What really is the relevancy of the released Fusion GPS transcript...?

Still no proof only spin from KOS....:spinner:Nice try Mr. Spin.
You are an idiot ...Trump does not have to worry about me having proof its the Police having proof ...its Mueller Time:spinner:

I wasn't referring to YOU moron, I know you are full of B.S.....It was your link to the highly leftist, communist KOS. Next time try to aim better, you just peed in your own loafers.
"she is a person of principle and integrity. When she makes decisions they are based on what she believes is in the best interest of this country. Attempting to intimidate her will not stop her from speaking truth to power" - Wacky Kamala Harris on Sneaky Dianne Feinstein
"she is a person of principle and integrity. When she makes decisions they are based on what she believes is in the best interest of this country. Attempting to intimidate her will not stop her from speaking truth to power" - Wacky Kamala Harris on Sneaky Dianne Feinstein

I thought 'truth to power' was something the libbies say We The People are supposed to do to powerful politicians....WTF? Feinstein IS 'the power.'
Why would anyone be afraid of information leaking unless they had something to hide? What information would be leaked?
Derp if you want people to talk and tell their story in private behind closed doors without issuing a court order you never leak...if you do it could bring the inquiry to a dead stop...which is exactly what Feinstein was trying to do... it didn't work because their are patriots that want to speak up and expose Obama and his deep state...they will not be deterred by her or anyone else...
Why would anyone be afraid of information leaking unless they had something to hide? What information would be leaked?
Derp if you want people to talk and tell their story in private behind closed doors without issuing a court order you never leak...if you do it could bring the inquiry to a dead stop...which is exactly what Feinstein was trying to do... it didn't work because their are patriots that want to speak up and expose Obama and his deep state...they will not be deterred by her or anyone else...

Feinstein is trying to grab power.
Still no proof only spin from KOS....:spinner:Nice try Mr. Spin.
You are an idiot ...Trump does not have to worry about me having proof its the Police having proof ...its Mueller Time:spinner:

1 year later and snowflakes can't prove a crime was committed....

Yes but don't forget, when it comes to lefty-communist,'resist', pussy-hat socialists it is always the 'gravity of the allegation' that they tend to use against anyone who disagrees with them. They have control over most of the media and can destroy anyone in the 'court of opinion' which is the demographic of the traditional, broadcast media.
Derp if you want people to talk and tell their story in private behind closed doors without issuing a court order you never leak...if you do it could bring the inquiry to a dead stop...which is exactly what Feinstein was trying to do... it didn't work because their are patriots that want to speak up and expose Obama and his deep state...they will not be deterred by her or anyone else...

Give it a fucking rest with your constant bringing up of Obama.......

here moron about this love of "privacy" that you just developed...........

Did Fusion GPS ....the ones who GAVE the testimony..........WANT for that testimony to be made public?...........Yes or No?

If "yes", the issue of "privacy" is moot.
Give it a fucking rest with your constant bringing up of Obama......
The worst president in our history...Obama deserves the attention...love watching Trump reverse that Kenyan's presidency.....
Derp if you want people to talk and tell their story in private behind closed doors without issuing a court order you never leak...if you do it could bring the inquiry to a dead stop...which is exactly what Feinstein was trying to do... it didn't work because their are patriots that want to speak up and expose Obama and his deep state...they will not be deterred by her or anyone else...

It was Grassley and Graham who started leaking first, misrepresenting the testimony of Simpson. That's why they called for the full transcript to be released. The leakers were the Conservatives!
Why would anyone be afraid of information leaking unless they had something to hide? What information would be leaked?
Derp if you want people to talk and tell their story in private behind closed doors without issuing a court order you never leak...if you do it could bring the inquiry to a dead stop...which is exactly what Feinstein was trying to do... it didn't work because their are patriots that want to speak up and expose Obama and his deep state...they will not be deterred by her or anyone else...

Feinstein is trying to grab power.

How does releasing the transcript "grab power"?

I think you guys just throw out random phrases like flinging poo against the wall.
New Time cover: Year One
What investigation? The dossier came after the FBI already started investigating
The senate committee is investigating Steel and the dossier and the FBI's handling of it...pay attention Derpy...turn off CNN and MSNBC and learn something!!!
It was Grassley and Graham who started leaking first, misrepresenting the testimony of Simpson. That's why they called for the full transcript to be released. The leakers were the Conservatives!
What did they leak? I think you just make shit up....Feinstein is already running for cover because she has broken the law....
The real JUICY part of the released transcript is that there was (and may still be) a MOLE in the Trump camp, warning the FBI of Trump's shady deals with Russian oligarchs andmafia members........SWEET........LOL
Keep dreaming...so far none of your predictions or guesses have materialized....absolutely none...why do you keep trying at this point?

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