What really is the relevancy of the released Fusion GPS transcript...?

Does your half brain EVER wonder why right wingers in the senate did NOT want for that transcript to be released?????.....................LOL
I did not have to wonder - Grassley explained why when he declared Feinstein had committed 'Obstruction'. Feinstein knew as well what she had done, which is why she came up with the 'BRAIN CONGESTION' BS.

C'mon man - even YOU could come up with a better 'CYA' excuse. She should have gone with 'I am too STUPID to know I was breaking the law'. It worked for Hillary.

Chuck Grassley had approved the release in August 2016, after the 10 hour hearing. I already gave you the video in post # 316--page 32 of this thread.
And I gave you the link to Grassley stating he did NOT approve this release of the testimony and declared it to be 'Obstruction'. Feinstein' in her admitting to suffering from 'BRAIN CONGESTION' stated she should have talked to Grassley before releasing it PROVING SHE KNEW WHAT SHE WAS DOING WAS WRONG.

'BRAIN CONGESTION'? C'mon, man! You Democrats are not embarrassed by such a pathetic POS like that making THAT type of excuse? Never mind - of course you don't. You were still comfortable voting for a candidate who was described as being 'too stupid' to know she was breaking laws by the thousands.... :p

Post # 316 on page 32 of this thread explains very well why Grassley approved of the release of these transcripts in August of 2016 and then changed his mind on releasing them.

The only one that is digging is you---:uhoh3: When Christopher Steele handed the Dossier file over to the FBI.

Well....you missed the point. So far, it has not been proven that you are not a moron. Get it now?
Why were Republicans trying to suppress it?

Start there.
Moron, Fusion said they would only testify behind closed doors.
and then asked for the tapes to be released....

why weren't they?

Because Republicans spun a huge web of LIES around GPS and Christopher Steele that they did not want you Trumpsters to know about...

AND now, you trumpsters refuse to recognize the lies of Sen Grassley, and rep jordan and the florida representative and even lindsay graham and FOX and Briebart and Townhall and Daily Caller and Hannity and Rush and so on and so forth with right wng fake news.....

C Steele did not commit a crime by turning over concerning information to the FBI, we encourage people to turn over precisely the type of possibly criminal activity that Steele found....

don junior should have reported to the fbi, the Russian gvt wanting to supply stolen emails with dirt on Hillary, but as steve bannon said, don jr's actions were traitorous or treasonous....

with few exceptions like a place where a meeting took place, or a misspelled name, nothing in the dossier has been proven to be false, so far.

Trump has possibly been compromised, and Russians have the dirt on him for black mail....(not Trump's fault, it is what Russians do best)

Fusion GPS began research on Trump's involvement with Russia because Trump had made several proposed deals with Russia and made several trips there, with no deals ever made....why was that?)

in that search for information they found all kinds of possibly criminal behavior and in the least disturbing behavior by Trump's campaign team

They also found possible money laundering by Trump, for Russian Oligarchs in real estate through Duetsche Bank, Trump's Bank and also major money launderer for the Russians, who was recently caught and fined big time for it....

Fus GPS did NOT PAY any Russians for the information Steele collected, that's another right wing made up out of the clear blue...LIE.

Steele did not know who hired GPS for the research....another right wing LIE when they said Steele worked for Hillary to find dirt on Trump....

And many any more lies of the Republicans were exposed in the release of the document.

"Michael Morell, the former acting director of the CIA and Hillary Clinton supporter, said last week that he was concerned about the accuracy of the dossier because Steele paid intermediaries who in turn paid sources for the information he used in the report."

The FBI Interviewed The Trump Dossier Author A Lot Earlier Than Previously Believed

"Michael Morell, the former acting director of the CIA"
"CNN)Michael Morell, former acting director of the CIA, endorsed Hillary Clinton for president in a New York Times op-ed Friday, praising the former secretary of state's qualifications and warning that GOP nominee Donald Trump "may well pose a threat to national security."
Ex-CIA chief endorses Clinton, labels Trump 'threat to national security' - CNNPolitics

Do you ever get tired of getting caught lying?
Gawd you are a dummy! Didn't you READ YOUR OWN ARTICLE?

The last paragraph or so? Please put on your reading glasses old man!

The paper reported earlier this month that the bureau struck an informal deal with Steele to continue his research. Steele was never paid for his work, though it is unclear why. Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has asked Comey to explain the arrangement with Steele.
According to the statement in link provided, it makes the intel highly suspect especially because the info came through multiple paid informants and intermediaries. 2nd hand info is always suspect. Making simpleton statements like this moron does reflects their own desperation and/or foolishness.

