What Obama's 39% approval rating really means...

The game is early and Obama has dug himself a big hole, but it's the NBA and we all know that all NBA games are decided in the fourth quarter. We haven't even made it to halftime.

We are in the 5th year of 8 and when I played ball, the second half started after 4 years. Do people really hire an auditor that doesn't know that 4 is half of 8?

I dunno - maybe Obama will go to short passes to the running back? :cuckoo:

Look, his polls are down right now, next month they will be up, what does that mean? Depends ... maybe it means that he's doing a good job, or maybe it means that he gives people that warm, squishy feeling again. You know ... because he's black, good looking and because he speaks well (please, que the teleprompter comments).

You are niether as good OR AS BAD as people say you are.

History is the same way - JFK will forever be one of the great presidents, dispite never actually doing that much. People believe what they want to believe.

So you're a paid, leftard mouth piece. The "LOOK" comment gives you people away. You're all PROGRAMMED to say "LOOK." Every talking head say's it, EVERY one. So you found your way here to spread CRAP for your dirty little commie FUCK in the black house.

Good luck, IDIOT, because anyone with a BRAIN can see by now that the kenyan is a FILTHY LIAR and a SHYSTER. But go ahead and crawl around behind him with your head shoved up his ass, but understand, we see you for what you are, dumbass mother fucker.
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Not really, when you act that ignorent online, very few people except for your "fans" listen.

I know you guys hate the truth so I was just trying to ease into it.
Next time I'll treat him like a band-aid.:finger3:

No you weren't. You were trying to spread some propaganda, and hoping people would buy your shit.

And what propaganda would that be? I mean since you accused me of spreading it,you should be able to name it.
The game is early and Obama has dug himself a big hole, but it's the NBA and we all know that all NBA games are decided in the fourth quarter. We haven't even made it to halftime.

please. his career identifying center piece was just launched and that is what is sinking him. this should have been his defining moment when his ratings soared. the first string has fouled out. he'll be playing the rest of the game with the bench
The game is early and Obama has dug himself a big hole, but it's the NBA and we all know that all NBA games are decided in the fourth quarter. We haven't even made it to halftime.

We are in the 5th year of 8 and when I played ball, the second half started after 4 years. Do people really hire an auditor that doesn't know that 4 is half of 8?

You aren't very good at analytics, are you? The ACA is just going into effect now. The game just started. We're nowhere close to halftime.
Web- site is only the start of the problems....you're a dreamer..So there are still some Obama clone believers out there..i feel sorry for you:cuckoo:

I've looked at the plans thoroughly and they are good plans that are comparable to what I have had in the past. On top of that, they now fully cover all preventative care. I don't think many of you understand what that means. A lot of people are going to like that fact once they understand what all is actually covered.

The bottom line is that it really has nothing to do with Obama. It is all about the ability to purchase affordable health insurance, even for those who really can't afford it. I realize that a lot of you don't think lower income earners should have access to decent healthcare, but I am one who believes that all Americans should, even if I have to help subsidize them.

You must have had crap policies.
I also looked at them. They didnt cover the most expensve meds I use. The deductible was higher, as were the premiums. There were more restrictions.
It is not affordable insurance. That is why more and more people are saying they will pay the penalty and go without.
If you want to subsidize people's health care, go right ahead. Write a check to your local doctor to cover wllness checks for kids who can't afford it No one is stopping you. But get your fucking hand out of my wallet.

Well I suggest you pay the penalty then and go without health insurance. You'll just have to pay out of pocket for everything. Of course, if everyone does as you suggest, then that definitely puts us one step closer to one payer, and with that, you know I'm right.
The rating means nothing good for the Pubs if our GOP and TeaP ratings are much lower than the Dems and BHO.
I've looked at the plans thoroughly and they are good plans that are comparable to what I have had in the past. On top of that, they now fully cover all preventative care. I don't think many of you understand what that means. A lot of people are going to like that fact once they understand what all is actually covered.

The bottom line is that it really has nothing to do with Obama. It is all about the ability to purchase affordable health insurance, even for those who really can't afford it. I realize that a lot of you don't think lower income earners should have access to decent healthcare, but I am one who believes that all Americans should, even if I have to help subsidize them.

You must have had crap policies.
I also looked at them. They didnt cover the most expensve meds I use. The deductible was higher, as were the premiums. There were more restrictions.
It is not affordable insurance. That is why more and more people are saying they will pay the penalty and go without.
If you want to subsidize people's health care, go right ahead. Write a check to your local doctor to cover wllness checks for kids who can't afford it No one is stopping you. But get your fucking hand out of my wallet.

Well I suggest you pay the penalty then and go without health insurance. You'll just have to pay out of pocket for everything. Of course, if everyone does as you suggest, then that definitely puts us one step closer to one payer, and with that, you know I'm right.

You dont read well, do you? I have health insurance. That isn't the point.
And healthy young people will in fact figure out the penalty is less and go without it. If struck with a catastrophic illness they will sign up for coverage at that point.
Single payer will never happen. Even Barney Homo Frank admitted it wouldn't happen.

I cant say I've ever had a serious problem with an insurance company.
In fact Blue Cross went to bat for me and paid claims that they didnt have to pay. Saved me thirteen thousand dollars.
It sounds to me like you picked a bad place to work if they value their employees so little.
I guess my next question would be what kind of work was it? Did it require years of schooling or experience? Because if they get a rep for doing what they appear to be doing I dont see how they would stay in business. Eventually no one of quality will work for them.

It's a national company and is a leader in its industry. I did purchasing. Placed something like 20 million dollars in purchase orders a year, managing inventory at six locations.

And, no, there's no excuse for what they did. And frankly, compared to other places I worked for, it was the Leper with the most fingers.
We are in the 5th year of 8 and when I played ball, the second half started after 4 years. Do people really hire an auditor that doesn't know that 4 is half of 8?

I dunno - maybe Obama will go to short passes to the running back? :cuckoo:

Look, his polls are down right now, next month they will be up, what does that mean? Depends ... maybe it means that he's doing a good job, or maybe it means that he gives people that warm, squishy feeling again. You know ... because he's black, good looking and because he speaks well (please, que the teleprompter comments).

You are niether as good OR AS BAD as people say you are.

History is the same way - JFK will forever be one of the great presidents, dispite never actually doing that much. People believe what they want to believe.

So you're a paid, leftard mouth piece. The "LOOK" comment gives you people away. You're all PROGRAMMED to say "LOOK." Every talking head say's it, EVERY one. So you found your way here to spread CRAP for your dirty little commie FUCK in the black house.

Good luck, IDIOT, because anyone with a BRAIN can see by now that the kenyan is a FILTHY LIAR and a SHYSTER. But go ahead crawl around behind him with your head shoved up his ass, but understand, we see you for what you are, dumbass mother fucker.

Obama's voter convention:


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