What Percent of New Sexual Harassment Claims Do You Think...


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
Williamsburg, KY
The more new sexual harassment claims I read about in the media, I start to wonder how many were just a guy trying to hit on a woman, and she wasn't into him... so instead of looking at it as a guy looking for a date, they think it is sexual harassment.

I mean if I'm at a bar, and I walk up to a woman and tell her how beautiful she is and asking her if I can buy her a drink, that's just me trying to make conversation and possible find a date. But if she isn't into me, she can now claim I was sexually harassing her?

I'm not saying there isn't a sexual harassment problem. With Weinstein and many others who were in positions of power, definitely did some sick shit, but some of these other reports are just... nothing all that odd.

Take for example that chick complaining about H.W. Bush. Did she really feel harassed by a 85+ year old man sitting in a wheel chair?
The more new sexual harassment claims I read about in the media, I start to wonder how many were just a guy trying to hit on a woman, and she wasn't into him... so instead of looking at it as a guy looking for a date, they think it is sexual harassment.

I mean if I'm at a bar, and I walk up to a woman and tell her how beautiful she is and asking her if I can buy her a drink, that's just me trying to make conversation and possible find a date. But if she isn't into me, she can now claim I was sexually harassing her?

I'm not saying there isn't a sexual harassment problem. With Weinstein and many others who were in positions of power, definitely did some sick shit, but some of these other reports are just... nothing all that odd.

Take for example that chick complaining about H.W. Bush. Did she really feel harassed by a 85+ year old man sitting in a wheel chair?
------------------------------------------------------ LEGALITIES , if its illegal for a person to touch a womans butt then its ILLEGAL for 'hgwb' to touch this complaining womans butt Lew !!
And seems to me that the offended woman gets to decide because she was the one that was given unwanted attention as she was touched Lew .
The more new sexual harassment claims I read about in the media, I start to wonder how many were just a guy trying to hit on a woman, and she wasn't into him... so instead of looking at it as a guy looking for a date, they think it is sexual harassment.

I mean if I'm at a bar, and I walk up to a woman and tell her how beautiful she is and asking her if I can buy her a drink, that's just me trying to make conversation and possible find a date. But if she isn't into me, she can now claim I was sexually harassing her?

I'm not saying there isn't a sexual harassment problem. With Weinstein and many others who were in positions of power, definitely did some sick shit, but some of these other reports are just... nothing all that odd.

Take for example that chick complaining about H.W. Bush. Did she really feel harassed by a 85+ year old man sitting in a wheel chair?
------------------------------------------------------ LEGALITIES , if its illegal for a person o to touch a womans butt then its ILLEGAL for 'hgwb' to touch this complaining womans butt Lew !!

Not every time you touch a woman's butt is it on purpose. H.W. Bush was in a wheel chair and they lady was standing up. Him putting his arm around her would be at butt level...
The more new sexual harassment claims I read about in the media, I start to wonder how many were just a guy trying to hit on a woman, and she wasn't into him... so instead of looking at it as a guy looking for a date, they think it is sexual harassment.

I mean if I'm at a bar, and I walk up to a woman and tell her how beautiful she is and asking her if I can buy her a drink, that's just me trying to make conversation and possible find a date. But if she isn't into me, she can now claim I was sexually harassing her?

I'm not saying there isn't a sexual harassment problem. With Weinstein and many others who were in positions of power, definitely did some sick shit, but some of these other reports are just... nothing all that odd.

Take for example that chick complaining about H.W. Bush. Did she really feel harassed by a 85+ year old man sitting in a wheel chair?
Sexual Harassment deals more with people who hold positions of power over others and use that power to gain sexual favors.

I don't think your bar scenario fits that bill. However, I could see some harmless flirtation at work being added to the sexual harassment issue.
I think there is a great divide between Harvey and some old fool pinching a woman's ass.
The more new sexual harassment claims I read about in the media, I start to wonder how many were just a guy trying to hit on a woman, and she wasn't into him... so instead of looking at it as a guy looking for a date, they think it is sexual harassment.

I mean if I'm at a bar, and I walk up to a woman and tell her how beautiful she is and asking her if I can buy her a drink, that's just me trying to make conversation and possible find a date. But if she isn't into me, she can now claim I was sexually harassing her?

I'm not saying there isn't a sexual harassment problem. With Weinstein and many others who were in positions of power, definitely did some sick shit, but some of these other reports are just... nothing all that odd.

Take for example that chick complaining about H.W. Bush. Did she really feel harassed by a 85+ year old man sitting in a wheel chair?
------------------------------------------------------ LEGALITIES , if its illegal for a person o to touch a womans butt then its ILLEGAL for 'hgwb' to touch this complaining womans butt Lew !!