It does NOT matter.......The FBI investigation is NOT based on Steele's memos...

The investigation is based on wiretapping of Flynn';s phone calls, statements by Flynn and Papadopolous, statements by Don jr. AND on a possible mole inside the Trump cabal.
fyi....they DID NOT wire tap flynn's phone calls! They wire tapped the Russian Ambassador's phone calls who was a Russian operative. There is a huge difference!
Why were Republicans trying to suppress it?

Start there.
Moron, Fusion said they would only testify behind closed doors.
and then asked for the tapes to be released....

why weren't they?

Because Republicans spun a huge web of LIES around GPS and Christopher Steele that they did not want you Trumpsters to know about...

AND now, you trumpsters refuse to recognize the lies of Sen Grassley, and rep jordan and the florida representative and even lindsay graham and FOX and Briebart and Townhall and Daily Caller and Hannity and Rush and so on and so forth with right wng fake news.....

C Steele did not commit a crime by turning over concerning information to the FBI, we encourage people to turn over precisely the type of possibly criminal activity that Steele found....

don junior should have reported to the fbi, the Russian gvt wanting to supply stolen emails with dirt on Hillary, but as steve bannon said, don jr's actions were traitorous or treasonous....

with few exceptions like a place where a meeting took place, or a misspelled name, nothing in the dossier has been proven to be false, so far.

Trump has possibly been compromised, and Russians have the dirt on him for black mail....(not Trump's fault, it is what Russians do best)

Fusion GPS began research on Trump's involvement with Russia because Trump had made several proposed deals with Russia and made several trips there, with no deals ever made....why was that?)

in that search for information they found all kinds of possibly criminal behavior and in the least disturbing behavior by Trump's campaign team

They also found possible money laundering by Trump, for Russian Oligarchs in real estate through Duetsche Bank, Trump's Bank and also major money launderer for the Russians, who was recently caught and fined big time for it....

Fus GPS did NOT PAY any Russians for the information Steele collected, that's another right wing made up out of the clear blue...LIE.

Steele did not know who hired GPS for the research....another right wing LIE when they said Steele worked for Hillary to find dirt on Trump....

And many any more lies of the Republicans were exposed in the release of the document.

"Michael Morell, the former acting director of the CIA and Hillary Clinton supporter, said last week that he was concerned about the accuracy of the dossier because Steele paid intermediaries who in turn paid sources for the information he used in the report."

The FBI Interviewed The Trump Dossier Author A Lot Earlier Than Previously Believed

"Michael Morell, the former acting director of the CIA"
"CNN)Michael Morell, former acting director of the CIA, endorsed Hillary Clinton for president in a New York Times op-ed Friday, praising the former secretary of state's qualifications and warning that GOP nominee Donald Trump "may well pose a threat to national security."
Ex-CIA chief endorses Clinton, labels Trump 'threat to national security' - CNNPolitics

Do you ever get tired of getting caught lying?
Gawd you are a dummy! Didn't you READ YOUR OWN ARTICLE?

The last paragraph or so? Please put on your reading glasses old man!

The paper reported earlier this month that the bureau struck an informal deal with Steele to continue his research. Steele was never paid for his work, though it is unclear why. Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has asked Comey to explain the arrangement with Steele.

Good lord.

"Michael Morell, the former acting director of the CIA and Hillary Clinton supporter, said last week that he was concerned about the accuracy of the dossier because Steele paid intermediaries who in turn paid sources for the information he used in the report."

Ummmm, your comprehension is lacking. Steele not being paid has nothing to do with Steele giving the Russians the "expense" money. Good lord.
According to the statement in link provided, it makes the intel highly suspect especially because the info came through multiple paid informants and intermediaries. 2nd hand info is always suspect. Making simpleton statements like this moron does reflects their own desperation and/or foolishness.

It does NOT matter.......The FBI investigation is NOT based on Steele's memos...

The investigation is based on wiretapping of Flynn';s phone calls, statements by Flynn and Papadopolous, statements by Don jr. AND on a possible mole inside the Trump cabal.
fyi....they DID NOT wire tap flynn's phone calls! They wire tapped the Russian Ambassador's phone calls who was a Russian operative. There is a huge difference!
Obama wiretapped ambassadors from other nations? Well he did wiretap Merkal, wouldn’t put it past him.
According to the statement in link provided, it makes the intel highly suspect especially because the info came through multiple paid informants and intermediaries. 2nd hand info is always suspect. Making simpleton statements like this moron does reflects their own desperation and/or foolishness.

