.


What i consider an abuse is that Cigna insisted my last company fire me because I ran up too many medical bills but they paid that MOTHER FUCKER Ed Hanaway 83 million dollars to not work anymore. Oh, yeah, and he killed Nataline Sarkisyan by denying her health coverage.

Now, if the GOP wants to be the party of efficiency, I'd be all for that. That was the GOP I joined in 1980. It isn't. Not since the Teabaggers and Libertarian crazies and religious nuts who want government small enough to fit in a lady's vagina took over.

Are you saying you have proof that Cigna insisted you be fired? Or is that what the company told you?

Are you saying you have proof that Cigna insisted you be fired? Or is that what the company told you?

Oh, no, they'd never admit that. Then I'd be able to sue them.

Instead, they paid me $10,000 in "Please don't sue us money".

but, yeah, if you got pregnant, if you got injured, if you got sick, this company got rid of you at the first oppurtunity.

Shit, I only got the job because their first choice for it was diagnosed with cancer a month in, and they called me back.

I should have probably taken that as a clue as to the kind of people I was dealing with.

Are you saying you have proof that Cigna insisted you be fired? Or is that what the company told you?

Oh, no, they'd never admit that. Then I'd be able to sue them.

Instead, they paid me $10,000 in "Please don't sue us money".

but, yeah, if you got pregnant, if you got injured, if you got sick, this company got rid of you at the first oppurtunity.

Shit, I only got the job because their first choice for it was diagnosed with cancer a month in, and they called me back.

I should have probably taken that as a clue as to the kind of people I was dealing with.

How long had you worked there?
I went through cancer surgery,hip replacement and diabetes in a little over a year.(yeah it was a shitty year) And never had a problem.
Sounds like a crappy place to work more then anything else.

Are you saying you have proof that Cigna insisted you be fired? Or is that what the company told you?

Oh, no, they'd never admit that. Then I'd be able to sue them.

Instead, they paid me $10,000 in "Please don't sue us money".

but, yeah, if you got pregnant, if you got injured, if you got sick, this company got rid of you at the first oppurtunity.

Shit, I only got the job because their first choice for it was diagnosed with cancer a month in, and they called me back.

I should have probably taken that as a clue as to the kind of people I was dealing with.

How long had you worked there?
I went through cancer surgery,hip replacement and diabetes in a little over a year.(yeah it was a shitty year) And never had a problem.
Sounds like a crappy place to work more then anything else.

Worked their for Five years and Eight months. And really, although the managers were douchebags the people who worked there were nice.

But the fact was, if you got sick or pregnant, they got rid of you, and the insurance company instigated most of it.

They did managed to cure me of any Republican stupidity that the wealthy and I have the same interests, though.
Oh, no, they'd never admit that. Then I'd be able to sue them.

Instead, they paid me $10,000 in "Please don't sue us money".

but, yeah, if you got pregnant, if you got injured, if you got sick, this company got rid of you at the first oppurtunity.

Shit, I only got the job because their first choice for it was diagnosed with cancer a month in, and they called me back.

I should have probably taken that as a clue as to the kind of people I was dealing with.

How long had you worked there?
I went through cancer surgery,hip replacement and diabetes in a little over a year.(yeah it was a shitty year) And never had a problem.
Sounds like a crappy place to work more then anything else.

Worked their for Five years and Eight months. And really, although the managers were douchebags the people who worked there were nice.

But the fact was, if you got sick or pregnant, they got rid of you, and the insurance company instigated most of it.

They did managed to cure me of any Republican stupidity that the wealthy and I have the same interests, though.

I cant say I've ever had a serious problem with an insurance company.
In fact Blue Cross went to bat for me and paid claims that they didnt have to pay. Saved me thirteen thousand dollars.
It sounds to me like you picked a bad place to work if they value their employees so little.
I guess my next question would be what kind of work was it? Did it require years of schooling or experience? Because if they get a rep for doing what they appear to be doing I dont see how they would stay in business. Eventually no one of quality will work for them.
Sounds like Joe fuckin' sucked at his job, missed too many days and got fires and now he wants to use government to seek revenge on all corporations" and people for his bitterness.

I'd seek help, fella.
No, just that Gallup can't be trusted.

Keep in mind, this was the same Gallup that had the Weird Mormon Robot winning by 7 points.

Incorrect, the highest that Gallup had for Romney was 5 points in the early spring of 2012. The final pre-election poll of registered voters by Gallup had Obama ahead 49%-46% with a margin of error of +- 2%

Gallup Presidential Election Trial Heat Results: Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney

The final numbers were 51.01% Obama and 47.15% Romney


Other final polls before the election:

Politico 47-47

Rasmussen Romney 49% to Obama 48%

CNN/Opinion Research Obama 50 Romney 49

NBC News/Wall Street Journal Obama 48% Romney 47

Pew Obama 49 Romney 42

ABC Obama 49 Romney 48

Fox News Obama 46 Romney 45
:lol: Thats kinda where I was going....but I was being a little more subtle. But I guess it works.

Not really, when you act that ignorent online, very few people except for your "fans" listen.

I know you guys hate the truth so I was just trying to ease into it.
Next time I'll treat him like a band-aid.:finger3:

No you weren't. You were trying to spread some propaganda, and hoping people would buy your shit.

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