What problems in this country are not perpetuated by Democrats and or their policies?

And when trump cuts my social security 25% because we’re broke will that $3k be worth it?

am I still getting that tax break? It expires soon.

The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.

Gotta love these people!

Is there a problem? Hell yes!

Is it Trumps fault? Hell no!

This has been warned about for DECADES, and the politicians who came before screwed up EVERYTHING! S.S. is going broke, and Medicare is on the verge of collapse.

And Leftists answer? Lets create Medicare for all; even for illegals...…...a green new deal that costs 90 trillion over 10 years, and never address the underlying problems of the damn entitlements that they created.

It is called 3 card monty! Forget looking over here, look over there instead!

ANYBODY who believes that these incompetent politicians with no business (or little) acumen are going to solve your problems by creating new programs, are just sticking their heads in the sand. These same type of politicians, got us all here in the 1st place.

Why do YOU think when they project cost, it is always 10, 15, 20 years down the road? Have their projections on these entitlements and grand policies EVER been correct? And yet, you keep believing their nonsense.

Ever heard the old saying, "fool me once, etc, etc?" How DUMB are you/we? And if you noticed, I said POLITICIANS, and NOT Democrats or Republicans. They like POWER, and will promise you ANYTHING for free, or cheap, to get your vote to hold that power in their hands.

Thinking, logical Americans after viewing what politicians have done and their combined track records, should be SHUNNING any politician that tells you they are going to give you something for free, or cheap. Somebody has to foot the bill, and that somebody is always YOU, along with a huge deficit and National Debt, so as you won't storm Washington DC!
Low wages - too many people qualified for the same job = lower wages
Housing / high rent - too many people = not enough properties
Homelessness - too many low grade people = not enough low grade work
Healthcare - too many getting free coverage = high premiums, high cost of pharmaceuticals
Education - too many children per classroom = teacher to student ratio too high
Divisive affirmative action - reveling over whitey losing to darkies
Guns and gun violence - fewer Democrats / dark folks = less gun violence

The common complaints we hear from Democrats are ALL self induced. They simply can not encourage Mexcio to send all the thirdworlders they can and still keep all their first world offerings.
Sorry peeps...something has got to give...you're going to have to tell your pet humans to go home and stay home if you want to see vast improvement for low to middle classers.

You are so full of bullshit as usual.

Low wages - Businesses have done everything they can to keep wages down and have largely succeeded.

Housing / high rent - Too few houses being built. Most of the building has been for high income housing. A program designed to build in supposedly depressed areas has been perverted into building marinas and other high end products.

Healthcare - Big pharma is making huge amounts of money. Obamacare increased the number of people who have insurance. Republicans have reversed that.

Education - Republicans are too worried about cutting taxes to spend money on education. To the average person, those tax cuts add up to a few dollars.

Divisive Affirmative Action - It is only divisive because white supremacists want to create resentments. Whites are not hurt by affirmative action.

Guns and Gun Violence - Most of the gun violence has been committed by right wing extremists. The FBI has already arrested 7 right wing extremists for suspected violence in connection with the Virginia gun rally.
Low wages - too many people qualified for the same job = lower wages
Housing / high rent - too many people = not enough properties
Homelessness - too many low grade people = not enough low grade work
Healthcare - too many getting free coverage = high premiums, high cost of pharmaceuticals
Education - too many children per classroom = teacher to student ratio too high
Divisive affirmative action - reveling over whitey losing to darkies
Guns and gun violence - fewer Democrats / dark folks = less gun violence

The common complaints we hear from Democrats are ALL self induced. They simply can not encourage Mexcio to send all the thirdworlders they can and still keep all their first world offerings.
Sorry peeps...something has got to give...you're going to have to tell your pet humans to go home and stay home if you want to see vast improvement for low to middle classers.


