What prompted all this political woke nonsense?

This "woke" shit started all the way back in the 50's. Remember those "woke" commie folk singers like Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Burl Ives, and other admitted communists? Although Burl Ives did testify against some of them.

The FBI, The Second Red Scare, and the Folk Singer Who Cooperated.

The 60's were even worse: Women's lib, gays coming out of the closet, student radicals, environmentalism, abortion, Yoga, drugs..
Agree. I saw it and was appalled by it in the 60's. I only wish I'd had the courage to start fighting it back then, when I had the energy of a teenager.
It started when all the kids grew up from the era not long ago where parents were all about making each child feel special, unique, talented, amazing and a hero. They grew up with their parents shielding them from anything that might tonguen then up like the heavy handed anti bullying campaigns like the 8 year old on tv "they teased me because of my glasses and I was bullied". A generation of kids growing up raised by weak, and soft parents catering to them.

So they reached voting and working age raised on the notion they will be protected, they are special, they deserve everything handed to them. So not only did they expect that, but they also thought they deserved everything without working for it. And the country catered to them.

So with no ambition and nothing to work for they got bored with no direction and decided since they were so amazing and great that they would take on political and social issues with no actual knowledge of the real world or insight.

And companies desperate for fresh money catered to them. Politicians desperate for fresh votes catered to them. Companies needing new employees catered to them. And it all fed their ignorance further.

It all started with bush and his no child left behind shit, then it got a bump by Obama, and then fast forward to now the seeds planted have finally bloomed.
"I have the right not to be offended".

When I was a kid and threw a fit over something, my mom would ask, "Does it hurt to be mad?" If I answered in the affirmative, she'd say "Stop being mad". If I answered in the negative, she'd respond, "Keep being mad". I learned a lot about how to navigate the world of hurt feelings from that wise woman.
Can anyone provide a definition of what they mean by woke? It feels like this is a vague term that people apply to things they don’t like rather than having any concrete meaning.

Here you go.

I wasn't alive in the 50's and there were certainly radical groups around throughout history but what we are seeing now is vastly different than isolated groups.

But today like back then, it all originates with popular culture: Music, movies, the media, tv shows....they're the ones who are pushing this "woke" crap on the public. There was never any any doubt that the media was becoming permeated through and through with Marxism through out the 50's and 60's. That was its goal from the start: To slowly erode American institutions from the inside outward. Because that's basically what this "woke" bullshit is: Marxism.

And what those media personalities who are shoving it down the throats of Americans don't realize, is this: They themselves would get the bullet too, if this country were to ever radically transform into a full-blown Marxist regime. Every one of them would be pushed up against a wall and executed whenever their usefulness has expired. That is a historical fact which has been proven over and over and yet, the useful idiots of this country just can't seem to comprehend that.
Where did "woke" come from?

It came from people listening to others experiences and understanding that we aren't all treated the same by society.

Why the backlash? Because some people don't want it to be true.
Can anyone provide a definition of what they mean by woke? It feels like this is a vague term that people apply to things they don’t like rather than having any concrete meaning.
Carville blames 'stupid wokeness' for Democratic losses
"Wokeness is a problem and everyone knows it. It's hard to talk to anybody today - and I talk to lots of people in the Democratic Party - who doesn't say this. But they don't want to say it out loud," said Carville.

Where did "woke" come from?

It came from people listening to others experiences and understanding that we aren't all treated the same by society.

Why the backlash? Because some people don't want it to be true.
Amazing turnaround from post #20, in which you questioned the existence of wokeism. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Haven't had your second cup of coffee yet?
I think it started with the Irish.

Irish Americans were treated like shit.

Eventually, people got woke and accepted Irish Americans as Americans.

It was probably Scotts before the Irish, but I'm not sure.

Well, let's see. It was probably knee-jerk and the right wing are the ones keeping the term "woke" alive. I don't hear anyone on the left using the term..so I'll take some stabs...but.....

1) I'm guessing the absolute bile and vitriol that arose on the right wing virtually beginning on the night Obama was elected had something to do with it. You can try and cloak it in the whole "Tea Party" argument..but it was what it was. A visceral reaction by a sizeable (white) section of this country to a black man being elected President. What followed was 8 years of sewage spewed out constantly by the whole rise of alt-right media...resulting in...a cheeto dusted reality game show host who took the rhetoric to a whole new level.
2) I'm also guessing that after Michael Brown, younger people in particular got tired of seeing unarmed (for the most part) men (and women) of color being shot dead by mostly white police officers who were not held accountable (at that time) for their actions. Hence the outrage. Tamir Rice, Briana Taylor, etc..
3) Since I started writing this, Post #2's last paragraph provides a perfect example for me. Because it just demonstrates a willingness and an excuse to be cruel..just because you don't agree with someone's lifestyle choices...or you don't like their point of view. And before I hear the But..but..but..from the righties..remember..you started it. Replying in kind is just human nature.

The term "woke" started with the left.
Amazing turnaround from post #20, in which you questioned the existence of wokeism. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Haven't had your second cup of coffee yet?
Just asked for a definition. One was provided. That doesn't mean people use it correctly, I'm just basing my comments off the provided definition.

This isn't rocket science.
Maybe. Like I said, a lot of people don't want to hear about it.

That doesn't make it any less true.
When you get your ass handed to you in such a blue state as Virginia, a lot of people wanted to hear about it, and found out they didnt like it. That is the truth, you fail to understand.

I wasn't alive in the 50's and there were certainly radical groups around throughout history but what we are seeing now is vastly different than isolated groups.

I think what you are seeing is that there has been a recent generational shift in the black community away from the Civil Rights Era leaders and toward the African-American Studies produced leaders.
Woke is a Democrat strategy for getting elected. Starting around the Carter years, they have gradually eliminated liberalism as any sort of guiding principle and have replaced it with identity politics. Instead of seeking to create a non-racist color-blind society, the party found it a better path to success to divide people into groups, convince those groups that they were victims, and pit them against the mainstream. It is just demagoguery 101 were are talking about here, folks, and the only reason Democrats are doing this is so they can get elected and get rich off the process. Just look how much the Clintons are worth today for your clue.

Woke is an entirely illiberal approach to the world as it is tribal, it is based on factors other than ideals or principles, it targets certain groups and it is utterly authoritarian. It serves the purpose of those wishing to cement their power and control over the populace in a system where politicians are elected, however, so has become an integral marketing strategy of those who are essentially Stalinist in nature. If they ever succeed in their desire for one party rule, they will just continue to stir up imaginary grievances among the population to keep them distracted away from the fact they are getting screwed.

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