What potential Democrats are out there for President in 2016?

What potential Democrats are out there for President in 2016?

Whether Obama wins in 2012 or not, what Democrats are potential up and comers? Anyone got any names?

I know Andrew Cuomo is supposed to be a rising star. His father Mario was fantastic. I'd guess he's probably too far to the left to have a good chance of winning, but am not sure. Anyone else? Any women? Hillary could choose to run, 2016 is a long time off...

Come on my Dem friends, help me out. Is 5 years too far off to even start thinking about it?

I know, hardly any of us knew of Obama (as a potential contender at least) before his convention speech in 2004, and W. Bush wasn't really on the map in that way until about 1997.

Leon Panetta
Al Franken combining in a ticket with right wing pundit Ben Stein would be tough to beat in 2016

The Franken/Stein ticket would scare all the voters into voting for them
I suggest that you just give it up, dude.

Shit happens, and it DID happen,

and now?

The Dums are SO The Losers.

IF it doesn't go to a repug, in 2016?

It'll be the NEW parties that are calling the shots :

from my little corner, it'll be the Tea Party,

but the dums will whip up something to compete, I feel sure.

(You're before your time, pal.)

Now that's funny!

There will never be a "Tea Party" Party. The "Tea Party" is a fad, that will fade. It's nothing more than a vehicle for the Republican party.

The tea party is here to stay until it has accomplished its job of reducing government intervention and waste. After this time it will play a much smaller role in society like all social movements have in the past.

If it helps you to sleep at night, believe that.

The tea party is being used by the Republicans, and will be thrown away as soon as it's not needed anymore. Just like the Dems used the Anti-war folks until they got into power, and then threw them away.
Nancy once called the tea party an astroturf movement. I bet she would love to take those words back.

"Astroturf" is another meaningless term.

The Tea Parties are being used by the Republican party, as a tool to fuel anger. As soon as the Republicans have power again, the Tea Party will disappear.

"Astroturf" is another meaningless term.

I agree it was meaningless when San Fran Nan used it and look at what happen. Oh and since you think they are a tool used by the republican party. Why is it the Republican party was so pissed when the tea party kicked a few republicans to the curb?

Here's a better question. What "tea party" candidate ran as a Democrat?
If it makes you feel better to believe that, feel free.

What makes me feel "better" is the FACT that folks are thinking, looking and listening.

Put another READER up, before us.

WATCH as we shoot her/him down for the ACTOR that s/he IS!

Don't YOU want something? Something that you feel like your country promised you?

Some sort of freedom, or something?

WHAT is it? CAN your idea of what our gov should be cover THAT,

your idea of the pursuit of health, happiness and harmony?

Libturds forget that, with their acquiescence to Total


smelly phone...

If you want me to respond to your post, you're going to have to speak English.
f it helps you to sleep at night, believe that.

The tea party is being used by the Republicans, and will be thrown away as soon as it's not needed anymore. Just like the Dems used the Anti-war folks until they got into power, and then threw them away.

Does it help YOU to believe, and sleep at night,

that the Tea Party isn't real?

WTF? The repug party is going to go DOWN over this, as the losers/liars they are.


for the liars and charlatans that THEY are.

Well, I mean,

to all but the sheeple,

the HERD that was quested and FOUND.

WTF are you, again? ...
Now that's funny!

There will never be a "Tea Party" Party. The "Tea Party" is a fad, that will fade. It's nothing more than a vehicle for the Republican party.

The tea party is here to stay until it has accomplished its job of reducing government intervention and waste. After this time it will play a much smaller role in society like all social movements have in the past.

If it helps you to sleep at night, believe that.

The tea party is being used by the Republicans, and will be thrown away as soon as it's not needed anymore. Just like the Dems used the Anti-war folks until they got into power, and then threw them away.

That could very well be the case, but I think the tea party will serve its purpose to cut spending and only then slowly take the backseat. The main problem facing this movement is that there isn't enough desire by the public to make the changes (unlike the UK recently). So it could take a decade or so before they are truly needed.
"Astroturf" is another meaningless term.

The Tea Parties are being used by the Republican party, as a tool to fuel anger. As soon as the Republicans have power again, the Tea Party will disappear.

"Astroturf" is another meaningless term.

I agree it was meaningless when San Fran Nan used it and look at what happen. Oh and since you think they are a tool used by the republican party. Why is it the Republican party was so pissed when the tea party kicked a few republicans to the curb?

Here's a better question. What "tea party" candidate ran as a Democrat?

Does this mean you aren't going to answer my question?
f it helps you to sleep at night, believe that.

The tea party is being used by the Republicans, and will be thrown away as soon as it's not needed anymore. Just like the Dems used the Anti-war folks until they got into power, and then threw them away.

Does it help YOU to believe, and sleep at night,

that the Tea Party isn't real?

WTF? The repug party is going to go DOWN over this, as the losers/liars they are.


for the liars and charlatans that THEY are.

Well, I mean,

to all but the sheeple,

the HERD that was quested and FOUND.

WTF are you, again? ...

I'm not a Democrat or a Republican.