It does NOT matter.......The FBI investigation is NOT based on Steele's memos...

The investigation is based on wiretapping of Flynn';s phone calls, statements by Flynn and Papadopolous, statements by Don jr. AND on a possible mole inside the Trump cabal.
fyi....they DID NOT wire tap flynn's phone calls! They wire tapped the Russian Ambassador's phone calls who was a Russian operative. There is a huge difference!
Obama wiretapped ambassadors from other nations? Well he did wiretap Merkal, wouldn’t put it past him.
The Russian Ambassador was and did, develop a Russian spy ring here in the USA, using his Russian diplomatic facilities to do such....and this is why the diplomatic facilities were closed and the Russian diplomats from those facilities were kicked out....

His surveillance was justified and the FBI would have committed a dereliction of duty to protect us from all foreign agents/enemies, if they had not put the ambassador under surveillance.
According to the statement in link provided, it makes the intel highly suspect especially because the info came through multiple paid informants and intermediaries. 2nd hand info is always suspect. Making simpleton statements like this moron does reflects their own desperation and/or foolishness.

It does NOT matter.......The FBI investigation is NOT based on Steele's memos...

The investigation is based on wiretapping of Flynn';s phone calls, statements by Flynn and Papadopolous, statements by Don jr. AND on a possible mole inside the Trump cabal.
fyi....they DID NOT wire tap flynn's phone calls! They wire tapped the Russian Ambassador's phone calls who was a Russian operative. There is a huge difference!
Obama wiretapped ambassadors from other nations? Well he did wiretap Merkal, wouldn’t put it past him.
The Russian Ambassador was and did, develop a Russian spy ring here in the USA, using his Russian diplomatic facilities to do such....and this is why the diplomatic facilities were closed and the Russian diplomats from those facilities were kicked out....

His surveillance was justified and the FBI would have committed a dereliction of duty to protect us from all foreign agents/enemies, if they had not put the ambassador under surveillance.
Merkal is a threat to America?
fyi....they DID NOT wire tap flynn's phone calls! They wire tapped the Russian Ambassador's phone calls who was a Russian operative. There is a huge difference!

My mistake......you're correct (and what are the chances that the phone calls were recorded.....LOL)
According to the statement in link provided, it makes the intel highly suspect especially because the info came through multiple paid informants and intermediaries. 2nd hand info is always suspect. Making simpleton statements like this moron does reflects their own desperation and/or foolishness.

It does NOT matter.......The FBI investigation is NOT based on Steele's memos...

The investigation is based on wiretapping of Flynn';s phone calls, statements by Flynn and Papadopolous, statements by Don jr. AND on a possible mole inside the Trump cabal.
fyi....they DID NOT wire tap flynn's phone calls! They wire tapped the Russian Ambassador's phone calls who was a Russian operative. There is a huge difference!
Obama wiretapped ambassadors from other nations? Well he did wiretap Merkal, wouldn’t put it past him.
The Russian Ambassador was and did, develop a Russian spy ring here in the USA, using his Russian diplomatic facilities to do such....and this is why the diplomatic facilities were closed and the Russian diplomats from those facilities were kicked out....

His surveillance was justified and the FBI would have committed a dereliction of duty to protect us from all foreign agents/enemies, if they had not put the ambassador under surveillance.

The Russian gal was one of those kicked out and legally barred from entering this Country. Why did Obama's State Dept let her back in?
The Russian gal was one of those kicked out and legally barred from entering this Country. Why did Obama's State Dept let her back in?

According to the statement in link provided, it makes the intel highly suspect especially because the info came through multiple paid informants and intermediaries. 2nd hand info is always suspect. Making simpleton statements like this moron does reflects their own desperation and/or foolishness.

It does NOT matter.......The FBI investigation is NOT based on Steele's memos...

The investigation is based on wiretapping of Flynn';s phone calls, statements by Flynn and Papadopolous, statements by Don jr. AND on a possible mole inside the Trump cabal.
fyi....they DID NOT wire tap flynn's phone calls! They wire tapped the Russian Ambassador's phone calls who was a Russian operative. There is a huge difference!
Obama wiretapped ambassadors from other nations? Well he did wiretap Merkal, wouldn’t put it past him.
The Russian Ambassador was and did, develop a Russian spy ring here in the USA, using his Russian diplomatic facilities to do such....and this is why the diplomatic facilities were closed and the Russian diplomats from those facilities were kicked out....