Not every time you touch a woman's butt is it on purpose. H.W. Bush was in a wheel chair and they lady was standing up. Him putting his arm around her would be at butt level...
------------------------------------------ doesn't matter what 'hgwb' intention or situation was , he indulged in unwanted touching as he told the lady a little joke and TOUCHED her Lew .
And seems to me that the offended woman gets to decide because she was the one that was given unwanted attention as she was touched Lew .

Flirting with a woman is not harassment. I guess you've never seen the videos that people some times make that show different groups of people doing the EXACT same behavior or saying the EXACT same thing, and then the people they do it to have different reactions to the different people.

Just because a woman isn't interested in the guy that flirts with them, doesn't turn it into sexual harassment. Like anything else, being a part of the "sexually harassed" borg, has become something new.

I remember in 2001 when I was at a bar and this girl came up and stuck her chest in my face and asked for money. Yeah I was at a strip club, but I didn't find her attractive so I guess she sexually harassed me.

Let me repeat this however for those that will start the argument, I AM NOT SAYING ALL THESE CASES OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT ARE FAKE OR OVERBLOWN... just that it appears it is a domino effect that many I'm hearing about don't actually sound like real cases of it.
I think there is a great divide between Harvey and some old fool pinching a woman's ass.
------------------------------------------------ depends on the woman doesn't it , she can complain of ASSAULT , up to a Court i suppose but a PINCH is still unwanted touching . Maybe 'hgwb' will just be made to sit in a corner while 'weinstein' gets hanged Pete .
I think there is a great divide between Harvey and some old fool pinching a woman's ass.
------------------------------------------------ depends on the woman doesn't it , she can complain of ASSAULT , up to a Court i suppose but a PINCH is still unwanted touching . Maybe 'hgwb' will just be made to sit in a corner while 'weinstein' gets hanged Pete .

They could hang 'em both for all I care.
And seems to me that the offended woman gets to decide because she was the one that was given unwanted attention as she was touched Lew .

Flirting with a woman is not harassment. I guess you've never seen the videos that people some times make that show different groups of people doing the EXACT same behavior or saying the EXACT same thing, and then the people they do it to have different reactions to the different people.

Just because a woman isn't interested in the guy that flirts with them, doesn't turn it into sexual harassment. Like anything else, being a part of the "sexually harassed" borg, has become something new.

I remember in 2001 when I was at a bar and this girl came up and stuck her chest in my face and asked for money. Yeah I was at a strip club, but I didn't find her attractive so I guess she sexually harassed me.

Let me repeat this however for those that will start the argument, I AM NOT SAYING ALL THESE CASES OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT ARE FAKE OR OVERBLOWN... just that it appears it is a domino effect that many I'm hearing about don't actually sound like real cases of it.
----------------------------------------------------------------- brave new world for you younger guys eh . Solution is to get married but from what i hear career women with good paying jobs don't want the weight of a guy hanging around their neck and eating their food .
----------------------------------------------------------------- brave new world for you younger guys eh . Solution is to get married but from what i hear career women with good paying jobs don't want the weight of a guy hanging around their neck and eating their food .

I hear a lot of 30 somethings are still living at their parent's house waiting for manager's jobs, they figure their degree in gender studies qualifies them for a position that can help them pay off that $90K student loan.

And seems to me that the offended woman gets to decide because she was the one that was given unwanted attention as she was touched Lew .

Flirting with a woman is not harassment. I guess you've never seen the videos that people some times make that show different groups of people doing the EXACT same behavior or saying the EXACT same thing, and then the people they do it to have different reactions to the different people.

Just because a woman isn't interested in the guy that flirts with them, doesn't turn it into sexual harassment. Like anything else, being a part of the "sexually harassed" borg, has become something new.

I remember in 2001 when I was at a bar and this girl came up and stuck her chest in my face and asked for money. Yeah I was at a strip club, but I didn't find her attractive so I guess she sexually harassed me.

Let me repeat this however for those that will start the argument, I AM NOT SAYING ALL THESE CASES OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT ARE FAKE OR OVERBLOWN... just that it appears it is a domino effect that many I'm hearing about don't actually sound like real cases of it.
----------------------------------------------------------------- brave new world for you younger guys eh . Solution is to get married but from what i hear career women with good paying jobs don't want the weight of a guy hanging around their neck and eating their food .

You really are jealous of my life. Pretty pathetic of you. You should get out of the house more and go to your local Waffle House and complain there.

You really don't have an opinion to share in this thread, because this isn't 1935 any longer like when you grew up and the women were all barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. :mm:
And seems to me that the offended woman gets to decide because she was the one that was given unwanted attention as she was touched Lew .

