What really is the relevancy of the released Fusion GPS transcript...?

Keep dreaming...so far none of your predictions or guesses have materialized....absolutely none...why do you keep trying at this point?

A lot of us "predicted" that some within the Trump cabal would be indicted ....So far, after 8 months of Mueller's investigation.....can you name ANY individuals who have fulfilled THAT prediction???.........................LOL

(and more to come....stay tuned.)
Keep dreaming...so far none of your predictions or guesses have materialized....absolutely none...why do you keep trying at this point?

A lot of us "predicted" that some within the Trump cabal would be indicted ....So far, after 8 months of Mueller's investigation.....can you name ANY individuals who have fulfilled THAT prediction???.........................LOL

(and more to come....stay tuned.)
Why were Republicans trying to suppress it?

Start there.
Moron, Fusion said they would only testify behind closed doors.
and then asked for the tapes to be released....

why weren't they?

Because Republicans spun a huge web of LIES around GPS and Christopher Steele that they did not want you Trumpsters to know about...

AND now, you trumpsters refuse to recognize the lies of Sen Grassley, and rep jordan and the florida representative and even lindsay graham and FOX and Briebart and Townhall and Daily Caller and Hannity and Rush and so on and so forth with right wng fake news.....

C Steele did not commit a crime by turning over concerning information to the FBI, we encourage people to turn over precisely the type of possibly criminal activity that Steele found....

don junior should have reported to the fbi, the Russian gvt wanting to supply stolen emails with dirt on Hillary, but as steve bannon said, don jr's actions were traitorous or treasonous....

with few exceptions like a place where a meeting took place, or a misspelled name, nothing in the dossier has been proven to be false, so far.

Trump has possibly been compromised, and Russians have the dirt on him for black mail....(not Trump's fault, it is what Russians do best)

Fusion GPS began research on Trump's involvement with Russia because Trump had made several proposed deals with Russia and made several trips there, with no deals ever made....why was that?)

in that search for information they found all kinds of possibly criminal behavior and in the least disturbing behavior by Trump's campaign team

They also found possible money laundering by Trump, for Russian Oligarchs in real estate through Duetsche Bank, Trump's Bank and also major money launderer for the Russians, who was recently caught and fined big time for it....

Fus GPS did NOT PAY any Russians for the information Steele collected, that's another right wing made up out of the clear blue...LIE.

Steele did not know who hired GPS for the research....another right wing LIE when they said Steele worked for Hillary to find dirt on Trump....

And many any more lies of the Republicans were exposed in the release of the document.

"Michael Morell, the former acting director of the CIA and Hillary Clinton supporter, said last week that he was concerned about the accuracy of the dossier because Steele paid intermediaries who in turn paid sources for the information he used in the report."

The FBI Interviewed The Trump Dossier Author A Lot Earlier Than Previously Believed

"Michael Morell, the former acting director of the CIA"
"CNN)Michael Morell, former acting director of the CIA, endorsed Hillary Clinton for president in a New York Times op-ed Friday, praising the former secretary of state's qualifications and warning that GOP nominee Donald Trump "may well pose a threat to national security."
Ex-CIA chief endorses Clinton, labels Trump 'threat to national security' - CNNPolitics

Do you ever get tired of getting caught lying?
Why were Republicans trying to suppress it?

Start there.
Moron, Fusion said they would only testify behind closed doors.
and then asked for the tapes to be released....

why weren't they?

Because Republicans spun a huge web of LIES around GPS and Christopher Steele that they did not want you Trumpsters to know about...

AND now, you trumpsters refuse to recognize the lies of Sen Grassley, and rep jordan and the florida representative and even lindsay graham and FOX and Briebart and Townhall and Daily Caller and Hannity and Rush and so on and so forth with right wng fake news.....

C Steele did not commit a crime by turning over concerning information to the FBI, we encourage people to turn over precisely the type of possibly criminal activity that Steele found....

don junior should have reported to the fbi, the Russian gvt wanting to supply stolen emails with dirt on Hillary, but as steve bannon said, don jr's actions were traitorous or treasonous....

with few exceptions like a place where a meeting took place, or a misspelled name, nothing in the dossier has been proven to be false, so far.

Trump has possibly been compromised, and Russians have the dirt on him for black mail....(not Trump's fault, it is what Russians do best)

Fusion GPS began research on Trump's involvement with Russia because Trump had made several proposed deals with Russia and made several trips there, with no deals ever made....why was that?)

in that search for information they found all kinds of possibly criminal behavior and in the least disturbing behavior by Trump's campaign team

They also found possible money laundering by Trump, for Russian Oligarchs in real estate through Duetsche Bank, Trump's Bank and also major money launderer for the Russians, who was recently caught and fined big time for it....

Fus GPS did NOT PAY any Russians for the information Steele collected, that's another right wing made up out of the clear blue...LIE.

Steele did not know who hired GPS for the research....another right wing LIE when they said Steele worked for Hillary to find dirt on Trump....

And many any more lies of the Republicans were exposed in the release of the document.