His surveillance was justified and the FBI would have committed a dereliction of duty to protect us from all foreign agents/enemies, if they had not put the ambassador under surveillance.

The Russian gal was one of those kicked out and legally barred from entering this Country. Why did Obama's State Dept let her back in?
she wasn't kicked out....for goodness sake

She was the lawyer for a Russian criminal charged in NYC, and she was allowed here because he and his firm were allowed to have their own legal representation...

A couple of months after Trump was elected, after he had fired attorney General Preet Bharara, he got the Russian mobsters she represented case dropped, with merely a slap on the wrist...when the Attorney general had spent two years investigating and preparing for the trial...

your guy....is a crook, and as dirty as they come!
It does NOT matter.......The FBI investigation is NOT based on Steele's memos...

The investigation is based on wiretapping of Flynn';s phone calls, statements by Flynn and Papadopolous, statements by Don jr. AND on a possible mole inside the Trump cabal.
fyi....they DID NOT wire tap flynn's phone calls! They wire tapped the Russian Ambassador's phone calls who was a Russian operative. There is a huge difference!
Obama wiretapped ambassadors from other nations? Well he did wiretap Merkal, wouldn’t put it past him.
The Russian Ambassador was and did, develop a Russian spy ring here in the USA, using his Russian diplomatic facilities to do such....and this is why the diplomatic facilities were closed and the Russian diplomats from those facilities were kicked out....

His surveillance was justified and the FBI would have committed a dereliction of duty to protect us from all foreign agents/enemies, if they had not put the ambassador under surveillance.

The Russian gal was one of those kicked out and legally barred from entering this Country. Why did Obama's State Dept let her back in?
she wasn't kicked out....for goodness sake

She was the lawyer for a Russian criminal charged in NYC, and she was allowed here because he and his firm were allowed to have their own legal representation...

Which was her ONLY reason to be here.

A couple of months after Trump was elected, after he had fired attorney General Preet Bharara, he got the Russian mobsters she represented case dropped, with merely a slap on the wrist...when the Attorney general had spent two years investigating and preparing for the trial...

your guy....is a crook, and as dirty as they come!

The guy refused to talk to President Trump and was fired. Chuck Shumer, Elizabeth Warren and Howard Dean expressed dismay over the firing of Bharara but the President was well within his rights to do so. Suck it up buttercup.
fyi....they DID NOT wire tap flynn's phone calls! They wire tapped the Russian Ambassador's phone calls who was a Russian operative. There is a huge difference!
Obama wiretapped ambassadors from other nations? Well he did wiretap Merkal, wouldn’t put it past him.
The Russian Ambassador was and did, develop a Russian spy ring here in the USA, using his Russian diplomatic facilities to do such....and this is why the diplomatic facilities were closed and the Russian diplomats from those facilities were kicked out....

His surveillance was justified and the FBI would have committed a dereliction of duty to protect us from all foreign agents/enemies, if they had not put the ambassador under surveillance.

The Russian gal was one of those kicked out and legally barred from entering this Country. Why did Obama's State Dept let her back in?
she wasn't kicked out....for goodness sake

She was the lawyer for a Russian criminal charged in NYC, and she was allowed here because he and his firm were allowed to have their own legal representation...

Which was her ONLY reason to be here.

A couple of months after Trump was elected, after he had fired attorney General Preet Bharara, he got the Russian mobsters she represented case dropped, with merely a slap on the wrist...when the Attorney general had spent two years investigating and preparing for the trial...

your guy....is a crook, and as dirty as they come!

The guy refused to talk to President Trump and was fired. Chuck Shumer, Elizabeth Warren and Howard Dean expressed dismay over the firing of Bharara but the President was well within his rights to do so. Suck it up buttercup.
they are not allowed to speak to the president, ya dummy! It breaks justice dept protocol and ethics rules.....there is a separation in place so a CROOKED president does NOT try to influence justice, as trump continues to try to do.... trump is suppose to ONLY deal with the attorney general, then the attorney general would pass the direction trump wants on to the state AG's.

he's crooked....and thinks he's a King or Dictator....

but he's the emperor with no clothes
but the President was well within his rights to do so.

Protecting his own ass and his crooked buddies' asses, is more like it.....

Trump did the "firing," like any wanna-be dictator rids himself of any potential political enemy......
fyi....they DID NOT wire tap flynn's phone calls! They wire tapped the Russian Ambassador's phone calls who was a Russian operative. There is a huge difference!
Obama wiretapped ambassadors from other nations? Well he did wiretap Merkal, wouldn’t put it past him.
The Russian Ambassador was and did, develop a Russian spy ring here in the USA, using his Russian diplomatic facilities to do such....and this is why the diplomatic facilities were closed and the Russian diplomats from those facilities were kicked out....