Low wages - excessive low-skilled immigration willing to work for dirt.
Housing / high rent - can't keep up with the high birth rate of people on government entitlement.
Homelessness - victims of mass urbanization and failed progressive policies.
Healthcare - everyone's sick from socialized food and socialized doctors.
Education - another failed overreach of progressive ideology stamping out a dumbed down class of people.
Divisive affirmative action - blacks in government giving other blacks their reparations.
Guns and gun violence - more and more people simply exasperated from the failings of progressive liberalism.

Total BS.

I don’t even know where to begin.
Low wages - too many people qualified for the same job = lower wages
Housing / high rent - too many people = not enough properties
Homelessness - too many low grade people = not enough low grade work
Healthcare - too many getting free coverage = high premiums, high cost of pharmaceuticals
Education - too many children per classroom = teacher to student ratio too high
Divisive affirmative action - reveling over whitey losing to darkies
Guns and gun violence - fewer Democrats / dark folks = less gun violence

The common complaints we hear from Democrats are ALL self induced. They simply can not encourage Mexcio to send all the thirdworlders they can and still keep all their first world offerings.
Sorry peeps...something has got to give...you're going to have to tell your pet humans to go home and stay home if you want to see vast improvement for low to middle classers.

As a very wise person said--------------> Republicans are NOT the answer to all of our problems, but the fact is, Democrats are the cause of almost all of them!

Just an example----------------->how many of you have ever been to California? Did you notice the massive tracts of unused land in the State? It looks like Nevada and New Mexico on steroids.

So with all of this land unused, why are housing prices ARTIFICIALLY so high?

ANSWER------------> Regulation! You can't build anything without jumping through massive hoops for years, and if you try and fail, you just lost a small fortune for nothing. It is the equivalent of a drug company investing billions in a drug that the FDA refuses to approve of after 5 years.

Lets see how Leftists work their magic, shall we?!?!?!?! In other states, they demand LOW INCOME HOUSING be built, usually in high end areas; just to make it fair of course. This action causes property values in the area to DROP! Now take your position on if this a good or bad thing, a case can be made for either position.

In California, next to ZERO housing is built, and the process to meet regulations is so expensive, that new housing is just a trickle. This is exactly how a postage stamp house that is 2 bedrooms with 900sq feet, can cost 500,000 dollars. Now you tell me with housing that high, and State taxes around 17%, how a middle class family with 2 kids can live there! And when I say middle class, I am talking 75,000 to 125,000 per year.

California is a socialist mirror for you, if truth be told. For the most part, there are very wealthy people, and very poor people; the middle class, not so much.

Think of it this way------------->today, you live in__________(pick a state.) You have the opportunity to transfer, or move your business to another state. You want good schools, reasonable housing, fair taxes, decent weather. You moving to California? Same can be said for New York, and New Jersey with a few caveats.

I rest my case!

you sound like you need to rest.
Low wages - too many people qualified for the same job = lower wages
Housing / high rent - too many people = not enough properties
Homelessness - too many low grade people = not enough low grade work
Healthcare - too many getting free coverage = high premiums, high cost of pharmaceuticals
Education - too many children per classroom = teacher to student ratio too high
Divisive affirmative action - reveling over whitey losing to darkies
Guns and gun violence - fewer Democrats / dark folks = less gun violence

The common complaints we hear from Democrats are ALL self induced. They simply can not encourage Mexcio to send all the thirdworlders they can and still keep all their first world offerings.
Sorry peeps...something has got to give...you're going to have to tell your pet humans to go home and stay home if you want to see vast improvement for low to middle classers.

You are so full of bullshit as usual.

Low wages - Businesses have done everything they can to keep wages down and have largely succeeded.

Housing / high rent - Too few houses being built. Most of the building has been for high income housing. A program designed to build in supposedly depressed areas has been perverted into building marinas and other high end products.

Healthcare - Big pharma is making huge amounts of money. Obamacare increased the number of people who have insurance. Republicans have reversed that.

Education - Republicans are too worried about cutting taxes to spend money on education. To the average person, those tax cuts add up to a few dollars.