Flirting with a woman is not harassment. I guess you've never seen the videos that people some times make that show different groups of people doing the EXACT same behavior or saying the EXACT same thing, and then the people they do it to have different reactions to the different people.

Just because a woman isn't interested in the guy that flirts with them, doesn't turn it into sexual harassment. Like anything else, being a part of the "sexually harassed" borg, has become something new.

I remember in 2001 when I was at a bar and this girl came up and stuck her chest in my face and asked for money. Yeah I was at a strip club, but I didn't find her attractive so I guess she sexually harassed me.

Let me repeat this however for those that will start the argument, I AM NOT SAYING ALL THESE CASES OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT ARE FAKE OR OVERBLOWN... just that it appears it is a domino effect that many I'm hearing about don't actually sound like real cases of it.
----------------------------------------------------------------- brave new world for you younger guys eh . Solution is to get married but from what i hear career women with good paying jobs don't want the weight of a guy hanging around their neck and eating their food .
--------------------------------------------------------- yep , youngish 37 - 40 year old guy moving into middle age , maybe going bald and still a student with student loans and driving an old 'corolla' with ratty interior and bald tires looking to hustle the glitzy career woman thats out dancing with her girlfriend . Its a tough choice Lewdog .
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The more new sexual harassment claims I read about in the media, I start to wonder how many were just a guy trying to hit on a woman, and she wasn't into him... so instead of looking at it as a guy looking for a date, they think it is sexual harassment.

I mean if I'm at a bar, and I walk up to a woman and tell her how beautiful she is and asking her if I can buy her a drink, that's just me trying to make conversation and possible find a date. But if she isn't into me, she can now claim I was sexually harassing her?

I'm not saying there isn't a sexual harassment problem. With Weinstein and many others who were in positions of power, definitely did some sick shit, but some of these other reports are just... nothing all that odd.

Take for example that chick complaining about H.W. Bush. Did she really feel harassed by a 85+ year old man sitting in a wheel chair?

50% but 0% if they were accusing Trump
i remember in 1968 or 1969 , i told the girls that i had a drivers license and a motorcycle , access to a 1965 Ford Galaxy 500 in British racing green and a job on the Rail Road . A year or 2 later i had a baby girl and a wife Lew .
And seems to me that the offended woman gets to decide because she was the one that was given unwanted attention as she was touched Lew .

Flirting with a woman is not harassment. I guess you've never seen the videos that people some times make that show different groups of people doing the EXACT same behavior or saying the EXACT same thing, and then the people they do it to have different reactions to the different people.

Just because a woman isn't interested in the guy that flirts with them, doesn't turn it into sexual harassment. Like anything else, being a part of the "sexually harassed" borg, has become something new.

I remember in 2001 when I was at a bar and this girl came up and stuck her chest in my face and asked for money. Yeah I was at a strip club, but I didn't find her attractive so I guess she sexually harassed me.

Let me repeat this however for those that will start the argument, I AM NOT SAYING ALL THESE CASES OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT ARE FAKE OR OVERBLOWN... just that it appears it is a domino effect that many I'm hearing about don't actually sound like real cases of it.
----------------------------------------------------------------- brave new world for you younger guys eh . Solution is to get married but from what i hear career women with good paying jobs don't want the weight of a guy hanging around their neck and eating their food .
--------------------------------------------------------- yep , youngish 37 - 40 year old guy moving into middle age , maybe going bald and still a student with student loans and driving an old 'corolla' with ratty interior and bald tires looking to hustle the glitzy career woman thats out dancing with her girlfriend . Its a tough choice Lewdog .

Not even close. Keep trying. ;)
It's easy for a woman to claim a man harassed her, and it can cause lots of problems for the man involved. I have no doubt that many of the claims are filed simply as a way for the woman to get even with some man she doesn't like, or that she simply wants to embarrass. I once worked at a place where a nasty female co-worker was known to have considered using harrassment claims as a way to get even with her "enemies" (anyone she did not like). But, then, that woman was particularly hateful and sleazy.

But over a long life I known many men who treated women like shit, and many of these men were predators. And, if a man is rich or in a position of power it would be easier, and more likely, for him to use that position to force himself on women, imo.

Sixteen women have claimed that president Douchebag has sexually harassed them. The White House denies anything happened. But knowing what a vile, filthy, and disgusting person the Orange Turd is, through his own words and actions, can any honest and reasonable person not believe the accusers, in this case? I'd believe anyone over the Orange Liar In Chief. In this particular case, I'd believe 100 percent of the accusations are true.

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