What really is the relevancy of the released Fusion GPS transcript...?

Another leftist talking point fails and bites the dust. Remember the Fusion GPS trolls wouldn't appear at their public hearing and insisted on a closed-door appearance but now "suddenly" the transcripts had to be released.

Top Senate Judiciary Democrat releases transcript of Fusion GPS interview

Suddenly they're calling for the *full* transcript to be released after selective portions already have been. They wanted their testimony behind closed doors. The selective leakers made that impossible. Now they want the full transcript released rather than the selective bits.

And Republicans are fighting them tooth and nail. Why?
Feinstein is trying to slow down the inevitable end to the collusion nonsensical story and the beginning of legal doom for the democrat party and Obama and his deep state at the FBI CIA EPA IRS
She’s running from it. She wants it to die a quite death. Releasing this Nothing burger is part of it.

How is she running from it? She's the one who put it out there. Stop being a sophist.
Another leftist talking point fails and bites the dust. Remember the Fusion GPS trolls wouldn't appear at their public hearing and insisted on a closed-door appearance but now "suddenly" the transcripts had to be released.

Top Senate Judiciary Democrat releases transcript of Fusion GPS interview

Suddenly they're calling for the *full* transcript to be released after selective portions already have been. They wanted their testimony behind closed doors. The selective leakers made that impossible. Now they want the full transcript released rather than the selective bits.

And Republicans are fighting them tooth and nail. Why?

Weatherman knows this, but pretends he doesn't. Why? He's a sophist who is now in too deep with Trump to make any efforts to distance himself seem genuine.
How is she running from it? She's the one who put it out there. Stop being a sophist.

Now you're being "cruel" sending those poor Trump cultists scrambling for a dictionary to find out what the hell "sophist" means.......LOL,
I'm not following Weatherman's thinking here:

Feinstein releases the transcript to slow down the inevitable conclusion that the transcript foreshadows? And she's running away from that? Huh?
Another leftist talking point fails and bites the dust. Remember the Fusion GPS trolls wouldn't appear at their public hearing and insisted on a closed-door appearance but now "suddenly" the transcripts had to be released.

Top Senate Judiciary Democrat releases transcript of Fusion GPS interview

Suddenly they're calling for the *full* transcript to be released after selective portions already have been. They wanted their testimony behind closed doors. The selective leakers made that impossible. Now they want the full transcript released rather than the selective bits.

And Republicans are fighting them tooth and nail. Why?

Weatherman knows this, but pretends he doesn't. Why? He's a sophist who is now in too deep with Trump to make any efforts to distance himself seem genuine.
You’ve proven it’s a Nothing burger. There were no Republican lies. Having the criminal Fusion folks claim innocence only means something to idiots. Evidence is the key for thinking people, not hearsay.
Following your fucked up logic, then,,,,,,you're finally admitting that the transcript IMPLICATES Trump?

The media falsely 'implicates' Trump on a daily basis so, your retort is fucking meaningless moron.
How is she running from it? She's the one who put it out there. Stop being a sophist.

Now you're being "cruel" sending those poor Trump cultists scrambling for a dictionary to find out what the hell "sophist" means.......LOL,

Nothing they say makes any sense, and they know it. I mean they're saying the transcript proves that Democrats colluded with Russia. How do you get that from this? They're saying Feinstein is "running away" from the thing she just released yesterday? Like I said, this type of delusion reminds me of the delusion these same troglodytes had about Iraq in 2002-3.
The most tantalizing tidbit that was exposed in this transcript, was the fact that even BEFORE Steele, the FBI had heard of Trump's corrupt money deals from someone INSIDE the Trump entourage.
Nothing they say makes any sense, and they know it. I mean they're saying the transcript proves that Democrats colluded with Russia. How do you get that from this? They're saying Feinstein is "running away" from the thing she just released yesterday? Like I said, this type of delusion reminds me of the delusion these same troglodytes had about Iraq in 2002-3.

Ahhh, my friend, you're trying to find "logic' in an environment of "desperation"??
The media falsely 'implicates' Trump on a daily basis so, your retort is fucking meaningless moron.

The whole world is after you........best type your retort from under your bed (...and bring some chips with you when you go hide there....LOL)
She’s tired of you idiots being so noisy about the testimony. She knew it was a Nothing burger so now by tomorrow no one will be discussing it.

How is it a "nothing burger"? Do you even know what that term means? This ain't it. And people will be talking about it (as we are here) until the next Russia revelation comes forth.

But getting back to your wild claims;

What makes you think Feinstein is running away from the thing she released that points to Trump colluding with Russia? That makes no sense. The transcript pretty clearly says that Fusion GPS found out about Russia's meddling on behalf of Trump, that the GOP knew about it, and that the FBI knew about it too.

The biggest shock in the testimony was Fusion's reason for going to McCain with the info; they believed pro-Trump FBI agents were deliberately keeping the conclusions and findings of the investigation from Comey. That's obstruction of justice.
The most tantalizing tidbit that was exposed in this transcript, was the fact that even BEFORE Steele, the FBI had heard of Trump's corrupt money deals from someone INSIDE the Trump entourage.
FBI testified that, really!
The most tantalizing tidbit that was exposed in this transcript, was the fact that even BEFORE Steele, the FBI had heard of Trump's corrupt money deals from someone INSIDE the Trump entourage.

Papadopolous is that insider who was giving them information since May/June 2016.
She’s tired of you idiots being so noisy about the testimony. She knew it was a Nothing burger so now by tomorrow no one will be discussing it.

How is it a "nothing burger"? Do you even know what that term means? This ain't it. And people will be talking about it (as we are here) until the next Russia revelation comes forth.

But getting back to your wild claims;

What makes you think Feinstein is running away from the thing she released that points to Trump colluding with Russia? That makes no sense. The transcript pretty clearly says that Fusion GPS found out about Russia's meddling on behalf of Trump, that the GOP knew about it, and that the FBI knew about it too.

The biggest shock in the testimony was Fusion's reason for going to McCain with the info; they believed pro-Trump FBI agents were deliberately keeping the conclusions and findings of the investigation from Comey. That's obstruction of justice.
Of course you take their word. You’re a good sheep.

Who paid Fusion?
The media falsely 'implicates' Trump on a daily basis so, your retort is fucking meaningless moron.

The whole world is after you........best type your retort from under your bed (...and bring some chips with you when you go hide there....LOL)

Or lock yourself in your bedroom in the White House with a happy meal and Twitter at 6:30PM.

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