"Michael Morell, the former acting director of the CIA and Hillary Clinton supporter, said last week that he was concerned about the accuracy of the dossier because Steele paid intermediaries who in turn paid sources for the information he used in the report."

The FBI Interviewed The Trump Dossier Author A Lot Earlier Than Previously Believed

"Michael Morell, the former acting director of the CIA"
"CNN)Michael Morell, former acting director of the CIA, endorsed Hillary Clinton for president in a New York Times op-ed Friday, praising the former secretary of state's qualifications and warning that GOP nominee Donald Trump "may well pose a threat to national security."
Ex-CIA chief endorses Clinton, labels Trump 'threat to national security' - CNNPolitics

Do you ever get tired of getting caught lying?

The dossier isn't what prompted the FBI investigation.
Why were Republicans trying to suppress it?

Start there.
Moron, Fusion said they would only testify behind closed doors.
and then asked for the tapes to be released....

why weren't they?

Because Republicans spun a huge web of LIES around GPS and Christopher Steele that they did not want you Trumpsters to know about...

AND now, you trumpsters refuse to recognize the lies of Sen Grassley, and rep jordan and the florida representative and even lindsay graham and FOX and Briebart and Townhall and Daily Caller and Hannity and Rush and so on and so forth with right wng fake news.....

C Steele did not commit a crime by turning over concerning information to the FBI, we encourage people to turn over precisely the type of possibly criminal activity that Steele found....

don junior should have reported to the fbi, the Russian gvt wanting to supply stolen emails with dirt on Hillary, but as steve bannon said, don jr's actions were traitorous or treasonous....

with few exceptions like a place where a meeting took place, or a misspelled name, nothing in the dossier has been proven to be false, so far.

Trump has possibly been compromised, and Russians have the dirt on him for black mail....(not Trump's fault, it is what Russians do best)

Fusion GPS began research on Trump's involvement with Russia because Trump had made several proposed deals with Russia and made several trips there, with no deals ever made....why was that?)

in that search for information they found all kinds of possibly criminal behavior and in the least disturbing behavior by Trump's campaign team

They also found possible money laundering by Trump, for Russian Oligarchs in real estate through Duetsche Bank, Trump's Bank and also major money launderer for the Russians, who was recently caught and fined big time for it....

Fus GPS did NOT PAY any Russians for the information Steele collected, that's another right wing made up out of the clear blue...LIE.

Steele did not know who hired GPS for the research....another right wing LIE when they said Steele worked for Hillary to find dirt on Trump....

And many any more lies of the Republicans were exposed in the release of the document.

"Michael Morell, the former acting director of the CIA and Hillary Clinton supporter, said last week that he was concerned about the accuracy of the dossier because Steele paid intermediaries who in turn paid sources for the information he used in the report."

The FBI Interviewed The Trump Dossier Author A Lot Earlier Than Previously Believed

"Michael Morell, the former acting director of the CIA"
"CNN)Michael Morell, former acting director of the CIA, endorsed Hillary Clinton for president in a New York Times op-ed Friday, praising the former secretary of state's qualifications and warning that GOP nominee Donald Trump "may well pose a threat to national security."
Ex-CIA chief endorses Clinton, labels Trump 'threat to national security' - CNNPolitics

Do you ever get tired of getting caught lying?

The above moron is stating that because Steele paid informants, that INVALIDATES his findings?????

What the fuck is the matters with you idiots???

......and, if someone cannot do their jobs because they backed Clinton.....WHAT THE HELL DO YOU SAY TO TRUMP WHO DONATED to Clinton?
The above moron is stating that because Steele paid informants, that INVALIDATES his findings?????

According to the statement in link provided, it makes the intel highly suspect especially because the info came through multiple paid informants and intermediaries. 2nd hand info is always suspect. Making simpleton statements like this moron does reflects their own desperation and/or foolishness.
According to the statement in link provided, it makes the intel highly suspect especially because the info came through multiple paid informants and intermediaries. 2nd hand info is always suspect. Making simpleton statements like this moron does reflects their own desperation and/or foolishness.

It does NOT matter.......The FBI investigation is NOT based on Steele's memos...

The investigation is based on wiretapping of Flynn';s phone calls, statements by Flynn and Papadopolous, statements by Don jr. AND on a possible mole inside the Trump cabal.
According to the statement in link provided, it makes the intel highly suspect especially because the info came through multiple paid informants and intermediaries. 2nd hand info is always suspect. Making simpleton statements like this moron does reflects their own desperation and/or foolishness.

It does NOT matter.......The FBI investigation is NOT based on Steele's memos...

The investigation is based on wiretapping of Flynn';s phone calls, statements by Flynn and Papadopolous, statements by Don jr. AND on a possible mole inside the Trump cabal.

So they are investigating statements...BFD. It's still a noghingburger.
And YOU hang on to investigating statements.

Well, you're "right" there, Trump cult member......Investigations should be started NOT on statements.....but on tea leaves' readings or the placement of the planets.

(good God you fucked up trump acolytes are both seriously dumb and easy to mop the floor with.......LOL)
And YOU hang on to investigating statements.