His surveillance was justified and the FBI would have committed a dereliction of duty to protect us from all foreign agents/enemies, if they had not put the ambassador under surveillance.

The Russian gal was one of those kicked out and legally barred from entering this Country. Why did Obama's State Dept let her back in?
she wasn't kicked out....for goodness sake

She was the lawyer for a Russian criminal charged in NYC, and she was allowed here because he and his firm were allowed to have their own legal representation...

Which was her ONLY reason to be here.

A couple of months after Trump was elected, after he had fired attorney General Preet Bharara, he got the Russian mobsters she represented case dropped, with merely a slap on the wrist...when the Attorney general had spent two years investigating and preparing for the trial...

your guy....is a crook, and as dirty as they come!

The guy refused to talk to President Trump and was fired. Chuck Shumer, Elizabeth Warren and Howard Dean expressed dismay over the firing of Bharara but the President was well within his rights to do so. Suck it up buttercup.
The president isnt supposed to talk directly to US Attorneys, at least without the AG present on the call. Doing so violates the boundaries between the executive branch and these independent criminal investigators. Explained here.
Obama wiretapped ambassadors from other nations? Well he did wiretap Merkal, wouldn’t put it past him.
The Russian Ambassador was and did, develop a Russian spy ring here in the USA, using his Russian diplomatic facilities to do such....and this is why the diplomatic facilities were closed and the Russian diplomats from those facilities were kicked out....

His surveillance was justified and the FBI would have committed a dereliction of duty to protect us from all foreign agents/enemies, if they had not put the ambassador under surveillance.

The Russian gal was one of those kicked out and legally barred from entering this Country. Why did Obama's State Dept let her back in?
she wasn't kicked out....for goodness sake

She was the lawyer for a Russian criminal charged in NYC, and she was allowed here because he and his firm were allowed to have their own legal representation...

Which was her ONLY reason to be here.

A couple of months after Trump was elected, after he had fired attorney General Preet Bharara, he got the Russian mobsters she represented case dropped, with merely a slap on the wrist...when the Attorney general had spent two years investigating and preparing for the trial...

your guy....is a crook, and as dirty as they come!

The guy refused to talk to President Trump and was fired. Chuck Shumer, Elizabeth Warren and Howard Dean expressed dismay over the firing of Bharara but the President was well within his rights to do so. Suck it up buttercup.
The president isnt supposed to talk directly to US Attorneys, at least without the AG present on the call. Doing so violates the boundaries between the executive branch and these independent criminal investigators. Explained here.

Trump was basically DEMANDING a "loyalty oath" from U.S. attorneys.....and fired anyone with a moral compass to abide to his despotic demands.
The Russian Ambassador was and did, develop a Russian spy ring here in the USA, using his Russian diplomatic facilities to do such....and this is why the diplomatic facilities were closed and the Russian diplomats from those facilities were kicked out....

His surveillance was justified and the FBI would have committed a dereliction of duty to protect us from all foreign agents/enemies, if they had not put the ambassador under surveillance.

The Russian gal was one of those kicked out and legally barred from entering this Country. Why did Obama's State Dept let her back in?
she wasn't kicked out....for goodness sake

She was the lawyer for a Russian criminal charged in NYC, and she was allowed here because he and his firm were allowed to have their own legal representation...

Which was her ONLY reason to be here.

A couple of months after Trump was elected, after he had fired attorney General Preet Bharara, he got the Russian mobsters she represented case dropped, with merely a slap on the wrist...when the Attorney general had spent two years investigating and preparing for the trial...

your guy....is a crook, and as dirty as they come!

The guy refused to talk to President Trump and was fired. Chuck Shumer, Elizabeth Warren and Howard Dean expressed dismay over the firing of Bharara but the President was well within his rights to do so. Suck it up buttercup.
The president isnt supposed to talk directly to US Attorneys, at least without the AG present on the call. Doing so violates the boundaries between the executive branch and these independent criminal investigators. Explained here.

Trump was basically DEMANDING a "loyalty oath" from U.S. attorneys.....and fired anyone with a moral compass to abide to his despotic demands.
Makes perfect sense. Same reason he fired Comey.

Respect comes before loyalty.
Respect must be earned; if you have to ask for it then you dont deserve it.
And its not going to be earned by calling other countries shitholes.

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