Divisive Affirmative Action - It is only divisive because white supremacists want to create resentments. Whites are not hurt by affirmative action.

Guns and Gun Violence - Most of the gun violence has been committed by right wing extremists. The FBI has already arrested 7 right wing extremists for suspected violence in connection with the Virginia gun rally.

Either/any core ideology taken to an extreme is bad news. What is even more hilarious is the slavish dedication to the fanatical endorsement of that extreme.

Case in point. The position that The reason right wingers mail bombs to people, gun down political opponents, imitate Nazi intimidation tactics, etc... is because they are “exasperated”.

His words.

You really just got to shake your head.
Low wages - too many people qualified for the same job = lower wages
Housing / high rent - too many people = not enough properties
Homelessness - too many low grade people = not enough low grade work
Healthcare - too many getting free coverage = high premiums, high cost of pharmaceuticals
Education - too many children per classroom = teacher to student ratio too high
Divisive affirmative action - reveling over whitey losing to darkies
Guns and gun violence - fewer Democrats / dark folks = less gun violence

The common complaints we hear from Democrats are ALL self induced. They simply can not encourage Mexcio to send all the thirdworlders they can and still keep all their first world offerings.
Sorry peeps...something has got to give...you're going to have to tell your pet humans to go home and stay home if you want to see vast improvement for low to middle classers.

As a very wise person said--------------> Republicans are NOT the answer to all of our problems, but the fact is, Democrats are the cause of almost all of them!

Just an example----------------->how many of you have ever been to California? Did you notice the massive tracts of unused land in the State? It looks like Nevada and New Mexico on steroids.

So with all of this land unused, why are housing prices ARTIFICIALLY so high?

ANSWER------------> Regulation! You can't build anything without jumping through massive hoops for years, and if you try and fail, you just lost a small fortune for nothing. It is the equivalent of a drug company investing billions in a drug that the FDA refuses to approve of after 5 years.

Lets see how Leftists work their magic, shall we?!?!?!?! In other states, they demand LOW INCOME HOUSING be built, usually in high end areas; just to make it fair of course. This action causes property values in the area to DROP! Now take your position on if this a good or bad thing, a case can be made for either position.

In California, next to ZERO housing is built, and the process to meet regulations is so expensive, that new housing is just a trickle. This is exactly how a postage stamp house that is 2 bedrooms with 900sq feet, can cost 500,000 dollars. Now you tell me with housing that high, and State taxes around 17%, how a middle class family with 2 kids can live there! And when I say middle class, I am talking 75,000 to 125,000 per year.

California is a socialist mirror for you, if truth be told. For the most part, there are very wealthy people, and very poor people; the middle class, not so much.

Think of it this way------------->today, you live in__________(pick a state.) You have the opportunity to transfer, or move your business to another state. You want good schools, reasonable housing, fair taxes, decent weather. You moving to California? Same can be said for New York, and New Jersey with a few caveats.

I rest my case!

you sound like you need to rest.

Never get tired of telling the truth, although I see you are tired of hearing it-)
Low wages - too many people qualified for the same job = lower wages
Housing / high rent - too many people = not enough properties
Homelessness - too many low grade people = not enough low grade work
Healthcare - too many getting free coverage = high premiums, high cost of pharmaceuticals
Education - too many children per classroom = teacher to student ratio too high
Divisive affirmative action - reveling over whitey losing to darkies
Guns and gun violence - fewer Democrats / dark folks = less gun violence

The common complaints we hear from Democrats are ALL self induced. They simply can not encourage Mexcio to send all the thirdworlders they can and still keep all their first world offerings.
Sorry peeps...something has got to give...you're going to have to tell your pet humans to go home and stay home if you want to see vast improvement for low to middle classers.

As a very wise person said--------------> Republicans are NOT the answer to all of our problems, but the fact is, Democrats are the cause of almost all of them!

Just an example----------------->how many of you have ever been to California? Did you notice the massive tracts of unused land in the State? It looks like Nevada and New Mexico on steroids.