I understand it makes you feel better to believe that the "tea party" is really gonna change everything....

But it's not. It only took a few months from the first "Tea Party" event before it was taken over by corporate interests.

Do you think the "Tea Party" will have any power at all the moment that Freedomworks and Crossroads pull their money? Do you think that anyone will care about the "tea party" when they stop hearing about it on the TV?

Believe what you want, I'll be here when you realize how wrong you are.
I suggest you worry about 2012 first.

Obama will win in 2012 against whomever the GOP throws up. But, whether he wins or loses, he's the nominee in 2012.

My expectation is he'll win in 2012, and come 2016 there will be a strong field of Republican Candidates. We probably know some of them right now, perhaps Christie, Rubio, Kasich.

I want to know from my Dem friends if they know of any up and comers in our party. We know Biden won't take the reins from Obama in 2017. So, who's on the horizon.

judging by his approval numbers, and more specifically how the American People feel about his Policies, I think you are being wildly optimistic assuming Obama will win in 2012.

His approval numbers are higher than Reagan's or Clinton's at the same time in their first term. He's also substantially more popular than either party and polls well right now against all challengers. Incumbents are difficult to beat, unless they're incredibly weak the year of the election and/or are up against a strong candidate. I don't expect either. Obama is stronger than folks think and there's no obvious candidate for the Pubs.
That could very well be the case, but I think the tea party will serve its purpose to cut spending and only then slowly take the backseat. The main problem facing this movement is that there isn't enough desire by the public to make the changes (unlike the UK recently). So it could take a decade or so before they are truly needed.

In the event that our last election did not make this clear,

rest assured that IF a new party rises?

It WILL be the Tea Party.

While you're putting ^that^ into your pipe, to smoke it,

I'll be imbibing in some DANK, mofo.
I agree it was meaningless when San Fran Nan used it and look at what happen. Oh and since you think they are a tool used by the republican party. Why is it the Republican party was so pissed when the tea party kicked a few republicans to the curb?

Here's a better question. What "tea party" candidate ran as a Democrat?

Does this mean you aren't going to answer my question?

Your question is meaningless. Yes, of course incumbent Reps were pissed when they lost to tea party candidates (only happened in one or two races though) - but that doesn't change the fact that they're being used by the Republicans. Once again, what Democrat candidate ran as a "tea party" candidate?
The tea party is here to stay until it has accomplished its job of reducing government intervention and waste. After this time it will play a much smaller role in society like all social movements have in the past.

If it helps you to sleep at night, believe that.

The tea party is being used by the Republicans, and will be thrown away as soon as it's not needed anymore. Just like the Dems used the Anti-war folks until they got into power, and then threw them away.

That could very well be the case, but I think the tea party will serve its purpose to cut spending and only then slowly take the backseat. The main problem facing this movement is that there isn't enough desire by the public to make the changes (unlike the UK recently). So it could take a decade or so before they are truly needed.

I love it when you guys actually think that spending is going to be cut.

Spending has NEVER been cut, not since WWII.

Even His High Holiness Saint Reagan increased the size of government.
There is not one DEMOCRAT who I would vote for.

They all sold out their souls in the last two years to the COMMIE NANCY PELOSI and the Obama.

I just hope we can CLEAN House of them some more in 2012 like we did with this election, and save our HARD EARNED MONEY and country from them.
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There is not one DEMOCRAT who I would vote for.

They all sold out their souls in the last two years to the COMMIE NANCY PELOSI and the Obama.

I just hope we can CLEAN House of them some more in 2012 like we did with this election, and save our HARD EARNED MONEY and country from them.

Somehow, I doubt if any of the Democrats miss your support
Here's a better question. What "tea party" candidate ran as a Democrat?

Does this mean you aren't going to answer my question?

Your question is meaningless. Yes, of course incumbent Reps were pissed when they lost to tea party candidates (only happened in one or two races though) - but that doesn't change the fact that they're being used by the Republicans. Once again, what Democrat candidate ran as a "tea party" candidate?

It's funny the so called tool played the party and the party cried.
Does this mean you aren't going to answer my question?

Your question is meaningless. Yes, of course incumbent Reps were pissed when they lost to tea party candidates (only happened in one or two races though) - but that doesn't change the fact that they're being used by the Republicans. Once again, what Democrat candidate ran as a "tea party" candidate?

It's funny the so called tool played the party and the party cried.

Cried all the way to taking back the House, and almost taking the Senate.

But they'll throw away the tea party, as soon as they can.
There is not one DEMOCRAT who I would vote for.

They all sold out their souls in the last two years to the COMMIE NANCY PELOSI and the Obama.

I just hope we can CLEAN House of them some more in 2012 like we did with this election, and save our HARD EARNED MONEY and country from them.

Somehow, I doubt if any of the Democrats miss your support

ditto for the Republicans missing your support. dumb shit:lol:
Please allow me to throw out some names from my native state.

Jerry Brown
Barbara Boxer
Diane Feinstein
Nancy Pelosi

And one or two others:

Al Sharpton
Jesse Jackson

Might be good to try John Kerry again.

Just a few names I thought of real quick. :eusa_angel:


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