Well, you're "right" there, Trump cult member......Investigations should be started NOT on statements.....but on tea leaves' readings or the placement of the planets.

(good God you fucked up trump acolytes are both seriously dumb and easy to mop the floor with.......LOL)

You aren't going to be happy with the OIG report that is coming.
The first question that we should all ask ourselves is the WHY the release of this transcript was vehemently opposed by the Trump cultists in the Senate.

Grassley has always been a whore for right wing causes, and he'll probably retire as a whore fairly soon. Grassley even directly threatened Christopher Steele.

But, Graham's opposition is another story. Here is someone with a troubled personal life who has found the senate to be his only life-mate. He WAS a hawk and a McCain shadow; but, unlike McCain he sold out to Trump after a little golfing outing with the orange golfer....Speculations abound.

However, the real relevancy that has surfaced from the excerpts reported, addresses a few nuggets worth mentioning to those Trump defenders:

1. Steele, apparently, cared enough to inform the FBI that there was a strong possibility that Trump was open to Russian blackmail

2. That the FBI found Steele's warming even more relevant because they had a mole within the Trump entourage who ALSO confirmed Steele's allegations.

3. Reports that someone in Russia had been assassinated for possibly sharing information with Steele is also a disturbing revelation.

4. It is also interesting to conclude that although the FBI was "investigating" what was happening in the Trump AND in the Clinton camps during the lead up to the election, the FBI ONLY chose to reveal the existence of such investigations about the Clinton candidacy (in Comey's case, 11 days before the election.)

So, regardless of partisanship leanings, any decent American should question the WHY republicans in the senate felt so compelled to NOT release this testimony transcript and to basically allow the public to judge its validity...........We should all remember that, as in the past, the "cover up" is what ultimately gets elected folks in trouble with those who elected them.

Not to a Trumptard is this good news. They aren't Patriots of this country--they're just Trumptards. They could care less if Vladimir Putin moved his desk into the Oval office.

First of all Chuck Grassley, Republican chairman of the Senate Intelligence committee is on video recording from last August stating he was O.K. with releasing Glenn Simpson's (founder of GPS Fusion) transcripts they took for 10 hours in August. You can watch the video from here.
Fusion GPS testimony approved for release


Chuck Grassley

Chuck Grassley thought it would be a better idea to use the Dossier file & these transcripts for the Republican conspiracy machine, and he backed off on releasing those transcripts. It worked for a while. FOX NEWS & all the other ususal suspects--were turning it into YUUUUGE conspiracy news.

Diane Fienstein cochair of the Senate Intelligence committee had enough, when Grassley scooted around her and went out and stated that they wanted an investigation into GPS--Fusion & former M16 agent Christopher Steele. She unilaterally released those transcripts to the PUBLIC. Feinstein citing--so now we're going to investigate a former M1-6 agent whom we have worked with in the past, for giving us National Security information. Well, not on her watch anyway.


Diane Feinstein

FOX NEWS is again in full panic mode and has come up with a new conspiracy today, over the release of these transcipts.
DOJ official who concealed meetings with Trump dossier figures loses another job title

And when cheeseburgers make the headline news at FOX NEWS--you're not going to know much--if this is your only news source.

Diane Fienstein's statement regarding the release: There is nothing in the Dossier file that has been proven to be incorrect.

Here is the full transcript of GPS-Fusion
Read Fusion GPS Trump dossier interview full transcript
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And YOU hang on to investigating statements.

Well, you're "right" there, Trump cult member......Investigations should be started NOT on statements.....but on tea leaves' readings or the placement of the planets.

(good God you fucked up trump acolytes are both seriously dumb and easy to mop the floor with.......LOL)

Those 'statements' are 'tea leaves,' Trump hate-cult member. Maybe you can add them to your noghinburger. LOL
'What really is the relevancy of the released Fusion GPS transcript...?'

It proves Diane Feinstein is just another Liberal / Criminal Democrat guilty of 'Obstruction' by leaking information....

OR, if you believe her, she is suffering from 'BRAIN CONGESTION', admittedly 'Mentally Unstable', and should be removed from office before her mental imbalance forces her to break more laws / does more damage, to herself and this country!
Diane Fienstein's statement regarding the release: There is nothing in the Dossier file that has been proven to be incorrect.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh come ON now. Isn't that the typical moronic thinking those with TDS always try to float when they munch into yet another noghingburger. Example: I say you are a pervert...(example only I am not calling you that) since it has not been proven I can say it is not proven incorrect. You idiots are :dig: your own political graves.
'What really is the relevancy of the released Fusion GPS transcript...?'

It proves Diane Feinstein is just another Liberal / Criminal Democrat guilty of 'Obstruction' by leaking information....

OR, if you believe her, she is suffering from 'BRAIN CONGESTION', admittedly 'Mentally Unstable', and should be removed from office before her mental imbalance forces her to break more laws / does more damage, to herself and this country!

Ya she said she was sick.......Probably an ongoing condition caused by acute liberalism.

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