So with all of this land unused, why are housing prices ARTIFICIALLY so high?

ANSWER------------> Regulation! You can't build anything without jumping through massive hoops for years, and if you try and fail, you just lost a small fortune for nothing. It is the equivalent of a drug company investing billions in a drug that the FDA refuses to approve of after 5 years.

Lets see how Leftists work their magic, shall we?!?!?!?! In other states, they demand LOW INCOME HOUSING be built, usually in high end areas; just to make it fair of course. This action causes property values in the area to DROP! Now take your position on if this a good or bad thing, a case can be made for either position.

In California, next to ZERO housing is built, and the process to meet regulations is so expensive, that new housing is just a trickle. This is exactly how a postage stamp house that is 2 bedrooms with 900sq feet, can cost 500,000 dollars. Now you tell me with housing that high, and State taxes around 17%, how a middle class family with 2 kids can live there! And when I say middle class, I am talking 75,000 to 125,000 per year.

California is a socialist mirror for you, if truth be told. For the most part, there are very wealthy people, and very poor people; the middle class, not so much.

Think of it this way------------->today, you live in__________(pick a state.) You have the opportunity to transfer, or move your business to another state. You want good schools, reasonable housing, fair taxes, decent weather. You moving to California? Same can be said for New York, and New Jersey with a few caveats.

I rest my case!

you sound like you need to rest.

Never get tired of telling the truth, although I see you are tired of hearing it-)

If you were honest, you would cease your vile against one state and expand it across the nation. Or you could back it up with facts while explaining why the states with the most poverty per capita are For the most part red states.

America's Poorest States in 2019

The truth is this: In the macro We should have a diamond shaped economy...few at the top, few at the bottom and a lot in the middle. Most places have either a pyramid or hour glass shaped economy with fewer in the middle than on the top and bottom. Is liberalism completely without fault? No. Neither are the pro-business, low regulation states...otherwise you’d have red states leading in personal income instead of bringing up the rear.
....nutless Conservatives are just along for the ride...They just want their AR-15 they'll never have the nuts to use...that's all.

and what do you do other than rant on the internet about the “darkies”?

It only takes one man to start a revolution...why not grow your nuts and do something about it all?

You don’t know what I do...you know what I allow you to know....that must kill a megalomaniac like yourself..huh?
....nutless Conservatives are just along for the ride...They just want their AR-15 they'll never have the nuts to use...that's all.

and what do you do other than rant on the internet about the “darkies”?

It only takes one man to start a revolution...why not grow your nuts and do something about it all?


Why do "darkies" always vote democrat? Could it be those who do never actually had a job that required them to pay taxes?

Yep, that is it. There is not one single "darkie" that has ever had a job that required them to pay taxes.

Well done, you figured it out. :11_2_1043:

Or perhaps it is because at least the Dems do not call them "darkies"...hard to vote for racist assholes

I see you’ve taken the time to engage in this thread to cry “RACIST”!
Why wouldn’t you address the topic and post something of value?
What problems in this country are not perpetuated by Democrats and or their policies?
Low wages - too many people qualified for the same job = lower wages
Housing / high rent - too many people = not enough properties
Homelessness - too many low grade people = not enough low grade work
Healthcare - too many getting free coverage = high premiums, high cost of pharmaceuticals
Education - too many children per classroom = teacher to student ratio too high
Divisive affirmative action - reveling over whitey losing to darkies
Guns and gun violence - fewer Democrats / dark folks = less gun violence

The common complaints we hear from Democrats are ALL self induced. They simply can not encourage Mexcio to send all the thirdworlders they can and still keep all their first world offerings.
Sorry peeps...something has got to give...you're going to have to tell your pet humans to go home and stay home if you want to see vast improvement for low to middle classers.
images (2).jpeg
You don’t know what I do...you know what I allow you to know....that must kill a megalomaniac like yourself..huh?

That is why I asked what you do, and the answer seems to be jack shit. Oh, I know this is where you will come up with some great story like you owning 50 million in property, but nobody buys your bullshit.
You don’t know what I do...you know what I allow you to know....that must kill a megalomaniac like yourself..huh?

That is why I asked what you do, and the answer seems to be jack shit. Oh, I know this is where you will come up with some great story like you owning 50 million in property, but nobody buys your bullshit.

What I do is irrelevant...What I post here is all that should be relevant to you.
Go ahead, don’t be scared...you have my permission to address the true premise of the thread without screaming “RACIST” at the sky.
What problems in this country are not perpetuated by Democrats and or their policies?
And when trump cuts my social security 25% because we’re broke will that $3k be worth it?

am I still getting that tax break? It expires soon.

The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.
And I’ll still be able to retire comfortably. Most people won’t and the ones that do will live month to month. No disposable income.

They have already started selling you on the idea. They say people are living longer so you have to wait 2 more years to retire. Mine is 67. I thought it was 65 but Reagan did that back in the 80s and we took it.

Same way republicans laid the ground work before sending all the high paying manufacturing jobs overseas. First they attacked the lazy workers who were overpaid.

Now republicans want to say they’re about paying more? They took those jobs from $35 hr to $15 now they want to brag about a $5 raise?
If trump wants to Maga he better encourage workers to organize against their greedy employers. Unions really bring wages up
As Democrats refuse to get out of their own way...I ask yet again.
What problems in this country are not perpetuated by Democrats and or their policies?
As Democrats refuse to get out of their own way...I ask yet again.
What problems in this country are not perpetuated by Democrats and or their policies?
Really? You gonna throw me a softball like that?

The impetus for a North American free trade zone began with U.S. president Ronald Reagan, who made the idea part of his 1980 presidential campaign. After the signing of the Canada–United States Free Trade Agreement in 1988, the administrations of U.S. president George H. W. Bush, Mexican president Carlos Salinas de Gortari, and Canadian prime minister Brian Mulroney agreed to negotiate what became NAFTA.

How about the Iraq war?

In the Feb. 13 debate in South Carolina, debate moderator John Dickerson asked Trump about an October 2008 interview in which Trump said it would have been a “wonderful thing” if Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi tried to impeach Bush because he lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. Asked if he still believes that Bush should have been impeached, Trump called the Iraq war a “big fat mistake.” Pressed again for an answer, Trump went on to say, “They lied.”

Trump, Feb. 13: You call it whatever you want. I want to tell you. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction; there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction.

This is what us liberals were saying in 2007. Since Bush has been president:

  • over 5 million people have slipped into poverty;
  • nearly 7 million Americans have lost their health insurance;
  • median household income has gone down by nearly $1,300;
  • three million manufacturing jobs have been lost;
  • three million American workers have lost their pensions;
  • home foreclosures are now the highest on record;
  • the personal savings rate is below zero - which hasn't happened since the great depression;
  • the real earnings of college graduates have gone down by about 5% in the last few years;
  • entry level wages for male and female high school graduates have fallen by over 3%;
  • wages and salaries are now at the lowest share of GDP since 1929.
You won't receive a rational answer, to do that they have to be rational to begin with. Secondly they're cowards and won't admit to it.
You won't receive a rational answer, to do that they have to be rational to begin with. Secondly they're cowards and won't admit to it.
What was wrong with my answer?

How about this. Can you name one example of a time when Republicans failed us?

I'll admit I'm not happy Bill Clinton signed Bush/Reagan's NAFTA. I'll admit I don't like Obamacare.

Can you be show you aren't a coward and admit that maybe Trump's handling of the coronavirus was bad. Or that global warming is real? Or that Trump has ensighted violence? Or that he colluded with the russians or tried to get Ukraine to lie about Biden and he got caught? Or that Republicans stole Florida in 2000 the way they claim we stole this election?

You hate Government but love and believe Republicans why?

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